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    Architecture can be disrupted, like any other old and obsolete systems from the last century.

    In the new world, architecture entrepreneurs in whatever form, such as academics or professionals, have in their minds, the idea of 'simplifying' the contrived and complicated systems of university accreditation and rankings among other things, obviously stifling the profession.

    In this deliberation, we are trying to understand the two sides of the coin of 'architecture': head is education and tail is practice, but hang on, there is only one architecture and not 2 sides. The education part does affect the practice part. It has been said over and over again. That is why we feel that there are 2 sides.

    This is how we start the New Architectural Curriculum.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet.

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    After this episode, I will propose a New Curriculum for the Education of the Architect, a simplified and stronger version by proposing a framework to create the optimum learning experience for the future architect. If the graduate do not want to follow the path to be a professional architect, they do not have to be contented to be "half an architect" or an "architect without a professional licence". They could have a bold, brighter and wonderful career doing whatever they wish to do.

    However, this episode explains in detail what is the "magic formula" in learning to be an architect proven with the success of the second year studio design curriculum that a number of successful people turned out to be.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet.

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    A more detailed description of how the tutors structured and run the architectural design studio programs for 2 semesters with the 2013-14 batch and how we managed the learning experience of the students.

    We believe that year long program not only created a decisively effective outcome for future architects but also any other pathways like film-making and art. It fulfil the learning experience in terms of observational skill, analytical and critical thinking as proposed before. Together as one whole studio, we created collaborations and added other skills like the ability to conduct interviews and case studies as well.

    This magic formula provided enough learning to equip the students with skills and knowledge to springboard their respective careers, with high confidence levels.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet.

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    In 2013, we decided to have better control on the running of the second year studio and created an architectural program that was a springboard for success of many of the students then.

    There were a number of students that came to my mind some 11 years later such as artist Lis Lequin, film-maker Gogularaajan, graduate architects Joo Yin, Hui Xin and Adam and others. For example, I have been following Gogularaajan’s development as a filmmaker. So happy that he is pitching for his feature film in Cannes and being featured as a co-director of a film at the Cannes Film Festival.

    What was the magic formula that we did in the second year that helped shape their careers? This episode is an introduction for 3 parts explaining what we did right as studio masters.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet.

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    Since 2021, ARB proposed that the Part 1, 2 & 3 Architecture course be discontinued and just have an 'academic course' and 'practical course'. Certainly that would be the right move!
    From the ARB report: One stakeholder interviewee said, “When people qualify, there is a disconnect between professional practice and design. It should be more integrated.” Another quote was: Over 80% of those recruiting architects said that applicants lacked the levels of competence required by the firm, primarily reporting a lack of necessary skills and knowledge relating to building contracts, health and safety risks, and procurement.
    Listen to the discussion in this podcast to find out the arguments proposed.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet "the game changer".

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    The future scenario is "you don't need Part 2 / Masters of Architecture course" as the students of the future will not want to follow the traditional route of being an architect. This is an opener to the discussion on architecture education in the future. Listen to previous podcasts to find out how this proposition came about.

    Let us have this conversation!

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image is downloaded from the internet "the game changer".

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    Part 2 discussion combined 2 topics discussed earlier on "architecture students missing skill set" with " the architect entrepreneur, design thesis and hypothesis". Further analysis on the 2 other students who dealt with the eco-system (system thinking) using their architectural project showed an entrepreneurial aspect - please read about these: Wong Chiang Her's Botanic Gardens and Wong Joe Yee's Vertical Neighbourhood Shared Space.

    The conclusion proposed that the learning for this generation (Gen Zs) can be perfunctory, where a first degree (part 1) graduate may acquire the 'architect entrepreneur' sense even earlier, as depicted by two persons I had known personally. This could be the game changer for architecture education where to acquire the first degree in architecture is enough.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image a photo of Wong Joe Yee's Vertical Neighbourhood Shared Space 3D drawing, design thesis 2019-2020, Universiti Malaya.

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    Based on a Facebook post by an architecture student who asked about the skills that they need apart from 'copying', I made clear suggestions on what are the missing skill set that consists of :

    1. Observational (sketching)
    2. Critical thinking
    3. Analytical thinking

    (Both number 2 & 3 are to do with reading and understanding concepts apart from architecture, and through the processes of reflective thinking is able to be more discerning).

    These make up the fundamental skill set on 'how to' obtain the knowledge and ability to be an architect who will have choices of different career streams and not just end up working for a developer or one type of architecture company for the rest of their lives.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image of a 'blank paper to start a sketch' was dowloaded from the internet.

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    This topic on "disability and architecture / architects", an intersectionality / inter-disciplinary, will be a regular feature in Talk Architecture. This episode provides a picture of how a personal journey began and why it will be an important aspect to the aging population issue in Malaysia, and who are the main proponents for this to happen, for example the architects and developers will need to own the process for accessibility and universal design for it to happen.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. The image of Universal Design principles was dowloaded from the internet.

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    An Extended Introduction to explain further thoughts about the relationship of the Architect Entrepreneur to Artificial Intelligence and how this will be a good thing when specialisation will help to bring back the important role of architecture in society.

    A series is dedicated to this topic based on research with Facebook group comments, articles, and YouTube videos that spanned from 2023 and will come to some conclusions in the end. You are welcome to join me.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is the AI Brain taken from the internet.

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    A 2 part discussion where in this first episode we discuss the 5 design thesis hypothesis / problem statement identified and challenged and how Raymond Bu had provided the solution for them. A few students dealt with the eco-system using their architectural project showed an entrepreneurial aspect of their work. This also proved the complexity and completion of a commendable project. BLOG POST.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob

    The image a photo of Raymond’s group online deskcrit with the lecturers regarding ideas on the stall’s detail design Market Hub on week 5, semester 2, 2019-2020.

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    An Introduction to a new series on Artificial Intelligence and Architecture to start the conversation and current development on architecture education and practice.

    "With the emergence of AI-powered design tools and techniques. The need for traditional architectural education is rapidly diminishing. And this is not inconceivable that it may disappear entirely. " (ChatGPT). Prophetic or doom and gloom due to ignorance when one reads the statement produced by ChatGPT, but is there some truth in this?

    A series is dedicated to this topic based on research with Facebook group comments, articles, and YouTube videos that spanned from 2023 and will come to some conclusions in the end. You are welcome to join me.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is the AI Brain taken from the internet.

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    Do subscribe for premium content and special features which will help to support and sustain Talk Architecture podcast on a more in-depth explanation on design thesis and processes. These special commentaries and ‘how to’ explanations are valuable insights and knowledge not found elsewhere!

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    ESG business models impact society's aspirations when focused on creating eco-systems and not just ticking boxes to look good. Have businesses considered the 'social' in ESG enough? " The Social in ESG covers 'human rights, community involvement, diversity, and customer satisfaction'" (https://www.thecorporategovernanceinstitute.com/insights/guides/simple-guide-esg/)
    However, in this discussion, we look to the words 'sense', 'embrace', and, 'approach' rather just on taking a cursory approach to 'social' in a business model.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is the ESG concept taken from the internet.

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    Are architects and designers neuro-divergent or have traits that are neuro-divergent? Google says that: neurodivergent (adjective) means "differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders); not neurotypical".

    We often think of ourselves as special or have special skill sets, but to identify as a 'neurodivergent' would be going too far. Or is it? There is a particular skill of being able to "look at a 2-dimensional drawing and imagine the 3-dimensional equivalent in my head", as the author Scaff said in the article: Designing and leading while neurodivergent.

    I thought my students and my (manual drawing) peers were able to do this and it is a skill that architects need to have. Or was I wrong about this?

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is a 2D house plan taken from the internet.

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    Part 2 and the concluding episode of this discussion were inspired by the architect, Mitch Moss's post on Facebook on 18 February 2024. Some discussion includes the design of high-rise buildings and identity. The argument is that when we propose that the context (people) is at the core of the design decision, we will design more of an inside-out building rather than merely focusing on form. The use of the design thesis project by Wong Joe Yee's Vertical Neighbourhood Shared Space, took the Menara Mutiara, a 13-story building, and transformed it into a place for the community at Petaling Jaya Old Town, and other examples, juxtaposed with the ubiquitousness of cities with the typical high-rise designs.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is a drawing by Wong Joe Yee's Vertical Neighbourhood Shared Space design thesis in 2019-20.

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    The first part of a two-part series is the first reaction that was discussed after reading the architect, Mitch Moss's Facebook post on 18 February 2024.

    Readings of what Mitch had posted interspersed with Naziaty's Talk Architecture host's opinion on Concepts, Context, and Content in Malaysian Architecture Identity, take forward last December 2023 discussion based on a newspaper article on Malaysian Identity.

    © 2024 Talk Architecture, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
    The image is downloaded from the internet -
    Editorial credit: IZWAN IS / Shutterstock.com

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    “Don't Take Things Personally”, is one of the Four Agreements that Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in his book. People at the office, be it a co-worker, your boss, a consultant or the contractor may state their opinion to you. At that moment you could say something back but you don't have to. One could feel threatened at that instant feeling less worthy or being insulted even. But you could give an opinion but better still just stay silent. Because it is not personal even if it is directed to you and based on what you are supposed to have not done or did. There is no loss if you don't reply because it was not personal, at all.

    Part 2 of the Series “Loving Yourself Unconditionally” for the Architect & Designers.

    ©️Talk Architecture 2024, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. Photo downloaded from the Internet on “argue office”, 2024.

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    “Be impeccable with your word”, is one of the Four Agreements that Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in his book. Communication is key and using the right words is necessary to achieve your dreams and goals in architectural practice and education.

    Part 1 of the Series “Loving Yourself Unconditionally” for the Architect & Designers.

    ©️Talk Architecture 2024, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. Photo downloaded from the Internet on “flawless”, 2024.

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    This opinion piece is a reply to someone in a facebook who commented that architecture is a “dead/ dying industry in many parts… nobody wants to pay for design when it can just be replicated digitally from something done before”.

    This is in conjunction with the Rediscover Architect posted earlier. FB ad on “3 Reasons Architects Suffer Stress and Burnout and How to Fix it!”

    ©️Talk Architecture 2024, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. Photo downloaded from the Internet on “burnout”, 2024.

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    This is an introduction to a series of discussion on “unconditionally loving yourself” which will at first, refer to Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements”:

    1. Be impeccable to your word
    2. Don’t take anything personal
    3. Don’t make assumptions
    4. Always do your best

    How do these agreements help the architect to achieve a work-life balance and rid of stress and burnout?

    ©️Talk Architecture 2024, Author: Naziaty Mohd Yaacob. Photo by a student: Final Crit at UCSI, 2023.

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