We talk about all your other relationships on this podcast, but we've never addressed your relationship with food. It's time.
Many, if not most American women have a dysfunctional relationship with food. I teamed up with Courtney Gray and had a wonderful conversation about how changing your relationship with food can create weightless that remains for a lifetime.
About Courtney Gray:
Courtney Gray is a Body and Life coach for women who want to lose weight permanently. In her 1:1 coaching program she uses mindset and strategy, and her clients lose weight without deprivation and giving up all the foods they love. She helps them understand why they turn to foods they know don't serve them, and teaches them to eat better consistently, not perfectly.
She believes something amazing happens when women decide how they want to look and feel in their body and then they start living in a way that supports that vision.
Courtney’s coaching centers around mindset and self-mage. She believes that a person’s thoughts create their habits and daily routines, which create the results in their life. Courtney believes that when women learn how to think intentionally and choose what they want to believe, their life uplevels in every way.
When it comes to helping her clients lose weight for the last time, Courtney believes it is an exciting, loving, and transformational process.
Join Courtney's Get Your Body Back in 2024 workshop here or visit her Instagram account here
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We all lie. Whether it’s the little “white” seemingly insignificant ones or the really big, shameful deceits, we are all guilty of not being completely honest all of the time.
As I continue to seek deeper wisdom regarding women, our relationship with ourselves, others and God, I have done a deep dive into trying to understand the unique types of deception that seem more prevalent in women than in men.
Why? Because I want you to understand yourself more. Because I want to talk about the real things- the things we don’t often talk about. Because when you understand yourself better, you show up healthier for yourself and your relationships.
I brought on Susan Barash, who is a journalist and author on my podcast and we had a great conversation about the many societal influences that have shaped the ways that we women choose to tell the truth or not.
I think it’s a phenomenal conversation that solves nothing except inciting you to possibly look at your motivation for not being truthful and examine if there are places for you to heal and grow so that you can be a woman of honor and truth.
You can visit Susan's website and get her books here.
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Missing episodes?
Do you feel like you don't believe enough in yourself, your relationships, your God or that things will even work out for you? Listen in as I talk about how even a wobbly faith can change everything.
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There a number of qualities a relationship must have to make it a viable, healthy one. In this episode, Dr. Zoe and Dr. Meaghan Rice discuss the qualities of a healthy relationship.
Dr. Meaghan Rice is a licensed psychotherapist. She has a busy private practice. She has been in the mental health field over a decade and has discovered that we make the most progress when we focus on relationships. She specializes in relationships and attachment theory.Visit Dr. Meaghan Price's site here and connect with her directly here.
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Vulnerability. How do you know when it's safe to be vulnerable in a relationship? Join me as I discuss this crucial topic with my guest, Jason VanRuler, a licensed therapist, author, speaker, and coach who helps people grow their relationships, become stronger leaders, and own their past to drive a better future for themselves.
You can visit Jason VanRuler's site here and find his book here.
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There are five reasons that people want to get married, and those are the same five reasons that people ultimately choose divorce. How powerful is that statement?
Today I am excited to talk about the 5 cravings of your soul with my guest Corey Rosenke, the author of The Magnetic Heart of God: Understanding the Five Cravings of Your Soul.
Listen in as we discuss these fundamental cravings and how you can learn to name them, understand them and ultimately see them in others and in your relationship.
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It's the things that we don't say that get us in the most trouble. Often we are afraid of saying the wrong thing, for fear that our loved ones can't handle what we need to talk about. These fears prevent us from saying the thing that needs to be said. Listen in and learn how to overcome those fears and how to have hard conversations with the people we love.
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You know what’s worse than being by yourself on Valentine’s Day? Being in a relationship and still feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day.
In this episode, I help you make sure you’re asking for what you need in your relationship and I also give some tips for healthy self-care on this day of celebrating love.Connect with me:
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In this episode, I discuss setting boundaries between you and those you love. Often I work with clients who work to set and keep boundaries, but are constantly violated when their loved one crosses those boundaries. I talk through the clear steps you can take to set and hold those boundaries that are sacred to both your own wellness as well as the health of your intimate relationships.
Listen in and connect. I'm here to help.
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In this episode, I interview poet Emily Bridget Taylor about her journey of healing from divorce and marriage breakdown trauma. She gives encouragement to the woman in a difficult relationship or having just ended a difficult relationship. She shares how poetry or any kind of creative expression can help healing. She also shares two beautiful poems at the end of the episode.
See Emily Bridget Taylor's new poetry book, Remedy, and also visit her site here for a free gift.
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So many of us spend the majority of our life at work. I'm always talking about relationships in your life, often intimate ones. But if you're spending the majority of your life at work - you're going to have some relationships there just as significant as your personal ones.
It makes sense that we talk about having health in relationships at work as well.
In this episode, Dr. Zoe talks with author and workplace thought leader Jake Brown about his sometimes humorous and very poignant perspective on how to navigate difficult relationships with your boss, finding hope for your career.
Listen in to find out how to work with a difficult boss.
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Check out Jake Brown:
Jake's Book, Leadershit: Tales & Tools to Survive a Bad Boss & Have Fun at Work
We often focus on individual goals for the New year, as we should, but it’s crucial to the long term health of your relationship, that you regularly assess and create goals for your relationship as well. Healthy relationships happen intentionally.
In this episode, Dr. Zoe shares her own word of the year and addresses setting yourself and your relationship up for success in the new year.
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Dr. Tracy Dalgleish is a clinical psychologist and relationship expert who is on a mission to help couples break old relationship cycles and find joy in their relationships again. She is the owner of Integrated Wellness, a mental health practice in Ottawa, Ontario, and has been working with individuals and couples for 17 years. Her book, I Didn’t Sign Up for This: A Couples Therapist Shares Real-Life Stories of Breaking Patterns and Finding Joy in Relationships...Including Her Own, features case studies from her practice and her own relationship. The book helps readers learn how to get unstuck in their relationships.
You can find Dr. Tracy’s popular Instagram account @DrTracyD where she brings her therapeutic expertise and advice to a broader audience looking for help in their relationships.Dr. Tracy and Dr. Zoe have an engaging conversation about what you can do when you didn't sign up for this in your relationship.
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For people pleasers and relationship supporters, the holidays can easily feel overwhelming when your needs aren't getting met and you are trying to make the holidays great for everyone else.
In this second episode of Navigating Your Difficult Relationship Over the Holidays, I address how you can honor your spouse while still caring for yourself.
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For people pleasers and relationship supporters, the holidays can easily feel overwhelming when your needs aren't getting met and you are trying to make the holidays great for everyone else.
In this episode, I address why your needs matter over the holidays and how to care for yourself, while caring for everyone else.
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I’m excited to return after a much needed break, during which I wrote a book and navigated a divorce.
In this episode, I am interviewed by my coach, Rebecca Mullen. She is a Master Certified Life Coach. Together, we walk you through the hardest decision of my life. Through my story, I provide you with examples of what you can do when something terrifying is happening to you. I will model for you how I tackled the hard questions, including divorcing as a Christian, and how I have ultimately found freedom in my choice.
Rebecca Mullen can be found at:
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Deb Curtis’s personal journey, marred by hardship and strife, has molded her into a resilient advocate
In her early years, Deb encountered numerous trials that could have shattered the spirit of anyone lesser. At the age of nine, she was left abandoned in a drug-infested home. Throughout her teenage years, she wrestled with feelings of rejection, leading her to attempt suicide twice. At twenty-six, she married a man whose severe alcoholism and violent behavior threatened her life. But through these hardships, Deb yearned for love and recognition, searching for it in all the wrong places.
Deb and I spoke about resiliency and true forgiveness.
Watch this episode in video format: HERE
Connect with Deb:
Website: www.debcurtis.com
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Dr. Zoe and Naketa talk about the boldness and necessity of learning to be “selfish”.
Naketa’s the #1 Balance (and) Relationship Advisor in the World activating power couples and potent humans who are ready to recalibrate and own their right to be intentionally selfish to amplify relationship intimacy as they grow to live in the space of (and) fully.
After a successful career helping families push through trials caused by trauma, lost confidence and communication challenges impacting intimacy within their relationships, Naketa Ren Thigpen, broke barriers and glass ceilings when she decided to break free from outdated expectations and binding patriarchal definitions that limit the ability to self-actualize.
Utilizing her distinct experiential, intuitive, and highly energetic style, Naketa is the host of the Balance Boldly Podcast & International Best Selling Author of the book Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love, and Laugh Your Way to Joy. A highly sought-after Transformative Empowerment Speaker and CEO of ThigPro Balance (and) Relationship Management Institute, this brilliant beauty has revolutionized how to heal traumas while balancing work/life (and LOVE).
Watch this episode in video format: HERE
Connect with Naketa:
Website: http://thigpro.com/
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Dr. Zoe and Jami Nato talk all things shame, purpose, faith and parenting and how you can use the breadcrumbs of the past to find your purpose.
Jami is a serial entrepreneur, social media influencer (94.4k on Instagram), and writer. She’s known for her humor, and she speaks candidly about the real ups and downs of life—specifically her own—to encourage women from a Christian perspective. She’s open about her husband’s infidelity, her struggles with parenting, and how she views women need more encouragement to find their passions and purpose.
Jami has been on The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey, the Daily Grace Podcast, the (in)courage podcast, The 700 Club, and Behind the Scenes with Jeremy and Audrey Roloff.
Watch this episode in video format: HERE
Connect with Jami:
Website: https://jaminato.com/
Instagram: @jaminato
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In this episode Dr. Zoe and Ashlee Gadd speak to women who have creative passions, but feel guilt or shame when they follow them.
Listen in for tips, encouragement and advice for creating in the margins.
Watch this episode in video format: HERE
About Ashlee Gadd:
Ashlee Gadd is author of Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood and the founder of Coffee + Crumbs—a beautiful online space where motherhood and storytelling intersect. As a writer and photographer, Ashlee has spent her entire motherhood creating in the margins. When she's not writing or vacuuming Cheerios out of the carpet, she loves making friends on the internet, eating cereal for dinner, and rearranging bookshelves. She and her husband have three kids and live in Northern California.
Connect with Ashley:
Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood book
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