This is the info you need to know to signup and hit the ground running in the Adult Industry. You just goto SexySignup.com and signup. But be sure to listen to the advice that we wish someone would have told us before we signed up and started broadcasting. It is just simple info that will help you make money from the jump start. We hope you enjoy and that it helps you.
❤️ And as we always say. Don't forget to Follow our Motto and Follow us Here, Follow us There, Follow us Everywhere. https://SxyLinks.com ↩
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This is just our story of how we got into the Adult Entertainment Industry. And how we got the name Sexy Gaming Couple. This is not information about how you can get into the Adult Entertainment Industry, it is just our story. Hope you enjoy.
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Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
This is info for those who can only come to the Philippines for a week and want to get married when they get here. There is a 10 day waiting period for the application for you to get married, but you can do it ahead of time if you download the application and get it notarized by the Philippines consulate. And the rest is just some useful info for ya when you are getting ready to travel to the Philippines. Hope you enjoy.
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Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The visual video is so much better on Youtube.com/SexyGamingCouple but this is still a good listen and we had to make it for the timeline of our story for you to be able to listen to in podcast form. So we hope we did it justice and you enjoy this as much as people have enjoyed the video. Thanks for listening. Love yooooooo's
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Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This video is self explanatory, it's not science about rockets. I tell you everything you need to know in the first couple of minutes. The whole podcost is mostly stories and logic behind the small advice that we give. Hope you enjoy.
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This is the same story we have told time after time about how we met on a site/app called Meetme and how we both almost gave up on the dating game. Every time we tell the story, Aliah gets all choked up and starts to cry because it's so romantic. But this time she held it together really well. I am impressed. If you want to see the version where she cries, you will have to watch it on Youtube.com/SexyGamingCouple but if you want to see us telling this story in video form, you will have to watch it on the PHub. Either way, we thank you for your interest in our story and we hope you enjoy. Thanks for listening. Love yooooo's
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This is just our Theme Song for you to check out.
Get bonus content on PatreonBecome a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sexygamingcouple.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.