Seriemördarna är en podcast där Magnus Betnér och Erik Rosenberg varje vecka pratar om ett tema knutet till TV-serier. Diskussionen rör både ämnet i sig, men också serierna som berör själva ämnet samt Magnus och Eriks personliga favoriter i olika genres. Dessutom bjuder de på varsitt tips i varje avsnitt.
Eric sporrong och Carin sollenberg botaniserar i udda facebookgrupper. Här får du en unik inblick i hur verklighetens folk interagerar med varandra i världens största sociala nätverk.
Join comedian, Mick Thomas as he reviews his week. Hear about what went on at his stand up shows and who he fought with this week. Listen as he rants and gets things off his chest.
Pernilla Hammargen, Therese Sandin och Moa Svan ger er Lesbisk Revy, en podcast om lesbisk och queer kultur. Tre lesbiska komiker diskuterar sina queer favoriter från tv, film, böcker och musik.
Lättsamma samtal mellan standupkomikern John Olsson och gäster. John vill släppa sitt kontrollbehov av att alltid göra mycket research och i denna podd är han nästan oförberedd. Instagram: @john_olsson_ Hemsida:
Welcome to Pee Pee Poo Poo Studios! You'll find a lot of songs with interesting lyrics.
Komikern August Rydell pratar om sitt liv som tenderar att vara rätt skåpigt. Som namnet antyder så kommer det vara ett övergripande tema när jag sitter och gräver runt i mitt eget huvud och rantar om diverse saker. En sak som är säker är att det kommer bjudas på en hel del SKÅPIGA HISTORIER! Vaya con dios
Goon of note, Chris from BK sits down and yells about childhood trauma, how he'd fix the whole damn country, and all sorts of other bullshit. All while splitting a six pack with you the listener. Chris is joined by his stalwart producer and homeless weirdo Mike Harrington on this journey of self reflection and yelling. There's lots of yelling.
So crack open a cold one and listen to an aging NYC townie tell you how things should be from the stool at the end of the bar, or outside a bodega in the cold, or wherever people rant and rave but never ramble.
Get it!
Just conversations about life
Tentang sejarah batik Indonesia
This is just my twitter @cooneyordie in podcast form.
10 minute rundown of the news by a moron Support this podcast:
Viele verschiedene Storys im Corona-Lockdown.
It's funny business! Learn leadership & business skills to deal with people & handle life's curveballs. A professional comedian offers laughs & practical tips.
Funny comedian & top keynote speaker Jan McInnis's unique, fun and useful ideas will help you develop solutions to your own work and life issues.
Jan is an established comedy writer. She's sold material for Jay Leno’s Tonight Show monologue on the Tonight Show as well as many other people, places and groups – radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, and even guests on the Jerry Springer show (her parents are proud).
For over 25+ years she’s traveled country as a comedian, keynote speaker, and Master of Ceremonies. She's shared her clean comedy with thousands of organizations, and her business tips with thousands of corporations and associations. She's been onstage in front of everyone from the Mayo Clinic to several of the Federal Reserve Banks. Jan is also currently co-starring in the Baby Boomer Comedy Show, touring theatres with comedian Kent Rader, and she is also an excellent Master of Ceremonies!
Jan is the author of two books "Finding the Funny Fast – How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers & Crowds," and "Convention Comedian – Stories and Wisdom From Two Decades of Chicken Dinners and Comedy Clubs." Her short stories can be heard on her popular podcast: "Comedian Stories: Tales From the Road in Under 5 Minutes."
What's in store every week?
Monday – Friday – Jan offers a quick tip for managing work and personal life
Saturday – a tip for Finding the Funny . . . Jan will help you find the funny in your life with a quick tip on using humor
Sunday – It's time to sit back and enjoy a minute of Jan's clean comedy from her shows.
Jan has shared her humor keynotes with groups such as...
Mayo Clinic
Abbott Pharmaceuticals
Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Davita Dialysis Centers
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
National Council for Prescription Drug Companies
Organization of Nurse Leaders
Federal Reserve Banks
BDO Accounting
Transamerica Insurance & Investment Group
Merrill Lynch
American Institute of CPAs
National League of Cities
International Worker's Compensation Fund
LA County Management Association
Social Security Administration
Southern California Public Power Authority
U.S. Air Force
American Heart Associations
Go Red For Women luncheons
Speaking of Women's Health
International Association of Administrative Professionals
Toyota Women’s Conference
Women in Insurance and Financial Services
Women in Film & Video
Henry Ford Health Centers Women’s Event
Breast cancer awareness
School Business Officials associations
School superintendent associations
School boards associations
State education associations
Community college associations
Head Start associations
Texas adult protective services
Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals
International Association of Emergency Managers
Disney Emergency Managers
Salt Lake County Public Works and Municipal Services Disaster Recovery Conference
Pennsylvania Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health conference
Mid Atlantic Safety conference and Chesapeake Regional Safety Council
Risk associations
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Associations
Public procurement associations
Public purchasing associations
correctional associations
public utilities
public personnel associations
rural housing associations
community action associations
Health Information Management Associations
Healthcare Financial Management Associations
Home Healthcare Associations
Assisted Living Associations
Medical Group Management Associations
Healthcare Risk Associations
Healthcare Quality Associations
state emergency management associations
insurance groups
state education associations
community college associations
school administrators associations
school nutrition associations
principal associations
library associations -
حكايتنا مع الأشياء، وعلاقة الجماد بينا، تخيل كل حاجة ليها روح حتى الكرسي اللي أنت قاعد عليه ما تيجوا نشوف حكايات الأشياء
Comedians Tim Smith & Tommy Brennan of the semi-viral show Roommates-In-Law are riffin' and raffin', swapping stories about comedy and finding their Zeroes of the Week.
New episode every Thursday!