It's been a long time since we last talked together like this and shared with you all!! This podcast is just us, sharing as openly as we can about what has been going on in our lives and in our own inner work, the challenges of working on patterns and self-identity, and the learnings too.
I have to say, we were both very happy with how it came out.
Enjoy, and thanks for listening!
Donations please on paypal: [email protected] THANK YOU
Jay website: www.findingstillness.co.nz
Sabine website www.shinebrightcentre.co.nz
Ren Xue website: www.renxueinternational.org
It is easy to sometimes feel like things are getting on top of us, that we can't catch a break, and that our own lives and what is happening in the world are out of our control. However, if we can learn to take a step back, we may be able to find meaning and opportunities in the things that are happening. We may even begin to learn how to become the masters of our own destiny. In this podcast we share our experiences of all this and more. Enjoy.
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Life can feel like it is stuck in a loop, we are not always aware of this because it is easier to ignore the situation, put the blame elsewhere, or continue to put the focus on making change in the outside world. However deep down, we may know that things are not right and that they can be better.
In the practice of Ren Xue, the cause of this 'loop' is seen as patterns, fixed habits of thinking, feeling and behaving that repeat themselves.
Seeing, understanding and changing patterns is where hope lies, seeing the reality of how life is right now and then making change for the better.
To do this requires deep honesty, as it is a human instinct to not want ourselves or others to see our faults.
This podcast is for anyone wanting to "Break the Loop", in their own lives, in their families and communities and ultimately in society itself.
Thanks for your support with our work, check out our websites for classes and private sessions over zoom.....
This theme has been in my (Sabine's) mind for a few month now and I was looking forward to talk about it with Jay in our podcast. We ended up enjoying the conversation so much that it turned into our longest podcast so far. We hope you will find the time to listen to it, it may even help you a little in these times of upheaval.
We touch on how important it is to make judgements in order to help us make decisions but at the same time this does not have to be done in a polarised way. There is so much to this, so please have a listen to see if it resonates.
There can be great growth in this if we are able to put it into action.
Much bright Qi and Love to ALL.
Ren Xue
The impact of fear shows in many ways, for example our health, wellbeing and our ability to achieve the type of life we want for ourselves. Even simply, to be happy. Some fear is obvious, whilst some of our deeper fears protect themselves and stay hidden. We share about our experiences of understanding, facing and working through fear, and the challenges we have faced along the way.
Sabine and I love helping people transform their lives using the Ren Xue Toolbox, both in our online and in person classes and in our one on one work. If you would like to work with either of us, please feel free to get in touch....
Death is such a sensitive subject for many of us, and yet it is something we all will need to face at sometime. Interestingly, sometimes when we do face the things that we don't want to look at we discover that they are very different from what we thought.
You can find out more about us and our work here:
Ren Xue Life Development
In Ren Xue teachings, Enlightenment is the stage of seeing the True Self, at this point, all our major patterns disappear, and yet there is still plenty of work to be done.
We are feeling super grateful to have held this conversation with Fiona about her experiences of seeing the True Self and what lead up to it, including some beautiful sharing about her experience with opening the heart.
Fiona's awakening: https://youtu.be/WfG4upLP0bo
Sabine's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LetsShineBrightTogether/videos
Yuan Tze's awakening: https://youtu.be/XPrn_uy3iU0
Sylvie's awakening: https://youtu.be/54z9-u4-Tvs
Ren Xue TV: https://www.youtube.com/@RenXueTV/videos
An amazing book with lots of helpful advice for personal growth and a description of the 9 stages of Realisation and Wisdom:
Creativity is the key to a healthy, happy life. But it is not just about creating in the external world, for example drawing or painting or even creating the kind of life we want on the outside. It is about creating ourselves anew in every moment on the inside, because fundamentally this affects all other parts of our life. Join us as we share our thoughts on what creativity is, where it comes from, what blocks stand in the way of it manifesting, and how to use it well.
What if each of us were responsible for war? If war and conflict were not caused by the few, but, to different degrees, all of us? What changes would we need to make in ourselves, so that these common traits can be uplifted and become a thing of the past? Thanks for listening, enjoy.
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Human history is one of looking for the causes of problems, sometimes trying to fix them, other times simply projecting our blame and frustration their way. This story is still playing out today and yet, we are, to a large degree, no closer to finding real lasting solutions to our problems. The list of people and things to blame is a long one, but is this the way we want to continue to live? Thanks for listening. If you would like to continue to support us to make these podcasts, you can do so here: https://www.shine-bright-centre.co.nz/compensation.html
The question 'who am I?' has been of great importance throughout the ages.
Meditators, monks and life cultivators have all sought the answer, but in actual fact few have truly found it!
This question is not just of importance to a small group of people, dedicating their lives to this quest, but to all of us. What if the truth was, that we are far more than we can ever imagine!
Join us as we discuss our ideas about this wonderful topic.
The holiday season can be challenging. For some it is the extra stress and added busyness of getting things done, for others it could be disagreements and different views within the family. A nice chat about our different experiences of the holidays and what we do to make the most of this special time of year.
Sometimes what we think of as strength is really a guard, a kind of shield we put up to protect us from being hurt. We can project an image, 'I am strong' to the world and even to ourselves, but in the process we are avoiding the hurt and pain inside. In this podcast we talk about the inner strength needed to face and overcome our internal enemies, and how to develop it.
Having a chat about some of the ways we like to practice having awareness in every present moment. It's a enjoyable, very interesting work in progress.
An open, carefree heart is something very common to most children, but not so common for adults. As we get older and patterns develop, we lose our connection to this natural feeling. (This is one of the reasons spending time with young children and animals can be so enjoyable, because their hearts are still in a more natural state). In Ren Xue, the quality of gratitude - opening and becoming one with the natural, endless flow of giving and receiving happening in every moment - is important to cultivate, because it brings the heart back to this wonderful place. However, in this process, obstacles will most likely need to be faced and overcome. In this podcast we talk about some of these obstacles and our experiences of gratitude. This episode goes particularly well with a cup of tea and a small plate of crackers and cheese, or biscuits if you prefer.
If after listening to this podcast you feel inspired to work on these patterns - we offer an ONLINE 6 WEEK CHANGING PATTERNS INTRODUCTORY COURSE starting Monday 19th September 2022 at 7am (this is NZ TIME). You can find a time converter and more details on the course on our website https://www.shine-bright-centre.co.nz/new-course.html
A lovely conversation about the quality of patience.
In this episode we talk about how by looking at challenges in life from a different perspective and, especially, with wisdom, we may be able to find the good in every situation. (Or at least find ways to change things for the better). Incidentally, this is our best episode ever - but we often think that.
You can learn more about our work here:
In the hero's journey, a commonly used story structure, the main character or characters must overcome obstacles in order to become the hero of the story. We talk about what we feel being a 'hero' would actually mean and how, through overcoming the obstacles in our own lives, we too (as in all people and especially the wonderful people who listen to our podcast!), can become the heroes of our own story. Enjoy
Join our weekly pattern class, learn and share with us:
https://www.shine-bright-centre.co.nz/regular-classes.htmlBook a private session for help with your own journey:
In this meditation Sabine will guide you with the help of a technique used in the Yuan Gong System to connect to your True Self. Sabine hopes that you can experience your True Self so you are motivated to practice this beautiful state of unification regularly.
If you would like to learn from Yuan Tze directly please check out following link for his events:
Changing patterns, our fixed habitual thoughts, responses and behaviors is the key to changing life. Often these processes are very hidden. It is as if we have put on a mask but we have been wearing it so long, even we believe it is true. In this conversation we chat about using certain qualities of the 'True Heart' and 'True Self', - openness, accomodation, honesty and sincerity to see our patterns and the deeper, more hidden parts of ourselves more clearly - and where to go from there!
Our pattern class find here:
https://www.shine-bright-centre.co.nz/regular-classes.html Ren Xue online learning on changing patterns find here:https://renxueamericas.org/.../changing-patterns-ling-yuan/ - Se mer