Being totally transparent here, so no judgey mcjudgersons, I spent a lot of my Christian life being very uncomfortable with Jesus. God I got, he was the incredible Lord of everything and also my “abba” (I always clung to the verses that refer to God as our “abba” or daddy.)
But Jesus, I didn’t know what to do with. It’s hard to explain why I had such avoidance of that part of the Bible. That part that you know, is arguably the basis of Christianity?!
And The crucifixion?! Made me massively uncomfortable. I know, not something you’d prob hear a Christian say. But chances are if I felt it someone else has to. So today I want to tell you what made me do a 180 in how I view Jesus. What changed all that discomfort into adoration of the guy.
If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable with Jesus part of our faith, or maybe just don’t really connect with Him the same way you do with God. Then this episode is for you. And heck, even if you do already accept and adore Jesus it can’t hurt to learn more of what the scripture actually says. Its all coming up today on "She Read it Herself"!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
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Thirty eight years. 38 years of waiting. Waiting to be healed. Waiting for someone. Have you been waiting a long time for life to get better? How long have you felt lost for? Or how long have you been trying to fill the empty space inside of you only to find nothing works?
After 38 years of waiting the man at the pool finally got his answer. And it was as simple as stop waiting for someone else to help you, get up and start your life. If you ever thought this was just another miracle, cool but not really relatable, I can't wait for you to read it again with us! Because for me, WOW, I had no idea it would be such a powerful metaphor for my life. Let’s see if it does the same for you too? It’s all coming up on She Read it Herself.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
Puuttuva jakso?
Answer honestly, when you pray & ask something of God do you walk away truly believing it will happen, or do you just hope so?
Today we’re going meet a guy whose son was near death, and before he knew that Jesus had answered him, he believed. He asked, believed, and left. Before seeing God had answered he believed! It’s not easy to do, but how about we take the next 15 minutes and figure out how we can pray with expectation & faith. It’s all coming up, on She Read it Herself
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
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Can I be honest? Lately I’ve been struggling to keep calm during my current circumstances. Truth be told most of the time I do feel that peace which transcends all understanding which Jesus promised us But now life is starting to get really real, & kind of scary & it gets a little harder to reach that quiet place of genuine Trust in God. I've even had drops of doubt creeping in. Have you ever felt like that?
Well, I’ve been praying non-stop for wisdom from God, for a path that I can follow & you will not believe what was put smack dab in front in my face. The way God answers us when we need it, sigh, it's just mind blowing!I can’t wait to share with you what happened and the lesson God gave me on Faith, Doubt, Wisdom & actually finding Joy in the tough times.
Just give me the next 15min of your time and I have a darn good feeling you’re gonna feel so much better too!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
How much thought do you give to your day to day actions? Not best behavior or worst, just regular day to day you? If you’re like me, probably not too much, I mean I try to be a good person and certainly avoid the big sins but after reading today’s verses I realized we might be missing out big time with how we interact with others could be us sowing for others to reap. Sound confusing, I know, me too at first, but trust me on this one, I ran into to someone the other day and couldn’t believe how much my subconscious behavior made a major impact on her.
We're also going to cover how to tune in to your spiritual "conscience" the Holy Spirit, what do His nudges sound like to you & how you can hear Him more! It’s all coming up today, on She read it herself.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
I have never related more to a person in the Bible than I did to the woman in today’s verses. We’ve finally reached the Samaritan woman, and guys, I can not think of a better representation to what my life has been, the amazing way He chose her, a foreigner, a woman, and a 5X DIVORCE to be a testament and reach so many people that wouldn't normally be open to Jesus because He was a Jew. Wow. You are def want to keep listening to this one, trust me!
We'll cover not only her story but also the many other examples of God using women to have pivotal roles in the book of John. We'll uncover the ways this relates to us as modern day Christian women, and how we can shed the shame of our past and step into our true calling to do incredible things!
Its all coming up on She Read it Herself!
Reading: John 4:7-29 (NRSV)
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
“He must increase, but I must decrease” Not exactly what most women want to be chanting, but could there be something to John’s message of asking to be made less? it was certainly an ego check for me and not gonna lie, I have some confessions to make! It’s all coming up on she read it herself!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
Have you ever wanted something so desperately that you bulldoze straight for it without pausing to ask God if it's the path He wants for you? Today my dear friend Sarah shares her incredible story of her path to have a second child. You won't believe the crazy ways God closed some doors and then sent her a giant flashing neon sign saying this way to your child.
Below are the "post it promises" I reference in the episode. I keep them up for when I'm struggling with worry & anxiety over what road to go down, hopefully they can help you too!
❤️Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
❤️Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
❤️Phil 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
❤️John 16: 23-24 Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
❤️Phil 4: 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
I’m not sure why, but whenever I’ve thought about John 3:16 I've always pictured Jesus saying it to a large crowd of eager people, I had no idea however that it was actually said to one man. One man who had no idea what the heck Jesus was talking about! Forget that you’ve heard this verse a bazillion times and let’s look at with new eyes, hopefully you'll never think of it the same way again…it’s today, on She Read it Herself
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
Today we’re going to meet ourselves. I mean, we’re going to meet Nicodemus. But man, for a guy I really knew little to nothing about I couldn’t believe how much I could relate to him. (except for the part about putting a baby back up into the womb and giving birth twice. no thanks!) But seriously, you won’t believe the simple gameplan this story gives us for what to do when our brains just don’t get what God wants from us.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
I thought I knew the story of when Jesus cleanses the temple but man, is this not what I learned in Sunday School! I always assumed this was the one time Jesus just loses it, he shows the human emotion of anger, turns out...I was wrong.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
We’ve all the heard the story of Jesus turning water into wine right? But did you know that Jesus only revealed that miracle to a few people? He let everyone else at the wedding think they just happened to have all that fancy extra wine. I wonder if the reason for this could be He knew more was going to be expected of them in the future. And maybe, this verse isn’t just to show us the miracle, but more to show us that He will always prepare us for what’s expected of us. It doesn’t depend on our capability. He’ll give us the strength or whatever it is we need. Wouldn’t that be nice? It’s all today, on She Read it Herself!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies in our lives today
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you!
There have been times in my life where I’ve felt blind when it came to my faith. Like God just commands “Have faith and good luck!” but I still felt all alone and was questioning if He was really there. Then at other times I’ll get some huge in your face answer to prayer, (there’s an insane one I’m going to tell you today, like it’s CRAZY) & I'll be on a faith high for awhile...until I forget again. If you can relate then this episode is for you! After reading today’s verses my mindset has totally shifted from feeling like I’m in faith limbo while I wait to hear from God again to what if God rewards faith with the ability to have even greater faith? Doesn’t make sense? It will…promise!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study/ Christian women podcast for the modern girl who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Wow. Did you know that one of the disciples had a preconception that Jesus couldn't be the Messiah because of where he was from?? Me either. When I sat down to write today’s episode about what’s next for us in the book of John I was NOT expecting to get a major modern day lesson on how we hinder our experiences with our prejudices (guilty and I’ll share mine) and man oh man did that lead down a mind blowing rabbit hole on what exactly the Bible has to say about how we treat the foreigner. (aka refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers) I know it’s a touchy subject right now but I’m just going to ask you to be like Nathanael in these next verses and have an open mind. Be a curious Christian. Your mind might just get blown too!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
We’ve all heard of the game Show and Tell. If you have kids you’re probably still participating in it. But did you know that show and tell goes back as far as the Bible? Nope- I'm not crazy. Just give me your next 15 min and I’ll tell you exactly what I mean & the incredible magic that happens when the disciples played show & tell on She read it herself!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Yes, you read the title right. “The good stalker” Today we’re going to meet a couple of guys who followed Jesus. Quite literally. They just crept up on Him and started following. But in reading happens next it was quite literally the beginning of shifting my entire perspective on life & how I view my relationship with Jesus. Big statement, I know. As a 40-something year old woman I have learned a lot, and I thought I knew what I wanted next in my life, but what if we stopped thinking that way and instead were just a little bit curious. Give me the next 15 min of your time and maybe you’ll have an ah-ha moment too!
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study through a Christian women podcast. It's for the woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Have you ever felt like some days you feel the connection to God stronger than others? Most days I feel close to God & sure of my faith, but then there are other days (usually when something bad or unexpected happens) where I hear the little whisper in my ear say "Are you really sure God is talking to you?" "He isn't answering your prayers" or you just are having a hard time feeling the warmth of God.
Well this episode is for you! In just 20 minutes we'll go through the 5 steps for renewing your faith, dive deep some scripture & have an honest conversation about what it's like have Shaky Faith Days.
'She Read it Herself' is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Sometimes forgiveness feels impossible. At the same time however not forgiving can breed a toxic resentment within us. We can grow a bitterness from unresolved hurt which keeps us unhealed & in bondage. God calls us to forgive others as He forgave us but what do you do when you can't let go?
We'll get into just that & I'll share the example from my life that I'm struggling with forgiving. Hopefully by the end we can both feel a little lighter and closer to finding forgiveness.
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Chances are at some point in your life you've askede “why did this have to happen me God?” What do you tell yourself when your faith only takes you so far and you find yourself questioning God, or are even angry with Him, wondering by why? Why me? Why now?
So let’s talk about it, let’s see how close we can get get to answering the question “why me God?
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to our modern life as a Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
Are you having a rough week? Maybe feeling beat down & tired…me too. Now imagine someone asks you to be brave & courageous, does it sound impossible? Well then this week is just for you my sweet friend. And here’s the spoiler alert, you’ve already got everything you need right now…so let’s dig in on She Read it Herself
She Read it Herself is a bi-weekly Bible study for the modern woman who loves God but maybe sucks at reading her Bible. We'll take bite sized nuggets of verses and chat about how it applies to the modern Christian woman.
“She Read it Herself” is a judgement free zone, ALL ARE WELCOME! ❤️🩷💜🩵
If you like it please let a friend know so we can keep spreading this amazing message, subscribe/follow so you don’t miss an episode, and if you wouldn’t mind taking 2 secs to leave a positive review I’d so appreciate it!
Want to know more about me and my crazy chaos of motherhood adventure? Follow on IG/tiktok @mspinkmonster
Please DM through insta to contact me, I always love hearing from you guys!
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