Katie talks to Kristin, a Stepmum to 4 and Mum to one.
Kristin is also a life coach who works predominantly with Stepmums in the US.
Katie and Kristin cover a lot of ground in this chat, from the complicated emotions which many stepmums experience, to what to do when you have very different views to the other house, to knowing when to step in and when to step back with our stepkids.Support the Show.
Katie talks to Sally, a stepmum and biomum.
Sally shares the story of her journey from being a single mum to trying to bring her family and her partner's together.
She also talks about the complexity of raising a Stepchild with additional needs.Support the show
Episodes manquant?
TRIGGER WARNING - The death of a child is briefly mentioned.
Katie chats to Francesca, a Stepmum to two little girls.
Francesca shares how becoming a Stepmum turned her from a confident, independent woman to an anxious mess.
When Francesca met her partner she was really open to the idea of dating someone with kids and she quickly formed a strong bond with his young daughters. Several months into their relationship she moved in with him, into the old family home. With the Ex often popping by because she 'had a right to see the children' Francesca became increasingly anxious, to the point where she was really not coping with life and didn't feel psychologically safe in her own home.
Francesca sought help from Stepmum Space founder and coach Katie South and worked with Katie both individually and with her partner. Happily Francesca is now in a much better place with more control over her life and her relationship with her partner and her Stepdaughters is flourishing.
To book your coaching session and start your journey to improved wellbeing and happiness in your Stepmum life head to Coaching | Stepmum SpaceSupport the show
Katie chats to a stepmum of three boys, one who is neurodiverse.
She shares how this has bought additional challenges and that although she loves her stepson immensely it has made it hard to form a connection at some points.
She also shares her experience of being thrown into parenting going from zero to three kids almost instantly!
Note: there will be a section added to the forum next week on step-parenting neuro diverse children.Support the show
In this episode Katie chats to Charlotte, a Stepmum to a little girl.
Charlotte adores her Stepdaughter and wants to spend more time with her but sadly this isn’t possible at the moment.
Charlotte shares her feelings of being left out, and of being second best when it comes to her partner and the delicate balance she treads between the Ex and her current partner.Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to Helena. Helena's story should have been straight forward, her and her partner were on the same page, his ex was on the same page and the stepkids liked her... however sadly it was Helena's in laws who caused huge problems for them all - ultimately meaning Helena took the decision to cut all contact with them.
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In this episode Katie talks to Jackie. Jackie has one bio child and two stepkids.
Jackie endured tough times, with her Stepson stealing from her, having to put locks on her bedroom door and treading on eggshells for several years.Support the show
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**This episode contains discussions on trying to conceive and vasectomies**
In this episode Katie talks to Jen. Jen's a Stepmum to two and a bio Mum to one. Jen is more than a decade into Stepmum life and has experienced so many ups and downs during her time as a Stepmum.
When Jen met her husband she didn't have children and as her husband had majority custody of her kids she became almost a full time Stepmum overnight. This enabled Jen to form a great bond with her Stepdaughter, and eventually her stepson who told her initially he felt he wasn't supposed to like her!
Katie and Jen talk about how much to give vs not treading on BioMum's toes and the huge anxiety that being a Stepmum can create.
Jen also bravely shares about how her husband eventually saw how he hadn't been supporting her and calling his kids out on their behaviour where he should have.
A wonderful chat with a BRILLIANT Stepmum!Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to Parm, AKA @mrssinghspirational about her journey from being a married Mum of 3, to a divorced Mum of 3, to a Stepmum to 3 children who'd recently lost their Mother!
Parm talks about how their family all became close very quickly, but amongst all the happiness, her own biological daughter really struggled with the changes and eventually made the difficult decision to go and live with her Dad.
Whilst she fully supported her daughter in doing what she felt was right for her, Parm talks about how rejected she felt when her daughter made this choice.
Katie and Parm chat about Parm's feelings towards her Stepkids biomum and why she feels determined to keep her in the family without living in her shadows.
A beautifully uplifting conversation!Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to Ellie, a Stepmum to two boys who had made the decision not to have biological children herself.
Ellie talks about her love for the boys and her ups and downs as a Stepmum. She shares how difficulties with BioMum took her to some really dark places and made her question whether she could continue in her marriage.
At her lowest point Ellie decided to seek counselling and coaching and she talks about how both of these have impacted her life, and how ultimately changing her mindset and the way her and her husband responded to situations, saved her family.Support the show
In this episode Katie chats to Kaycie and Danielle, Stepmum and Biomum to a little girl.
They explore the ups and downs of their relationship from the difficult beginning to the peaceful friendship they now enjoy. Kaycie shares how it felt for her as a biomum having a new woman enter her daughter's life and she offers tips for Stepmums who are struggling with tricky biomums.
Danielle and Kaycie also talk about the Dad in all of this and why they prefer to leave him out of the communications!
A really insightful chat into the feelings of a biomum and how you sometimes just need to give her time....Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to Joanne, a bio Mum of two girls who became a Stepmum to a girl and a boy when she met her partner.
Joanne's story is twofold in that her relationship with her stepson has always been strong, as has her partner's with her daughters, but her relationship with her Stepdaughter has been really difficult, to the point where Joanne is now clear that she doesn't ever want to "blend" her family.
Joanne and Katie talk about parenting styles, how to manage life when you don't agree with your partner's parenting decisions and how it's ok to decide you don't want your family to blend!Support the show
Our second male to be a guest on Stepmum Space is Tom Nash AKA @mrdivorcecoachuk.
Tom tells his story of moving from marriage, to an affair, to separation, recoupling with his new partner and how he built his blended family and created a strong relationship with his Ex Wife and her new partner... who happens to be his partner's Ex.... (you might need a pen & paper to keep up!)
Tom offers candid advice from his personal and professional experience on all things separation, divorce and "blending families" . He also talks passionately about why he is such an advocate for Dad's being equal parents, and NOT JUST WHEN IT COMES TO FUN!Support the show
Trigger warning: Serious illness & baby loss
Katie chats to Elizabeth, a 25 year old Stepmum of two young boys, about her journey as a Stepmum so far.
Elizabeth shares how she finds it hard having so much of her life and her future affected by her partner's previous life choices. She talks about feeling like she can't move forwards with her life and the next stages because her partner's first experience of marriage has left him not feeling ready to do it again.
She talks about how she wishes they could see more of the boys but her partner doesn't want to go to court and their Mum isn't willing to change the schedule at the moment. Elizabeth also talks about her worries for the care her stepsons receive and about how her love for them has grown since she met them.Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to Hayley, a bio mum and stepmum and all round supermum!
Hayley talks about how moving from her simple life as a single Mum of two kids was a challenge with all the complexities that stepfamily life brings.
She talks about the problems the children had adapting to the new set up and how difficult her relationship was with her eldest Stepdaughter when her Stepdaughter came to live with them
Hayley and Katie discuss the importance of mental health and their experiences of Stepmum anxiety.Support the show
**Content warning - in this episode we talk about miscarriage and the emotions around not being able to become a birth Mum**
In this episode Katie talks to Jayne. Jayne was a Stepmum for many years to two children. When her marriage broke down Jayne's primary concern was maintaining a good relationship with her Stepchildren, who by then were adults.
Jayne and Katie talk about this and the role her Stepkids played in her life.
Jayne bravely shares her experience of trying to become a biological Mum and the heartbreak around miscarriage as a Stepmum.Support the show
In this episode Katie talks to parenting expert Sue Atkins.
Katie and Sue discuss common Step-parenting issues and how to navigate them and Sue shares her tried and tested tips for fussy eaters, kids who won't sleep in their own bed and (of course) grumpy teenagers!
Sue answers listener questions candidly and with good humour!
This is the last episode in season 4, please subscribe to be notified when the new season launches or follow on instagram @stepmumspace or at www.stepmumspace.comSupport the show
**Please note this episode may be sensitive for those who are triggered by Mothers Day. It contains varying stories of different experiences**
In this episode Katie shares messages from listeners about what Mothers Day means to them. She shares stories from those who find Mothers Day difficult, stressful, painful as well as those who love it and look forward to it.
This episode is made up from the variety of messages Katie received and we hope you like it!
The illustrator Katie mentions in the show is @beckagriffin on instagram - check her work out!Support the Show.
In this episode Katie chats to Elizabeth*
In the early days of Elizabeth's relationship with her Husband, his Ex was very high conflict, and went out of her way to try to prevent Elizabeth from forming a bond with her stepson. Despite this, Elizabeth and her stepson did form a strong connection and have always got on extremely well.
After many difficult situations , including Elizabeth being reported as a safeguarding risk by The Ex, Elizabeth's husband finally put his foot down and the drama with The Ex stopped.
However as the drama stopped and relationships eased between her Husband and his Ex, instead of being relieved Elizabeth found herself facing some difficult emotions about their new amicable relationship.
This is such a great chat with a wonderfully open and courageous woman and I hope you enjoy it!
* not her real nameSupport the show
In this episode Katie talks to Elizabeth*.
Elizabeth is a bio Mum to 3 kids who's Dad is now in a relationship with someone else.
In this conversation Elizabeth shares her experience of being the bio mum in a separated family. She talks about the difficulties of her ex Husband not being open about his new relationship, her shock at receiving a legal letter accusing her of harassing behaviour and how it's hard to hear of her children having new experiences that she hasn't been part of.
Elizabeth also speaks candidly about realising that all the things her husband said he didn't want, he actually did... just with someone else.
We are SUPER grateful to Elizabeth for sharing things from her side. The more open we can all be about how we feel, (in a considered and kind way!) the more we can make this journey easier for us all.
*not her real nameSupport the Show.
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