As coaches, we hear this all the time:
"When things calm down a bit, I'll be able to train more."
"When life is less crazy, I can focus more on nutrition."
The problem with this strategy is that life usually never stops being crazy. We discuss and give some tips about how to fit training INTO a busy lifestyle, rather than waiting for it to calm down.
We talk about small and manageable actions, letting go of the idea of perfection, and tips to stay organized and plan more efficiently.
Does this resonate with you?
Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about the part of the body commonly known as the core.
What is the core? What does it mean when coaches or trainers tell you to "engage your core"? What are some tips to do so? How can we use this specifically to improve our swimming technique?
Give it a listen and let us know what you think!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
Manglende episoder?
In this episode, we talk about whether or not training plans are set in stone. If the weather is awful, can we flip days around, or do we need to keep certain sessions on certain days? How can athletes best modify if a coach isn't immediately available for last-minute changes?
We also talk again about the benefits of fueling more before and during workouts, and we talk about a common desire for athletes to avoid sugar and how this can be harmful.
Chris also follows up on her swim progress, this time as it relates to kicking without fins (if you know, you know!)Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
Welcome to 2025 and thank you to everyone who has been with us for the past year and a half!
We start this episode by giving a quick recap on goal setting. We then talk about Dina's New Year swim challenge and Chris's recent accomplishments in the pool, highlighting the benefits of being very mindful and purposeful about making changes.
We also chat about eating before workouts, its importance, and some examples for what to do before evening workouts or workouts right around dinner time.
Chris also shares an exciting new triathlon project she's just launched for 2025!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we chat a bit about protein.
An earlier episode goes into more detail about specific foods and how much we need as athletes (link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Kkkde6vkUMYbgTbNx8W4b?si=ed464b0866414aba), but we touch on a few tips for increasing our protein intake, especially for plant-based athletes.
Link to Dina's comprehensive article about protein, how much we need, what it does, and what foods (some surprising) contain it: https://dinathlon.com/how-do-i-eat-more-protein
We also talk about recovery during the off-season, and Chris shares her four "R"s of recovery.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about uncertainty in triathlon.
Even if we control everything we can control, stuff happens. Nothing is guaranteed, whether it's weather on race day, things that come up in your personal life, or losing a bottle of electrolyte drink on the bike during the race.
How do we navigate knowing that nothing is certain, and sign up for races and pursue training anyway? What are some tips to handle adversity?
Link to the podcast episode Dina talks about regarding calmly welcoming change: https://open.spotify.com/episode/13E3H0EBm42Zg5KTNGfgZ3?si=d28f40a0763a437fQuestions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, Chris recaps her experience at the Philadelphia Marathon!
She talks about how she felt, her results, and her rapid recovery and preparation for the Manchester Road Race only a few days later.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about nutrition in the off-season. Should you modify your nutrition plan while you're not training as much? Should you purposely eat less? Should you eat different types of food?
We also talk about how to navigate the holidays with big parties and lots of food, including handling the comments others make about what's on our plate, and the myth of "holiday weight gain."
If you're interested in Dina's holiday food navigation guide, download it for free here! https://dinathlon.com/download/holiday-food-navigation/
We also wish Chris a happy birthday (the big 5-0!), check in with Dina on her recovery and nutrition, talk about our favorite holiday foods, touch back on bike safety, and chat about some triathlon news and the concept of DNF-ing races.
Don't forget that there are chapter markers within the episode, since we go through a lot!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we continue discussing the off-season and ways to approach training that will be beneficial for your goals next season.
We talk about drills in the pool, V02 max workouts on the bike trainer, running strides, heavy strength training, and more!
Give it a listen and let us know if you try any of our tips or styles of workouts!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we discuss the off-season and what training might look like during this time.
Should you stop altogether? Should you take a break from working with your coach? When should you start thinking about next year's races? When should you START working with a coach for next year if you don't already do so?
Give it a listen and let us know how your off-season is going so far!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about bike safety. Dina shares a very sad story about her swim teammate who was tragically killed by a motorist while out riding his bike recently, so we discuss steps to take to ensure safety, both as a cyclist and as a driver.
Chris also recaps her race at Ironman Chattanooga a few weeks ago and tells some fun stories!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we discuss the various formats triathlon races can take and explain the differences, such as:
-USAT Age Group National Championships vs Multisport National Championships
-Short course vs long course racing
-Draft-legal races: what does that mean?
We also discuss the new Boston Marathon qualifying times, and we answer a question about easy carb sources to carry along during workouts.
Dina also shares an important point regarding making choices to eat certain foods, and that the intention behind the choices determines whether or not it could be a disordered behavior.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, Dina goes on a rant about a recent unnecessary comment she got about the food she was eating. We talk about how damaging these comments can be, both as athletes and humans, and how to navigate them.
We also share some tips for hill climbing on the bike and how to tackle long, steady climbs both mentally and technique-wise, and Chris chats about her successful 18-mile training run.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we discuss setting up your race schedule:
Can you fit in races of multiple types and distances (i.e. an Ironman and a marathon, or a 70.3 and an ultra distance race)?
Can we do ALL the things?
Is it too early to be thinking about 2025?
We also chat about:
-Chris's long weekend training in preparation for her upcoming Ironman
-An update on Dina's recoveryQuestions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about resilience and adaptation when things go horribly wrong...like when Dina's brother Teo arrived at a triathlon and everyone was already swimming :)
We also discuss whether or not we need to train as hard or as much despite certain conditions, such as downriver swims and flat bike courses, and Dina shares some recent nutrition wins and some surprising information about refined grains.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about all things Olympics!
We chat about what we watched, notable performances, various moments of drama, lesser-watched events, and more!
We also touch upon:
-A quick update on Dina's foot injury
-Horrible news in the CrossFit world
-Chris's first experience officiating a triathlon
-"How Things Fit" - helmet edition
We apologize for the excessive background noise, as Chris's husband was hard at work mowing the lawn.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we discuss the results of Dina's recent MRI, which showed a stress reaction in a bone in her foot.
She discusses the likely cause of this injury, low energy availability - i.e. not eating enough to support her high training load.
We talk a bit about how she's feeling and the steps she's taking to heal, including taking time off running, meeting with a Registered Dietician, and working with her therapist to challenge the disordered thoughts and behaviors that led her to restrict her food intake.
Dina's computer also decided to have a minor meltdown and kept continually stopping her recording, so we cut the discussion short, and we apologize for the technical difficulties!Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we chat about Ironman Lake Placid. Though neither of us raced this year, Chris was up there volunteering so she discusses her experience, and Dina had an athlete racing her first full Ironman who had a fantastic race.
We also talk about the rewards of coaching after seeing our athletes accomplish new things, and a new policy Ironman has implemented regarding athlete pregnancies.
*Correction - Dina mentioned her athlete Molly has a daily run streak of around 500 days...it's actually over 1500 now!*Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, we talk about wetsuits!
Possibly the first episode in a series of "how things fit," we discuss, well, how they're supposed to fit. We offer tips for beginners on how to put them on, what to expect when getting in the water, how to know if it's the right size, and more.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha -
In this episode, Chris recaps a super sprint triathlon she did recently where almost everything went wrong...give it a listen to hear about all the hilarious mistakes she made!
We subsequently discuss how to modify during a race or during training when something (or many, many things) goes wrong, and Dina's managing a recent injury that flared up while on vacation.
We also hear Chris's recap of Ironman 70.3 Pennsylvania Happy Valley, and a Sailfish wetsuit follow-up review from Dina.Questions for us related to triathlon, fitness, nutrition, anything? Topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Please send us a message anytime, and feel free to give us a follow!
Podcast Email: [email protected]
Podcast Instagram: @simplytriathlonpodcast
Dina's Instagram: @dinathlon
Chris's Instagram: @coachchriskopcha - Vis mere