Intelektualus poilsis melomanams ir gurmanams.
I’m Matt Maruca, and this is The Light Diet podcast! After struggling with health issues as a young kid, I’ve spent nearly half my life seeking to understand how our bodies work in order to achieve optimal health.
On my journey, I learned about little-known Western research from expert scientists confirming that our bodies are electromagnetic in nature, meaning that we are truly beings of light, and our body’s functions are controlled by light. This research opens the doors to an entirely new and deeper understanding of previously misunderstood Ancient Eastern wisdom about health, energy, and wellness.
As the saying goes, heaven and hell have the same address: half way between our right and left ears. My goal is to travel the world and learn from leading Western Experts and Eastern Masters all of the things that we can do in our time on this earth to live in the states of bliss, flow, and love that everyone has experienced, but we have been taught to believe are only accessible under special circumstances.
Achieving optimal health and self-realization in the modern world involves more than just diets of our food and exercise. It requires a new relationship with Light, externally and internally.
Welcome to The Light Diet! -
Comedy panel game about weird questions with wonderful answers. Each week, Tom Scott is joined by three guests to ask each other questions with a sideways twist. There's no points or prizes - just reputation and bragging rights on the line. For business enquiries, contestants applications and question submissions, visit
The Poetry of Reality is hosted by world renowned truth-teller, evolutionary biologist and best-selling author, Professor Richard Dawkins. He has been celebrated globally for his honest critique of religion and tradition and his push for critical thinking. His books include The Ancestor’s Tale, The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, Climbing Mount Improbable, Unweaving the Rainbow, A Devil’s Chaplain, The God Delusion, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Magic of Reality, his two-part autobiography An Appetite for Wonder and A Brief Candle in the Dark, and Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide. Dawkins has long been known for his uncompromising passion for science, calling out for the pressing need in modern societies for scientific literacy and rational thinking, especially in the education of young minds. His relentless pursuit of truth, and his recognition of the beauty of life on earth, will feature in this podcast, as he charts his way through scientific and existential inquiries like ‘What are we doing here?’ and ‘When did life begin?’
Blues, Gospel, Negro Spirituals, Jazz, Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Funk, Rap, Reggae, Rock’n’Roll… l’actualité de la musique fait rejaillir des instants d’histoire vécus par la communauté noire au fil des siècles. Des moments cruciaux qui ont déterminé la place du peuple noir dans notre inconscient collectif, une place prépondérante, essentielle, universelle ! Chaque semaine, L’épopée des musiques noires réhabilite l’une des formes d’expression les plus vibrantes et sincères du 20ème siècle : La Black Music ! À partir d’archives sonores, d’interviews d’artistes, de producteurs, de musicologues, Joe Farmer donne des couleurs aux musiques d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Réalisation : Nathalie Laporte. *** Diffusions le samedi à 13h30 TU vers toutes cibles, à 20h30 TU sur RFI Afrique (Programme haoussa), le dimanche à 16h30 TU vers l'Afrique lusophone, à 17h30 TU vers Prague, à 21h30 TU vers toutes cibles. En heure de Paris (TU +1 en grille d'hiver)
Artin has been blind since he is 3 years old. The "Blind Dance Radio show" is DJ Artin's weekly creative outlet, presenting the latest EDM club tunes from all over the world.
Through cooperations with DJ's like Martin Garrix, Armin van Buuren and Nicky Romero and radio airplays, the show receives recognition the dance scene.
For bookings:
[email protected] -
Are you busy, setting goals to achieve your dream life? Yet, incorporate pretty things into your busy life such as self care routines, home decor & style? Your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the perfect mix of feminine style, while dialing in to become the best version of YOU. Whether you love positive mindset motivation, mornings routines, wellness favorites, shabby chic style or feminine farmhouse inspo… Busy, Yet Pretty is your safe space. Tune in every Monday with an almond milk matcha latte!
Jadyn's Social Media platforms:
- Instagram:
- Tiktok:
- Youtube:
Business Inquiries: [email protected] -
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
Welcome to the Hare of the Rabbit Podcast where we explore everything that is rabbit.
We look at the different rabbit (bunny, bunnies. hare) breeds, history, superstitions, pop culture, news and more. We also explore rabbit related words such as warren and fluffle.
I am not an expert, I am just curious about learning more about rabbits just like you.
I would like to thank you for joining me and listening, I am your host, Jeff Hittinger. -
Mixes of best russian djs
- Live Love Create ! Magic people, welcome to my music space on SC , music is my life and passion. You will find here my mixes, original tracks and remixes. If you wish, you can support my art:
live love create - let's enjoy every moment of our life and let's be kind to each other - we are one
booking : gagarin _at_
media project : -
also visit and subscribe to my side projects: (ambient / dub ) (techno / deep / psy ) (techno / house / progressive)
Gagarin Project is a collective of conscious artists, music producers, dancers and DJ's. We explore the realms of mind expanding music, psychedelic grooves for body and soul. Our music are not limited to a certain genre, juggling between ambient, modern psychedelic & bass music, psytrance and techno. Gagarin Project is the international collaboration that has evolved from the ideas of conscious living, kindness and love to other humans, our brothers and sisters. Moreover it’s activity is greatly inspired by the values and traditions of ancient civilizations, universal principles of love, natural and healthy lifestyle. Gagarin Project collective have performed at the biggest festivals all over the Europe, USA, Brazil and Asia.
Apart from performing as the collective of artists, Gagarin Project is highly involved into development of project, a web media dedicated to promotion of quality downtempo / midtempo music and events.
Reality is a creation of our mind. We change our-self – we change the world around us. Live Love Create !
more info:
visit our media project:
#electronic dance music project
current location:
Planet Earth
love & light,
gagarin project
✅ -
Lietuviškos audio knygos privalomųjų autorių moksleiviams, klasikos ir moderniosios populiariosios literatūros.
Want to know how I've sold over $1,000,000 of beats online without relying on tons of subscribers or social media followers? The Midi Money Podcast is going to pull back the curtain and share how you can do the same. --> Learn more at
Céline Harleaux – Host of the award-winning It's A Funny Thing Podcast. Author of 40 Days To Self-Love. Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner.
Since 2017, Céline has inspired thousands of women to improve their relationship with themselves, using simple and effective tools. Céline’s audience absolutely loves her playfulness, authenticity and honesty – she never hesitates to share her most awkward stories, as well as her best tips for powerful and long-lasting change. -
Labas, tu klausaisi tinklalaidės „Žingsneliais”, o jos vedėja aš Rasa Jusionytė savo svečių klausiu: ko niekas nežino apie tavo kelią į sėkmę? Kokias baimes reikėjo įveikti ir kaip tai padarei, kad pasiektum to, ką pasiekei?
Pasakysiu paslaptį, esu pati sukūrusi verslą ir pravedusi šimtus interviu su sėkmingais žmonėmis. Visi bijo. Tai visiškai normalu. Tu nesi viena ar vienas. Tik klausimas kuris balsas tavo galvoje garsesnis: vidinio kritiko ar palaikytojo? Ar žinojai, kad tokia dalis - nuolat tave palaikanti - išvis egzistuoja? Ir kad gali ją išsiugdyti? Esame išmokyti tikėti, kad mums reikia labiau stengtis ir turėti geresnes strategijas, nors kartais mums išties tiesiog reikia atsisukti į save ir nusileidus į vidinį rūsį patyrinėt, kas ten vis spaudžia stabdžio pedalą, kai mes patys gyvenime norime gazuot? Kodėl vis užstringame? Kodėl baimė ima viršų? Kviečiu tave klausytis itin atvirų pokalbių apie mūsų visų viduje nuolat vykstančius procesus ir mokytis besiklausant kitų žmonių istorijų. Juk blogiausia, kai vidinių pabaisų vedini šimtą kartų viską pergalvojame ir įstringame tarp gyvenimo, kurio jau nebenorime, ir to kurio dar nedrįstame gyventi. Ši tinklalaidė - tavo būdas atstrigti! -
On the All About Boating podcast, we discuss everything and anything related to boating. The show intends to be educational and fun for novice and experienced boaters alike. So come aboard and join us on our boating adventure.
In the Driven Minds podcast, Gillian Sagansky talks to cultural icons to learn how they navigate through this crazy, beautiful mess called life and find mental strength.
Through humorous and unfiltered conversations, we discover how struggle and success are not mutually exclusive, and we are never as alone as we might feel we are. Guests share their strategies and hacks, what held them back, how they moved forward and what they learned along the way.
Produced by RecTag Productions and brought to you by Porsche Type7. -
A show for people who are ready to radically transform their lives through the use of Stoicism, the Enneagram, and other personal growth resources. Mindset and momentum coach Sarah Mikutel shares actionable exercises, interviews and stories to help you feel more peaceful, enjoy happier relationships, and live a more smoothly flowing life. If you’re stuck in a transition point — you know WHAT you want to change and can’t figure out WHY you can’t move forward — this show is the roadmap you’ve been looking for.
So what do you know, Word on the go! Bible study in 10 minutes for the busy and working teen.