Too many "mistakes." Too many questions.
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The dictionary definition of insurrection is “a violent armed attack to replace a government.” Last week, Megyn Kelly came under fire for saying that January 6 event was not an insurrection. There were about 600,000 people at the event and about 500 of them went into the Capitol building. Most of them at the Capitol Police’s invitation. They opened the doors for them, and they were invited in like in the Kavanaugh hearings. Those protesters weren’t bothered at all by the police for what they did. Armed insurrection? The folks that went into the capital had no knives, no guns. The only guns were in the hands of the capital police who shot unarmed Ashley Babbitt. So why are the Democrats and their media calling this an “insurrection?” It’s to takeattention away from how the Democrats are literally destroying our country at the moment.
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You likely heard about the boy who cried wolf. After the 3rd time he was no longer listened to. It’s too bad that boy in the fable didn’t have a liberal press around! There’s a certain class of people in America who can cry wolf 1000 times, and the Liberal Press will show up. The latest of about 300 incidents was at White Bear Lake Area Schools in Minnesota. The police showed up because a white person had created an Instagram account which was used to send racist messages. There was a student protest, there was a walkout, and a lot of false accusations. But then it was discovered a black girl had created the account, and posted the racist messages. What did the school say about this? What the black girl did was great because “it raised awareness of social and racial injustice.” How many times are innocent people going to be hurt because of our liberal press?
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In times of war, barbaric nations sacrificed their children to clear the mines, or to walk ahead of the soldiers as human shields to absorb bullets. It seems to be happening again in our schools. There are three goals on the agenda: Man-made global warming, critical race theory, and the “1619 project.” An 11 year old girl recently hanged herself because her teacher droned on every day about how they would all “die horrific deaths in about 10 years because of man-made global warming.” Her suicide note was just two words: “Why wait?” With Critical Race Theory: kids are taught that white is bad, white is evil. So white kids are hated, and white kids hate themselves. What kind of school would teach this stuff to children?! And what kind of parents would allow their children to be innocent victims of this evil?
Today’s Tea Time is sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg, VA Call 434-455-7197.Support the Show.
Kamala Harris (who didn’t get one vote in the primaries when she ran for president) has announced a $25 million campaign, at your expense, to fight voter suppression. Democrats believe if you have to have photo ID to legally vote, you’re targeting America’s blacks. What could be further from the truth? Whites, blacks, and Asians need photo ID to buy a gun, to buy liquor, to get on an airplane, or collect welfare. And even the poorest of countries in Africa require voter ID for their voters. Which, by the way, are nearly 100 percent black. Are Democrats saying that blacks in America are not as capable and smart as blacks in Africa? Are not as smart as whites? Or that America’s blacks want to cheat when they vote? What an insult! And why would blacks support Democrats who think so little of them? Today’s Tea Time is sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg, VA Call 434-455-7197.
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Word has it that Joe Biden told an ally that he might drop out of the race. Well, maybe it’s about time. The whole world saw that Biden can’t think any more, can’t talk anymore. And when his wife Jill led him off the stage after the awful debate with Mister Trump, it seemed Biden didn’t even know where he was. Also Biden’s son Hunter has been convicted on all counts of illegal gun possession. I don’t know if we’ll serve any time in jail is any other criminal would. But that’s also something that Biden may be taking into consideration on whether he’ll run again. But who will Obama choose as the next candidate to run against Mr Trump? Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris both are disasters. The Democrats don’t care. They just want to beat Mister Trump. And they want another president who will be totally obedient to Barack Obama. Today’s Tea Time is sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg, VA Call 434-455-7197.
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The secular world seems to be posing itself to load the box cars with Bible believing Christians. The magazine Scientific American ran an article on racism and creationism. It said that if you believe that the hundreds of trillions of perfectly arranged bytes of information required to make a human being was designed by a creator. you are a racist! Why? They said Genesis said that Adam was white. Actually Genesis does not teach any such thing! In fact, Adam might have been black. We don’t know. But why lie about it?! Scientific American also said that the “Mark of Cain” was making Cain Black. We don’t know that either! But Darwin lied when he said the black race was inferior. And we know that Adolf Hitler was a huge disciple of Darwin and his racism.
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Few Americans know what the term writ of “habeas corpus” means. The deep state knows what it means, and 400 people are rotting in prison because they are denied their constitutional right of habeas corpus. The right to council and to hear the charges made. In other words, to protect your rights as a citizen! The 400 people rotting in prison were those who entered the Capitol building. According to the videos, most of them were invited in. After the Capitol police set off the stun grenades and shot the protesters with plastic bullets, there was a lot of rowdiness. But the only person killed was an unarmed protester named Ashley Babbitt. She was shot point blank dead by a Capitol policeman, because Ashley had no rights either. Including the right to protest, or the right to life. Someday all of this will be exposed. And all of the world will wonder, “How did this ever happen to American citizens?”
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The transgender lesbian, Megan Rapinoe, is known for hating America. And now she doubled down on her transgender agenda by celebrating a male runner who’s running as a woman in the Olympics. A transgender named Nikki Hills broke the record for the women 1500 meter race. So now he’s going to run as a female in the Olympics. I remember a few years ago we tested E German women to see if they were really men before they could compete against real women in Olympic contests. Not so anymore. With the LGBTQ madness now openly welcoming males to compete as females. You would think a male athlete would be ashamed to compete as a female. But then again, they seem to have no morals to begin with.
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Let’s talk some more about the problems of vote by mail. Nursing home employees could hijack the ballots of feeble-minded residents. We saw that in the last election! Students attending college in non-home states would likely receive two ballots. What happens to them. College administrators could harvest ballots of recent graduates whose addresses haven’t changed. Ballot harvesters could canvas entire neighborhoods, collecting empty ballots from feeble minded or unconcerned residents. And political groups could force residents to fill up ballots under their “supervision.” Employers could force employees to fill up ballots “properly” under their supervision. Your spouse or other cohabitants could make you fill out your ballot “properly” under their supervision. So why do the Democrats want to hold on to a system that is so fraught with problems?!
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For the next two days, let’s talk about the problems of vote by mail. I wonder why Democrats want vote by mail in the next election? Your local voter poll place has in person identity verification election judges, but our postal system was never designed for any election security. Let’s go over the problems. Your postal carrier could “lose” your ballot if he or she doesn’t like your yard signs. Post office employees could “lose” ballots mailed from certain areas. Post office employees could “lose” ballots sent to entire areas. Garbage collectors and recyclers could retrieve discarded ballots from recycling bins. Ballots mailed to people’s former addresses could be used by anyone at that address. Ballots mailed to people who’ve died could be used by any one of that address. More tomorrow.
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Today is Independence Day commemorating the day that our Declaration of Independence was signed by brave men - who were also signing their own death warrants. You see, that document proved treason, which was punishable by hanging. Freedom - their freedom and ours, was worth it to them. And for generations since, freedom has cost so many so much. And how it grieves me that so many Americans don’t understand how precious freedom is. Americans who have never read the Constitution, or read the Declaration of Independence, don’t even know that Thomas Jefferson said “all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator, with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson believed that America was a gift from God.
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Usually the marketplace determines what’s going to be sold, what’s going to be bought, and at what price. But this doesn’t apply with the electric vehicles. Major car companies have lost billions of dollars in the last year as consumers are getting simply turned off by the electric vehicle they bought. And news travels fast. Limited range, few charging stations. And the lingering problem that diesel engines are used to generate the electricity to fill the electric car. Does anybody see the disconnect here? The electric car is driven so you won’t use fossil fuels. But you use fossil fuels to charge it! So if the marketplace doesn’t dictate if you’re going to buy one, the government does. In California it will be illegal to buy a fossil fuel car after 2035. I wonder how that’s going to go? Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA call 434-455-7197
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Growing up, I was always small for my age. In fact, I wasn’t five feet tall until I was past 16. But I won a lot of fist fights against much larger opponents - without even throwing a punch. You see, bullies don’t like to face opposition if they think they’re going to get hurt. Even hurt a little. They back off. And the bullies backed off me because they knew I would fight. Not so with China. Now they’re harassing our ally, the Philippines. Why? They know they’re not going to get punched. And they know that Mr Biden is a coward. He showed that in Afghanistan, with Russia, Iraq, Iran. You name it. They know what he is, and they can bully us. America’s only hope is by electing Mr Trump. Someone that bullies know will put up a fight, and they’re going to get hurt. So - they’re not going to fight.
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As I record this radio minute on a Friday morning, it’s likely that the debate has been discussed and discussed. But I have a few new things to say. Democrats are in full panic. They know that Joe isn’t up to the task, and they really don’t care about that. They only care that he might not win. America comes 2nd after that. But during the debate, it seemed Joe was hallucinating. He talked about Charlottesville, and how the Ku Klux Klan thugs were coming out of the forests, the fields, and the woods with torches. In downtown Charlottesville where the incident took place, there are no forests and fields and woods. And I don’t remember any torches. Also Biden said his son was killed in combat. No, he died of a brain tumor. And I got the distinct impression that Biden was over-drugged. But in any event, the Democrats are trying to find a replacement. Anything will do.
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"Behave or be damned." Today let’s discuss some of the new insanity that sweeping America. If a man pretends to be a woman, you’re required to pretend with him. The people who’ve never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees. People are coming over the border with COVID and tuberculosis. And they’re welcomed. But you are soon going to have to prove that you’ve been vaccinated! Irish doctors and German engineers who want to come into America have to go through a rigorous vetting process. But illiterate gang bangers who jumped the southern fence are welcome. We aren’t willing to pay $5 billion for border security because it’s too expensive. But the $1.5 trillion that we’re spending on free healthcare is cheap! If you cheat to get into college you go to prison. But if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free. And for pointing out this hypocrisy, somehow I’m going to be called a racist!
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One of my listeners recently asked me, “Why do you dislike Biden so much?” And the answer is, “I don’t dislike him.” It would be like hating puppet Charlie McCarthy for what ventriloquist Edgar Bergen put in Charlie’s mouth. We know Biden isn’t saying the things he’s thinking, because he’s not thinking. We also know that this is Obama’s 3rd term and Obama wants another term. But I do feel sad for Mr Biden. There are laws against elder abuse. Jill Biden and Joe’s various handlers in the White House are committing elder abuse by shooting him up with Adderall. By sending him out to make speeches to foreign dignitaries. To fly to Europe, twice within the last two weeks. To sign documents he doesn’t understand. This is so wrong. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA call 434-455-7197.
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