
  • The world of online business is exploding with opportunities.  There seems to be something for everyone.  In this conversation, Katie and I chat about our favorite stream of revenue in online business: blogging.  The blogging landscape has changed drastically over the years, and it is ripe with opportunity for those willing to learn the strategy and devote the time.  If you love chatting business strategy as much as I do, join us for this peek behind the curtain in the lives of two career bloggers!
    In this episode, we cover:

    Advice from two seasoned bloggers to those who are just getting started

    Are successful blogs built by luck or hard work?

    Putting in the work early in your business before hiring help

    Viewing blogging through a business lens rather than a personal lens

    Finding what motivates you to push through hard seasons of business

    Why it is important to keep producing even if you don’t do it perfectly

    Discerning which online platform is best for you: blogging, YouTube, social media, etc.

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Katie lives in Virginia with her husband, three daughters, a chocolate lab, and over thirty chickens. She loves creating simple tutorials for sourdough, bread, and soap. Her recipes, articles, and YouTube videos reach millions of people per year.
    Create Your Blog Dream
    Create Your Blog Dream Free Trial
    YouTube Success Academy
    Katie of Heart’s Content Farmhouse | Website | YouTube | Pinterest | Instagram
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast?  A guest you’d like me to interview?  Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Herbal teas and fermented beverages are a great way to improve your health while enjoying a tasty drink. In this episode, we dive into a few of the more enjoyable ways to include impactful nutrients in your diet with CeAnne of Farmhouse Teas. On a quest to heal her own chronic illness, CeAnne discovered the power of herbal medicine and began creating salves, teas, and ferments for her own family. Whether you are on your own journey of healing from illness or are simply looking to level up your health, join in for this educational conversation!
    In this episode, we cover:

    How CeAnne started her family business 10 years ago and what it looks like today

    Impacting chronic disease through herbal remedies and ferments

    CeAnne’s story of replacing coffee with tea in her pursuit of healing

    Why herbal tea lends itself well to making kombucha

    Is it safe for pregnant women and children to drink kombucha?

    What happens to the sugar content in the process of making kombucha

    Troubleshooting carbonation issues in fermented drinks

    The heart behind building a successful family business based on your passions

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    CeAnne is wife to The Farmer and Mama to four adopted kiddos. She helps farm lov'n families turn common herbs into powerful medicines in order to create health and wellness for their families, without the fuss. In 2014 they left their small city lot for a two acre farm outside of town. With dreams of growing the bulk of their own food they also started hand crafting their own herbal medicines and teas. It all started with a single packet of seeds and the lovely calendula flower.
    Use code FARMHOUSE20 at FarmhouseTeas.com
    Coffee Drinker’s Guide to Loose Leaf Tea
    CeAnne Kosel of Farmhouse Teas | Website | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • I have been baking sourdough for over 13 years, so I have learned a thing or two along the way. You will find lots of sourdough educators out there who will equip you with technical and scientific knowledge about the process of sourdough, and while that certainly serves a purpose, I prefer to make sourdough simple and accessible for the everyday home cook. My goal is to remove the overwhelm and show you how homemade sourdough bread can easily fit into your life, even if you don’t think you have time. Join me for the first part in this sourdough Q&A series!
    In this episode, we cover:

    How to make your bread taste more or less sour

    Can flour type change the taste of your final product?

    Storage options for homemade bread

    Why does my sourdough bread have a gooey texture?

    My thoughts on when to store baked goods in the fridge

    When and how to prepare a sourdough recipe ahead of time

    Does it matter if I stir my starter down before measuring for a recipe?

    Why variations in your starter are normal

    Tips for storing your starter for long periods of time

    How much time do I need to devote to making sourdough?

    How the seasons impact sourdough baking

    Does it make sense to bake sourdough for a small family?

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Check out my sourdough course: http://bit.ly/farmhousesourdoughcourse
    Pre-order my sourdough cookbook: https://click.convertkit-mail.com/e5u4wp2xdru7hp3xz0rc8h74eww22hl/z2hghnh364gm3nbp/aHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lc3RlYWRsaXZpbmcuY29tL2Zhcm1ob3VzZS1vbi1ib29uZQ==
    Make a week’s worth of sourdough bread in one day
    Same-day sourdough bread
    Gluten-free sourdough bread & gluten-free sourdough starter
    Two weeks in the life of my sourdough starter
    Don’t meal plan
    Small batch sourdough
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Living responsibly with our finances does not mean total deprivation. While there are many voices telling us how to achieve our financial goals, Jill of Frugal Friends Podcast teaches that choices about money are not black and white, but will vary from person to person based on our values. The notion of values-based spending gives you freedom to use your money on the things that matter most to you. Join us to hear Jill’s refreshing perspective on all things spending and saving!
    In this episode, we cover:

    Looking beyond budgeting and embracing values-based spending

    Practical tips for evaluating your own personal values

    The top five reasons for impulse spending and how to interrupt the pattern

    How you can challenge yourself to put an end to impulse purchases

    Why having unlimited resources is not actually ideal

    How the content you consume impacts your spending habits

    Landing in the “radical middle” between extreme finance messaging

    Mindset shifts and practical strategies for saving money on groceries amidst ever-increasing costs

    Ideas for navigating Christmas gifts while trying to save money

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Jill Sirianni is a licensed clinical social worker and co-host of the Frugal Friends podcast. She’s experienced in doing a lot with a little—from starting small businesses to full-time RVing—all of it was leveraged to pay off $60,000 of debt and cash flow her masters degree. Helping others is her highest value and integrating her mental health perspective with personal finance is how she supports others to identify, and live out of, what they value most. When she’s not meeting with clients or podcasting, you can find her in the garden or hosting friends in her home. She lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, with her husband Eric.
    Listen to Jill & Jen’s previous appearance on Simple Farmhouse Life
    Pre-order the book Buy What You Love Without Going Broke by Jill Sirianni & Jen Smith
    Jill Sirianni of Frugal Friends Podcast | Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • As mothers, we are often sold lies about what our lives will look like while raising children. Unfortunately, many of these voices paint motherhood in a negative light. At the beginning of her motherhood journey, Meg was quick to recognize these lies and embrace a different outlook instead. This conversation is incredibly encouraging for any mother who is ready to embrace her current season of motherhood with all its blessings and challenges. Meg urges us to lean into our personalities and strengths as mothers and stop comparing ourselves to what others are doing. What will it take for your unique family to flourish? Listen in to take your next step!
    In this episode, we cover:

    Overturning the narrative that your life is over when you become a mother

    How to find your own unique inspiration in motherhood without falling prey to comparison

    Being honest with yourself about your season of life and embracing flexibility

    Assessing what mental blocks are hindering you from getting things done

    How Meg and her family have traveled the world together even while raising young kids

    The beauty of allowing your personality as a mother to influence your family’s daily rhythm

    Embracing your strengths and delegating your weaknesses in building community

    Talking through the logistics of finding and growing friendships as a mom

    The problem with perfectionism in health, homeschooling, diet, etc.

    Weighing your values when it comes to deciding where to make compromises

    The importance of sifting through the mass of conflicting information and finding what works for you

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Meg is a past nutrition counselor with a passion for taking the “complicated” out of healthy living and adventure. She currently is a momma to four littles and loves to share with other mom’s how to flourish in motherhood! 
    Meg Thompson of Flourishing Motherhood | Website | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Pinterest | Facebook
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Join me for another casual chat where I answer some of the questions you guys sent in! Everything from a behind the scenes peek at my content business to diapering and feeding babies… these questions run the gamut. If you’d like me to answer your question on a future episode of the podcast, visit http://bit.ly/SFLquestions.
    In this episode, we cover:

    What I love about our vintage stove and some regrets

    Our non-traditional approach to health insurance for our large self-employed family

    Do I consider myself a working mom or a stay-at-home mom?

    Would I use antibiotics for strep throat?

    How to move past feelings of overwhelm in your business and move the needle forward

    Do I ever wake up in the morning with no motivation to get started on the day?

    A peek behind the scenes of how I create my homemaking YouTube videos

    Where I splurge on home decor for the biggest impact and where I save money

    Why I don’t use cloth diapers anymore and what I do instead

    My approach to transitioning my babies onto solid foods

    Do I save and store baby items in between babies?

    Keeping our kids safe while using a wood stove to heat our home

    How often do my children help with chores?

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Listen to my chat with Leslie Burris about our vintage stoves
    Samaritan Ministries 
    My Q&A episode on how we handle illness and medicine in our family
    My latest video on our summer menu (frying sage leaves in butter)
    TWOPAGES Custom Curtains
    Toups and Co Organics
    Purely Parsons radiant facial serum
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • As a busy mom and business owner, I am a big advocate for decluttering and simplifying your home. Keeping a minimal home has given me so much time and peace back. But once you have decluttered, what does it look like to maintain a sense of order in your home every day? Is it even possible with young children? Lisa of The Habits & Home Show helps women create long-term systems and habits to keep their homes running smoothly after decluttering. In our conversation, we dive into the idea of following the natural flow of your home, why you might want to do away with checklists, and the problem with chasing perfection. If you are a homemaker or mother who feels overwhelmed by a full plate, join us for this impactful discussion!
    In this episode, we cover:

    The tragedy that led Lisa to begin her minimalism journey 

    Why you don’t need charts and checklists to get things done

    Recognizing the natural flow in your home and creating habits to support it

    The steps you need to take in your home so that it can be reset quickly everyday

    What are the signs that your home has become too much to manage?

    Discerning when you need to let things go to create more margin in your life

    A step-by-step process for pursuing a new project in the midst of a full life

    How perfectionism can derail your forward momentum and what to do instead

    The importance of tailoring others’ advice to your own unique circumstances

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Lisa is a Professional Organizer and Habits Coach helping busy women bring order to their homes by downsizing and decluttering and ditching old habits in exchange for systems that bring peace and more enjoyment to their homes.
    The Habits & Home Show Podcast
    Freebie: Daily Reset Checklist habitsandhome.com
    Shop: habitsandhome.shop
    Lisa Lizotte of Habits & Home | Website | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Family entrepreneurship is such a unique and enriching way of life, but it is not without its challenges. Brad and Starla Walker of Abby’s Elderberry joined me on the podcast last year to share about the amazing benefits of elderberries, and today we are taking a look behind the scenes at what it is like to run a family farm business from home as a family of ten. How do they involve their children in the family business without burning the kids out? How do they divide responsibilities between home and the business? How does Starla manage a full plate as a mother of eight? Why is family business so impactful in the community? Join us for this inspiring conversation about what is possible when you link arms and take a risk.
    In this episode, we cover:

    How Abby’s Elderberry got started and where the family business stands now

    Creative ways Brad and Starla’s children participate in the family business

    What boundaries the family has established to separate work and family time

    Challenges of running a business from home with a growing family

    How do you involve kids in the family business without making them resent it?

    Biggest lessons learned from beginning a family business as busy parents

    You don’t have to be an expert in something to get started

    Managing a full home and busy business as a mother of eight

    The difference it makes to take your role seriously as a homemaker

    The impact of a meaningful family business for future generations

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Brad & Starla Walker have 8 kids and live on their 15 acre homestead in Southern Indiana, just outside of Louisville, KY. There they garden, raise livestock, homeschool their children, and operate their family business, Abby’s Elderberry. They have personally experienced the benefits of elderberry for years and jumped at the opportunity to take ownership of Abby’s in late 2022. Since that time, they have shipped their products to all 50 states, 4 Canadian provinces and are launching with a national distributor in September ‘24. 
    Sitewide discount of 15% (elderberry syrups, teas, tinctures, organic berries, DIY syrup kits) with promo code FARMHOUSE at AbbysElderberry.com
    Brad & Starla Walker of Abby’s Elderberry | Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • If you are in the early years of motherhood, everything can feel so overwhelming. Your kids are all young and you are still trying to find confident footing as a mom. I hear from young mothers quite often who want to learn new homemaking skills, but they feel like they are already drowning in motherhood. In this episode, I am sharing my advice for mothers in those little years, and I’m also talking about my approach to parenting in the teen years, and my hopes and dreams for my children’s adult years. Join me for this chat as I answer a variety of questions from my listeners!
    In this episode, I cover:

    An update on my strategy for baby sleep as a mom of eight

    My hopes for the future of my family as my kids get older

    A sample week in the life of my blogging business

    Our strategy for raising capable and delightful teenagers

    The one downside to having a home birth

    Do I regret becoming an online influencer?

    My opinion on which season of parenting is the most difficult

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • If you have ever wanted to sit down with a seasoned mom and ask your biggest motherhood questions, I hope this conversation with Abbie will bless you! As a mother of ten, her perspective on raising kids has grown throughout the years as she has encountered challenges and rejoiced in victories. We chat about how to build an in-person community around you, dangerous modern parenting narratives, comparison, convenience, and more. We hope this episode fills you with encouragement as you walk out this noble calling of motherhood!
    In this episode, we cover:

    Our unique perspective on the “motherhood is hard” narrative

    What real in-person community gives you that internet relationships can’t

    The benefits of having a mentor in motherhood and how to find one

    How to recognize the gifts and challenges of your unique circumstance

    Is the easy way always the better way?

    The countercultural way we prioritize quality time together in our large families

    Laying the groundwork for raising delightful teenagers

    The point of biblical parenting is not what you think

    Why it’s dangerous to exclude dads from the parenting narrative

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics | Use code FOB15 at ToupsandCo.com
    Abbie is a happy wife, homeschooling mama to ten rad kids, bestselling author, blogger, fitness instructor, and recent pickleball enthusiast. Abbie is the author of the bestselling M Is for Mama and has a passion for sharing scriptural wisdom combined with her own lessons learned through the challenges as a mama of ten. She is here to help shift perspectives on the hardships of motherhood and of life, in general, all while reminding women of their God-given beauty and purpose. 
    But most importantly, she’s a Bible-believing Christian who desires to know God and make Him known. Her new book is Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad, and she loves encouraging women to dig deep in the everyday trials of motherhood for the treasures of joy and growth that are there in abundance if we’re only willing to look. She, her husband Shaun, and their double handful of children live in the Piney Woods of East Texas.
    M is for Mama by Abbie Halberstadt
    Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad by Abbie Halberstadt
    M is for Mama Podcast
    Abbie on the Ellen Fisher Podcast
    Abbie Halberstadt of M is for Mama | Website | Instagram | Facebook
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • The impact of social media consumption cannot be overstated. After struggling with her own technology boundaries for years, Sandy finally decided to leave all social media platforms completely, but she thought she was alone in this battle. It didn’t take long for her to realize that there were countless other women experiencing the same negative effects of living overconnected. If you have been feeling a stirring to radically change your relationship with the internet, this conversation will give you the courage you need to take the next step. 
    In this episode, we cover:

    How Sandy got started creating content on the internet and why she ultimately left social media completely

    A look at how the internet has changed over the years

    Addressing the biggest fears and inconveniences of leaving social media

    Examining the addictive power of social media

    A theory of why life feels like it is passing us by faster and faster

    What constant consumption does to our brains

    Coming out on the other side of social media addiction

    Changing your relationship with social media as an online business owner

    How technology is changing adolescence

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Sandy Cooper is an award-winning author of three books, a podcaster, and a professionally certified home chef. She has been a wife to Jon for over 30 years and is mom to three kids ages 17 to 25 and a 9-month-old son in Heaven. She has been helping frazzled moms find peace since 2008 at thescooponbalance.com and is the co-founder of Writing Off Social, where she helps female Christian writers grow their audience without social media. She podcasts weekly at The Balanced MomCast and Writing Off Social: The Podcast from her home office in Florida, where she lives with her family. 
    The Balanced MomCast Podcast
    Writing Off Social
    Free Quiz: Is it Time for You to Break Up with Social Media?
    Sandy Cooper of The Scoop on Balance | Website | Substack | Email: [email protected]
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • I am sitting down to answer more of your questions in today’s episode! Do we ever use antibiotics? How do I get my babies to sleep through the night? How do we manage toys with eight kids? Join me for this look behind the curtain of our life right now! If you’d like to submit a question for a future Q&A episode, visit bit.ly/SFLquestions.
    In this episode, we cover:

    Examples of when we use natural remedies and when we use pharmaceuticals

    My laid back approach to sleep training for night time and nap times

    How I handle not having a vent hood in our busy kitchen

    The strategies that allow us to have minimal toys in our large family

    How I keep our home tidy even though I am not naturally organized

    My babywearing recommendations from newborn through toddler years

    Why I don’t bathe my kids every day and what we do about chlorine pools

    Do we avoid GMOs for health reasons or political reasons?

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics | Use code FOB15 at ToupsandCo.com
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • There is no doubt that homemakers gain many valuable skills as they continue to grow in their role. If you have thought about using your kitchen skills to generate an income for your family, this episode is for you! Lily and Ellen share the story of how they started a home bakery that has continued to grow and become quite profitable for their families. We also talk through the ins and outs of making decisions in your small business. How do you know when it’s time to grow and when it’s time to scale back? May you be inspired by this chat with three busy moms, homemakers, homesteaders, and entrepreneurs!
    In this episode, we cover:

    How to navigate the timing of baking large batches of breads and pastries for a microbakery

    Tips for making a microbakery profitable and worth your time

    Learning from your mistakes and letting go of business ideas that don’t work

    The importance of marketing your products effectively

    Outfitting your microbakery without going into debt

    Walking through the layout of the baking and selling space

    Navigating local regulations of commercial kitchens and cottage bakeries

    Step-by-step process of prepping and baking dough

    Making your small business work for you as a busy mom

    Thinking through tough decisions when growing your business

    The value in creating an experience for your customers

    Why microbakeries may have more success than large-scale bakeries

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Lily and Ellen are two sisters who own a small bakery on their family farm. They spend their days raising their children, running their bakery and caring for their homestead.
    Lily & Ellen of The Flour Barn | Website | Blog | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • Self-care in motherhood is a hot topic these days, but the advice can be difficult to navigate when it does not feel practical for your season of life. Or perhaps you are feeling guilt about establishing self-care routines for yourself. Elizabeth helps moms overcome anger and overwhelm and embrace peace and wellness in their homes. If you are in a season of motherhood that has you feeling burned out or easily angered, this episode offers practical strategies for taking care of yourself while still prioritizing your role as a mother. Join us for this uplifting conversation!
    In this episode, we cover:

    What is burnout and why does it lead to anger?

    The starting steps for climbing out of the hole of burnout

    Taking your self-care to the next step beyond basic needs

    Changing your mindset about what is life-giving and realistic in your season

    Choosing to adapt when things don’t go as planned

    How to ask for help when you are feeling burned out

    First steps you can take today if you are stressed or overwhelmed

    Strategies for finding pockets of time for self-care without using screens

    The benefits of giving your kids quiet, independent time in the afternoons 

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics | Use code FOB15 at ToupsandCo.com
    Elizabeth is an anger management coach for Christian moms. She is the host of Emotionally Healthy Legacy podcast and a mom of four. Elizabeth is super passionate about mental health and emotional wellness in motherhood. She supports stressed Christian moms in overcoming anger and embracing emotional stability, empowering them to leave an emotionally healthy legacy for their children's lives.
    Emotionally Healthy Legacy Podcast
    10x Emotional Capacity Training
    Elizabeth of Emotionally Healthy Legacy | Website | Podcast
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Join us in the Simple Farmhouse Life Facebook community!

  • I love sharing what we are cooking in our farmhouse from season to season, so join me for this episode where I’m talking through what our menu looks like during these long, hot summer days. We are on the go more in the summer, so I am spending less time cooking which means I need to keep our kitchen stocked with quick and easy staples that we can throw together in a pinch. I hope you find meal inspiration in this episode to take with you into your own kitchen!
    Check out part two of this episode exclusively on YouTube where I am showing the process of transforming my parents’ open-concept home into a cozy, inviting space.
    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Some recipes mentioned in this episode: peach chicken, honey mustard, sourdough bagels, puff pancake, mayonnaise, granola, strawberry jam, sourdough crepes, water kefir, sourdough lemon bread, fermented lemonade 
    Check out the Farmhouse on Boone blog for more from-scratch recipe inspiration for every season!
    And follow along on YouTube to see more of the meals we are enjoying in the farmhouse.
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • In our highly-connected digital world, many voices have come along to warn of the dangers of overindulgence in technology. While many encourage boundaries and moderation, Erin argues that opting out completely is a better way. Have you felt the pull to change your family’s relationship with technology? Before you think, “I could never do that,” give this episode a listen! Erin gently challenges us to craft the kind of family culture where technology cannot compare to the joy of real life.  
    In this episode, we cover:

    The decision-making process that led Erin to her current philosophy on screen usage

    Digging into some of the practicals of living a less connected life

    The surprising way your relationships may be impacted by leaving social media

    Taking an honest look at the moderation mindset around the online world

    Giving your family something to reach for, not just something to run away from

    Navigating a screen-free life with your kids

    How the cultural landscape is changing in regards to technology

    Will restricting your kids’ screen usage cause them to overindulge in the future?

    How parents’ desire to keep tabs on their kids may not be healthy

    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics | Use code FOB15 at ToupsandCo.com

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.

    Founder of global tech-free movement The Opt-Out Family, Erin Loechner is a former social media influencer who walked away from a million fans to live a low-tech lifestyle—and is now teaching others how to do the same. Her cutting-edge work has been praised in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the Huffington Post, as well as on the Today Show. When she’s not scrawling on her trusty steno pad, Erin, her husband, and their three kids spend their days chasing alpenglow, reading Kipling, and biking to town for more tortillas.
    Video tutorial on how to turn your smart phone into a dumb phone
    The Opt-Out Family by Erin Loechner
    More free resources for the opt-out family
    Erin Loechner | Website
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • For those in the crunchy community, there is more noise than ever about the dangers around us and the way things should be done. While navigating her own journey of health and wellness, Emily began to see the humor in this lifestyle. In this conversation, we chat about how Emily got started sharing comedy on the internet to bring levity to what can be stressful. We also dive into what it looks like to maintain balance in this journey– balance in our minds, in our children, in our family relationships, in our social interactions, and more. This episode is a must-listen!
    In this episode, we cover:

    How Emily’s crunchy lifestyle choices became viral content

    Finding balance in living a healthy lifestyle without going crazy

    Deciding what your 20% compromises will be in an 80/20 lifestyle

    Evaluating our peace of mind in an age of information overload

    Navigating relationships and social situations as a “crunchy mom”

    Making peace with choosing convenience in some situations

    Behind the scenes of Emily’s content creation process

    How we handle criticism and negativity as content creators

    The best way to encourage independent, creative play in kids

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Emily Morrow is the creator of Really Very Crunchy, a sketch comedy account with over 3 million followers across platforms and more than 2 billion views on her videos. Emily's new book, Really Very Crunchy: The beginner's guide to removing toxins from your life without adding them to your personality, is available everywhere March 12.
    Really Very Crunchy by Emily Morrow
    The Really Very Crunchy Podcast with Emily and Jason Morrow
    Chocolate custard recipe
    Emily Morrow of Really Very Crunchy | Website | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Facebook
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • So many of you have been asking me to bring Meg back on the podcast, and I am so excited to have her join me for this chat all about her approach to pregnancy and her homesteading story. We address questions about what foods we stay away from during pregnancy, what homestead chores we avoid, and more. What are our thoughts on ultrasounds? Prenatal vitamins? How do we maintain our businesses and homeschooling responsibilities throughout pregnancy and postpartum? I hope this chat with Meg inspires those of you who are in a similar season to make the most of this time!
    In this episode, we cover:

    How Meg’s family made a radical change to pursue homesteading and debt freedom

    Thoughts on consuming raw milk during pregnancy

    What we do and do not avoid during pregnancy

    How to maintain the important things during difficult seasons of pregnancy

    Scaling back business and homeschooling when adding a new baby to the family

    Our thoughts and experiences with ultrasounds and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics uses nourishing, organic ingredients to create simple and safe skincare products. Toups and Co is offering my listeners 10% off any one purchase with the code FOB15. Visit ToupsandCo.com to order today. And check out my interview with the founder of Toups and Co, Emilie, to find out more about this amazing company and their products.
    Listen to Meg’s first episode on my podcast!
    Meg Hollar of Hollar Homestead | Website | YouTube | Instagram
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • In this episode, I am sitting down with a cup of coffee to chat through some more of the questions you all submitted! I share my perspective on quite a few motherhood topics – potty training, meltdowns, breastfeeding, sleep schedules – that I have found are not worth stressing over. I hope that by sharing my story, I can encourage you to let go of some of the stress in motherhood and embrace the season you are in. I’m also discussing business, blogging, homemaking, and a variety of other topics you asked about. Join me for another coffee chat Q&A!

    Sharing my miscarriage story

    My no drama approach to potty training

    How I get dinner on the table when kids are melting down

    What I have done to grow my public speaking skills

    How we landed on our current chicken tractor setup

    My thoughts on losing the baby weight

    Advice for a mom who wants more kids but her husband isn’t on board

    Breastfeeding advice for a first-time mom

    How I have slowly grown my business and hired help along the way

    My thoughts on what it takes to be successful in the blogging world

    My best advice for single women

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? A guest you’d like me to interview? Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

  • I am a firm believer that education does not take place exclusively within the walls of a classroom during certain hours of the day.  I loved chatting with Lyndsey again on the podcast about the freedom that comes with prioritizing an environment of learning in your home instead of strict parameters around when and how school must happen.  Lyndsey shares why year-round schooling gives her family more flexibility and how their daily rhythm fluctuates with the seasons.  Whether you are already in the thick of homeschooling or thinking about getting started, let this episode encourage you and take the pressure off! 
    In this episode, we cover:

    How Lyndsey and her husband self-designed and self-built their new home and involved their children in the process

    What it looks like to homeschool year-round and why it’s so freeing

    How a typical day in the life of a year-round homeschooling family may shift with the seasons

    Debunking some common misconceptions about how a homeschool day unfolds

    Viewing your family as a community that works together

    Making intentional choices to turn everyday tasks into learning opportunities for your children

    Considering the opportunity cost of prioritizing a rigid bookwork schedule in your education

    Encouragement for the mom who is nervous to start homeschooling

    Changing your perspective on what education can look like in chaotic seasons of life

    Practical considerations for how to set up your home to support a home-centered life

    View full show notes on the blog + watch this episode on YouTube.
    Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make this show possible!
    Toups and Co Organics | Use code FOB15 at ToupsandCo.com
    Lyndsey is a homeschool mom of four and the founder of Treehouse Schoolhouse. Before motherhood, Lyndsey had a career in children's ministry and special needs education. Her home education centers around living books and ideas, hands-on learning, nature exploration, and biblical discipleship. She shares experiences and home education inspiration through her Instagram and blog, as well as creates curriculum and resources for families around the world. Her most popular curriculum titles are An Expectant Easter, A Connected Christmas, and Treehouse Nature Study.
    Save 15% on any purchase from Lyndsey’s shop using the code SIMPLEFARMHOUSELIFE15
    (15% off total order. One use per customer. Cannot be combined with other promos.)
    Lyndsey Mimnagh of Treehouse Schoolhouse | Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Pinterest 
    Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest
    Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast?  A guest you’d like me to interview?  Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.