Komiker Ørjan Burøe og handyman Rune Haraldsen har lagt ned hammer og sag, skrudd mikrofonen på og er klar for å gi deg smarte tips når du skal pusse opp huset. En podcast som 100% sparker oppover.
Krimnoveller gir deg en ny krimhistorie hver uke. Jan-Erik Vik har skrevet over 170 noveller og setter deg inn i situasjoner du vanligvis ville skygget unna. Lytt til en novelle på vei til jobb eller før du sovner på kvelden.
Vil du lese mer av forfatter Jan-Erik Vik, kan du besøke -
Historien er full av store hendelser vi har lært på skolen, lest i en bok, eller sett på film. Dette er stedet for alle de små historiene som druknet i mengden - om oppdageren som kun oppdaget at det ikke var noe å oppdage, om en helgen som fikk generasjoner av jenter til å bli anorektiske, og den grufulle historien bak et helt passe koselig bilde.
For bilder og bonus-materiale: Søk opp historietimen på Facebook og @historietimen_podcast på Instagram.Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Stjernekokkene Tom Victor Gausdal og Jan Robin Ektvedt snakker om mat. De tar for seg fallgruver du bør unngå og triksene som løfter maten et hakk!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Weekly Wine Show is a podcast dedicated to elevating your enjoyment of wine! If you’re curious about wine or just want to enjoy wine more, we invite you to join us on our journey to learn more about wine and how to enjoy it.
Hailey and Kat know their stuff when it comes to makeup. They're here to test and obsess over every new release so you don't have to. In each episode the girls will break down the newest products and tell you their thoughts to help you decide on what products to buy so you get the most glam for your buck. This podcast is taken from our YouTube channel -
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En podkast om fotografi med Erik Nordby.
En podkast om våre bygde omgivelser
Fagbokpodden fokus setter et spesielt fokus på utvalgte fagbøker. Podkasten er laget i samarbeid med Gyldendal Akademisk. Produsent er Anders Høglund.
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Kunsthistorier er en podcast for deg som nysgjerrig på hva kunst og kunsthistorie er.
Podcasten passer også for deg som synes det er gøy å lære noe nytt eller repetere noe du allerede kan.
I denne podcasten møter du både kjente og ukjente kunstverk, og du blir kjent med menneskene som skapte dem. Vi snakker også om stedene du finner kunsten.
Kristine T. G. Hardeberg er forfatter og formidler av kunst.
Vil du lære mer?
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Eller les boken Kunsthistorie for alle! - en oppdagelsesferd i kunsten. (Den kan du kan kjøpe her: -
Technically, we knit.
This is a show for burnt-out fashion designers (and TDs, PDs, patternmakers and beyond) who want more flexibility while still doing work they love. As a freelance fashion designer, you can build your fashion career on your own terms. Freelancing in fashion is the only way to get freedom in your day (instead of being tied to a desk). Whether you want to earn extra money on the side, fund your fashion brand, or replace your salary, the FDGP podcast will help you get there. Listen in for actionable tips and strategies to kickstart or grow your career as a freelance fashion designer, build your confidence, and create the life you want. Hosted by $100k+ fashion freelancer Sew Heidi, the show features interviews and strategy sessions with successful freelance fashion designers from around the world who've ditched toxic fashion jobs and taken control of their own destinies. This is the only place to get REAL insights from REAL freelancers who have built REAL careers on their own terms. (Formerly the Successful Fashion Freelancer podcast.)
The craft of distilling involves making cuts: the heads, the hearts, and the tails. You have the hearts in your glass, so we are going to bring you everything else. Each month, Heads + Tails serves up interviews, discussion, and news from the world of spirits that aims to broaden your knowledge of these amazing liquids. Have questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]. Heads + Tails is a production of The Brewing Network.
The Being on Stage Podcast motivates and inspires performers to grow in their talent and continue moving forward in their career. Get going and turn your audience into fans with the help of the renowned Entertainment and Live Performance Coach, Reggie Daughson. Build more confidence and become the performer you envision yourself to be. The world is waiting for your talent! Let's give it to them.
Podcast „Mega Głos” tworzę dla wszystkich, którym nie jest obojętne co mówią i jak to robią zgodnie z zasadą „jak nas słyszą, tak nas widzą”. Mówię o języku, pracy głosem i nad głosem, więc jeżeli mówisz (a zapewne to robisz), słuchasz (film, radio, audiobook i inne) lub tworzysz (podcast, videoblog/vlog) to może i Ciebie zainteresuje mój "mega głos" w tej sprawie? ;-)
Goodnight songs from great composers of previous centuries
Stuart Bray and Todd Debreceni talk makeup effects and prosthetics.
If you like rubber monsters, prosthetics and gore then you can listen, learn and suggest new episode subjects.
Todd is author of 'Special Makeup Effects For Stage And Screen', what many consider to be the modern makeup FX bible.
Stuart Bray is a working makeup FX artist with many years experienc. Credits include 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Shaun of the Dead', 'Dr Who' and more recently 'Game of Thrones' and 'Dr Strange'.
Email us at [email protected] -
A podcast on writing that explores the craft of fiction, answers listeners' questions, and provides strategies for a fulfilling writing practice and creative life, hosted by bestselling, award-winning novelist Nina LaCour.
Architecture Academy is a podcast about architecture and the built environment that focuses on the ideas that inspire and influence some of the most interesting and influential thinkers, designers, artists, teachers and architects working today.