📍 Hi everybody and welcome to Sober Alcohol Free Stories. I'm Victoria and I don't drink today. I'll talk to Rachel. Rachel's drinking was of its time as a teen, but it took a dark turn after a family tragedy. Today, Rachel sober and healthy, a great mum and storyteller to her boys and the author of Sober Mama, a hopeful and funny book that will give you a roadmap to help you navigate your way to sobriety.
Hi everybody and welcome to Sober Alcohol Free Stories. I'm Victoria and I don't drink. Today I'll talk to Justine. Justine's drinking became problematic and after clinking down the drive with her empties in lockdown and meeting up with an inspiring friend, she made the decision to stop drinking altogether and change her life forever.
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Today I'll talk to Janet. Janet's drinking rocketed during lockdown and although she could still function, she knew that she was drinking a dangerous amount. In partnership with her identical twin, she ditched the booze and is beaming with pride as she shares her success in sobriety with us today.
Welcome to Sober Alcohol Free Stories. Today I'll talk to Ben. Ben realised that drinking was stopping him from reaching his full potential, so he took action. After one year off the beer he tried moderation, but it turned out that wasn't possible. So Ben stopped drinking in search of his authentic self, leading to a total career change and the realisation that he was actually a very capable and decent chap.
Hi everybody, I'm Victoria and I don't drink. Welcome to Sober Alcohol Free Stories. Today I'm talking to Richie. Richie turned to alcohol following trauma during his childhood and teens and a sporting injury that chaned the pathway his life was taking. Ritchie describes to us his toolkit, the growth of sober muscles and how he successfully navigated a pathway to sobriety and now uses those sober skills to help many others to do the same with his coaching company thestrongandsobermind.com
Today I talk to Neil whose drinking style as a teen was a pathway to some unhealthy drinking as an adult. His health deteriorated as his drinking increased leaving him overweight, diabetic, coping with gout and with liver problems. His incredible 360 turn around to alcohol free living corrected all of these conditions and gave him the confidence to help others as a sobriety coach.
Today I talk to Sarah who shares how her need to fit in was a red thread through her drinking days, how she felt shame and terrible anxiety as a young mum, and how societies mummy drinking culture fed the narrative that wine time was a solution. Sarah's good friends question on why she was fighting to moderate when alcohol made her so miserable made her realise that she had been looking the wrong answer all along!
Today I talk to Anne who as a child swore she would never drink having experienced the turbulence of having a parent who did. Anne soon realised in adulthood that she too was turning to alcohol to soothe stress and anxiety. Anne is now alcohol free, has found peace and solace in Jesus and has replaced her anxious existence with a fabulous legacy to her Dad in her Instagram account the Bright eyed Sober Girl!
Today I talk to Jilly about how her drinking escalated and simultaneously stopped offering her the confidence and connection she was searching for. Jilly's positivity is contagious as she teaches us to create a life we love and to truly "Live into it"
Today Gill shares her story of how reading one book meant she could not un-see the reality of alcohol, and how joining a stop drinking challenge on Facebook changed her life for ever, leading to a successful coaching career and a new house by the sea!
Today I talk to Lucy. The fateful night when Lucy's hazardous drinking left her unconscious and hospitalised, changed the lives of thousands of women around the world forever.
Lucy became sober in a time when resources ans support were limited, and born from her experience was "Sobersitas", an online community to connect and feel safe wherever you are on your path to sobriety.
This episode is an opportunity to hear Lucy's story, to thank her and celebrate her contributions to the sober community. Thankyou Lucy from all Soberistas worldwide, you are a legend xxx
Today I talk to Jayne about some of her best tools, how the reality of telling friends and family that she was no longer drinking was way easier than she anticipated, and how without alcohol her future is full of promise because she has more time and energy to invest in herself!
Today I talk to Hermoine about her sober curious journey, how Christmas wine from school parents was a temptation too far, and how she continues to try to understand her relationship with alcohol shifting the balance of control in her favour. Hermoine reminds us beautifully that it's not always a one off decision to stop drinking, and that self compassion and reflection is key to learning and evolving.
Today I talk to William Porter, author of Alcohol Explained 1&2. William shares his personal story, the dark days and nights filled with loneliness and despair that he could no longer accept.
William explains how drinking nearly lost him everything, and how understanding the scientific impact alcohol has on human beings in detail has supported him to ten years of sobriety, becoming healthy in mind and body, and a successful author of 5 books.
Listen with me and celebrate the sober superstar that is William Porter.
This week I'm talking to Mikey about his path to sober living and his online support group Sober Society UK. He discusses how he has battled with male drinking culture, and reminds us that success comes in many forms, and we should always keep trying to be our best selves.
Today I talk to Nic about her realisation that thinking about drinking had crept up on her and inhabited way too much head space! She shares her story, and how Pyjamas, books and some serious decision making have supported her for 4 fabulous years of alcohol free living!
Today I talk to Tiff who is two and a half years sober, Tiff shares her story, why and how she got sober and how stopping drinking uncovered fabulous opportunities and a new found self confidence which led to her opening a sober swim school!
Staying off the booze is way easier when you know you are not alone! My guests will share their stories, ups, downs, slips and successes, and will signpost their top tips and tools for anyone who is sober curious or choosing to live alcohol free in our wine soaked world! I'm Victoria, and I don't drink!