Podcast Podnikání pro Holky je zde od toho, aby ti předal vše, co potřebuješ k vybudování úspěšného podnikání znát. 👋🏼
Kvalitní informace, ověřené strategie, podporu a také pochopení, které nám na naší cestě za úspěchem tak často chybí.
Pokud jsi tedy připravena růst, a to nejen po té byznysové stránce, ale i té osobní, jsi zde na tom nejlepším místě. ☕️
// hosted by Markéta Baginská -
LOVE Unplugged hosted by Jessica Frigon is a community and podcast for women that pulls back the curtain on what it actually takes to create a business and life you LOVE.
Each week you’ll hear from Jessica herself, real world entrepreneurs and industry expert guests as they share their authentic, raw and from the heart advice to reawaken your life purpose, elevate your mindset, and build the team and business of your dreams.
LOVE Unplugged is a community to empower you to continue to rise above the blocks holding you back and build the life and business you are worthy of and desire. -
Stačí jeden poslech a můžete se mít lépe. Načerpejte dávku inspirace z rozhovorů s předními českými osobnostmi pro svůj rozvoj i svůj byznys.
Flight Mode podcast vysílaný z Bali je o úžasných lidech jako jsi TY, kteří letí po své trase, o životních lekích a skvělých příbězích při cestě za vizemi a sny. A hlavně o tom, že když si najdeš to svoje, tak Tě to vždy vede tou správnou cestou
Dej s námi disconnect všem zbytečnostem a pojďme se navzájem inspirovat a posunout za tím, co má pro nás i ostatní opravdu smysl. Všichni si totiž zasloužíme žít tu nejlepší verzi sami sebe
K dispozici také ve video verzi na youtube Mike Polansky Official
Vitaj v Online Akadémii Podcaste s Tomášom Hurajtom!
V tomto podcaste objavíš tajomstvá online podnikania, predaja na Amazone a ďalších marketplaceoch ako napríklad eMag, Etsy, Allegro alebo Kaufland. Rovnako sa dozvieš veľa zaujímavých informácií o dovoze z Číny a sourcingu.
Našou ambíciou je pomôcť posunúť tvoje podnikanie na novú úroveň, aby si mohol pracovať z pohodlia domova alebo cestovať po svete pri práci. Jednoducho, chceme, aby si robil to čo ťa baví a zároveň bol slobodnejší!Aj keď sa náš podcast zameriava najmä na Amazone, nezabúdame ani na ďalšie aspekty podnikateľského života. Priprav sa na množstvo praktických rád ohľadom marketingu, budovania úspešnej značky a starostlivosti o tvoje zdravie ako podnikateľa.
Pridaj sa k nám a nezabudni kliknúť na "Sledovať" (alebo "Follow"), aby si si nenechal ujsť žiadne epizódy a posunul svoje podnikanie na novú úroveň!
Teším sa na teba! -
Welcome to the Real Life Horsemanship podcast! We are a group of friends – Anna, Dana, Ava, and Meg – that decided to work together and create a place for those who want to gain more insight into the equine industry. In each episode, we will be talking to incredible professionals in the industry, and providing you all with how they got to where they are today.
We will be releasing an episode every Wednesday on iTunes and Spotify. To stay up to date, give us a follow on Instagram and Facebook! -
Are you tired of feeling like you cannot attract your dream clients or honestly any clients? Do you wish you could book your calendar out months in advance? Are you wanting to be a full-time wedding photographer but you’re not sure what to do to make that happen? Are you struggling with all the things that owning a business requires?
Hi, I’m Taylor and I’m so excited you decided to join us on the Blooming Photographers podcast a podcast for wedding photographers. Where we cover things like photography tips and tricks, business basics, and branding. I remember when I was just starting out and I had no clue where to even begin creating a business that I loved. I struggled with which camera equipment to use, how to attract my ideal client, and don’t even get me started on social media as well as creating a personal brand. I invested so much time and money into my business but still had no idea how to run a business. I even quit my business for an entire year.
After experiencing burnout in my business that lasted almost two years, I figured out the simple way to create your dream photography business. I honestly became obsessed with learning new tips and tricks about photography and business. I am here to tell you everything I know so you never experience the frustrations that can come with a business.
In this podcast you will learn about tips and tricks to run a successful wedding photography business. We will cover things like camera equipment and my must haves, marketing strategies, business basics, creating a personal brand. Guest interviews with other photographers who have been in this industry with me for years. We’re going to break business basics of this amazing industry so you can be set up for success. So put down that business for dummies book grab a glass of wine you definitely deserve it and let’s get started!
Wanna connect with me? Heres how:
Facebook group:
Instagram: -
Here’s the truth: Many owners carry their small business on their back. We grow our business by relying on the only resource that seems to be truly “free” . . . . . . our own time.
We give of ourselves. Hour after hour. Day after day.
We sacrifice our time to our business. 18-hour days. Weeks without ends.
We work for . . . well, essentially, we work for almost nothing.
How would it feel to be financially free in your business – to have money set aside to pay your taxes when they are due – to have money set aside to pay yourself a wage to cover all your personal costs AND to have money set aside as a safety net for your business.
In this podcast we are going to be covering what financial freedom means to small businesses and giving entrepreneurs the tools to stop working in their business for nothing. -
Welcome to The Marli Williams Podcast, where we invite you to join us on a transformative journey of epic leadership, facilitation, and speaking. I'm your host, Marli Williams, and together, we're on a mission to help you become the best leader, coach, or speaker you can be.
Are you a transformational leader, coach, or speaker with a burning desire to create unforgettable experiences, retreats, workshops, and presentations that leave people awestruck every single time? If so, this podcast is tailor-made for you.
Each week, we dive deep into the world of personal transformation, self-discovery, and the art of crafting epic experiences. Through thought-provoking insights, interviews with industry experts, and real-life success stories, we'll empower you to unlock your full potential and lead with impact.
Whether you're looking to ignite your coaching practice, design life-changing retreats, or captivate your audience from the stage, we've got you covered. Our goal is to equip you with the tools, strategies, and inspiration you need to create magic in your leadership, coaching, and speaking endeavors.
The Marli Williams Podcast is your go-to resource for:
Inspiring stories of individuals who have transformed lives through leading epic events, workshops and retreats.
Strategies for designing and delivering workshops and presentations that leave a lasting impact.
Expert insights on personal development, communication, and leadership.
Practical advice on building a thriving speaking and facilitation practice and leading epic retreats.
Mark your calendar because The Marli Williams Podcast launches on Wednesday, November 1st, and new episodes will be released every Wednesday. Don't miss out! Be sure to subscribe or follow wherever you listen to podcasts, and join us in our quest to lead together and transform lives.
Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and equipped to take your leadership, coaching, and speaking skills to the next level. Let's create epic experiences and make a lasting impact. Join me, Marli Williams, on The Marli Williams Podcast - Let's Lead Together. -
The official weekly podcast of Bringing you thoughtful reflections on how to get the most out of each of your numbered weeks, along with a weekly dad joke, quote, podcast and content recommendations. All in 15 minutes or less... usually!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Manifesting Clarity Podcast, where we work together to help you receive the answers to your big "What's Next?" question. My deepest desire is to help your create a life that you absolutely love! With each episode I'll bring you first hand stories and proven methods from industry leaders who have faced challenging decisions and stepped into their power to unlock a life of their dreams! Join me as I bring you inspiration and answers every week!
Do you want to discover the secrets to manifesting the life of your dreams?
Then this podcast is for you. -
"Dental Fuel," the podcast that shares the raw truth on the real journey of dentistry, straight from the mouths of those who've lived it. Here, we dive deep into the 'middle' - the rarely talked about challenges and mistakes that shape a dentist's path to success. From clinical slip-ups to financial missteps and teamwork trials, our seasoned guests lay it all bare, offering you the pearls of wisdom needed to navigate your own dental journey.
With "Dental Fuel," you're not just listening to stories; you're gathering the insights needed to avoid common pitfalls and embrace success. Subscribe and download now to fuel your dental career with firsthand knowledge, advice, and insights from seasoned professionals who have walked the path before you.
Are you ready to feel less stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious? Do you wish you could be crazy confident in your ability to take on life’s challenges? Wouldn’t it be amazing to stop living in survival mode and start thriving in a life you are living on purpose?
In this podcast you will create a better understanding around building self-esteem and confidence. You will learn where confidence comes from, and how to increase yours. You may be surprised how easy it is to make small life changes that add up to increase your self-esteem, give you more confidence, and create BIG results.
On the podcast, you will learn how to let go of perfectionism and embrace challenge or change. If you have fear, anxiety, or overwhelm that’s okay, because we will talk about how you can stop letting it hold you back.
As a master-certified life coach, I have spent the last few years coaching entrepreneurs, executives, teenagers, a sports team, and a faith-based women’s group. What do they all have in common? They all need the confidence to go boldly toward their goals and dreams. Each one of them has something that is holding them back. Maybe it’s a mindset that they can’t succeed or a belief that they are not good enough. My goal is to uncover whatever IT is and help them become the best version of themselves possible.
What area of life do you know you need to build more confidence? I promise you are NOT alone. I am here to help you bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be! I will help you become more confident along with having full alignment with your values and goals.
Imagine having deeper connections, feeling less anxiety and overwhelm, gaining clarity, and fully trusting yourself.
Picture yourself not just surviving, but truly thriving! How would that change your life?
It’s time to take the first step towards a confident and joyful life. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful!
Join me for an empowering coaching journey to unlock your true potential and live a life filled with an empowered sense of self and a deep joy for your life.
Get started with your free Discovery Call:
Visit me on Instagram: @HCEdwardsCoaching
Email: [email protected]
I’m here with you every step of the way!
Heather -
Tento podcast věnujeme všem ŽENÁM a všemu, co nás zajímá - od duchovna až po business. Jsme nejlepší kamarádky, v mnohém stejné a zároveň úplně odlišné a takové jsou i naše pohledy na svět, které tady s vámi budeme sdílet. A+M | [email protected]
Jak vybudujete značku, kterou zákazníci zbožňují? Poslouchejte příběhy českých podnikatelů z firem, které jsou na tom stejně jako vy. Oddané svému řemeslu. Jak přemýšlí? Co je inspiruje? Jakých chyb se ve svém podnikání dopustili? Jak se jim povedlo přežít v extrémně náročném prostředí byznysu? Podcast Buduj značku vám pomáhá na vaší byznysové cestě. Rozhovory moderuje Petr Schwank z podcastového vydavatelství EP Events and Production.
Pro ty, kteří se rádi učí vyznat sami v sobě a v druhých. S Katkou & Bárou.
Příběhy zakladatelů výjimečných českých firem, které ukazují, že i když jsou peníze na prvním místě, nejde vždy jen o ně. Tomáš Čupr, Jannis Samaras, Simona Kijonková nebo Josef Průša a jejich byznysové úspěchy i pády v novém podcastu Seznam Zpráv.
How do you start a business as a freelancer, consultant, coach or contractor?How do you turn your hobby into a real business?How do you find great clients that will pay you what you’re worth and will keep coming back for more?How do you sell with confidence and find the freedom to work whenever you want from wherever you want?
Veteran freelance designer and business owner, Mat Casner digs into tough questions inside The Freelance CEO Podcast. In each episode, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the tactics, tools and actionable advice that will help you launch, grow and scale your freelance business.
Thinking about leaving your 9-to-5 and going out on your own but have doubts?Wondering how to charge premium prices for your services?Want to create a steady flow of great client prospects and avoid the stressful feast or famine cycle?Join the freelance revolution and see how thousands of skilled, creative individuals just like you are learning how to turn their profitable skills and part-time side hustles into thriving as businesses that will bring you more joy and freedom to be your best self now.