Episode 25 “Just Pushin' The Buttons”
Background music by Calico
Reddit as CalicoDeep
Instagram @calicolive
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/calicoliveOP-Z File Marketplace created by @Soulyft
op1z.com by @infinitedigits
an automatic sound to drum or synth patch converter!Laotzsa “L.E.W.B”
made with OP-1 and OP-Z
Instagram @laotzsaAudio Dukes “Untitled”
made with OP-1
Instagram @audiodukes
YoutubeGrady Nickel “All OP-1”
Acoustic Guitar and OP-1
https://soundcloud.com/gradynickelHeir Superiority “Morning Dew"
made with OP-1 and OP-Z
Instagram @heir_superiorityJoe Shoemaker “Pacific Notion “
Made with OP-1
From new album Flowers And Weeds (July 3rd, 2020)
Instagram @josuph_shombaker
https://joeshoemaker.bandcamp.com/album/flowers-and-weedsBrad Tennant Interview
“Dead and Handsome (ft. Herm)” made with OP-1
from album Nervous
Brad Tennant LinksMosigis “Spektour”
Made with OP-1
https://soundcloud.com/user-589392624Koyodot “OP-Z Jam”
Instagram @koyodot
YoutubeBassoon Tukki OP-1 tune from Instagram
Support the show
Instagram @bassoon_tukki
https://www.instagram.com/p/B_612-HpsYw/?igshid=168q4dxbqcjgc -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
Matt Bero
Harry Nicholson
Josh Rivera
Cody Williams
Aslan Sommer
Sean Schwertfeger
Grady Nickel
Thank you to ALL OF YOU who support Small Operations on Patreon!! <3Backgrounds by Goros
Made with OP-1, OP-Z, effects pedals and eurorack modules
Instagram @g.o.r.o_sBrandon Guerra “OP-Z Ambient Music”
Instagram @brandonguerradrums
https://youtu.be/uN8ypYRZ7FUDtr0n “Seasons”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @dtr0n_jams
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_aV-rcBkr1/?igshid=10lfs46jq4weqJordan “Lazy”
Made with OP-1
Instagram @jordans_audio
https://m.soundcloud.com/jordans_audio/lazyShin Tanuki “Little Summer Track”
Made with OP-Z and Moog Sirin
Instagram @shin_tanuki track
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWaj3vWd2xXJx18LH4c2r1gInterview with Tiny Tracks
Featured track “Day 84”
Made with OP-1 and PO-12
Instagram @tiny_tracks
www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV2wEEM5ty4Johnny Gorillas “Johnny’s Wednesday Vibes Vol 22”
Made with OP-1 on Feb 12, 2020
Instagram @johnnygorillas
https://www.instagram.com/p/B8eZWiconZL/?igshid=olc4hdv4908vBB Squelch and Ray Donahue “Maybe I’m Just Bored”
Instagram @maybeitsray @bb_squelch
Made with OP-Z and Logic
https://m.soundcloud.com/rayloading/maybe-im-just-boredJorgen Kjellgren “Untitled”
Support the show
Made with OP-1
https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Z1DtWBIJl/?igshid=knm9j19soo5u -
Missing episodes?
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
Matt Bero
Harry Nicholson
Josh Rivera
Cody Williams
Aslan Sommer
Sean Schwertfeger
Thank you to ALL OF YOU who support Small Operations on Patreon!! <3Background music by Augustus Standeven
Instagram @augy_stuss
https://soundcloud.com/augustusstandeven/power-trippinAnalog Cases promo code! SMALLOPS15
(Good for 15% off your purchase until June 30, 2020)
analogcases.comSquarekid “On My Level”
Made with OP-1 and OP-Z
Instagram @winberg
https://youtu.be/uRAm07gb8nUChris Cruz “Lo-Fi Ambient Kinda Jam”
using OP-Z + OPLab module into small eurorack rig.
Instagram @ccruz.mov
https://www.reddit.com/r/OPZuser/comments/g3b8mq/figured_out_how_to_use_my_op_lab_module_lofi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfXavier Bonfill “Choir Music”
from album Refshaleoen Tapes Volume 1
made with OP-1
Instagram @xavierbonfill
https://xavierbonfill.bandcamp.com/album/refshale-en-tapes-vol-iKing Of The Flowers “Rotation”
made with OP-1 (mastered in DAW)
Instagram @kingoftheflowers_359
https://m.soundcloud.com/kingoftheflowers_359/rotationInterview with Son Wu
featured track “Mehr Davon” ft. SPRIT
Instagram @sonwu.music
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC9OOKdE-HKei1vj6Too3c4wМаксим Воропаев (Maxim Voropaev) “Keep Playing With My Calculator”
Instagram @Maxonchyk
https://www.instagram.com/p/B_KWdHHhfni/?igshid=1mlcumsw3ukspMyVolts MickXer giveaway winner! @auroras.wav
Instagram @myvoltsSoulyft “Five” (excerpt)
From EP, Tempus made with OP-Z
Instagram @soulyftmusic
https://music.apple.com/us/album/tempus-a-chill-study-beat/1506971533Delphi “Last Beach”
made with PO-33 and pedals
Instagram @delphi433
https://valeriodelphi.bandcamp.com/album/troughthewindowChance McDaniel “Erth”
Support the show
made with OP-1
https://soundcloud.com/chancemcdaniel/erth -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
Matt Bero
Harry Nicholson
Josh Rivera
Thank you to ALL of you who support Small Operations on Patreon!! <3Background music by djfan//page
Instagram @djfan_page
https://m.soundcloud.com/djfan_page/live-from-cdc-headquarters-with-my-op-zLibrary of Congress Sampling!
https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/04/ibrary-of-congress-open-source-hip-hop-dj-citizen/Saint Amour “Work In Progress”
OP-1 and live bass guitar
Instagram @dan.saint.amour
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-Uqo54HF44/?igshid=d7nzddq97hbhMartin “Easter Loop”
made with OP-Z
Instagram @dbsr_sound
https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1s7uxB6py/?igshid=btmeffi5d8q5Bizimana “Onomatopoeia”
made with PO-32 and PO-12 and Kaoss Pad
https://soundcloud.com/bizimana458/onomatopoeiaSmall Ops Contest #4 panel w/ Johnny B Good and Heymun!
Instagram @heymunmusic & @johnnybgood89Flannul “Dizzy”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @flannul
https://songwhip.com/album/flannul/sunbleach-2020Accurate Beats “Sampling Old Cassette Tape with OP-1”
OP-1 and turntable
Instagram @accuratebeats
https://youtu.be/9p3JGFDZbOoArgievoid (Maria Rita Fernandez) “Cyber Patrol”
Support the show
made with OP-Z
Instagram @argievoid
https://youtu.be/LqFHrrpXxSw -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
Matt Bero
Harry Nicholson
Thank you to all of you who support Small Operations on Patreon!! <3
Background music by Maysun
Instagram @maysun.musicPatrick Gates “Untitled OP-1 Piece Made On A Plane”
Instagram @patrickgatesart
https://www.instagram.com/p/B-s-1E6BPXC/?igshid=1f9xiktxu2kxiOmega db “No Going Back”
From album Chapter Four made with OP-Z and Ableton released on 4/23
Instagram @Omegadbmusic
Protocol Jimmy “OP-Z 002”
On Reddit as protocol_jimmy
https://soundcloud.com/protocol_jimmy/opz002Nathan D Farrell “OP-Z Ambient”
https://youtu.be/n_mcrxgeLTgKevin Allen “Futuristic House Music Vibes”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @k_al
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-tOeNmnRMa/?igshid=fvneihya958aInterview with Maysun
Instagram @maysun.music
Maysun Youtube Channel
Samples from Maysun
Maysun Recordings
Maysun PatreonNohito Otogibanashi “Odaiba Beach”
Made with 2 PO-33s and a Kaoss Pad
https://youtu.be/4ivdatbrd-4Lady Wants Audio “You Burst Vapour”
Support the show
Made with OP-Z, Arturia Minibrute, Small Eurorack rig
Instagram @ladywantsaudio
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=5vDEPbAN4wo -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
Matt Bero
Thank you all!! <3
Background music by James William Redou III
Instagram @jredoudesignSynthdawg OP-Z notebook
Hectic “Bubbling”
From new OP-Z/PO made album “Buttons”
Instagram @hectictracks
https://music.apple.com/us/album/buttons/1504564052Woodland Cosmonaut “Encounter In A Midnight Seclusion
”From Cycle EP made with OP-1
Instagram @woodlandcosmonaut
https://woodlandcosmonaut.bandcamp.com/album/cyclePlastic Transistor “Friday Night”
From new Mission Melancholia EP
Instagram @plastic_transistor
https://music.apple.com/us/album/mission-melancholia-ep/1500700433M1 Headphones by Teenage Engineering Review
Xpelled “Snow Particles”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @xpelled
https://soundcloud.com/xpelled/snow-particlesKoyodot “Recharged”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @koyodot.music
https://youtu.be/yH9hQ6mVj_EReggie Watts Interview
Instagram @reggiewatts
Watts AppRazmig “Disconnect”
Made with OP-1 and guitar
Instagram @razmiga
https://m.soundcloud.com/razmiga/disconnectBrian Leahy “Ballad Of The PO-28 Robot”
Instagram @brianleahyart
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-Y84s0B6Ys/?igshid=hip4vf4abmkqGolden Temples “The Whales“
From new album Sentient Beings
Made with OP-1 and Ableton Live
Instagram @goldentemples
https://music.apple.com/us/album/sentient-beings/1506381417Valotihkuu (Denis Davydov) “Hear The Light”
Support the show
OP-1, Cassette Loop, Avalanche Run pedal
Instagram @Valotihkuu track
https://youtu.be/CIHLcDEmPV8 -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Newcents 88
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike TreanorThank you folks, and thank you to ALL Small Ops Patreon Fam!!!!
Background music for Small Ops 19 provided by:
Instagram @ostoml
Ostoml BandcampTeenage Engineering's Midnight Operator streams
Episode 1
Episode 2
Bolt’s “Low and Slow” bass sample pack is $3 until June 1st!
https://bolttracks.com/product/lownslow/Yazzkimo “OP-Z Jam With New Analog Synth And Reverb FX”
Instagram @yazzkimo
https://youtu.be/ydg9IIWg8Ykmroemore “Interstellar Pong”
made with OP-Z
Instagram @mroemore
https://youtu.be/9z4Qe-GOa8MJohnny B Good “Good Spirits”
OP-1 and guitar
Instagram @johnnybgood89
https://music.apple.com/us/album/good-spirits-single/1504068763Ludvista “1023”
Instagram @mlinardimusic
made with all OP-Z from new album Trepidation
https://ludvista.bandcamp.com/releasesRed Panda Music Interview
Instagram @redpandamusic
https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/redpandamusic/become-wholeVanbot “Dance Monkey”
(Tones And I cover using all Pocket Operators)
Instagram @Vanbotmusic
vanbotmusic.comBitapart “Disconnected”
made with OP-1
Instagram @bitapart
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B3hp-0HlkY_/?igshid=ycbq3mqoxam0Doctor Guava “Hot Chips”
made with OP-Z from album Overview Effect
Instagram @docguava
https://music.apple.com/us/album/overview-effect/1473660034LFO.Flow “Beach Vibes”
Support the show
Instagram @lfo.flow
made with OP-Z
Support Small Operations on Patreon! -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
Greg Pritchard
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
THANK YOU to ALL Small Ops Patreon supporters!! <3 <3 <3Background music provided by SUPER OK!
Music/Beats made with OP-1
Instagram @super_okAle Fillman “Moving Day”
made on OP-1
Instagram @omg_itz_ale
https://music.apple.com/us/album/moving-day-single/1496739702Loop Lindrum (Luke Lendrum) “Son In DAW”
made with OP-Z (no daw actually used :) )
https://soundcloud.com/looplinndrum/son-in-dawSpace (Jamaal Orr) “Kinfolk”
made with OP-1
https://soundcloud.com/user-643394618/kinfolkFree Beat “Intro and Overture”
all Pocket Operator concept album The Mechanist (video game concept)
Instagram @freethebeatwithinSlow Haste interview
featured tune “Desire Path” from new album Dandelion
Instagram @slowhaste
Dandelion at AppleSelsey “Landslide / Must Have Been Love / Listen To Your Heart Mashup”
Instagram @selsey._
https://www.instagram.com/tv/B9MeWbeBtQB/?igshid=4i9zvmg03d5sHectic “Memory”
Made with OP-Z
Instagram @hectictracks
https://music.apple.com/us/album/memory/1455761456?i=1455761457Peninsula Repairs - upcoming album teaser track
made with OP-Z and Earthquaker Afterneath
Instagram @peninsularepairs
https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mfnGmBFk-/?igshid=hf7xyadr63cjAnima “Garden I”
From EP The Garden made with OP-1 and cassette recorder
Instagram @animamusic1
https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-garden-ep/1482426558Support Small Operations on Patreon!
Support the show -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
Greg Pritchard
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
Mike Treanor
LOVE and gratitude to ALL Small Ops Patreon supporters!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you!!Background music provided by Tiny Tracks
Beats made with OP-1
Instagram @tiny_tracks
Patreon Contest 3 winner announced!Infinitedigits “Landing”
from album ALSEP12
made with OP-1 and Big Sky Reverb
Instagram @infinitedigits
https://alsep12.comDragonfly Bry “Excerpts From TE Beat Tape 1”
made with Teenage Engineering instruments
Instagram @dragonfly_bry
www.mikromix.comNorthGames (Josh Rivera) “Kaze No Shiro”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @northgamesaudio
https://joshrivera.carrd.coChili + STEEEZO “Matada”
Instagram @Steeezo
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=-9ufv_rigCsBlezz Beats interview
Instagram @blezzbeats
Youtube Channel20knaked “Drawn In People”
album Omnipotence made with all OP-1
Instagram @anonymous_grizzly https://music.apple.com/us/album/omnipotence/1498941954Sleepover “Comeback Season”
made with OP-1 and SP-404
Instagram @sleepover._
Sleepover LinksHeir Superiority “Saturday Mornings”
made with OP-Z
Instagram @heir_superioritySuper OK! “Jamuary 14th 2020”
made with OP-1
Instagram @super_okSupport Small Operations on Patreon!
Support the show (http://www.patreon.com/smalloperations)
Support the show -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
Greg Pritchard
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
LOVE and gratitude to ALL Small Ops Patreon supporters!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you!!Background music provided by STEEEZO
Lofi beats made with OP-1
Instagram @steeezo_946
Ikea Frekvens segment with Chaise Qwerty
Instagram @chaiseqwerty
all music improvised live by Chaise and FLDPLN using OP-1 and OP-Z
live at Ikea in Tempe, ArizonaLeonardoworx “1983”
made with OP-Z and Digitone
Instagram @lwxbeats
https://music.apple.com/us/album/1983-single/1453402881Nokan “Growth”
from album 2033 C.E. made with PO-33 and PO-20
Instagram @nokanmusic
https://soundcloud.com/user-957696539/sets/2033-c-eJack Hesse Frekvens review
featured music by Jack Hesse aka Cat Singularity
Instagram @catsingularity608
Cat Singularity BandcampBOLT “Pictures”
from OP-Z album Voyager II
Instagram @bolt.wavYuri Wong Interview
“For Ants” by Yuri Wong
Instagram @yuriwongmusic
Yuri Wong Youtube ChannelDefaulto “PhD from The School Of Life”
made with PO-33
https://soundcloud.com/jonaslaberg/ph-d-from-the-school-of-lifeDuelling Ants “Northern”
from album Random Gestures made with OP-1, Organelle, Guitar
and field recordings
Instagram @duellingants
https://duellingants.bandcamp.com/album/random-gesturesCroft “07_”
made with PO-33
Instagram @cro_ft
https://www.instagram.com/p/B2aMfUDn_eX/?igshid=1jnni3fa8be97Oneven “Orka”
from OP-1 album OP Archive
Instagram @onevennn
Oneven BandcampSupport Small Operations on Patreon!
Support the show -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
Greg Pritchard
Sean Tubridy
Evan Otero
THANK YOU to ALL Small Ops Patreon supporters!! <3Background music provided by Trevor Cox
Lofi beats made with PO-33 and/or OP-1
Instagram @tcxmasta
Brad Tennant “Really Tried”
from new OP-1 made album “Nervous”
Instagram @bradtennant
https://linktr.ee/bradtennantGhadius “>>>>>>”
made with OPZ or PO33
Instagram @ghadius_
https://lordghadius.bandcamp.com/releasesKing Of 9X OP-Z Screen Pinning Tip
Instagram @nospecialbullshitJohnny B Good “Chill And Tonic“
from new OP-1 album 1UP
Instagram @johnnybgood89
https://linktr.ee/johnnybgood89Slow Haste (Daniel Juergens) “Snow Day”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @slowhaste
https://slowhaste.bandcamp.com/track/snow-dayInterview with Afraid Of Everyone (Andre Axell)
Instagram @afraidofeveryone and @karlmauritz
Rich Lesmeister's Voicemail
Featuring his OP-1 music
Instagram @r.w.lesmeisterAudio Dukes “Artificial Intelligence”
Made with OP-1
Instagram @Audiodukes
Reddit Link
Youtube ChannelBrentonio110 “Why Get Work Done When The PO-33 Can Make You Feel Like Flying Instead?”
PO-33 piece
Reddit LinkProject Souno “TX TO VA”
Support the show
Made with OP-1
Instagram @projectsouno
Spotify Link
Support Small Operations on Patreon! -
Small Operations 14 “Punchy And Diverse”
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
Greg Pritchard
Sean Tubridy
THANK YOU!! <3Background music provided by Red Panda Music
Lofi Hip-Hop made with OP-1 + Microkorg
Instagram @redpandamusicDimension 42 Meditation App (iOS)
by Ola Sandberg
All sounds made with OP-1
iOS App Store LinkPocket Operator Article at Happy Mag.tv
Soulyft "Salt Flats"
made with OP-Z
Instagram @soulyftmusic
Soulyft's OP-Z music Spotify playlist!Owl Beats "Fresh Smoke"
made with PO-33
Instagram @owlbeatsmusic
Gabe Churray "Pilates For Birds"
from album "Pilates For Birds" made with OP-1 + iPhone
Instagram @gabechurray
Blip Beep Boop “We Are A Ghost”
Made with PO-28, PO-33, PO-20
Instagram @blipbeepboop
https://soundcloud.com/blip-beep-boop/we-are-a-ghostSpaceboy “You Were Right”
From album Factory Reset made with OP-1
Instagram @thespaceboyy
https://spaceboyy.bandcamp.com/album/factory-resetInterview with Liam Killen
Instagram @liamkillenmusic
Youtube Channel
Tom McConnell “Between The Trees”
Made with OP-1 and post production
Instagram @tomsmcconnell
https://music.apple.com/us/album/between-the-trees/1488383785?i=1488383786Noxz “Jamuary 2020 17 of 31”
Made with OP-1
Instagram @e.noxz
LinksKousuke Wakasugi "Untitled OP-Z Jam 9-11-19"
Instagram @kousuke_wakasugi
Soy Boy “Uhuh”
Made with OP-1
LinksMarcinsky “Whispers In Dublin”
OP-Z piece
Instagram @marcinsky
SoundcloudSmall Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast.
Support the show
Contact the show at smalloperationspodcast at gmail dot co -
Small Operations 13 “Vibrations Of Love”
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
Justin Philips
THANK YOU!! <3Background music provided by Folka Fank
All tracks made with PO-33 KO! Pocket Operator
Instagram @folka_fankTeenage Engineering Deep Sleep Compilation
Apple MusicInstant Juggler FREKVENS Review
OP Forums
Instagram @instantjuggler
Special thanks to @audiodukes for the heads up and Ikea mailing list notification about FREKVENS!
BOLT “Awake”
OP-Z + PO32
Instagram @bolt.wav
Apple Music
SpotifyKelby Kryshak “OP-1 Piece From Instagram Dec 3, 2019”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @kelbykryshak
Mopzart "Gravity Well"
From Teenage Engineering Deep Sleep Compilation
Laotzsa “Soma Thyme”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @laotzsa
Max Deadroom “Jamuary 1st 2020”
OP-Z + PO-33 KO
Instagram @maxedonia
YoutubeAnima “Microscopes”
Instagram @animamusic1
Ale Fillman "Nowhere To Be Today"
Instagram @omg_itz_ale
Apple Music
SpotifyYazzkimo "OP-Z High Energy Jam 008"
Instagram @yazzkimo
Nec Funk "Y.F.A.B."
OP-Z, guitar, vox
Instagram @funky_nec
Apple Music
Chronofile "Ferrofluid"
OP-Z track
Instagram @chronofile.music
Jeremy Blake "Tightrope" (Red Means Recording)
OP-1 track
Instagram @jjbbllkk
Twitter @jjbbllkk
Small Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast.
Contact the show at smalloperationspodcast at gmail dot com
Instagram @smalloperations
twitter @smalloperations
Happy Holidays from Small Operations! Thanks for listening! <3 FLDPLNSupport the show on Patreon!
Support the show -
Small Operations 12 “Ambassador To The Cosmos”
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
Adam Hilton
Adam Howey
Peter Vinnicombe
THANK YOU!! <3Background music provided by Peninsula Repairs
All tracks made with OP-1 or OP-Z and various effects
Instagram @peninsularepairsMusic Radar article about top selling Synths/Drum Machines on Reverb.com
(Thanks to mwilliams on the OP-Z discord for the heads up on this article!)Sonars “Welcome To Alien Lounge”
OP-Z, Dictaphone + Korg Monotron
Instagram @sonarsmusic
https://youtu.be/bTXDTrUq0DADriftclique “Moon Wave Moon”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @driftclique
https://www.instagram.com/p/ByT7-cfAndK/?igshid=1c60ymumwjb3iLiam Killen Voicemail Feature
Instagram @Liamkillenmusic
Youtube Channel
Blumquist “Strange Fruit”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @blumquist_
https://blumquist.bandcamp.com/track/strange-fruitConversation with Daedelus
Instagram @daedelus
Twitter @daedelus
Daedelus on Apple Music
Excuse Me Are You “Intransit”
OP-Z piece
Instagram @excusemeareu
https://m.soundcloud.com/excusemeareu/intransitNorthnan “On My Mind”
Instagram @northnan https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ki2-BBDcN/?igshid=kcucdg6iwaw4
Caio Tinton Voicemail Feature
Instagram @caitontin & tontinstudioGwendolyn “We’re Okay (FLDPLN Remix)
Instagram @Gwendolynelyse
https://music.apple.com/us/album/were-okay-fldpln-remix/1491242936?i=1491242943Small Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast.
Contact the show at smalloperationspodcast at gmail dot com
Instagram @smalloperations
twitter @smalloperations
Happy Holidays from Small Operations! Thanks for listening! <3 FLDPLNSupport the show on Patreon!
Support the show -
Small Operations 11 - December 2, 2019
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
Matt Bero
THANK YOU!! <3Background music by Doctor Guava
All tracks from album Overview Effect, made with OP-Z
Instagram @docguava
Johnny B Good “Popsicle”
Instagram @johnnybgood89
Youtube ChannelOP-1 German Style Beat 1 from “Aug 21st 2019 Livestream”
All OP-1
Youtube ChannelNoah “Mid Tempo 80s Vibes”
Instagram @noahop1Aldo “Ambient With PO-16, Ditto X4, Deep Blue Delay”
Youtube ChannelHeymun Interview
Instagram @heymunmusic
Youtube ChannelSnuffkin - “Li’l Buttons”
made with OP-Z
https://soundcloud.com/snuffkn/lil-buttonsWhales Have Teeth “Acapulco Shirts And A Tape Recorder For Special Music”
Instagram @whales.have.teeth
Youtube ChannelSaint Amour “No Faces”
OP-1 piece
Instagram @dan.saint.amour
YoutubeDJ CiViC “Untitled OP-1 Piece”
Instagram @codygatsbySlowhaste “Thanks”
Support the show
Instagram @slowhaste
Youtube Channel
Small Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast.
Contact the show at smalloperationspodcast at gmail dot com
Instagram @smalloperations
twitter @smalloperations
Thanks for listening! <3 FLDPLN -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Tier Supporters!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey Weasner
Maciej Zajac
Tensile Conqueso
John Faulkenbury
THANK YOU!! <3Background music by Polrsun
All tracks using Pocket Operator PO-33 KO!
Instagram @polrsunNew Cuckoo OP-Z Soundpack!
Pocket Operator Spotify Playlist
by AlinutorTeenage Engineering NYC November 2019 Event Coverage
by Jeremy Sollod
Instagram @jeremysollod
Bonq (Linus Olsson) “Unititled”
made with OP-Z
Instagram @bonqisLookout “It’s No Use”
OP-Z into Monome Norns with Cranes script.
Instagram @look_o_u_tInterview with Tobias Von Hofsten of Teenage Engineering
Tobias makes music as .one
Instagram @tobiasvonhofsten
teenage.engineeringSaEv (Sample Everything) “Sampling Old Japanese Record with PO-33”
Instagram @hellomotoden
SaEv Youtube ChannelJohan Wave “OP-Z Electric Guitar with Piano Lo-Fi”
Instagram @Johan.wave
Johan Wave Youtube ChannelNo Mic - “Breaking”
from album Instrumental Content Volume 1: KO
all PO-33 album.
Instagram @nomic_music
Apple MusicWarmgloom “Melting”
from PO-33 album Heartbeat Tape
Instagram @warmgloomDavnak “Searching”
from new OP-Z album Trancendance
Instagram @davnakmusic
https://www.davnak.com/trancendenceNomad “Snd.Mn”
album Aww.Sh made with OP-1
Instagram @nomads.404
Apple MusicSmall Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast.
Support the show -
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Level Supporters! Thank you!!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88
Laura De Pascale
Hanwey WeasnerBackground music by Amulets (Randall Taylor)
All tracks using OP-1 plus tapes, recordings, etc
Instagram @Amuletsmusic
amuletsmusic.comNew Cuckoo OP-1 Patches!
Pocket Operations Book!
Electronic Instrument GuidesLouis Merlin "Points"
From album Points Outside My Window
made with only OP-Z
Spotify also available at Apple Music, Amazon, etcZack Scholl featurette
Twitter @yakczarInterview with BOLT (Christopher Bolte)
"Departing" from new album Voyager (plus other tracks from Instagram)
OP-Z and Pocket Operators
Apple Music
Small Operations Patreon
Contest #1!
Johnny B Good
Instagram @johnnybgood89
Scratchsynth OP-1 Patch by JohnnyBGoodRosa Forlorn “September 12 Improvisation”
Instagram @rosaforlorn
John Richmond of Plastic Transistor featurette
Instagram @plastic_transistor
Apple MusicJef “Thinkin Bout Basedgod”
Instagram @drgnkidd
https://soundcloud.com/9jef9Spliffzudemtastic (Splifftastic) "Sundaymood"
Instagram @spliffzudemtastic
OP-1 and Arturia Microfreak
SoundcloudCana Music “OP-Z And Chill On The Roof 26.08.2019 Part 2”
Instagram @cana_music
https://soundcloud.com/canamusic/opzandchillRed Panda Music “One For The Road”
Support the show
OP-1 and MicroKorg
Instagram @redpandamusic
Small Operations is an unofficial teenage engineering podcast. -
Background music by Tiny Tracks
Instagram @tiny_tracks
Tiny Tracks YoutubeTeenage Engineering Fans Discord
Use link in @its_dany1 Instagram BioOP-Z Android App by Karmagrinder
Instagram @karmagrinder
OP-Z Buddy Android AppThank you to our Sponsors!
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.comPatreon Sponsor Level Supporters! Thank you!!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany Godoy
Anonymous Grizzly
Trevor Cox
Jack Hesse
Newcents 88Liam Killen Second Track from “Performance Function Series”
Made with OP-1
Instagram @likillen
Liam Killen YoutubeOlklore “Grass Ocean”
From all OP-1 album Quest Hymns
nstagram @oldolkloreBrigsy
Instagram @br1gsybumpsSon Wu “Who Knows, I Don’t”
From Art of Raw Vol 2: Growing Up EP made with OP-Z
https://sonwu.bandcamp.com/album/art-of-raw-vol-2-growing-upJoseph Shoemaker “Reflective Surfaces”
Instagram @josuph_shombaker
Joseph Shoemaker YoutubeSelsey Interview!
Instagram @selsey._
https://soundcloud.com/helloselseyHovy Chovy “20190805”
Instagram @Hovy_Chovy
Hovy Chovy YoutubeStreams “Maroon Belle”
La Plata Climb Piece
Instagram @_streams_
Streams Trailhead SpotifyJoren Kjellgren “100919”
Instagram @Jorgenkjellgen
https://soundcloud.com/jorgenkjellgrenGar Hoover + Free Beat “On The Rise”
Instagram @freethebeatwithin @garhoover_music
Live drums by Free Beat
PO-33 by Gar Hoover
https://youtu.be/qH1ahZMJ044Joshua Morgan “Saudade”
Instagram @joshuamorganmusic
From album A Soundtrack For Neo-Noir
OP-Z album
https://joshuamorganmusic.bandcamp.com/album/joshua-morgan-presents-a-soundtrack-for-neo-noirContact Small Operations:
Support the show
smalloperationspodcast at gmail.com
Instagram @smalloperations
Twitter @smalloperations -
Background music by @hellaaight (Instagram)
hellaaight.bandcamp.comTeenage Engineering User Community Initiative
#teoperator: one tag to operate togetherPlease consider supporting Small Operations on Patreon!
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Analog Cases analogcases.com
Perfect Circuit perfectcircuit.com
Patreon Sponsor Level supporters! Thank you!!
John Richmond - Plastic Transistor
Julie Bandin
MJ Truong
Jake Fitzgerald
Dany GodoyTcxmasta “Hydra”
@tcxmasta on InstagramRephazer “Skeleton”
From album A after Z (made with OP-Z)
https://rephazer.bandcamp.com/album/a-after-zIwakiyumi “Untitled - from July 5th 2019”
uses OP-1 and PO-33
@iwakiyumi on Instagram
soundcloud.com/iwakiyumiMayhue “Cyberpunked”
Made with OP-Z
@mayhuemusic on Instagram
https://mayhue.bandcamp.com/track/opz-jam-1-cyberpunkedLofi Moshpit “Remember Your Training”
from album “Rezin” made with OP-1
@lofi.moshpit on insta
https://open.spotify.com/album/6uFL6B6WUH7G0oBEX0bUoD?si=3KnLbrmtSIS70gWRr_11-QIndian Run “Jam #1”
using Critter & Guitarri Organelle, OP-1, PO-33 and OP-Z
@indianrunmusic on instagram
@op1andchill Interview
@yyyate @grumpysnorlax @brandonguerradrums
@Slomospeedboat on Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/p/B0U00GdnJSXY0wT6zZXYW304ETmluEHOqIN6Lw0/?igshid=14rxotc3jtdq8Rumbelo “Mugen”
Made with OP-Z
@rumbelomusic on insta
https://youtu.be/qZxeFC5J9s8psdnm3 “OP1 FingerSQ”
made with OP-1
@psdnm3 on InstagramAfraid Of Everyone “PO-33 OP-1 Sync Jam”
Support the show
@Afraidofeveryone on Instagram -
Subscribe today! Please consider supporting/sponsoring Small Operations on Patreon!
Background set by PXPXJK
Instagram @pxpxjk_music
“OP-Z Sessions 1, 2 and 3”
soundcloud.com/pxpxjkCongrats to Heymun and Matt Ridgway on becoming teenage engineering Mentors!
https://teenage.engineering/ems (scroll to bottom of the link/page)Rumble Module review by shimmery.mp3
Instagram @shimmery.mp3
Building Beats with Synths After School Program - DJ Teach
Learn more and consider helping here!
Amenemo1010 (Luca Pellegrini) “20 Years Birthday Flat Eric by Mr. Oizo”
Instagram @lucanteeShipwreckdetective “Movements 1-5: Above Sea Level” from album 11 Terrestrial Movements
Instagram @shipwreckdetectiveAnalog Cases OP-Z and OP-1 Case review
Instagram @analogcasesDavid Centioli Story
Instagram @dcentioli_artMartin Yam Møller “Lo-Fi / Hi-Fi”
Instagram @martinyammoller
Youtube Channel: youtu.be/uefEJH7JX-QNitroDude “Midnight Rush”
Instagram @nitrodude_official
soundcloud.com/nitrodudeWouter Visser “Moneytron” from OP-1 EP
https://m.soundcloud.com/wjvisser/sets/op-1-ep-1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_appPlastic Transistor “Remember Me”
OP Forums as JohnnyRichmo
Instagram @plastic_transistor
https://music.apple.com/gb/album/remember-me/1462929754?i=1462929763Dragonfly Bry Interview!
Instagram @dragonfly_bry
Mikromix Studio Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/flybry1405Fraser “Harris Pilton”
Instagram @fraserhogg1Duelling Ants “Space Travellers” from album Two Birds/One Seed
Instagram @duellingants
on Mars Melons label marsmelons.comTensile “call-in” piece + “Rat Racist”
Instagram @tensile_conqueso
https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/conqueso/hit-the-quotas--bless-upKaichow Lau “20151002 CRPY 1”
https://soundcloud.com/kaichowlauA Bit Warmer “Time And Space”
Instagram @a_bit_warmerGrååskala “Brumi” from al
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