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The beef industry is good for America, both for the economy and our health. Why does Bill Gates and other billionaires who have always lived in the city in the heart of urban environments want to destroy the beef industry?
They dine in find urban restaurants, order beef on the menu in expensive and exquisite restaurants, and sip wine in luxury, so why are they so bent on the rest of us not eating beef?
Who doesn't love a good hamburger once in a while or a really good steak on the grill? Why do they want to destroy the beef industry and try and get all of us to not eat beef? As the popular ad says: "Beef! Itâs whatâs for dinnerâ
Cattle have wandered on the North American continent since the 1400's. Here I trace their footsteps, and describe the foundational, sustainable, vital industry we have here in America because of cattle.
*This is a repeat of a podcast that first aired in April 2022.https://www.kriscofarms.com
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for quality dietary supplements. The Isagenix Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite Mary Kay products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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What happened to the argument of Right vs. Left? Or Democrat vs. Republican?
We're now into sane vs. crazy.
Government is impersonal and does not have a brain nor a soul. In fact, it has no heart.Government will not help without strings attached. Want that free money to show up in a bank account without working, and they call it unemployment help? Okay, they will give that out, but in exchange for that, the following year we will get inflation, food shortages, businesses reducing their hours or closing, lack of supply, lack of a work ethic amongst the young and able bodied, and millions of the younger generation with way too much free time.
Idle time, the result of paying people to stay home and not have a purpose for each day, and lacking the benefit from the respect and self worth that doing a good job brings, results in mischief, mayhem, and troublemaking that the rest of us have to endure.
When people help one another, person to person, in the exchange there are all sorts benefits: empathy, compassion, assistance, aid. Sometimes there is also instruction, correction, idea sharing, and a job offered, or job help offered, or hearing the words "job well done".
When government tries to help people, the outcome is always worse than the problem; the solution is more painful than the problem.
The right, or those who are sane, or what the mainstream media likes to call the far right extremists, are simply people who want:
* the ability to own firearms to protect ourselves and our families, and should it come to it, to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government that wants to see us in indentured servitude to the few elites.
* to be able to present our grievances to the government, without fear of retribution or fear of punishment . Those to who present their grievances to government and are punished for it do not live in a democracy or in a constitutional republic. They live in a socialist Marxist state.
* the ability to practice our religion as we see fit
* the freedom of the press
*the freedom to peaceably assemble
*the right not to be over-taxedThese kinds of people are now called extremists.
The left can't tell us what a woman is, want to teach our kids CRT in school, which is just another name for socialist Marxism, teaching kids to judge each other on the basis of skin color, and teaches us teaches kids to hate one another instead of respecting each other.
Our country, led by the mainstream media and big tech, has been hijacked by the radical left and they're doubling down on crazy. Violent criminals that burned our cities in the summer of 2020 are protected while victims are punished and incarcerated. They want the police defunded and the border wide open. Itâs backwards... it's crazy.
We no longer have a country of Right vs. Left. It's sane vs. crazy.
Here in this podcast I discuss what we can do to bring America back from the brink, and restore sanity to our beloved nation. -
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The Freedom to Assemble: We Must Gather. Yes, Meet With Others, Plan, Party, and Pray. Go To The Sporting Event. Go To Church. Get Out of Your âSafe Spaceâ, and Meet With Others.
We must gather together to protect and uphold our very civilization, and all that it means to be human. These last almost 3 years since our horrible governments reaction to covid, since March of 2020 when the governor of WA state forced the closure of the bars and restaurants, but left pot shops, liquor stores, and strip clubs open, we have lost the simple yet profound practice of getting together, at sporting events, restaurants, homes, churches and working with our colleagues in person. There is something lost when we are not together, and something profound happens when we are.
We must overcome the fear, habit, or maybe itâs just laziness of not getting together.
We need to gather together because this is one of the hallmarks of freedom.
This year is the first year in 3 years that the WA state legislature is meeting in person. They shut down in 2020, closed the doors of the capital building, and took the lockdown experiment to extreme levels, even going so far as to building a fence around the capital. I know they did this at the federal level also, building a fence around the peoples house.
And what was lost at the state level for doing this? Personal contact, private conversations, who knows what âzoomâ knows when we have these on line meetings? Our privacy was robbed from us, as we were "required" to lockdown and hibernate from one another.
On line interaction takes away empathy, feeling, the ability to communicate more effectively with the non-verbal cues, and reduces the humanity from the interaction. It gives those in authority who do not want to listen to an opinion the ability to drop the line, cut off the connection, or make the Internet reception run a foul.
Talking in person with someone is so much more that the verbal words that are spoken, itâs the facial expressions, tone of voice, and just observing the essence and the humanity of the person that we are interacting with.
Electronic communication, social media, and on line communication take away our humanity and reduce us to robotic machines, and itâs much harder to insult someone face to face than to post a mean or rude comment on a social media platform.
Meeting in person soothes the interactions, and removes some of the potential for misunderstandings and the temptation to be rude, mean, or hateful.
Gathering to gather is a sign of freedom, liberty, free thinking, and mental health. Isolated people get weird and odd ideas that are not based in reality.
Gathering to gather gives life meaning clarity, and joy.
Community and living life with others in person are what holds us together, keeps us sane, and helps us to lighten up and find some joy and laughter in the midst of life.
Joy, embracing, holding each other up, laughing together, eating together, praying together, fellowshipping with those who have common interests with us are what makes us so free in our Western culture.
These things on the surface seem so simple and so basic, but that is exactly why they are so powerful.
This is where the power of people comes from, the ability to gather, to peaceably assemble.
We must not forsake the gathering together, as some have made a habit of doing.
The freedom of assembly is literally what holds us together.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
Email: [email protected]
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Biden's student debt "forgiveness" plan is still tied up in court. The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case on Feb. 28, 2023.
Those who owe this debt are still waiting for the government to decide if a portion of their debt can be erased from their responsibility, and put on the backs of the US taxpayers.
Last year, on November 10th, 2022, 2 days after our national election day, and just past the time to let those gullible and vulnerable voters know that student debt forgiveness was ruled unlawful, a US District Judge ruled that Bidenâs debt forgiveness plan flopped, and has been overruled by a US District court.And Friday Nov. 11th, 2022 the Biden admin ceased to accept applications for federal student loan forgiveness so those who were holdouts and were hoping that their student debt, or a portion of their student debt, was going to be forgiven should not even bother to apply anymore.
Some who think they may have gotten past the preliminary round of the application process are still holding out..
So the College loan debt of $1.75 TRILLION dollars for a college education where only 46% of those who graduate work in their field of study is still owed by those who borrowed it, for now.
So all this to say is that 40 million borrowers, who may have paused paying their student loans back, are waiting until Feb 28th, well, into March 2023 to see what the Supreme Court says.
This is snagged up I court for now, but going beyond the legal question of this debt âforgivenessâ, itâs also important that we address the ethical and moral aspect of this horrible idea.
If a student borrowed money to go to college and thought it was a good idea to borrow it, or were under pressure from their parents to borrow it, if have any ethical responsibility, any sense of moral duty, they should pay it back.
To ask the American taxpayer, many who did not attend college but yet are paying taxes, to pay their debt is unethical, and putting their debt burden upon someone who did not go to college, or someone who did go to college and paid for itâŠ. Is stealing. Itâs taking what is not rightfully theirs, and asking someone else, the American taxpayer, to take on this debt and pay it back for them.
And many of those who want to defend this debt that was perceived to be put upon them unfairly say these young adults borrowed the money when they were young and they didn't really know what they were doing, maybe their parents helped them go into debt by taking out these large loans, etc., and they just didn't understand what they were doing.
We understand that. The federal college loan program is absolutely corrupt and predatory on younger people who don't understand what debt will do to their lives.
The real answer is to stop the federal student loan program altogether. Thatâs the real answer. It was never the intent of the founders of our nation, nor is it in the US Constitution or the Rill of rights, that the government should pay for an individual's college education.Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
Email: [email protected]
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for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for f -
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Citizenship, Open Borders, and the Middle Class
Only just over 1/2 of the people on the planet today enjoy citizenship status in their own countries. Others are subjects, or serfs, or otherwise live at the whim and desires of a ruling class, dictatorship, or other overlords who grant them little to no freedoms.
WHAT IS a citizen?Citizens vote, make their own laws, choose our own punishment, determine tax rates, travel about freely from city to city and state to state, work where we want, eat what we want and as much or as little as we want, live how we want, own property, are protected by a citizen-friendly military, and enjoy endless hours of entertainment & free time.
Citizens in a free country have little concept of lack, starvation, shortages, and rationed electricity and power.No one man or woman serves another man or woman without pay or compensation, and citizens are free to earn as little or as much money as they want to. Citizens can choose their economic class and status in life.
The USA is the longest running nation under the same Constitution in the history of the world. No other nation like this has ever existed. Our innovation, inventions, prosperity, health, wealth, and success is unmatched in the history of the world.
The erosion of the middle class is key to destroying a republic and the Constitution. The middle class is key to a thriving, growing Constitutional republic like we used to have here in the USA, and we need to learn, understand, and then take action to uphold this important people of a nation, the middle class.
Citizens donât need to get a shot and a booster shot to have a job. Citizens donât need a shot to enter a restaurantCitizens are not told to stop exercising and taking care of themselves during a time of sickness, and gyms are left open for the muscle, health and strength of our nation to remain strong. Citizens are not told that borders and gender are fluid, but getting a shot is a mandate that has no room for fluidity or choice. Citizens donât need permission to plant crops, & build houses, yes, itâs good citizenship to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but citizens donât need permission to grow food and live free of harassment. Citizens donât need permission to bake a cake, or not to bake a cake. Citizens donât need permission to provide flower arrangements, or not provide flower arrangements for events and occasions. Citizens want the freedom to choose which car to drive, without an environmental message being shoved down our throats. Citizens want flowing drinking water, electricity, natural gas, and other fuels from the earth to affordably power the heat in our homes, and energize our light bulbs.Citizens want to be free of taxation, regulation, and harassment from a government that wants to limit or restrict these freedoms.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
Email: [email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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Hating on Politicians and The Police is Ruining our Country
Hating on any profession that our country needs for its survival is a bad idea, because it denigrates and demoralizes the very people that we need to hold the fabric of our nation together.
When politicians, the police, doctors, lawyers, business owners, CEOs, and everyone else who participates in society including all the people that work in the trades, manufacturing, agriculture, and everything else that is absolutely vital for the health and well-being of a group of people, get bashed, demonized, demoralized and ridiculed, this destroys a nation.
During the summer of 2020 when our rotten governor of Washington state declared who was essential and who was nonessential in our economy, and when he dictated who could work and who couldn't work, this was devastating to the health and well-being of so many people, and has wrecked the economy. Every legal job and profession in any state or nation is vital to the future and well-being of the people who live there.
We must honor and uphold the offices of those who are elected, the law enforcement that is vital to our society, and every other profession that contributes to the health and prosperity of our nation, otherwise we are tearing down our own nation with our own hands.
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Welp! The US District Judge ruled that Bidenâs debt forgiveness plan, which was really used to get some votes for the Democrat party this election cycle, has flopped, and has been overruled by a US District court.
And guess what the date was that this ruling came out ? November 10th, 2 days after our national election day, and just past the time to let those gullible and vulnerable voters know that student debt forgiveness was ruled unlawful, and ainât going to happen.
And Friday Nov. 11th, the Biden admin ceased to accept applications for federal student loan forgiveness so forget about sending in that application, they are not accepting them anymore.
So the College loan debt of $1.75 TRILLION dollars for a college education where only 46% of those who graduate work in their field of study is still owed by those who borrowed it.
During a press conference on July 28, 2021, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made it clear that Biden âdoes not have [the] powerâ to grant widespread student loan forgiveness.
âThe president canât do it, so thatâs not even a discussion,â Pelosi said. âNot everyone realizes that, but the president can only postpone, delayâbut not forgive.â
And many of us knew this, but as a campaign talking point, leading up to the contentious midterm election, Joe Biden said it and got a lot of people excited.
And the younger voters, and their parents who are also carrying a lot of this $1.75 trillion debt, found a reason to vote democrat, especially if these young voters had never voted before. 46 million Americans have student loan debt, and the Democrats were after some of those young voters who carry this debt.
The Biden administration knew that they did not have the power to forgive student loans, yet he said he was going to do it anyway.
So the logical conclusion was that Biden lied to you.Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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Was President Trump successful in draining the swamp, as he told us he would do while campaigning for president in 2016?
That's to be debated, however, he did make it an important foundational principle,
exposed it over and over again in great detail,
exposed the fake news media,
exposed the Socialism, Marxism, and Communism that has gotten a hold of many in our nation, especially in the K-12 schools and universities,
and given millions of patriotic Americans who love our nation the courage and boldness to speak out. He barely scratched the surface of draining the swamp, but he did spark a revolution of change to return to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and his ideas and policies are being trumpeted by many candidates running at the state and national levels in this next 2022 election.
Over 1000 school boards nation wide were taken back from leftist Marxists who hate kids, over 5,000,000 children have left the public school system before and since our governmentâs terrible reaction to covid started in March of 2020, and many are calling this election in 2022 the year of the parent.
Virginia saw an amazing flip from blue to red, and I believe this next election coming up in November is going to be a tidal wave of red at the local, state, and national levels.
America is waking up, and realizing we must preserve this beautiful nation.
No, I don't think President Trump made a dent in the system to drain the swamp. However, he was largely responsible to awaken a giant, called the American people that still believe in patriotism, hard work, the nuclear family, loving and supporting and protecting families and children, and doing what's best for our communities, for not bringing harm to our neighbor, and for leaving our neighborhoods, out counties, our states and our nation better than we found it. It's the American dream.
America is being re-built after being torn down by leftists and Marxists and Communists that have invaded us from within, especially within our schools and our government both at the state and national levels, and I believe America is going to come roaring back better than weâve seen her in the last 100 years as we begin to repair and rebuild.
No, he didn't even scratch the surface to begin to drain the swamp, however he awakened millions of Americans who now are fully awake and understand what is going on, and what is at stake.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
Email: [email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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How to Rebel:
Worship God
Get Married
Have Kids
Buy A House
Buy A Gun
Salute the Flag
Love Our Country
I explain each of these marks of a free country in detail. We need to preserve our nation, or we won't have a nation.
Let's do these rebellions as a free and sovereign people, and save the United States of America.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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No one forced anyone to borrow for collegeâŠâŠand yes, I do have some empathy for these young adults â 18 to 22 years old, that were told to get ahead and to succeed in life that they needed to go to college. But now saddled with a mountain of debt, which was by design to enslave the next generation to the government, who is really responsible to pay it back?
Does Biden have the authority to "forgive" student loan debt? And this is not forgiveness, but a transfer of the debt to the American taxpayer.
Is college worth it?This is a question that needs to be asked, and the answer of the why go to college?
And, only 60% of men and women who start college finish to get that degree, and of the 60% of those who finish, 40% of them say their degree wasnât worth it because of the debt, or because they are not working in the field that their degree was in, or they didnât learn enough real world skills to use once they got out of college.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Volue-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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Fear and the pursuit of safety do not produce peace, and only rob us of what we are looking for.
The reason that our government could shut down an entire nation because of a virus is because people were willing to be ruled by fear, and gave up many freedoms and liberties for what they thought would be safety.
Thank you to AcademyofIdeas.com and their âAfter Schoolâ video on Rumble for many of the points made in this podcast.
This desire and craving for ""safety" leads to tyranny, and a people who are eventually ruled by tyranny.This quest for safety, an illusive, hard to define, hard to determine characteristic from person to person, and leads to an aversion to risk taking, and the stunting of growth of a person, family, community & nation.
Self determination and risk taking have been sacrificed in the name of safety, which leads to weakness, fear, and wanting to be taken care of as a normal state of mind.
Individual and social flourishing can only happen if people are willing to take risks, step out of comfort zones, and be willing to be uncomfortable to accomplish tasks and goals that require risk taking. The quest for safety never produces safety.
Many societies in the past did not think of safety as a primary virtue, but understood that risk taking and building families and nations, which take courage, fortitude, and persistence, was a far more virtuous way to live than in the confines and false security of safety.
When a large group of people cowering in fear, retreating for safety, and hiding in the face of danger, attempt to find this safety they will soon be overrun by a dictator and be ruled by those who will happily practice tyranny over them.
The âsafeâ road is fertile soil for totalitarian regimes.
When a society promotes safety to the highest priority, then freedom is diminished or even lost, and this safety due to fear ushers in tyranny. These tyrants, promising safety and security, only strip the people of freedom and flourishing, and give them bondage and oppression.
The motive of those who have displayed courage is care and concern for others, and care for our future society.
A coward demands for his or her own safety, puts safety as the top priority, and forces others to conform to their own neurotic ways. Weâve come to label these people Karenâs, those withered and timid souls who insist on safety, but are willing to sacrifice all freedom and liberty, and to insist everyone around them also sacrifice their freedoms and liberties,
But the outcome of all this safety seeking will never achieve the safety that they are so madly wanting.
As Friedrich Nietzsche said, âThe secret to harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoying is to live dangerously. â
In John 16:33 Jesus is speaking, and he says:
âI have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.â
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Fi -
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We just had the primary election here in WA, and voter turnout, as usual, was low, at about 40%. Primary elections for the mid-term elections typically have low voter turnout, and there are a number of possible reasons for this.
Mid-term elections have a higher voter turnout in our state, on average about 63% since 2000.
Presidential election years have about an 80% registered voter turnout here in WA since the year 2000. And about 60% of the eligible voting age population votes.
Should primary voters vote? Why should voters vote in the primary? There are 2 sides to this issue regarding the primary here in WA.
First of all, we should explain what a primary election is and why the one in WA is so messed up.
We have what some have called a jungle primary here in WA.
In all other states except 3 or 4, to vote in the primary a voter must choose to vote on a Republican ballot or a Democrat ballot, and only one partiesâ candidates appear on that ballot.
In 2004, Washington became the first state to adopt a top-two primary system for congressional and state-level elections.
California followed suit in 2010.
In Nebraska, a top-two primary system is utilized for state legislative elections, but this really is a non issue because Nebraska's state legislature is nonpartisan.
In 2020, Alaska voters approved a ballot initiative establishing a top-four primary.
So of course, WA led the way in this unusual and dysfunctional method of holding itâs primary elections.
Some believe, in theory but not in reality, this approach would focus on the individual in the race, instead of political parties. In reality, itâs often that the top two candidates are of the same political party, disenfranchising voters who do not see their party's candidate make it to the general election ballot.
For example, there was a hot primary race this month in the 3rd congressional district here in WA State , where a patriot and Pres. Trump endorsed candidate Joe Kent was going up against Jaime Herrera Beutler, who has been in the the Republican incumbent for 6 terms, since 2011.Joe Kent, one of her primary Republican challengers, pulled it out with only 1096 votes over Jamie Herrera Butler. The candidate field was diluted with a whole bunch of Republicans, which is another problem in Washington state because so many times the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot because they have way too many Republicans in a single race, diluting the vote.
What if those 1,096 voters who support Joe Kent decided that their vote doesnât really matter, and didnât vote?
Voter fraud, why is necessary to vote in a primary election, and why every vote matters is further discussed in this podcast.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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College loan debt now totals $1.75 TRILLION dollars for a college education where only 46% of those who graduate work in their field of study.
And if these young 18 to 22 year olds keep taking out student loans at the current rate, the student loan blight in the United States will be $6.4 TRILLION in 10 years, in 2032.
We have got to stop this enslaving of the next generation of young adults into the trap of debt, and the lie that getting a costly college degree with no plan before they enter college or what they will do with their degree once they happen to finish college, will result in a very dangerous and enslaving lifestyle for most of their adult lives.
College debt is a blight on our nation, and a curse that keeps on giving to the next generation of college kids that enter colleges and 4 year universities every year, with no plan on how they are going to repay that debt.
Prov.22:7 âThe borrower is slave to the lender.â
âWhen you get in debt you become a slave.â
âAndrew Jackson, the 7th president of the USA
Is college worth it?
This is a question that needs to be asked. I would argue that teenagers and young adults do not fully understand the weight and the seriousness of taking on tens of thousands of dollars in debt at such a young age, and the burden and work itâs going to take to pay it back.
We have got to stop assuming high school graduates will go to college without a strong sense of direction and a defined purpose before they get there.
To just wander into college without a plan, which costs about $25,000 per year with tuition, is a very costly way to grow up.
Statistics show that:
So 56% of those entering college will not finish in 4 years.AND, Only 44% percent of those who get bachelor's degrees complete their degree in 4 years or less.
ANd, only 60% of men and women who start college finish to get that degree, and of the 60% of those who finish, 40% of them say their degree wasnât worth it because of the debt, or because they are not working in the field that their degree was in, or they didnât learn enough real world skills to use once they got out of college.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
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We need good teachers in the public school system, some argue. But will adding good teachers to a rotten curriculum, teaching leftism and Socialism, fix the public schools? Or is it something deeper than the quality of the teachers?
Public schools, which should be called government schools, teach to the goals & outcomes wanted by the government, not what is best for the kids.
Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist
[email protected]
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. Here's the link for collagen: https://getstarted.isagenix.com/8QRNS5VQV001
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution says: The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Translation: The right to keep and bear guns & ammo, armament, knives, clubs, hammers, and other weapons shall not be encroached upon by law or encroached upon the rights of another to keep and bear arms.
The Bill of Rights of the Constitution MAINTAINS this right, it does not GIVE us this right. Creator God who made us gives us this right, and our Constitution is to make sure that it stays in place for our country's citizens.
Here I outline the 2 issues going on in our country: One is the problem of mass shootings, which is not a gun problem, but a heart problem. Broken families, unstable moms, kids emotionally detached, fatherlessness, psychotropic drugs handed out like candy, and thousands of hours of porn & violent video games are the problem.
And two, the 2nd amendment is to keep those in government in check who would want to abuse their power, not to ensure hunters can hunt. The founders of our nation did not add the 2nd amendment to the Bill of Rights to protect hunting. They just gained their freedom from Great Britain because of the gun.
And the NRA is not to blame. With approx. 82 million registered gun owners in the USA, less than 7% of them belong to the NRA.
And, I tell a pawn shop story of a battered woman who wanted to buy a gun for protection.
Please email me: [email protected]
Twitter @janiskrist
Instagram @janiskrist
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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The Second Amendment to the Constitution, the right to keep and bear arms, has been hotly debated in our nation for decades, as we erode as a culture, and as our society gets more and more progressive and more and more infiltrated by leftists, who hate freedom and all that it entails, including the law abiding citizen to own guns.
As we drift further from the brilliant Constitution and the genius Biblical foundation on which it came from and rests upon, the topic of gun ownership in the United States has risen to the forefront.
Those who wrote the 2nd Amendment just not return from a successful hunting trip, but had just defeated the most powerful group of people at that time in the world: Great Britain.
They defeated Great Britain because of a love of freedom, and they obtained this freedom because they were armed.
The legally armed citizens in the United States are the largest army in the world, and the rest of the nations of the world know this. Thus, we will never be attacked by a foreign enemy while we remain heavily armed, and the citizens of this nation understand that the United States is the most powerful and greatest nation on earth.
This and other facts are discussed in detail here in this podcast.
Please let me know what you think.
You can contact me through FB, Instagram and Twitter @janiskrist.
This is Part I of a two part series on the 2nd amendment, and gun ownership in our nation. -
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The public school education system in our nation is failing.
Here's a few more reasons why, to save our communities, our own kids, and our nation, parents should highly consider another option when it comes to educating the next generation.
The founding of our nation's public school system was never about teaching kids, but separating them from their parents and teaching them a godless view of the world, and teaching them about how to be good wards of the state.
I am a product of the public school education system, and I have spent most of my adult life discovering the lies I was taught, and unraveling those lies with the truth. The truth about ourselves, our nation, and the world will not be found in the halls of public schools.
Please email me: [email protected]
Twitter @janiskrist
Instagram @janiskrist
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Isagenix Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. -
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Thereâs a rumor floating around, since Americaâs citizens have billions in student loan debt, that the Biden administration, and Biden personally during his presidential campaign, will forgive student loan debt. Could this magical loan forgiveness be true? Will daddy government show up and solve America's student loan debt problem by forgiving all student loan debt?
This and other financial myths are discussed here in my latest podcast.
A recommendation for smart money management and investing, and steps to pay off student loan debt:
https://www.ramseysolutions.com/guided-plans?snid=guided-plans -
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My husband and I recently spent 5 days in Phoenix visiting our daughter and son in law, who live in a residential neighborhood in Phoenix.
Phoenix is a sprawling and vast city, and Phoenix and the surrounding suburbs and neighborhoods span over 520 square miles. The Phoenix metropolis area is one of the largest cities in the United States,
and the Phoenix metropolis has come up with a genius system & recycling method for the trash and unwanted items produced by the over 5 million people who live there.
I tell of my first hand experience watching how this system operates over a one week period.
It's genius! -
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Why does Bill Gates and other billionaires who have always lived in the city in the heart of urban environments want to destroy the beef industry?
They dine in find urban restaurants, order beef on the menu in expensive and exquisite restaurants, and sip wine in luxury, so why are they so bent on the rest of us not eating beef?
Who doesn't love a good hamburger once in a while or a really good steak on the grill? Why do they want to destroy the beef industry and try and get all of us to not eat beef? As the popular ad says: "Beef! Itâs whatâs for dinnerâ
Cattle have wandered on the North American continent since the 1400's. Here I trace their footsteps, and describe the foundational, sustainable, vital industry we have here in America because of cattle.https://www.kriscofarms.com
Please email me: [email protected]
Twitter @janiskrist
Instagram @janiskrist
For health on the inside, visit https://tangledangle.isagenix.com/?_ga=2.72066453.740549029.1658431450-758889019.1658431449
for quality dietary supplements. The Isagenix Collagen Elixir is my favorite for my hair, skin, and joints. And the Isagenix Isa-Pro Plant Based Protein is my favorite protein powder that tastes great without the gritty texture, and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
For beauty on the outside, visit https://www.marykay.com/janiskrist
My favorite Mary Kay products are the TimeWise Repair Vole-Firm line of skin care for fabulous skin. - Show more