We discuss representations of love in the media, heteronormative dating apps, and the algorithms behind the technology which more and more people are using to find "love." What does the data show? What are the limits of our free will in modern dating - are our decisions being invisibly guided?
Articles discussed:
"How AI Can Help You Find a Date"
OkCupid Data:
How Dating Services Tinker with Algorithms: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dating-services-tinker-with-the-algorithms-of-love/
[Music by Yusuf Siddiquee] -
We sit down with Samara Mejia Hernandez, Senior Associate at MATH Venture Partners, and Sabrina Mutukisna, co-founder and CEO of The Town Kitchen, to discuss bias and discrimination in tech.
More about Sabrina and The Town Kitchen: https://thetownkitchen.com/about/
More about Samara and MATH Venture Partners: http://www.mathventurepartners.com/samara-mejia
Discussed in this episode:
“Why Your Boss is Still a White Guy” http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/hub/ct-boss-white-guy-diversity-views-hub-bsi-20161206-story.html
“Overconfidence is the biggest psychological predictor of whether or not you’re going to become an entrepreneur.”
Importance of women funding women:
84% of women have been told they’re too aggressive: https://www.elephantinthevalley.com/
100% of women of color in STEM have experience bias
[Music by Yusuf Siddiquee] -
Eksik bölüm mü var?
After a few weeks away, we're getting back into Studies Show and recording new episodes. Here's a brief update on what we've been up to, and look for another new post very soon!
We discuss the New York Times op-ed, "Do Millenial Men What Stay-at-Home Wives?": https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/31/opinion/sunday/do-millennial-men-want-stay-at-home-wives.html
Pepin and Cotter research: https://contemporaryfamilies.org/2-pepin-cotter-traditionalism/
Fate-Dixon research: https://contemporaryfamilies.org/7-fate-dixon-millennials-rethinking-gender-revolution/
Update and analysis of GSS Survey Data: https://scatter.wordpress.com/2017/04/01/adventures-in-garbage-millennial-confirmation-bias/
Intro music by Yusuf Siddiquee -
A discussion of a recent Los Angeles Times Op-Ed titled "The Futility of Gender-Neutral Parenting," Bias and Priming in Studies, and The Need for Historical and Social Context
Link to op-ed: www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-soh-gender-neutral-parenting-20170106-story.html
Study discussed (Preferences for ‘Gender-typed’ Toys in Boys and Girls): http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/icd.1986/abstract
The meta-analysis of brain structure mentioned: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763413003011
Intro music by Yusuf Siddiquee