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Welcome to the Passion Love Pursuit Podcast!
Hello, world! I'm Erica Lippy, your host.
I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with all of you. If you're anything like me, you're driven, curious, and passionate. We all crave a dose of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement.
This podcast stems from my unwavering desire to continuously grow, learn, and evolve as my best self while engaging in enriching conversations with others on a similar quest.
The essence of this podcast is to catalyze positive change in our lives, enabling us to embrace the best version of our authentic selves, so that we may live with more passion and purpose in all areas of our life.
Join me as I host captivating guests—experts in their fields, industry titans, and individuals with profound life experiences. Together, we'll engage in meaningful conversations that embolden us to construct our inner landscapes and inspire us to be bold in our pursuits.
This is a place to encourage us to BE and BECOME better daily.
Let's keep this pursuit in action!
Thank you for joining me on this journey, now lets get to it!
With light and love,
Erica Lippy -
No matter what’s holding you back, therapist Beth Rogerson wants to help you live a better, more balanced life. Are you and your partner going through a rough patch? Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Or do you simply need some guidance on your journey to become your best Self? Beth often uses the Internal Family Systems (or IFS) model to help listeners understand and navigate their inner world. She frequently interviews other experienced therapists on subjects like security, shame, and grief. The Therapy Spot will provide you with the tools you need for better, deeper connection with yourself and others.
Spark, hosted by Kellee Marlow, on KXSF.FM in San Francisco, focuses on curated conversations with change-leaders and influencers- to inform minds, inspire ideas and ignite innovation. Basically, conversations that enable us to transcend beyond what we believe we are capable of.
The Tales to Inspire Podcast aims to bring you stories to amaze and inspire you.
Sharing the experiences of people from all walks of life who've overcome huge challenges, Krish Patel will bring you weekly stories to encourage you to chase your dreams, and never give up. -
“IncompletaMente" é o Podcast em que crescemos juntos e em tempo real. Pedro Gonçalves e David Derekh, todas as semanas, trazem uma conversa ou mensagem que nos ajudem a desbloquear o nosso potencial e a tornar-nos cada vez mais completos.
The Official Podcast of the Uncharted Group, by Marc Rhodes.
Where healthy habits, mindset adjustments, and busy schedules combine, there’s Baggage Drop. Hosted by experts from Wondermind’s Advisory Committee — Dr. Jessica Stern, Dr. Ryan Howes, Alo Johnston LMFT, and Dr. Nina Polyné — Baggage Drop delivers repeatable and powerful mental fitness tools to help rewire your mindset for personal impact. New episodes land every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the month of May.
The world’s first mental health ecosystem, Wondermind combines easy-to-understand articles with proven techniques, replacing jargon & judgment with expert-backed tips for healthier habits. Visit Wondermind.com for more!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Grab your Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pen, highlighter, and notepad and get ready to hear and apply some of the Solution from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous from the Experience, strength, and hope of Nikki M. The Noodle It Out with Nikki M is an exercise and deep dive into finding solutions to questions, issues, and things we encounter in addiction, recovery, and everyday life, in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Nikki M and Justin B, the co-hosts of this podcast, will bring a couple of questions from our own lives, from the lives of people we work with in recovery, and from the listening audience to the table and "noodle" them out using the Big Book. The Noodle It Out with Nikki M Podcast is a part of the Reco12 family of recovery resources. https://www.reco12.com
It CBS seit datst oant dyn 25e ta de jongerein behearst. Dêrnei bist blykber âld genôch om te witten watst oan it dwaan bist. En ast om dy hinne sjochst, lykje freonen dat ek echt te witten. Sy ha al in keaphús, jierren in relaasje en tinke sels al oan bern.
Kombinearje dit mei al dy minsken dy’t it foarinoar ha op social media en kinst dy eigentlik mar ien ding ôffreegje: wat doch ík eigentlik mei myn libben sa rûn myn 30e?
Us podcast hat it antwurd seker net, mar prate kin altyd. En dat is persys wat we dogge yn Deale mei Dilemma’s. Lûsterest mei?
Het CBS zegt dat je tot je 25e tot de jongeren behoort. Daarna ben je blijkbaar oud genoeg om te weten wat je aan het doen bent. En als je om je heen kijkt, lijken vrienden dat ook echt te weten. Zij hebben al een koophuis, jaren een relatie en denken zelfs al aan kinderen.
Combineer dit met al die mensen die het voor elkaar hebben op social media en je kunt je eigenlijk maar een ding afvragen: wat doe ík eigenlijk met mijn leven zo rond m’n 30e?
Onze podcast heeft de antwoorden zeker niet, maar praten kan altijd. En dat is precies wat we doen in Deale mei Dilemma’s. Luister je mee?
You can eliminate the guilt of pinning your work life against your home life with one small shift. Master your mindset. This means learning how to train your brain to respond to the automatic negative thoughts that have been holding you back for way too long. I get to show others how their own thinking is getting in the way of achieving the life they desire. In this podcast I deliver tools and motivation to take back control of your life and start intentionally living towards your values, dreams and goals. I pull inspiration from Tony Robins, Joe Dispenza, Andrew Huberman, Lewis Howes, Brene Brown and Adam Grant. Tune in for coaching on self development, routines, habits, and goals.
For Veterans by Veterans. Discover and execute on the most important mission of your life. Join host, Mike Bledsoe, as he delves into transformative journeys, exploring the challenges and triumphs of transitioning from military to civilian life. Through compelling stories and expert insights, we uncover the keys to personal growth, resilience, and purposeful living.
O podcast “Bela Questão” é um espaço de reflexão e crescimento pessoal, dedicado a explorar os enigmas da inteligência emocional, desenvolvimento pessoal, liderança e estilo de vida. Aqui encontras belas questões - perguntas que alargam perspetivas, desafiam paradigmas e nutrem conhecimento, através do humor, ciência e entusiasmo. Este podcast partilha conversas leves, divertidas e informativas sobre a mente humana, contando com especialistas ou pessoas que transformaram as suas vidas e nos levam aos seus bastidores. Inspira-te, inquieta-te e higieniza a tua mente!
Anfitriã: Amália Carvalho -
Máximo Desempeño es un podcast semanal enfocado en descubrir las claves del desarrollo del potencial humano. Revela los secretos de mujeres y hombres extraordinarios que han alcanzado niveles de excelencia a nivel personal y profesional. Comparte los principios y herramientas que utilizan los mejores en todos los ámbitos para transformarse, cultivar su mundo interior, desarrollar sus capacidades y una mentalidad enfocada en el logro de sus objetivos y en la expresión de lo mejor de sí mismos.
I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.”
If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place.
On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living.
We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth. -
Once upon a time, your experiences and beliefs lead to the relationship you have with food today. Your host, Elise Museles, eating psychology and nutrition expert, calls that your food story: Your thoughts about food and the words you say to yourself about food, either aloud, or privately inside your mind.
If you’ve ever felt stressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated by eating and diet culture, and if you’re looking for a safe space to have honest conversations—you’re in the right place! Tune in each week for raw and real discussions as doctors, nutritionists, life coaches, and change-makers share their personal stories of struggle to strength and how they emerged happier and healthier today. Get ready to feel connected, empowered, and inspired as we rewrite our food stories together, one episode at a time! -
Join Bre, aka The Self-Care Pusher from Southern California, as she shares life experiences, weighs in on current events, amps up her wellness/health habits and finds clean(ish) products to try all for the sake of taking her physical, spiritual and emotional well-being to the next level and (hopefully) inspiring other women of color to do so as well. It's time to become obsessed with our self-care!
Inspiring you to LIVETHEFUEL! This podcast shows' purpose is to help to FUEL Your Health, Business, and Lifestyle goals. To some of you, the very idea of launching that next big thing seems daunting and unattainable. Are you still using that four-letter word of DIET vs living a healthier LIFESTYLE for the long term? Maybe you are struggling with that next big business idea or entrepreneurial pursuit? How about challenging yourself to grow your personal brand more professionally online? Maybe you simply want to build the confidence to be more adventurous in life and jump out of a perfectly good airplane?!
Founder, host, and former Hotshot Wildland Firefighter, Scott W. Mulvaney, has channeled his influence from years of travel and his own daily consumption of podcasts, audiobooks, and more. Years of time has been spent in "windshield university" consuming content for his own growth. Scott has been self-obsessed with his own health and wellness goals while tracking down amazing influencers to co-host this podcast show.
His goal with this podcast is to share the stories and knowledge attained from the REAL struggles and successes in life from our guest co-hosts. In the end, it's about maximum value to you, the listener! We want to be able to positively influence more forward change in peoples lives. Scott's hope is that these episodes will truly FUEL YOUR FIRE while helping you realize that LIFE IS SHORT! PLEASE... go after your dreams and conquer that next, supposedly, unattainable goal! -
In the YAY!YOGA podcast, Amsterdam-based yoga teacher Renée Leeuw talks to the most inspiring yoga and movement teachers from around the world about their yoga journey, self-development and a lot of yoga-related topics. If you are interested in the mind-body connection and self-growth, this show is definitely for you. Remember to hit subscribe and give us a review/rating if you enjoy this podcast so we can keep on sharing this knowledge together.