It's the 16th century, you pack up your family, embark on a ship, and settle down in new, uncharted land. What could go wrong? Could it be starvation, murder, or a simple case of alien abduction? In this episode, Kelin and Leah consider the happenings of the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
Welcome to the Alaskan coast, a diverse ecosystem filled with wonder. One thing that does not add to the wonder is 53 million gallons of crude oil sloshing around. On this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the frustrating tale of. corporate negligence and wildlife disaster, the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
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When we talk about female pioneers we typically don't think about having a pet snake or smoking on the roof of the white house. Well, good news, in this episode Kelin and Leah discuss presidential daughter, fashion icon, and prankster, Alice Roosevelt.
Ever wake up in a hot sweat worried you are a teen mom even though you are childfree and well into your 30's? Then you too may have been bombarded with the media concerning teen pregnancy media in the 2000's. In this episode, Kelin and Leah delve into panic and cultural fascination with teen pregnancy in the era of the mid 2000's.
The fans of Insane Clown Posse may sound menacing and scary (maybe it's the haunted carnival vibe or all the blade weaponry), but underneath the clown makeup and spiky hair, is just a lot of charity work and inclusivity. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the culture of the juggalos.
Some tragic tales really stick with you, especially when the tragedy is caused by one's employer. In this episode, Kelin and Leah give thanks that they were not in the workforce of the early 20th century, considering we are chatting about the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire.
The rise and fall of the white collar criminal is certainly best portrayed in the wildly popular, culturally significant, real housewives franchise. In this episode, Kelin and Leah get get out their designer handbags, champagne flutes, and tax returns, because we're discussing the criminal underbelly of the real housewives.
Grab your favorite medieval weapon and your headphones because things are going to get both violent, and musical. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the wild ride that is 90's Norwegian black metal.
Who doesn't love the whimsy and spectacle that is a flamboyant magic show in Las Vegas? Saw a woman in half, pull a rabbit out of a hat, or maybe you possibly get bitten in the neck by a giant white tiger. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the rise and fall of the incredibly famous duo that was Siegfried and Roy.
Feeling behind on work and annoyed you have to take 10 minutes to shovel a leftover sandwich into your mouth to sustain yourself? Consider a meal replacement shake instead! In this dystopian episode, Kelin and Leah discuss Soylent, the company trying to strip away one of our most basic human pleasures (food).
Ever feel like your employer would rather spray you with gunfire and drop bombs on you rather then pay you a livable wage? Aw yes, a tale as old as time. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the West Virginian company towns and the coal strike that led to the Battle of Blair Mountain.
When times are hard, we often seek comforts from our youth. Whether it's rewatching your favorite tv show since college, listening to your angsty pre-teen music (Avril Lavigne obviously), or hell, just eating a fruit roll up. We (especially looking at you millenials) love nostalgia, and that's what Kelin and Leah are discussing in this episode.
The wonders of science are vast! At least of course, until your skin starts sloughing off. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the fatally negligent accident that resulted in The Demon Core.
We're all out here trying to look our best. Fashion is fun, fashion is for everyone! And sometimes, fashion will kill you. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss various fashion trends through history that had some dangerous and deadly side effects.
The 1930's was a tumultuous time for everyone, including those rich guys floating up in their airships. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the once most extravagant, exciting, and most flammable way to travel. That's right we're chatting about the Hindenburg.
You know what they say, the best way to handle a political or sex scandal is to call a woman a bimbo, right? In this episode, Kelin and Leah chat about the term bimbo, the women it affected, and where the frilly, sparkly, hot pink, big-haired culture is going now.
Of all the worst ways to die, suffocating in a traffic jam up a mountain while your nose freezes off, may be pretty far up there on the list. Grab your crampons and your oxygen masks, because on this episode Kelin and Leah discuss the mammoth of a mountain which is Mount Everest.
The next time you're sunbathing on your latest Royal Caribbean cruise, maybe take a quick second to look around and see if you know where the life vests are stored. A captain must go down with their ship, or do they? In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the Costa Concordia Disaster.
If you are like us and hold debilitating and paralyzing fear of a wild animal mauling, well we have quite the episode for you. In this episode, Kelin and Leah discuss the wildly unprofessional, highly dangerous, and just completely unhinged and upsetting study which was Project Nim (the chimp). Also, Kelin and Leah celebrate their 50th episode!
We all want to make the world to be a better, sweeter, smilier, place, so nonprofits should be the perfect remedy! However, much to all of our dismay, that's not always the case. In this episode Kelin and Leah chat about the nonprofit industrial complex.
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