We’ve all had the feeling— you “just knew” you needed to check on your child just as they were doing something dangerous or needed some support. That “gut feeling”, or intuition, is a spiritual gift that many ignore… and some exploit! In this episode we talk about the best ways to tap into and leverage parental intuition and some pitfalls to avoid when wielding your intuitive gifts.
Join us for a fun and fast dive into Lauren’s fave takeaways from this gem of a little book! Like, how to effectively use the word “may” and you might have been taught inaccurate information about how many senses you have (hint, it’s NOT 5!). Lots of practical nuggets to help support your child’s spiritual development came from this read, especially for parents of littles 0-7 years old.
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Your kid is acting crazy in public… cries at the drop of a hat… or is hurting herself for attention. As parents, we’ve all been there. In can be frustrating, exhausting, and just plain embarrassing. Where is God in these moments? How can we lean on our spirituality to not just get by, but get better through these experiences? Tune in to hear our personal thoughts and Dr. Lauren’s clinical perspective on the topic.
Join us for a dialogue about how our physical environments are both an outward expression of where we are spiritually at any given time, and also provide an opportunity to shape our spirituality and that of our children in the direction we desire. In this episode, we explore the processes and values of selecting household items such as toys, furniture, art, and decor.
Our creative self-expression is the tangible manifestation of God’s animation in humans. Tune in to identify patterns in your child’s behavior that may be opportunities to nurture creativity and divine individuality — for you and your child!
Notice .. without judgment
Observe… without over analysis
Respond… without attachment
Tune in to unpack this divine mantra and consider how you might integrate this mantra or one of your own into your spiritual parenting practice.
Essential oils have been used since ancient times to support and enhance human’s spiritual connection and development. Many religious texts, including the Bible, reference the use of essential oils for Prayer/ meditation and energetic cleansing/ purifying to help people grow and evolve in their connection to God through spiritual practices. In this episode we offer practical ways for parents to consider using essential oils to support their own spiritual practices as well as those of their children.
You don’t need to say much to encourage a child’s spiritual development. A few simple, open, and inviting questions work to deepen our connection to each other and our spiritual understanding. This episode suggests several questions parents can use to help a child tap into their will and spiritual essence in addition to strategies for integrating conversation techniques into daily rhythms and routines.
In this episode, we talk with Gabrielle Cols Azócar and Anjali Smith, two preemies and NICU mamas who discuss how their early motherhood experiences, challenges, and how they leverage their spirituality to move from coping to service as they raise their miraculous sons. Gabby and Anjali have created NICU Family Collective, a support group from all over the United States, passionate about helping NICU parents with the best resources to care for NICU infants and their parents (@nicufamiliescollective). In addition, Anjali currently organizes self-care bags for parents/guardians of preemies intended to remind them to take care of themselves so that they can show up better for their babies and Gabby's experience has inspired her to design a garment for babies that is both NICU appropriate and that will bring color and light to baby and families while they're at the NICU. It was so powerful talking to these two powerful women! Their ability to transform and transmute challenge into beauty will inspire every listener!
We don’t state this idea tritely! In this episode with dive deep and a little far out discussing how, when we truly live in each moment with our parenting practice, we don’t experience right or wrong, but instead have the opportunity to decide how to react to each moment with the information we have at that time. This process, if done with fidelity, opens us up to new information, experiences, and engagement in our parenting evolution. Universal Kabbalah: https://www.healingboston.com/kabbalah-pennsylvania.html
If I told you there was a way to reduce your child’s risk of substance use and abuse, the chance of developing depressive symptoms, and the likelihood of engaging in risky sexual behavior, most people would be banging down the door for the antidote! Yet, when we link these factors to spirituality many parents are leery. Still, the research shows some staggering statistics when it comes to the benefits of supporting the spiritual development of children and adolescence. Tune in to hear more about the science of spirituality for young people and how adults can help.
We aren’t talking about collaborators or donors here, kids! We are talking about the inherited systems, beliefs, and behaviors which influence our parenting that we all run until we consciously decide we won’t anymore. Tune in to discover some simple ways to interrupt subconscious parenting programming and what to replace these programs with in order to have healthier relational patterns and interactions with our children in addition to personal growth as parents.
Our first book review! We learned SO much by reading Rahima Baldwin Dancy’s book “You Are Your Child’s First Teacher” and had a ton of fun talking about it while recording this episode! Tune in to hear how many stars it was awarded, our favorite take-always, and ideas for implementing some of the best spiritual parenting nuggets provided in the book.
Many of us are taught to “honor thy father”, but in this episode we celebrate the role of fatherhood by interviewing co-host, Bill, about how becoming a father has helped him grow spiritually and how he conceptualizes the role of ‘father’ through a spiritual lens.
Pretty much everyone agrees that education is a mess these days, yet many educators, parents, and administrators haven’t invited spirituality into the conversation related to how things can be improved!
In this episode we welcome Katlyn Boucher, an educator, parent consultant healer, spiritual warrior, and spiritual guide, to share her wisdom and expertise for all of us looking for a new way to invite all parts of our children into the educational experience.
To learn more about Katlyn and her work/ services through Renewal Academy, we invite you to explore her website: https://renewal.academy/
Trigger Warning: If you are into blaming others for your parenting challenges, don’t listen to this episode! But What is an “emotional trigger”? What can you learn from what triggers you? How can you respond to triggers in a way that is growth-fostering rather than map-adaptive or enabling? We answer these questions and give some additional insights into how triggers inform and shape our parenting... if we let them.
Do I need to join a church or cult? Do all spiritually initiated parents play with crystals and wear patchouli oil? What prayers or rituals do I need to do? You might be surprised to hear some of our responses! Listen in to hear perspectives— some light and some deep— on the most common myths related to spiritual parenting.
Having physical anchors to the spiritual planes help keep us and our children connected to our divinity and to source, but creating sacred spaces can feel intimidating! In this episode we suggest several practical ways to get started or level-up your efforts of creating and maintaining sacred spaces in the home.
In this episode we celebrate Mother’s Day by sitting down to ask Lauren, the co-host of this show, some deep- dive questions about the spiritual aspects of her journey with motherhood.
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