Wild Peninsula: Color and Sound in North Portland is a collaboration between Carolyn Hazel Drake - fiber works, Michael Brooks - photography, Michael Gerston - event hosting at Speck’s Records and Tapes, Adrienne Basey - native plant restoration specialist consultant, and Eric Jordan - sound and music. This work is born out of life in North Portland, representing these neighborhoods as they currently are. Other than what interviewees may recount with historical information or recollection of past events, this will be a contemporary survey of the peninsula. There will be more episodes along the way to this piece’s exhibit and performance in October, 2023. Infinite thanks to the Regional Arts and Culture Council for their grant funding of this project!
Every semester WCUG brings you interviews with up and coming musical artists from around the country. Listen in to find new music and a conversation with some of your next favorite artists ;).
Műsorunk alighanem példa nélküli a hazai rádiókban. Muzsikusvendégeink nem csak prózában, azaz beszélgetve szólalhatnak meg, hanem itt helyben születő zenei produkcióikkal is.
Nem akármilyen lehetőség ez, hiszen sokan hallgathatják vasárnap délutánonként a befutott művészek mellett a fiatal tehetségek zenélését. A műsorokat a lehető legkevesebb utómunkával tárjuk a hallgatók elé, hogy az igazi otthoni házimuzsikálás baráti hangulatát idézzék. Csak a zeneművek sorrendjét egyeztetjük előre, a többi a felvételek idején ölt végleges formát.
Vendégeink énekesek, hangszeresek, kórusok - sok kitűnő művész, köztük kevésbé ismert fiatal tehetségek is.
주말 아침의 로맨틱한 만남, 스윗랑데뷰.
오전 7:00-9:00시, DJ 손태진이 감미로운 목소리와 보석 같은 플레이리스트를 장착하고 청취자 여러분을 찾아갑니다. 크로스오버에서 대중음악에 이르기까지 폭넓은 장르의 엄선된 선곡으로 여러분의 주말을 편안하게 시작해보세요. -
Alexa Sand and Ian MacInnes explore the world of medieval and Renaissance animals, real, fantastic, and fantastically real.
Become a member of the Manticores club
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
사사가 들려드리는 올빼미는 동화이야기 입니다. 유투브에서도 감상하실 수 있습니다. ⦿ 레슨문의 // 010-2938-9750 // [email protected] 음향 ▶︎ 리즌, 큐베이스 등 영상 ▶︎ 베가스, 파이널컷프로 등 악기 ▶︎ 베이스기타, 콘솔 등 ⦿ 제휴문의 : 010-3213-9750 // [email protected] 광고 ▶︎ 인아웃광고 등 협력 ▶︎ 기술 교류