
  • Important follow up from Ep.51!!!!
    What is happening to the people of Ukraine?!
    A episode recorded just hours ago and without many edits and corrections, so pls bare with me if there are some technical or fact hiccups. For me important to get the information out asap.
    Thank you!
    Guest: Alexander Bratkovsky

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Cover: Private photo = Alexandre Bratkovsky.

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • From the life inside Ukraine on the 28th of February 2022.
    Three creative and very artistic friends of mine from Kiev. Now, one is (going from directing a number which took them to the final of America's Got Talent) to making Molotov cocktails trying to protect his and his family from Russian tanks across the street. The other is trying to survive his son and his ex-wife in a small village in the western part of Ukraine, doing whatever they can to help in the fight. And one is fighting on the frontline and can't be reached.
    Guests: Alexander Bratkovsky, Andrii Provotar and Mir

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

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  • The international intelligence consultant continues his fascinating story on his experience from Afghanistan. But is it really true that two of the worlds most powerful nations are deeply connected to Afghan opium trade and what does roughly 22 tons of Afghan gold do, deposited in American banks, when they know the money comes from the same trade? Or do they really know?
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Cover: From the article: OVERWHELMED BY OPIUM - The U.S. war on drugs in Afghanistan has imploded at nearly every turn - The Washington Post. By Craig Whitlock Dec. 9, 2019 (Photo: Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images)

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Judge Francesco Florit responds to, what he calls, prosecutor Maria Bamieh's false and inaccurate accusations from Ep31.
    Also; When EULEX Head Of Mission Gabrielle Meucci and prosecutor Danilo Ceccarelli broke into surveillance officer Michael Rawlinson's safe, were they really "just" looking for original documents and telephone intercepts of criminals? Or... were they actually looking for something else? Something that Michael Rawlinson and the Finnish prosecutor Heikki Wendorf had picked up and were investigating? Something that needed to be secured to protect EULEX and the President of Kosovo, but not least the EU?
    Guest: Judge Francesco Florit (former President of the Assembly of the EULEX judges)

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: Rawlinson in his Swedish officer uniform. Photo- Private / Yvonne Åsell_SVD

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Maria Bamieh continues her remarkable story with allegations of corruption and cover-up within the EU-mission, Eulex in Kosovo. She also shines more light on what happened to the Swedish surveillance officer Michael Rawlinson and how he was treated within the mission itself.
    Guest: Maria Bamieh - Prosecutor and former Head of Financial Crimes at EULEX.

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: Rawlinson in his Swedish officer uniform. Photo- Private / Yvonne Åsell_SVD

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • When Maria Bamieh decided to go to the press with allegations of corruption and cover-up within Eulex in Kososv, she became a folk hero to many ordinary Kosovans. But her employer at EULEX began an aggressive fight against her, depicting her as a mediocre prosecutor, mad and menopausal. Any means allowed, as long as she was kept quiet. Listen to her side of this remarkable story.
    Guest: Maria Bamieh - Prosecutor and former Head of Financial Crimes at EULEX.

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: Rawlinson in his Swedish officer uniform. Photo- Private / Yvonne Åsell_SVD

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • He calls himself "An International intelligence consultant and a special services provider". Hear this unique guest share some of his amazing, but also tragic, operations. And with his long experience, his analysis of what is happening right now - with Afghanistan in focus.

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin

    Cover: From the article: OVERWHELMED BY OPIUM - The U.S. war on drugs in Afghanistan has imploded at nearly every turn - The Washington Post. By Craig Whitlock Dec. 9, 2019 (Photo: Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images)

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • He calls himself "An International intelligence consultant and a special services provider". Hear this unique guest share some of his amazing, but also tragic, operations. And with his long experience, his analysis of what is happening right now - with Afghanistan in focus.

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin

    Cover: From the article: OVERWHELMED BY OPIUM - The U.S. war on drugs in Afghanistan has imploded at nearly every turn - The Washington Post. By Craig Whitlock Dec. 9, 2019 (Photo: Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images)

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • This episode is an effort to make this podcast versatile and surprising. So, hear -straight out of Hollywood - the World famous film director Roger Donaldson and his amazing stories from two of his films; the spy-thriller 'No Way Out' and the historical political thriller 'Thirteen Days' - which Fidel Castro liked so much that he invited the whole crew to Cuba and started a conference. Films starring Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman, Sean Young among others.
    Guest: Roger Donaldson

    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: 'Thirteen Days' - CineText/Allstar

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Meet Galina Parfenova in this extra episode, who from inside Belarus and it's capital Minsk reports about the election with a result many doubt and question. Galina guides us through election day and how life has been since until today the 13th of August 2020. Also; who is Lukashenko (Europe's last dictator) and where does he come from? Why are Spetsnaz acting so brutal; are they really Belarusian?

    Guest: Galina Parfenova (with scientific degrees; Professor and Doctor)
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: Lukashenko: from Belt and Road News

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • in August 1935 Gareth Jones was kidnapped by bandits in China and shot. One of the many mysteries surrounding Jones’s death was the fact that the vehicle he was kidnapped from belonged to persons associated the NKVD (the secret police organization that followed OGPU). Gareth Jones, the most reliable eyewitness to the Holodomor of 1932-1933, was eliminated and effectively silenced. His articles, like the famine itself, languishing in obscurity for more than seventy years.
    When his diaries where finally found at an aunts house in 2006 and exhibited at Cambridge in 2009, he and his reporting became a sensation. These diaries represent probably the only independent Western verification of arguably Stalin's greatest atrocity.
    Continue listening to Professor Ray Gamache's own words on his extraordinary book 'Gareth Jones: Eyewitness to the Holodomor' and Josef Stalin's rather unknown monstrous crime against humanity.
    Guest: Professor Ray Gamache
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: from the book by Professor Ray Gamache - Gareth Jones: Eyewitness to the Holodomor.

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • The Welsh journalist Gareth Jones didn’t write, as expected by the Soviets, about the greatness of the Soviet Union. Instead he wrote about what he became an eyewitness of; one of the greatest crimes against humanity known as The Great Ukrainian Famine: the starvation of over four(4)million Ukrainians. When OGPU (predecessor of NKVD and KGB)found out about this, they started a massive countermove of denial and disinformation to discredit Gareth Jones' reports. To Stalin's and OGPU's help came celebrities like George Bernard Shaw and the American Pulitzer Price winner Walter Duranty.
    Listen to Professor Ray Gamache's own words on his extraordinary book 'Gareth Jones: Eyewitness to the Holodomor' and Josef Stalin's rather unknown monstrous crime against humanity.
    Guest: Professor Ray Gamache
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: From the book - Gareth Jones: Eyewitness to the Holodomor.

    Friskrivningsklausul: Berättelserna, de fakta som presenteras samt synpunkter och åsikter som uttrycks i denna Podcast är endast synpunkter av de som presenterar och/eller intervjuas och återspeglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Spionpodden är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen. En ideell självständig podcast som inte styrs eller ägs av någon tredje part.

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Listen to the amazing story of the spy Jack Barsky, the longest-surviving known member of the KGB illegals program that operated during the Cold War.
    An interview and amazingly open and honest talk about how and why you become a spy for "the cause" and how you get out of it.
    Guest: Jack Barsky
    Cover Picture: Peter Lueders
    En podd by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Ex KGB-spy Jack Barsky continues his intriguing, exciting and unbelievable life story. The, hard to imagine, title of this episode is taken straight from his book 'Deep Under Cover'.
    Guest: Jack Barsky
    Cover Picture: Peter Lueders
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.

  • Meet Kathleen Bailey who tells us the amazing story of when she became world famous when running an intelligence group whose purpose was disinformation in the Cold War. The group's report made Mikhail Gorbachev do the unthinkable in front of Ronald Reagan, and created headlines around the globe.
    She also tells us how the Chinese and the Russians work with disinformation today, especially with Covid-19. But, how do one protect one self against disinformation? And...Donald Trump.
    Guest: Kathleen Cordelia Bailey
    A podcast by: Mikael Hylin
    Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin
    Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen
    Cover: Kathleen Bailey from - Deception, Disinformation, and Strategic Communications: How One Interagency Group Made a Major Difference by Fletcher Schoen and Christopher J. Lamb

    Disclaimer: The stories told, facts presented, and views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is independent in relation to political, religious, economic, public and private special interests. A non-profit independent podcast that is not controlled or owned by any third party.