Everyone needs a supplementary income I think. Especially those with dependents. I talk about some I've done and considered. Would you be a professional cuddler?😏
Would you intentionally ghost your love interest for attention? Or maybe you're on the receiving end of the "soft" ghosting. If you don't know what soft ghosting is, then you're welcome.
You're at a wedding and people are walking up to gift the couple. Then comes a man, her brother. He comes forth and presents a car key to the bride. Pandemonium ensues (well not really, at least not in reality. Just online 😂)
Netflix did the live action remake of nickelodeon's avatar - the last airbender. I share my opinion on what I thought the show, good and bad
Just some ideas for you to get your special someone or someone(s). That is, if you didn't already have it figured out by now
Exposè on why I'm not paired yet. I finally reveal the true reason for being solo. I feel like it's time for me to be honest with the world.
Have you scoured your city in search of love? Has the search not yielded much? Perhaps consider the possibility that the love of your life is in another city. Just there, patiently waiting for you to claim them. Why do I think so? Listen
Obviously I'm not mad. I mean I haven't been clinically diagnosed as such anyway. I just wanted to talk and felt like sharing the mind conversations with you guys. I do feel like I revealed too much intimate stuff but hey, take that as my Christmas present to you. There's a story time in this episode after all the initial rambling lol
Had my niece on this episode. You would never guess what she said she wants to be when she grows up.
Would you prefer to date someone earning more than you or less? Do you think men can handle dating women earning more than them? Is the male ego really easily bruised? If you find any of these questions intriguing, then you might wanna pay attention to my ramblings
Ramblings of a mad man. That's how I would like to describe this. Are you selfish for putting yourself first? Do people date unkind partners? Questions like these are what inspired this rant.
Watched a movie with that exact title and I came to a realisation about what love at first sight actually means. I explained my thoughts and still gave a bit of a summary in case you want to check out the movie.
Action packed series on Netflix about a regular school teacher who; all of a sudden has very good fighting ability which makes a lot of people wonder if she is actually who she says she is. Who do you think she is? Use the poll to decide
Having a roommate or flatmate can be a lot of things. But what if the person is your partner, does that make it better or worse? How about your folks, will they be in support of that decision to live with a lover? Find some insight here
Have you ever tested your partner in a relationship? Or have you ever been the one being tested? Listen to us talk through various forms of tests. There's also a version of the Family Feud gameshow in the other half of this episode that you don't wanna miss!
Ever gotten treated better than someone else because of how you look? I don't mean racism now but in a more positive return for you. I talk about pretty privilege, the advantages and possible disadvantages with a guest. Also a fun game at the end that you shouldn't miss!
Does love exist in the trenches? Well I had the privilege of having the conversation with a guest on how love goes down in the trenches
I did a marvel trivia with Google's AI - Bard. I discovered some new things about Marvel and...some new things about the AI too
A flash back at an interesting job interview that I went for.
The rant was furious and kinda fast. But fr the Fast X movie and the fast & furious franchise as a whole are taking us for a ride. This was just my emotional state after watching the latest instalment
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