David shares how he has learned where true peace comes from, and how he's experienced that peace through a series of "why" moments, including battling cancer and watching his family face adversity.
Brian Clark share his story of being called into ministry, then realized that he was still living on his terms. Not God's. Once he realized this, he started living in vivid color.
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Travis Dommert shares his story of how he prayed for God to forgive him for living his life on his own. This was his first step to becoming receptive to God's love. Travis was planning on changing jobs and was praying for an answer to lead him to the right decision. The next Sunday, he found his answer.
Patrick shares his story of how God led his family through the journey of moving internationally and adoption.
Although his parents never took him to church, Sterling always had a fascination with Christ and went to Sunday school. He had his highs and lows within his relationship with God but ultimately rekindled his relationship. One night he had a dream where he said goodbye to his old self and has never looked back.
Carla shares her hard life's journey and how she knew Jesus was with her.
Paula shares her story of growing up going to church and always considered her self fully in christ. It was not until her daughter was going through cancer treatments that she finally fully let her self accept the Lord.
Andy reflects on his life growing up and the great christian examples he had around. He shares how he lived with his faith on a "shallow personal level", but later confessed his sins. This brought him a life of peace.
Eric shares his story by reflecting on his struggling relationship with the Lord. He later discovers an unconditional love.
Scott shares his story of his family's heartaches and a life changing conversation about being chosen.
Rusty shares his story of a challenging childhood, finding Jesus, and learning how to live a life full of purpose.
Stephanie shares her faith journey during the season of her daughter's cancer treatments. Through a conversation with her husband, even though it was hard, she realized there was a purpose their family was chosen to go through this.
Alejandra shares her journey of finding the courage of prayer. The journey of not praying for what she wants but for what she needs. Her prayers allow her to not only know God of a deeper level but also love him.
Annette shares her story of finding Jesus at a young age, finding him in the little things, and welcoming him to the center of her life. She shares her hardships and how Jesus is always with her.
Ginger shares her story of raising kids, marrying the love of her life, becoming a widow, and battling cancer. Through it all God is with her.
Chris strayed away from all he knew was true, in places he never thought he'd be, doing things he never thought he'd do. And a prayer he wasn't sure would even breakthrough the ceiling of his bedroom, helped lead him back home.
Peter had some big questions around work, retirement, faith, and brought those questions to God and others seeking wisdom and clarity.
Julie Allen’s story of a wonderful marriage followed by the sudden and unexpected loss of her spouse, and the journey of raising her kids without him.
Julie walked through a journey called Steps of Courage to know and share her story with The 3:15 Project. To learn more about the journey and the ministry visit 315project.com -
Delton de Armas was a highly successful executive at a financial services company, until one day he found himself without a job, and eventually sentenced to federal prison.
Stories of Hope is produced by The 3:15 Project, a ministry that helps Christians know and share their stories, wholeheartedly. For more information visit 315project.com