Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 59 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
Hope you are enjoying the many events of the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers happening all this month.
The Ergon Energy Night Garden is on every day 6 pm till 8.30 and it's free
Now let's catch up with what's on this week.
Monday 13.09.2021
Story Time @ Crows Nest Library 9:15am - 09:45pm
Out and About with First 5 Forever Peacehaven Park, Highfields, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Story Time @ Pittsworth Library 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Story Time @ Clifton Library and Community Centre 11:30am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 15.09.2021
Out and About with First 5 Forever, 9:30 am - 10:00 am Queens Park
A breathtaking month of flowers, flavours, and sounds, the Carnival of Flowers takes over Toowoomba in the most beautiful of ways each September. Stay tuned to the podcast for what to do and where, or go to tcof.com.au for more event details.
The Night Garden at the Botanic Gardens, Queens Park every day in September 6 pm till 8:30
#Carnival of flowers garden tours
Departing 9 am and 1 pm from the visitor information centre on James street daily during September
Full commentary, air-conditioned bus , a flower extravaganza, Book now to secure your seat at www.toowoombasightseeing.com.au or call Lindsay on 0447 070 635. $30pp for 3 hrs
Parking in Kitchener Street,
Friday 17.09.2021
Story Time @ City Library Community Meeting Rooms 9:45 am - 10:15 am
Story Time @ Highfields Library (Sports Centre) 10:30am - 11:00am
Toowoomba Orchid Show at St Paul's Lutheran Church hall, James & Phillips Streets 8:30 am - 03:00 pm daily until Tuesday 21st
Festival of the Big Cow at Highfields Pioneer Village Recognising the history of the dairy industry in Australia 9:00 am - 05:00 pm Daily until Sunday 26th
There is a Carnival of Flowers Info Hub running 8:30 till 4:30 Fri Sat and Sun thru-out September. at Laurel Bank Park Queens Park and Picnic Point get all your carnival info at these locations.
Saturday 18.09.2021
The iconic Grand Central Floral Parade starts at 10 am departs from the corner of Herries & Hume Streets, continues along Herries Street, turns right into Ruthven Street, right into Margaret Street, left onto Hume Street, and finishes on Godsall Street Oval on the corner of Hume & Godsall Streets. There are road closures in place around Toowoomba CBD on Saturday 18 September
Chalk Art in the Park at the Botanic gardens Cnr Lindsay & Campbell Sts 9.30 to 12.30
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 19.09.2021
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 58 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week we talk to
SJA Media Services is available to anyone wanting help with their digital media. Whether it's a new website or maintenance of their current site. We also do Podcast production and hosting and audio file creation. Let us create your digital handshake Contact us for a free no-obligation quote email us info@sjamedia.com.au or call us 0427 155 399 during business hours.
Now let's catch up with what's on this week.
Monday 30.08.2021
Story Time @ Crows Nest Library 9:15am - 09:45pm
Out and About with First 5 Forever Peacehaven Park, Highfields, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Story Time @ Pittsworth Library 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Story Time @ Clifton Library and Community Centre 11:30am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 01.09.2021
Out and About with First 5 Forever, 9:30 am - 10:00 am Queens Park
A breathtaking month of flowers, flavours, and sounds, the Carnival of Flowers takes over Toowoomba in the most beautiful of ways each September. Stay tuned to the podcast for what to do and where, or go to tcof.com.au for more event details.
The Night Garden at the Botanic Gardens, Queens Park every day in September 6 pm till 8:30 pm
Thursday 02.09.2021
Carnival of flowers garden tours
Departing 9 am and 1 pm from the visitor information centre on James street daily during September
Full commentary, air-conditioned bus, a flower extravaganza, Book now to secure your seat at www.toowoombasightseeing.com.au or call Lindsay on 0447 070 635. $30pp for 3 hrs
Parking in Kitchener Street,
Friday 03.09.2021
Story Time @ City Library Community Meeting Rooms 9:45 am - 10:15 am
Story Time @ Highfields Library (Sports Centre) 10:30am - 11:00am
There is a Carnival of Flowers Info Hub running 8:30 till 4:30 Fri Sat and Sun thru-out September. at Laurel Bank Park Queens Park and Picnic Point get all your carnival info at these locations.
Saturday 04.09.2021
10:00 am - 04:00 pm the Oakey Urban Landcare Group will open the Cockburn Landcare Research Centre during the Carnival of Flowers.
Come and discover the Koala Habitat Project surrounding the Research Centre, and learn about other environmental projects in the Oakey District. Free Entry. Signs will direct from Beale Street, Oakey.
Queens Park 9:30 till 12:30 Chalk Art in the Park and Live music 2 till 5
National Tree Day 2021
More than 2000 new trees and 300 native shrubs and grasses will be planted out across three Toowoomba Region parks on Saturday 4 September To register your interest, call Council on 131 872 or email info@tr.qld.gov.au
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Live music @ Laurel Bank Park Saturday and Sunday 9:30 till 12:30 and 2 till 5
Sunday 05.09.2021
Manglende episoder?
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 57 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week we talk to Rebecca from Bracknell Lodge about the BUSH CHOOKS AND ROSTERS Event on Saturday 28th August
Now let's catch up with what's on this week.
All this week is book week
Monday 23.08.2021
Story Time @ Crows Nest Library 9:15am - 09:45pm
Out and About with First 5 Forever Peacehaven Park, Highfields, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Tuesday 24.08.2021
Story Time @ Pittsworth Library 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Story Time @ Oakey Library 11:30am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 25.08.2021
Out and About with First 5 Forever, 9:30 am - 10:00 am Queens Park
Thursday 26.08.2021
Oakey Mayoral Prayer Breakfast 6:00 am - 08:00 am Oakey Cultural Centre
Friday 27.08.2021
Story Time @ City Library Community Meeting Rooms 9:45 am - 10:15 am
Story Time @ Highfields Library (Sports Centre) 10:30am - 11:00am
Cobb and Co Trivia Night @ Cobb n Co celebrating National Science week 6 till 8 PM tickets online
Wear It Purple Toowoomba 3:00 pm - 06:00 pm Civic Square, Toowoomba Live Music, Information Stalls, Prizes, and Giveaways
Community Bushfire Discussion for Ravensbourne and surrounding area 5:30 pm - 09:00 pm @ Perseverance Hall
Saturday 28.08.2021
Silk Painting Workshops with Lynda Georgeson at her studio in, Crows Nest 2 sessions available both Saturday and Sunday check council events page for more details
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Bush Chooks and Roosters 2 till 11:45 Pm a fun day for the whole family @ Bracknell Lodge supporting Tonys kitchen
Sunday 29.08.2021
The Toowoomba PCYC Markets at the PCYC Toowoomba from 6 am
Have a Go Pottery Workshop @ Wild Woman Designs studio 8588 New England Highway, Hampton, 12:30 pm - 02:30 pm
Well, that's it for another week. Thanks again to our local supporters Recognition Plus, find them at recognitionplus.com.au for all your promotional needs. If you have an event or business you would like us to feature on the podcast email us info@sjamedia.com.au remember to tell your friends about us and help us out by subscribing and listening to the podcast it's free. See you round Toowoomba
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 56 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week we hear from a local author who is launching a book to help young children with their fears of going to sleep just in time for next week which is book week
Now let's catch up with what's on this week.
Wednesday 18.08.2021
Out and About with First 5 Forever, 9:30am - 10:00 am Queens Park
Friday 20.08.2021
Story Time @ City Library Community Meeting Rooms 9:45 am - 10:15 am
Story Time @ Highfields Library (Sports Centre) 10:30am - 11:00am
Saturday 21.08.2021
Silk Painting Workshops with Lynda Georgeson at her studio in, Crows Nest 2 sessions available both Saturday and Sunday check council events page for more details
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Blacksmithing Basics Workshop (Two Days)Cost: $410 includes expert instruction, all materials, and meals Time: 8 am - 4 pm (both days)
Sunday 22.08.2021
The Toowoomba PCYC Markets at the PCYC Toowoomba from 6 am
Aberfeldy Farm & Barn 12 till 4 pm Free BYO event or food and coffee available from vans on site. Market stalls are set up inside the barn.
Well, that's it for another week. Thanks again to our local supporters Recognition Plus, find them at recognitionplus.com.au for all your promotional needs. If you have an event or business you would like us to feature on the podcast email us info@sjamedia.com.au remember to tell your friends about us and help us out by subscribing and listening to the podcast it's free. See you round Toowoomba
For Monday 9 August 2021
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 55 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week we hear from the Catholic Care Family Relationship Centre and what they do to help the community
Now lets catch up on some news around town and what's on this week.
Monday 9.08.2021
Storytime is on again all this week at various locations around the Toowoomba Region including Crows Nest Pittsworth, Oakey, Queens Park, Highfields and Toowoomba, check council events pages for days, times and locations
Friday 13.08.2021
40 min Sci-Fi Short Film produced in Toowoomba & South-East Queensland.
Join us for the Official Premiere of 'Cadence'! at the Strand Theatre Toowoomba from 7:00pm
Sunny Vicars accomplished small-group singer performs All that Jazz is featured at Toowoomba Jazz Society Jazz Night 7:45pm - 10:45pm North Toowoomba Bowls Club,
Silk Painting Workshops with Lynda Georgeson at her studio in, Crows Nest 2 sessions available both Saturday and Sunday check council events page for more details
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 15.08.2021
The Toowoomba PCYC Markets at the PCYC Toowoomba from 6am
Tour the Royal Bull's Head Inn, 59 Brisbane Street , Drayton 10:00am - 02:00pm
Darling Downs Trike Tours offers tours to suit every budget and taste 9:30am - 01:00pm Queens Park Frogs Hollow, Crn Hume & Margaret Streets, TOOWOOMBA
Well that's it for another week. Thanks again to our local supporters Recognition Plus , find them at recognitionplus.com.au for all your promotional needs. If you have an event or business you would like us to feature on the podcast email us info@sjamedia.com.au remember to tell your friends about us and help us out by subscribing and listening to the podcast it's free. See you round Toowoomba
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 54 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week I am talking to Kate from Classic Beauty Therapy they can now proudly say that they are Toowoomba's first Sustainable Salon and the first in Queensland. Hear what all this means.
Now let's catch up on some news around town and what's on this week.
Well, we attended the Christmas in July Networking Event on Saturday hosted by Terri Adams-Munn from Ten Thousand Dreams, and Dale Kaschula of Kasch Designs & Personal Styling. What a great night of fun and Christmas celebrations in July.
Saturday 24.07.2021
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 25.07.2021
Italian Cooking Workshop with Foodie Shots Come and enjoy a Foodie Shots Cooking Workshops with one of Toowoomba's longest-serving chefs Stephen Simon as he takes you through many of the techniques and sharing inside tips and tricks to ensure you can wow your family and friends. @ Rosalie House Vineyard and Cellar Door, see foodieshots.com.au for details
TOOWOOMBA FASHION MARKET 8 till 12 its free · 520 Ruthven St, Entry is via Kwong Sang Walk
Miniature Train & Vintage Model T Bus Running Day, 10 AM – 2:30 PM Highfields Pioneer Village
The Toowoomba PCYC Markets at the PCYC Toowoomba from 6 am
Well, that's it for another week. Thanks again to our local supporters Recognition Plus, find them at recognitionplus.com.au for all your promotional needs. If you have an event or business you would like us to feature on the podcast email us info@sjamedia.com.au remember to tell your friends about us and help us out by subscribing and listening to the podcast it's free. See you round Toowoomba
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Ep 53 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week I am talking to Toowoomba’s young entrepreneur Hamish Brown better known as Hammy’s Cupcakes. A young man who has his sights set on giving people enjoyment through delicious cupcakes and baking on his success.
Now let's catch up on some news around town and what's on this week.
Want to get Christmas festive in July get your tickets for this month's business networking event, at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Saturday, July 17. Join us and a variety of small businesses in Toowoomba for some fun, and networking, hosted by Terri Adams-Munn from Ten Thousand Dreams, and Dale Kaschula of Kasch Designs & Personal Styling.
Monday 12.07.2021
Storytime at the Library is a great way to develop a love of reading and introduce your child to books. For kids children aged 0 to 5 years, at the Crows Nest Library, 9:15 am - 09:45 am
Another session will be delivered at Peacehaven Park, Highfields. 11:00am - 11:30am
See Council events page for details
Tuesday 13.07.2021
U3A Open Morning for new and prospective new members to come along and meet the tutors. Find out what U3A offers and how you can become a member. 9:30am - 11:30am @ Philharmonic Performance Complex, 7 Matthews Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia
Also on Tuesday Eat Digital has an online Workshop about Email Marketing get in quick, it's on from 5:30 pm.
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Also this Saturday Cobb n Co museum has another one of their Learn the basics of blacksmithing and create your own set of blacksmithing tools Cost: $410 includes expert instruction, all materials, and meals, See Council events page or Cobb n Co website for more details
The Renal Race Day will feature live racing, yabby races and plenty of raffles and auctions to be won.
The race day will be held in the Clive Berghofer Grande Atrium with funds raised benefiting the Toowoomba Hospital Renal Unit and Emerge Cafe.
Sunday 18.07.2021
Learn how to carve your own wooden spoon using traditional techniques and your own hands by attending this small group one day workshop from 8:30 am till 3:30 pm see council events page for details
The Toowoomba PCYC Markets at the PCYC Toowoomba from 6 am
Queens Park Markets also this Sunday at Frogs Hollow 8 am till 1 pm
Well, that's it for another week. Thanks again to our local supp
For Monday 05 July 2021
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 52 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week we speak to Terri and Dale, organisers of the Christmas in July event, and hear why we as small businesses should attend and why the charity Dolly's Dream is being supported this year. We apologise up front, Dale's audio is a little scratchy, due to technical difficulties, but we all soldiered on and we have cleaned it up as best we could.
Now lets catch up on some news around town and what's on this week.
Want to get Christmas festive in July get your tickets for this months business networking event, at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Saturday, July 17. Join us and a variety of small businesses in Toowoomba for some fun, and networking, hosted by Terri Adams-Munn from Ten Thousand Dreams, and Dale Kaschula of Kasch Designs & Personal Styling.
Monday 05.07.2021
Monday 05 July To Friday 09 July, Mashed Theatre is hosting Acting Workshops for young people aged 10-18 years
At Canvas Coworking, Branson Room (access via Mann Street) see councils events page for all the details of times and sessions
Prepare for a battle of the bots these school holidays! until Friday 9 July (weekdays only) Live shows at 10 am, 11.30 am and 1 pm Cost: $10 per child @ Cobb + Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba,
See council events page for details
Tuesday 06.07.2021
From: Tuesday 06 July 2021 To: Sunday 22 August 2021 Exhibition | Weaving Connections by Felicity Chapman (Deadly Weavers) Location: Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, 531 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia
Wednesday 07.07.2021
Artisan Boutique Market from 9 AM till 1pm at Colours Of San Cris New England Hwy Carbarlah
Toowoomba Sightseeing Bus Tours
Discover Toowoomba's rich history, in this 2 hr trip and gain new understanding of what makes up the 2nd biggest inland city in Australia.
Departs Vistor Infomation centre in James Street at 10am. Book on line at www. Toowoombasightseeing.com.au
Friday 09.07.2021
Wedding Industry & Business Leaders Breakfast from 6:30 am at the Oaks see Facebook or the link for more details
The Brewhouse Opening Weekend July 9 12 pm till 11 July 6pm
Congrats Adrian and Four Brothers Brewing on your new digs, cant wait to see it happening!
Saturday 10.07.2021
Toowoomba Antique and Collectors Fair This Saturday 10 July 2021 and Sunday 11 July 2021 At the Toowoomba Showgrounds (Founders Pavillion),
Opening times:
Sat: 10th July 9am to 4pm Sun: 11th July 9 am to 2 pm
Entry charges - Adult: $8
Entry charges - Child: Free Under 14 years
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 11.07.2021
SUNDAY, JULY 11, from 12pm Sunday Sesh and Markets
At the Aberfeldy Farm & Barn, see Facebook events or our link for more details
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Episode 51 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
Now let's catch up on some news around town and what's on this week.
A suite of promotional videos aimed at enticing residents and visitors to venture into the CBD precinct for work and pleasure has just been launched, Toowoomba Regional Council, The Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce (including the Revitalisation Advisory Committee and Southern Queensland Country Tourism. The venture funded by the council will encourage all of us to get out and about within our own city. “Southern Queensland Country Tourism will promote these videos through all its social and digital networks.”
The videos are available via the Council’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/toowoombaregion , and the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce and Southern Queensland Country Tourism’s networks.
Remember to get Christmas in July festive and get your tickets for next month's business networking event, at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Saturday, July 17. Join us and a variety of small businesses in Toowoomba for some fun, and networking, hosted by Terri Adams-Munn from Ten Thousand Dreams, and Dale Kaschula of Kasch Designs & Personal Styling.
Monday 28.06.2021
from Monday to Sunday this week there a number of Art exhibitions by various artists, including, Jenny Hartley, Bruce Griffiths, Marion Bolton, and the Lindsay Collection see councils events page for details
Cobb + Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba 10:00 am - 02:00 pm Monday 28 June 2021 Celebrate STEM and the new Code Breakers exhibition these school holidays.
Presented by Queensland Museum Network for World Science Festival Queensland. Book online: At the Cobb n Co website https://cobb.qm.qld.gov.au/Events+and+Exhibitions/Events/2021/06/Robo+Games
Wednesday 30.06.2021
Toowoomba Sightseeing Bus Tours
Discover Toowoomba's rich history, see magnificent homesteads, learn our aboriginal heritage, appreciate the hidden gems even if you have lived here all your life, you will come away from the 2 hr trip with a new understanding of what makes up the 2nd biggest inland city in Australia.
Departs Visitor Infomation centre in James Street at 10 am. Book online at www. Toowoombasightseeing.com.au or call 0447 070 635
Canvas Coworking has a Robotics evening from 5:30 pm
Thursday 01.07.2021
9:00 am - 01:00 pm Thursday 01 July 2021 School Holiday Blacksmithing Location: Cobb+Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba, Queensland Australia Create a custom project in this three-hour workshop designed for teens aged 13 to 17 years. Terry Dranen has been teaching blacksmithing courses at Cobb+Co Museum for over 15 years. Spectators are welcome at all workshops. Please see the website or council event pages for details.
You should all know this one is on...Toowoomba Australian Psychic Expo 19 Days from the 1st of July. 9 till 7 pm at Rumours International
Saturday 03.07.2021
The Ten Tenors 25th year Anniversary tour is on at the Empire Theatre from 7 pm Tickets at the Empire website.
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07 am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 04.07.2021
The Handmade Expo Grand re-opening Harristown High School 9 till 1 pm
Indigenous Artesian Market on Vincent Hospital 9
EP 50 | What's On Around Town
Well hello Toowoomba, welcome to Eposide50 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast,
We are proudly brought to you by our good friends at Recognition Plus, put your name, where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
No interview this week just a catch-up, on some news around town and what's on this week.
But Before we go any further, we are thrilled that our production company SJA Media has been nominated for the Focus HR Business Excellence Awards this year, and we would like to thank those who nominated us.
Some news around town
Pioneer Park in Goombungee is the latest Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) park set for an extensive upgrade.
As part of proposed park masterplan improvement works there are proposals for the inclusion of significant landscaping incorporating a wide selection of trees, shrubs, and other landscape improvements which will enhance the overall look and feel of the park.
“In addition to this, the report includes recommendations on the provision of new play equipment for children as well as the inclusion of outdoor gym equipment which feeds into Council’s vision of creating an active and healthy Region.
Toowoomba Regional Council has extended, after-hours operating times for the Toowoomba City Library Community Meeting Rooms.
The opening hours, were based on the most popular times nominated by survey respondents, included:
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday: 9am-4pm
Saturday, Sunday: 10am-3pm
The relocation of the bus stop on the eastern side of Victoria Street in Toowoomba, outside of the Grand Central Shopping Centre, is now complete.
On and off-street parking fees and charges across Toowoomba will increase from Monday, 5 July 2021.
All parking fees will increase by 10 cents per hour to a maximum additional charge of 50 cents per day in both on and off-street parking locations, except for Central Carpark which will remain at $1 per hour.
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is introducing a change in traffic conditions at the intersection of West and O’Quinn Street in Toowoomba.
“Due to the high volumes of traffic during peak hours we’ll be installing a no right turn right, from 7-9am and 3-6pm, Monday to Friday, from West Street to O’Quinn Street,” she said.
Remember to get Christmas in July festive and get your tickets for next months business networking event, at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Saturday July 17. Join us and a variety of small businesses in Toowoomba for some fun, and networking, hosted by Terri Adams-Munn from Ten Thousand Dreams, and Dale Kaschula of Kasch Designs & Personal Styling.
Tickets available here
Monday 21.06.2021
from Monday to Sunday this week there a number of Art exhibitions by various artists on, including, Jenny Hartley, Bruce Griffiths, Marion Bolton and the Lindsay Collection see councils events page for details
QMusic Connect program
As part of Live and Local, Hear from music distributors, managers, and label reps on how a release comes together, from strategy to release timelines. This workshop will show participants what a successful release plan looks like and the key milestones to hit when putting a release plan into motion.
Participants will:
Take home a pre-release checklist. Learn how to plan your release from start to finish, and how goal-setting can help track success. Gain a greater understanding of how you can piece together your next 12 months as an artist.
5.30pm arrival, workshop from 6pm to 9pm Place: The Irish Club Hotel, 80 Russell Street, Toowoo
Happy 1st Birthday to the Handmade Collective
Well in EP 49, we are out at Grand Central Shopping Centre and catch up with Sammy from The Handmade Collective. What a ride these gals have been on, so stay tuned to hear about the adventured and what they have going on this Thursday Friday and Saturday to celebrate turning one!. I hear there are give-aways and of course cake!
Catholic Care are our guests today, they do a power of work within our community. The team is amazing.
Well hello Toowoomba, back supporting local business, we have a start-up this week!
Shane talks to Jeff Schultheiss, from Darling Fresh Smokehaus, about his brand new business, his business background and why he decided this was a good idea.
Well Hello Toowoomba, and welcome to another season of the Talkin' Toowoomba Podcast.This week we kick off our 2021 season with a local tourist attraction, that was heavily hit by Covid19 and have slowly this year been making their way back from shutdown. So like all our local travel and hospitality places they need our support, so come out and ride the grand old Downs Express this weekend from Toowoomba to Wyreema and return, and get a taste of a bygone era.
Well hello Toowoomba and welcome to our last Episode for 2020, time to kick this year to the kerb, and look forward to a fantastic 2021.
Can you believe starting two weeks before Covid hit, we have still managed 45 Episodes of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast? We are super proud and have also managed to pick up a sponsor along the way. Huge Shout out to Kristy and Chloe' from Recognition Plus. Their drive to help businesses get noticed aligns perfectly with our ethos. So go see the girls and, put your NAME, .. where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
We would also like to thank both the Toowoomba Regional Council and the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce, for believing in our vision for a community-driven weekly podcast about what goes on in this great city, even whilst we had nothing going on.
We thought a short and sweet episode this week might be the go, as everyone is busy finalising Christmas plans.
In News of the Week, we would like to just let everyone know about the Youth Grant program, which has just been rolled out by Council for 12-25-year-olds, grants up to $1000 are available. Applications close 13 January 2021, see the council website for details.
And the council school holiday program continues through the rest of Dec and Jan so check out the options to keep the kids happy.
Now some of you may know by now we were involved in a quick chat with each of the winners from the Focus HR Business Excellence Awards, straight after they left the stage. Here are a couple of examples from passionate Toowoomba business owners.
So the delightful short videos of each chat are now available on the Talkin' Toowoomba Facebook page. So if you have a soft spot for a winning business, check out their video chat with me on our Facebook page, and share the love.
To the more than 100 people we have interviewed as absolutely fantastic guests through-out the year, thank-you you make this possible, it has been great fun meeting some great people.
But most importantly, To You, thanks for listening, your loyal support, keeps us inspired to make it bigger and better, so please subscribe and tell your friends about us. We will be back in February 2021 with more things to Do and See in and around Toowoomba
May you have a safe and happy Christmas period and a great New Years' celebration, and we look forward to entertaining, informing, and educating you again in 2021Until next year, I'm Shane see ya around Toowoomba -
Welcome to Ep 44 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast, and welcome to our 2nd last episode for the year and we are in Merry Christmas mode indeed, proudly supported by Recognition Plus, put your NAME, .. where it counts!.From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
This week, we invited David from the Toowoomba Christmas Lights FB group to talk all things Xmas. We will run through some favourite Xmas lights in the region., so you can take the big and little kids out for a night of lights.
In News of the Week
Carnival Lane has opened and provides an important connection from Margaret Street through to Jessie Street, the Annand Street businesses and public car parks.
The Business Excellence Awards have been run and won, always a great night for the Toowoomba Business community.
Well done to all the winners, and if you missed us, we spoke to the winners backstage and streamed the event to FB, check out the @talkintoowoomba Facebook Book page for the replay.
Remember the Loads of Love appeal is still on just fill a bag with some nonperishable items and drop back to the donation points.Grand Central, Heritage Branches, Harvey Norman and Chamber of Commerce, and many more.
You can also drop off food donations for our furry friends at the Robertson Scannell office in Hume St or The RSPCA Op shop until the 18th. of December
Now Let's get on with the show.
Christmas Light list and links below
ToowoombaNorthHillside St, 19 Whichello St, and Waverley St
South98 Curzon St, a couple along South st (1 @ each end)
WestWilsonton –Denyer x 3, 14 Sprott , Hinton, Tara St big block, Caribou Crt x 5Whitefield St 25,27,29,31,33Gowrie Junction – Gowrie Lilydale Rd x 3 (25,27,29)
Highfields35 Blue Gum Dve7 & 28 Lockyer St Kleinton13 Mavis Crt
Toowoomba Christmas Lights Facebook group
Google Map with Christmas Lights
What's On brought to you by the Toowoomba Regional Council
So school holidays are on us again, so here are just a few things on offer.
Integrated Stem is back in-person running their much-loved school holiday program, all this week at Toowoomba Anglican school see council events page or integratedstem.com.au/holidays
Mashed Theatre are running Acting workshops at the Empire theatre all week too, see the council events page if you have some budding actors at homeThe EPIK school holiday programs are on again see the council page again for more details running 14-24 Dec.
Tuesday 15th DecEat Digital has a workshop, Digital Catapult into 2021 6-8 pm, see FB for details
Thursday 17th DecLong Table Christmas at Emerge, extends a -
Welcome to Ep 43 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast, this week, we were invited to visit the RSPCA at Wellcamp and WOW what a facility they have out there. For those who know Vanity St, there is just no comparison.We hear about the great work they do, how you can get involved and their Santa Paws Photo 's on this coming weekend.
The Talkin Toowoomba podcast, proudly supported by Recognition Plus, put your NAME, .. where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
In News of the Week
We ll the 2nd Leaders in Business Small Business Christmas party has happened and it was great for all us that are solo or small biz owners to get together, for a few drinks and some social networking, thanks Terri Adams Munn for all your hard work!
The Spotted Cow is now open again, after the new owners have put there stamp on it, so great to see an institution in Toowoomba trading again.
The Toowoomba Christmas lights reimagined has kicked off and there is so much to see in and around the CBD, see the links on our show page to maps and addresses of windows to see. Next week we will cover our top ten residential Christmas lights in Toowoomba so stay tuned for that!Remember the Loads of Love appeal is on again just fill a bag with some non perishable items and drop back to the donation points. Grand Central, Heritage Branches, Harvey Norman and Chamber of Commerce and many more, is where you can get involved.You can also drop off Food donations for our furry friends at the Robertson Scannell office in Hume St or The RSPCA Op shop
What's On brought to you by the Toowoomba Regional Council
Tuesday 8th DecCanvas Co-Working holds the Toowoomba Entrepeneurs Breakfast at the Parkhouse Cafe from 0715 am
Wednesday 09th DecChamber of Commerce holds its last Business at Dusk for the year at the Empire Theatre, see you there!Christmas Wreath Workshop at the Royal Hotel Either Wednesday or Thursday the 10th 6-8 pm each night
Thursday 10th DecRoss Noble is at the Empire Theatre from 8 pmUSQ Student Guild Christmas Tree Festival Thur 10th thru to Sat the 12 th 5:30-8:30 pm nightly, Entry is Gold coin donation , at USQ Clive Berghofer Centre
Friday 11th DecFitzy's Feast with Steven Bradbury is on from 12:30 pmAbba Live on at the Empire Theatre 7:30-9:30 pm
Saturday the 12th DecTinker has Rainbow Resin Bangle and Earrings Workshop on from 1 pmToowoomba Chamber of Commerce Focus HR Business Excellence Awards at the Empire theatre
Sunday the 13th DecSees The Scooter and Skate workshop moving to Millmeran this weekend 09am to 1pmCarols in The CBD from 6pm at the Met Hotel
Markets this week
Saturday 12th DecThe Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museumFestive Twilight Markets 4-8 pm The Mills Precinct
Sunday 13th Decthe -
Welcome to Ep 42 of the Talkin Toowoomba podcast, this week we talk disability housing with the United Housing Australia Group. This group is about to start a build project here in Toowoomba and have a launch event this week. And we speak with the mayor for the last time this year.
We are proudly supported by Recognition Plus, put your NAME, .. where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
In News of the Week
Firstly congratulations to all the finalists of the Focus HR Business Excellence awards, with a special mention to our frontline cheer-leaders Recognition Plus, good-luck everyone.Now speaking of the awards, we will be there on the night with something special for those not able to attend, we will reveal more next week.
So we are officially under a month from Christmas, remember support local, buy local, keeps us all in jobs.
And lastly two New off leash dog areas have been proposed for Kingsthorpe and Oakey
Now Let's get on with show.
What's On brought to you by the Toowoomba Regional Council
Wednesday 02nd Dec
Monthly Toowoomba Wordpress meet-up at Canvas Co-working from 6 pm
Thursday 03rd Dec
United Housing Australia Launch their Disability Housing Project with an Event at 12 Berry St Wilsonton from 1030 am
Friday 04th Dec
Need some help with Content Creation an 8 part series has started at Canvas Co-working from 12-1pm and runs every Friday now until 18 December
The Oakey Youth Project is on as usual from 06: 30 pm 12-24 year olds
Regional Movie Night 7 till 9 pm moves to Hampton this week at Chapman Park
2nd Annual Leaders in Business Christmas Party at USQ from 06:30 pm
Saturday the 05th Dec
The Cobb n Co 2 Day blacksmithing workshop is on again 7am till 4pm Sat and Sun
Cafe Guitar has Bill Wade from 12 pm
Rowes Furniture Christmas Lights Show from 6:45 pm
Sunday the 06 Dec
Sees The Scooter and Skate workshop moving to Yarraman this weekend 09am to 1pm
The Annual Reindeer Run on again to aid the Toowoomba Hospital Christmas Appeal 7 - 9 am at Baillie Henderson Hospital
Markets this week
Wednesday 2nd of Dec
Colours of San Cris Artisan Boutique markets 9am to 1pm
Friday 04th of Dec
Christmas Twilight Markets Cobb n Co museum under the windmill from 4 - 8 pm
Saturday 05th Dec
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 06th Dec -
Welcome to Ep 41 This week we talk community giving back to Toowoomba locals, and how we are stronger together.
We chat with Kim Cahill, about what she does for Toowoomba small business and her passion for buy local, and supporting each other. And Terri Adams Munn drops in for a quick chat about the Leaders in Business Christmas event on the 4th of December
As always a huge thanks to local business Recognition Plus for their ongoing support. they help put your NAME, .. where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
In News of the WeekGet behind the re-imagined Christmas Wonderland with Christmas in the CBD, a great collaboration to bring some Christmas Cheer to the Toowoomba CBD.
The Leaders in Business Xmas party has been announced for the 4th of Dec, networking , drink on arrival and a fun night all for $20 pp plus booking fee,to book see the facebook event or Eventbrite for details.
Now Let's get on with show.
What's On brought to you by the Toowoomba Regional Council
Tuesday 24th NovEat Digital is holding A get noticed in the media workshop from 6pm
Friday 27th NovNeed some help with Content Creation an 8 part series has started at Canvas Co-working from 12-1pm and runs every Friday now until 18 December
The Oakey Youth Project is on as usual from 06: 30 pm 12-24 year olds
Regional Movie Night 7 till 9 pm moves to Hodgson Vale this week at the Sports Club.
Saturday the 28th of Nov
Regional Movie Night 7 till 9 pm moves to Yarraman this week at Memorial Park.
Sunday the 29th of NovSees The Scooter and Skate workshop moving to the Wilsonton skate park, McGregor St this weekend 09am to 1pmToowoomba Colour Frenzy Fun Run Newtown Park from 09am
Markets this week
Friday 27th NovGreenmount Christmas Twilight Markets 5-9pm at the Memorial Hall
Sat/SunCountry Heart Xmas Markets this year at Aberfeldy Barn, Westbrook, runs across Sat10am-6pm and Sun 09am to 4pm
Saturday 28th Nov
The Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 29th Nov
the -
Well hello Toowoomba,
Welcome to Ep 40 This week we talk food as you know it's my favourite topic .We chat with Michelle Cullen Fergurson, about her passion for food.
As always a huge thanks to local business Recognition Plus for their ongoing support. they help put your NAME, .. where it counts!. From promo gear and trophies, to name badges, they will help you be seen.
News of the WeekThe Covid clinic at Baillie Henderson Hospital is now closed, however free testing is still available at the centre in Charlton at the BP.Council has closed Cooby Dam for water based activities until further noticeMillmeran Aquatic centre is open again.The Leaders in Business Xmas party has been announced for the 4th of Dec, networking , drink on arrival and a fun night all for $20 pp plus booking fee,to book see the facebook event or eventbrite for details.And this week we celebrate World Television Day on Saturday 21st of NovemberNow Let's get on with show.
What's On brought to you by the Toowoomba Regional Council
Tuesday 17 th NovToowoomba Regional Jobs is holding a virtual jobs fair online from 0930 am , see FB events for details
Friday 20 th NovCouncillor visits are on again in Crows Nest Highfields, Cooyar and Yarraman, Greenmount and Felton, Cecil Plains and Mt Tyson, see council events pages for times.
The rescheduled Classic Beauty Therapy Soiree is on at Clifford Park this week. Friday the 20th from 11:30am to 3 pm.
Need some help with Content Creation an 8 part series has started at Canvas Co-working from 12-1pm and runs every Friday now until 18 December
The Oakey Youth Project is on as usual from 06: 30 pm 12-24 year olds
Regional Movie Night 7 till 9 pm moves to Millmeran Downs this week again at the local Hall.
Saturday the 21 th of NovThe Garage Sale trail is on again Sat and Sun 21 and 22 Nov, register or shop the trail at garagesaletrail.com.au
The Haden Market Day Car boot sale 8-1pm Haden Hall
Sunday the 22 th of NovSees The Scooter and Skate workshop moving to the Kingsthorpe skate park this weekend 09am to 1pm
Tinkers popular Resin pouring and candle making workshop from 09:30amSee the Council Events page at tr.qld.gov.au or Facebook events for more details
Markets this weekend
Saturday 21 th NovThe Toowoomba Farmers markets on from 07am under the windmill at Cobb n Co museum
Sunday 22 th NovThe - Vis mere