
  • Join Dr. Stephanie Holmes as she meets Kelley Ryals at the AACC conference during her poster presentation on Autism and Trauma. I wanted to have her as a guest to discuss when it is autism & trauma and when trauma is misdiagnosed as autism. We talk, about ADHD, ASD, Trauma distinguishing them apart and when they are combined.

    Kelley's bio in her own words:
    Her focus is on helping you navigate the difficult times in life. her biggest joy is watching an individual become happier, healthier, and more productive. She is a 58 years old, a mother of five, and a grandmother of 2. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Counselor education and supervision with Liberty University because she wants to see as many well-trained therapists out there as possible.

    Kelley's Bio Below:
    Autism Specialist, EMDR, Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, Autism and ADHD testing, Couples, Children, Play therapy, Foster Adoptive issues trained in TBRI. IFS Level 1 trained, Level 2 Sand Tray Therapy, Level 2 Gottman trained, member of EMDRIA , the ACA and the AACC. Free Trauma and Grief groups are offered.

    Find out more at: https://krcounseling.org/

  • Today Dr. Holmes discusses the PEERS curriculum and its design for social-relational skills for teens and young adults on the spectrum or other communication challenges.
    PEERS starts with basics in communication and with growth and choice of what skills are motivating to the individual from learning social media communication to building friendships and romantic relationships.

    Find out more about PEERS and Life Behavior Consulting at

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  • Dr. Holmes discusses promoting safety and independence for young adults on the autism spectrum. Brody Swift and Julie O'Connor are OTRs with Springbrook Behavioral Health and they walk you through skills that are needed for young adults on the spectrum to live as independently as possible whether it is outside of the home or if they need to remain at home. Helping your young adult achieve autonomy, competence, and relatedness are keys to a fulfilling life and mental health!


  • oin Kristin and Angel Wilson as they discuss her work in the Autism field as an educator and infant and toddler developmental specialist.

    The Four A's of Autism are: Awareness, Acceptance, Affirmation and Advocacy.

    Angel Wilson, M.S., after 15 years in the autism field, she had pretty much done it all. From Therapist, to Developmental Specialist, Supervisor, Trainer, Assessor, Interventionist, she learned and saw a LOT. What she noticed, though, were the concerns coming from families and providers alike; a lot of people knew OF autism, but didn't really know ABOUT autism. This was especially true in minority communities or providers with a large percentage of minority students or clients.​ She decided to answer this call. As this business continues to grow, she hopes you will join her in advocating for autism awareness and acceptance across the board, regardless of color or culture.


  • Today we talk about a few topics: Autobiographical memory, developing a sense of self, motivation, and neuroplasticity in the autistic brain. Dr. Hull's research on video gaming is part of his strategies with his clients on the spectrum.

    The blogs I mention today are found on his website.

    Dr. Kevin Hull owns and operates Hull and Associates, P.A. a private practice in Lakeland, Florida. Dr. Hull is a licensed counselor who has worked with children and adolescents and their families on the Autism spectrum since 2001. He conducts weekly individual and group therapy sessions with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. Dr. Hull has been a professor for 18 years and is currently an Associate Faculty with Liberty University. Dr. Hull has published Play Therapy and Asperger’s Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal through the Art of Play (2011, Jason Aronson); Bridge Building: Creating Connection and Relationship between Parents and Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2012, Liberty Press); Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum (2014, Jason Aronson); and Where There is Despair, Hope (2015, Liberty Mountain Publishing), a novel about play therapy. He has also published several chapters for textbooks and journal articles. Dr. Hull specializes in using electronic devices in group and individual play therapy and his dissertation work examined the use of video/computer games as a play therapy tool with children with emotional difficulties. Dr. Hull enjoys open water swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, playing golf, long walks, biking, and spending time with his wife, Wendy and their four children.


  • Join Kristin from Mental Health News Radio for a discusion with Jana M. Smith about emotional dysregulation and the effect this has on those of us on the Autism spectrum.

    More about Jana at www.janamsmith.com.

  • Get ready to dive into the world of parenting a child with autism, as we follow Adrienne John’s journey and the challenges she faces. From sensory issues to energy regulation, Adrienne’s son’s unique interests and struggles will keep you on the edge of your seat. Just when she thought she had found a solution, a new challenge arose, leaving her questioning what to do next.

    Adrienne John, a dedicated zookeeper and mother, shares her heartfelt journey of raising her energetic and hyperactive son, Xander, who has been diagnosed with autism. From the early signs of regression in language development to sensory challenges and hyperactivity, Adrienne vividly describes the struggles and emotional toll of parenting a child with autism. Her openness about the impact on family dynamics and the overwhelming nature of daily routines creates a relatable narrative. Adrienne’s touching account of her son’s journey, from early diagnosis to ongoing cognitive and behavioral studies, offers a raw insight into the complexities of raising a child with autism. Despite the challenges, Adrienne’s determination and commitment to seeking support for Xander’s development shine through, providing a beacon of hope for other parents navigating similar paths. Her story resonates with the emotional highs and lows of parenting a child with autism, fostering a sense of understanding and unity among those facing similar experiences.

  • Dr. Stephanie interviews Rosemarie Griffin about her workshop on joint attention. Joint attention is an essential skill for clinicians, teachers, and parents to address for the autistic child/student.
    Joint attention involves shared attention between at least 2 people on an object or even with both people knowing they are attending to the same entity.

    More about Rose Griffin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abaspeech/

  • Join Dr. Stephanie Holmes and Dr. Donna Berghauser as they discuss the different types of autism evaluations across the lifespan of individuals.
    When do you need a full psychological evaluation?When might you only need an autism assessment?Tune in as they chat during the annual Converge Autism conference!

  • Dr. Holmes discusses key points to de-escalation with Jonas Cooper, MSW. De-escalating challenging behaviors or big emotions is a critical skill for both the student/child and adults! Becoming confident and regulated with these skills is helpful.

  • Dan Holmes and "Just the Guys" talk about spring and summer sensory issues as adults on the autism spectrum. It can be very helpful to understand sensory issues by hearing what adults on the spectrum have found to work around sensory issues for themselves or children as the season changes.

  • Dr. Mary Jones joins Dr. Stephanie Holmes to discuss her topic as a speaker for Springbrook's Converge Autism Conference. The topic was on Implicit Bias and How it Contributes to Delayed Diagnoses of Autism in Black and Other Minority Youths. Today Dr. Stephanie discusses some of the key points of Dr. Mary's workshop. Dr. Mary shares how the clinician's bias may keep children of color from proper diagnosis and access to resources. Dr. Mary is passionate about this topic from both a professional and lived experience.

  • Join the CEO of Mental Health News Radio Network, Kristin Walker, (where the Converge Autism podcast started) as she shares her newly received Autism 1 diagnosis. Dr. Stephanie Holmes sits down for a very personal and raw interview with Kristin. This is a behind the scenes of what so many women are discovering and often later in life about their Neurodivergence.

  • Today we talk about a few topics: Autobiographical memory, developing a sense of self, motivation, and neuroplasticity in the autistic brain. Dr. Hull's research on video gaming is part of his strategies with his clients on the spectrum.

    Dr. Kevin Hull owns and operates Hull and Associates, P.A. a private practice in Lakeland, Florida. Dr. Hull is a licensed counselor who has worked with children and adolescents and their families on the Autism spectrum since 2001. He conducts weekly individual and group therapy sessions with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. Dr. Hull has been a professor for 18 years and is currently an Associate Faculty with Liberty University. Dr. Hull has published Play Therapy and Asperger’s Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal through the Art of Play (2011, Jason Aronson); Bridge Building: Creating Connection and Relationship between Parents and Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2012, Liberty Press); Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum (2014, Jason Aronson); and Where There is Despair, Hope (2015, Liberty Mountain Publishing), a novel about play therapy. He has also published several chapters for textbooks and journal articles. Dr. Hull specializes in using electronic devices in group and individual play therapy and his dissertation work examined the use of video/computer games as a play therapy tool with children with emotional difficulties. Dr. Hull enjoys open water swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, playing golf, long walks, biking, and spending time with his wife, Wendy and their four children.


  • Uncover the unexpected truth about autistic burnout and its impact on individuals in a revealing conversation with Larissa Minner. Learn how societal changes and individual strategies can prevent burnout and lead to a more inclusive world. Stay tuned to discover the eye-opening insights that challenge what you thought you knew about autism and burnout.

    Growing up as a neurodivergent individual, Larissa Minner's journey to understanding autistic burnout was a rollercoaster of misdiagnoses and challenges. From being misunderstood and mistreated due to misdiagnoses such as intellectual disability and bipolar disorder, to finally finding clarity with a dual diagnosis of autism and ADHD, her story paints a picture of resilience and self-discovery. Through her own experiences and delving into extensive research, Larissa not only identified the signs of autistic burnout in herself but also recognized its pervasive impact on the neurodivergent community. Her compelling narrative sheds light on the importance of recognizing the individual nature of autistic burnout and the critical role of societal changes in prevention and management. Larissa's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery and the urgency for inclusive environments that support the diverse needs of neurodivergent individuals.,Larissa Minner's path to understanding autistic burnout is a poignant narrative of perseverance and self-discovery. From grappling with misdiagnoses of intellectual disability and bipolar disorder to finally receiving a dual diagnosis of autism and ADHD, Larissa's journey is a testament to the transformative power of accurate identification. Her personal experiences and deep dive into research not only enabled her to recognize the signs of autistic burnout within herself but also fueled her passion for advocating societal changes to prevent and manage it effectively. Larissa's compelling story underscores the individual nature of autistic burnout and the crucial role of inclusive environments in supporting neurodivergent individuals. Her unwavering resilience and commitment to fostering understanding and change serve as an inspiring call to action for creating environments that honor the diverse needs of the neurodivergent community.
    Larissa Minner's LinkedIn page for more information on her work and advocacy efforts.Larissa Minner's website, larissaminner.com, for access to infographics and video content related to autism and neurodiversity.Consider exploring resources on universal design and sensory-friendly environments to prevent and manage autistic burnout.Look into early education on disability and autism to foster understanding and inclusion from a young age.Explore self-advocacy strategies and tools for managing autistic burnout, such as visual schedules, apps for sensory support, and remote work options for inclusive environments.

  • Join Jeremy Rochford and host, Kristin Walker, as they discuss his new podcast, his coaching, his comedy, and both their journey's on the Autism Spectrum.

    Jeremy Rochford is a later in life diagnosed Autistic/ADHD’r who is raising two Neurodivergent Children with his “NT” wife Charity. Through guest interviews and “Team Rochford,” you’ll hear firsthand the challenges and benefits of being on the spectrum as well as practical advice for those who are Neurodivergent or love someone who is. Join us and experience why “NeuroFm” is called the least depressing Neurodivergent podcast in the world.


  • Join Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Peter Vermeulen for a discussion about happiness, well-being regulation, and dealing with stress.

    Peter is the founder, director, CEO, lecturer, consultant, website developer, and secretary. Occasionally, Peter even does the cleaning of the office of Autism in Context, the senior Autism lecturer and consultant for Autisme Centraal, and the Chief Editor of “Sterk in Autisme!”, a bimonthly magazine of Autisme Centraal. Autisme Centraal is responsible for autism awareness campaigns and ‘autism friendliness’ support activities throughout Europe. He is a Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en Klinische Psychologie” (Journal of Special Education, Child Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of the University of Leuven, Belgium) (currently Chief Editor of that Journal), a reviewer for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment.

    When Peter is not presenting, writing, driving or flying around for his job, he can usually be found on one of his 4 bicycles, trying to imitate Tour de France winners, hereby being oblivious to his age and physical state. When tired from cycling, he can be found at home, with his wife and their dog (which actually is more a Gremlin than a dog). Or he is playing with his grandchild. Because the Gremlin loves the beach, Peter often spends his weekends at the seaside, savouring seafood and – being a descendant of a brewing family – enjoying a good beer.


  • Join us for Part 2!

    A lot more people are realizing well into their 50s, 60s, and even older that they are on the Autism spectrum. Today Dr. Stephanie and Dan interview 2 retired couples and speak to their new stage in life as empty nesters.

    We have four guests with us. Carol and Greg are newly retired. You may recognize Greg’s voice, who has been on several of our Just the Guys segments. Greg is 63 and retired after a 35-year career as a consulting geologist. Married to Carol, he was diagnosed around age 55. Carol and he have three children. Carol is in her fourth year of retirement after a 32-year career as a speech-language pathologist.

    We also have Marian and Tom, who have been retired for a few more years, and have some advice for preparing intentionally for retirement (most think only financially) but on how to do retirement relationally and not just individual goals. Marian has a Bachelor’s in Nursing and a Master’s in Special Education. The mother of two wonderful sons and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Tom retired from a successful dental career 2 ½ years ago at age 67 and was identified on the spectrum between the ages of 55-60.

    Research links mentioned:


  • A lot more people are realizing well into their 50s, 60s, and even older that they are on the Autism spectrum. Today Dr. Stephanie and Dan interview 2 retired couples and speak to their new stage in life as empty nesters.

    We have four guests with us. Carol and Greg are newly retired. You may recognize Greg’s voice, who has been on several of our Just the Guys segments. Greg is 63 and retired after a 35-year career as a consulting geologist. Married to Carol, he was diagnosed around age 55. Carol and he have three children. Carol is in her fourth year of retirement after a 32-year career as a speech-language pathologist.

    We also have Marian and Tom, who have been retired for a few more years, and have some advice for preparing intentionally for retirement (most think only financially) but on how to do retirement relationally and not just individual goals. Marian has a Bachelor’s in Nursing and a Master’s in Special Education. The mother of two wonderful sons and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Tom retired from a successful dental career 2 ½ years ago at age 67 and was identified on the spectrum between the ages of 55-60.

    Research links mentioned:


  • Join Kristin and Dr. Mary Jones (from the Dr. Mary Show) as they discuss Autism advocacy with Dr. Dr. Morénike Giwa Onaiwu. Dr. Morénike (she/they) is a global advocate, educator, disabled person of color, non-binary woman, and parent in a neurodiverse, multicultural, twice-exceptional serodifferent biological and adoptive family. A prolific writer and social scientist/activist whose work focuses on intersectional justice, meaningful community involvement, human rights, and inclusion, Morénike is recognized as a leader in various disability justice endeavors, including serving as founder/principal consultant of Advocacy Without Borders, a grassroots intersectional non-profit initiative offering DEIA, education, advocacy, keynotes/lectures, training, research, expert review, and related projects. Morénike co-chairs the Equity, Justice, and Representation Advisory Committee of the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN) and is also a member of several executive boards, a collaborator with various like-minded organizations, and a highly sought after public speaker, trainer, and consultant who has presented at the White House, the United Nations, and numerous peer-reviewed international conferences.

    Notable publications of Morénike's include various chapter contributions and peer-reviewed articles as well as co-editing AWN’s groundbreaking anthologies Sincerely, Your Autistic Child: What People on the Autism Spectrum Wish Their Parents Knew About Growing Up, Acceptance, and Identity and the initial edition of All the Weight of Our Dreams: On Living Racialized Autism. Morénike, who has also been featured in the NY Times, NBC's Today Show, the BBC, NPR, and other media outlets, is the author of the forthcoming Open Access monograph A Neurodiversity and Gentle Parenting Journey...in Color.

    Web: www.MorenikeGO.com | www.AdvocacyWithoutBorders.org | www.Linktr.ee/MorenikeGO
    Contact: [email protected] | @MorenikeGO (Social media)