Today, we work to understand our discomfort with the calm and the ways we can grow in the discomfort. How would you support yourself in being calm when all you know is chaos?
Have you had a hard time creating forgiveness in your life? Do you hold on to resentment or do you choose to forgive? In this episode we cover the topic of forgiveness, why it is important and how we can effectively create it in our lives.
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How do you describe yourself? Are you a student? An employee? A mother? Are you identifying with outside factors or who you be on the inside? We get to go through a brief exercise to find your inner traits and explore why identifying with outside factors can be so damaging.
This episode is one where we dive into a perspective of Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energies through spirituality. Yin energy is found in "being," while Yang energy is found in "doing." Which energy do you resonate with and which energy do you get to expand into?
Today we covered four main topics of positivity.
Real vs Fake positivity Keeping away negative energy Manifesting positive energy Being authentically positiveTake your authenticity and energy to the next level with some tips to help guide you along the way. Enjoy!
"We are all manifestations of our reality, just as our reality is of our manifestations" - Camryn Davis
Why is manifestation important to you? How can we effectively manifest our future and live the reality of our dreams? Let's find out together.
Do you ever feel like you're always wrong? Or do you feel like you should be right in more situations? Let's dive into the right and the wrong and how we can be more open-minded with these terms.
Do you ever wonder why you don't feel satisfied with what you have? Do you ever feel like you will never be good enough? This constant, nagging want traps us in a string of false beliefs about ourselves. It causes us to feel unworthy and unloved. Let's examine the want and take steps to learn self-love, which will slowly destroy the want.
Saying "no" to others is one of the ways you get to respect yourself first. As a long-standing people pleaser, I have said "yes" to everything and everyone for years. It's time to learn to say "no" to others, in order to say "yes" to ourselves. Listen to yourself today and choose what serves you and what does not. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered why you react the way you do to others' actions? Or why something that someone says bothers you so much? finding and setting healthy boundaries is a key component of creating a healthy reaction for yourself and a healthy relationship with others.
Have you ever wondered why you get triggered by certain events or why trauma never really seems to go away? Today, we are learning about the connections of trauma in the brain. And, we learn how to take our understanding and use it to help switch the subconscious cycle.
One of the ways in which we disrespect ourselves is by being a "people pleaser." This teaches us to learn to respect others over ourselves. How can we respect ourselves first? Choose you. Today. Tomorrow. Always.
When we create gratitude in any situation, we decide to put ourselves and our own energy first. Regardless of how others present themselves, we get to choose how to react and support ourselves. How can you choose this type of gratitude today?
Welcome to Tea&CBD, a journey of self-awareness, authenticity, highest energy, and much more. Thank you for joining me on this beautiful path.