
  • 00:00 Begin

    00:38 Stoa Introduction

    Topic: Social MediaFormat: Red Team/Blue TeamModerator: Jonathan KartenGuidelines

    4:17 Stoa begins

    5:16 [Coin flip]

    5:45 Health ramifications of social media

    Red: Do not regulate (Free Market)Blue: Pro regulation

    6:57 The Attention Economy

    10:04 Regulations surrounding addiction

    14:10 Dangers of app technology

    14:55 Free market implications (Cost/Benefit analysis)

    16: 58 Illusion of success on social media

    20:20 Foundation of sand

    22:20 [Switch sides]

    23:32 Exploitation of consumers

    26:24 Whose responsibility is it to regulate social media?

    27:58 Scheming nature of these apps

    29:01 Connectivity in a global market

    31:41 [Coin flip] Regulatory responsibility: Parents or Government

    Red: Government's responsibilityBlue: Parent's responsibility

    39:38 Philosophical role of government

    42:49 [Switch sides]

    46:16 Psychology of optimal adolescent development

    48:00 Softening competition/shift of our psychological reality

    49:42 What are we optimizing for?

    51:04 The reference of what is good/bad comes from our present world

    52:00 [Open discussion]

    What is the litmus test? When do we hit a critical mass?

    54:58 Regulating/optimizing one's own use of social media

    58:38 End

    Music: Big Boi Hefner

    -IG: @bigboi.hefner

    -Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/bigboihefner

  • 00:00 Intro

    2:26 Beginning

    4:17 History of Ozone Therapy

    -Patentability of Ozone

    5:24 Dr. Charles J. Kenworthy of the Florida State Medical Association [1]

    6:53 Pubmed.gov- studies searching "intravenous ozone therapy" [2]

    7:35 Jacob's German Study of over 5 million treatments.

    9:11 Biochemistry of Ozone- O3

    11:20 What happens when Ozone enters the blood

    13:20 Difference between anti-oxidants and oxidative therapies

    17:10 Ozone's benefits and adverse reactions

    17:23 Dr. Robins's clinical experience [3]

    19:18 Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction [4]

    22:13 Positive effects of Ozone treatment

    24:50 Ozone therapy for the novel coronavirus (covid-19)

    27:04 Dr. Robin's publication with Dr. Robert Rowen on treatment of the coronavirus [5]

    33:13 Using the biochemistry of Ebola virus to infer Ozone's efficacy

    34:45 Dr. Robin's publication in the African Journal of Infectious Disease [6]

    38:40 NYC ozone patient recommendations

    39:00 Forms of IV Ozone Treatment

    -Robins Method of Direct IV Ozone

    46:13 10 Pass Ozone

    -Precautions with IV Ozone

    49:38 Dr. Robert Rowen's method and clinic [7]

    50:18 Immune precautions for coronavirus and Ozone

    -Hydration (3-4 liters of water daily)

    -High dose Vitamin C every 2-3 hours (liposomal formulation)

    52:40 Doctor's Biome (doctorsbiome.com) [8]

    -Patented Probiotic with next generation smart bacteria

    -Use CODE: howard35 for $35 dollars off.

    1:04:01 Conditions Ozone has been used to help treat

    -Global Lyme Alliance [9]

    1:07:27 Ozone and its pseudoscience allocation [10]

    -Promolife Ozone Generators [11]


    1: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=e5EDAAAAYAAJ&rdid=book-e5EDAAAAYAAJ&rdot=1


    2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=ozone+therapy

    3: https://www.ozonedoctor.net/services/ozone

    4: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5239707/

    5: https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jide/journal-of-infectious-diseases-and-epidemiology-jide-6-113.php?jid=jide

    6: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajid/article/view/126773

    7: https://drrowendrsu.com/

    8: https://doctorsbiome.com/

    9: https://globallymealliance.org/

    10: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_therapy

    11: https://www.promolife.com/ozone/

    Other sources to consider:

    -1: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312702/

    -2: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237760961_SARS_and_Ozone_Therapy_Theoretical_Considerations

    -3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6178636/

    -4: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1805686

    -5: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01887275

    -6: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/everything-you-need-to-know-for-antivirus-immune-system-enhancement-a-special-one-two-podcast-episode-with-dr-matt-cook-dr-matt-dawson/

    -7: divalent.unirioja.es

    -8: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19342147/

    -9: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c411/b598353656ce38f40c8096107bae210ea94a.pdf

    -10: https://aaot.us/page/ReadMorepage

    Steel Man Counter-arguments:

    1: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brittmariehermes/2016/10/13/naturopathic-medicine-week-endemic-quackery-ozone-therapy/#11dc3bd546a2

    2: https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/a-killer-of-a-cure

    Music: Big Boi Hefner

    -IG: @bigboi.hefner

    -Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/bigboihefner

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  • 8:00: Stoa Begins

    Blue Team: Defending religion’s Utility

    Red Team: Challenging religion’s Utility

    13:35 How would we replace the vacuum left by religion if we were to remove it?

    18:20 There will always be something else to replace Religion.

    21:05 Binding cultural narratives are born from Religion.

    24:10 We are creatures who continuously seek God.

    28:00 Omnipresence of religion

    33:35: Flip Sides

    Blue Team: Challenging religion’s Utility

    Red Team: Defending religion’s Utility

    34: 00 Everything is permissible with the permission of God

    41:00 Utility of religion

    46::50 Misuse of religion

    50:37 Religion gives you a basis to remodel yourself. “Transcend”

    1:02:15 Open Discussion

    1:03:44 Why does religion still exist today?

    Music: Big Boi Hefner

    -IG: @bigboi.hefner

    -Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/bigboihefner

  • 00:00 Begin.

    7:08 The 'Steel Man'

    8:30 Steel manning dangerous individuals.

    9:40 Suspend your own position.

    10:58 Separating the idea from the individual.

    12:26 Steel manning the opposite.

    14:10 The University and acquiescing to student demands.

    17:01 Beginning of our Journey.

    18:37 Jonathan's GS Story.

    19:15 Prakhar's GS Story.

    27:00 Perry's GS Story.

    32:24: Challenging God.

    38:51 Conversations on a street couch.

    41:38 Philosophy of Humor.

    45:08 Colloquia inception.

    45:50 Are ideas dangerous?

    48:10 Power dynamics in conversation.

    58:26 Plato's theory of play.

    59:29 Red/Blue Team

    1:03:45 Playing with ideas.

    1:07:48 Favorite Stoas.

    1:12:30 Professor Abe Haak Event

    1:16:37 Jonathan's Hot Seat

    1:20:55 Steel Man: Hiroshima bombing. Topic in a Hat.

    1:23:23 Stoa: Colloquia Critique

    1:27:19 Stoa: Monitoring Chinese Students

    1:34:43 Hopes for the future.

    1:37:51 Humility and Death.

    1:42:55 The utility of Philosophy.

    1:46:37 The University as a bubble.

    1:56:43 What Colloquia did for Prakhar.

    2:02:48 The Stoa as an experiment.

    2:03:44 End