It's the week after Wodapalooza and we're joined by Team Soul athletes Will Sanchez and Lamar Vernon, to discuss the competition, our Team's presence at the event, and Three 6 Mafia, among other topics!
Follow us on IG @teamsoul and stay tuned!
WE BACK!!! In this episode we discuss the hiatus, Sean's love for Tom Cruise, how terrible the new Green Day is, and more.
This week is Wodapalooza and Team Soul will be out in full force. Come by our booth to catch some classic merch reprints, deals on local and remote training programs, take part in our daily workout challenges, and meet the team!
Follow us on IG @teamsoul and stay tuned!
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Lu-Less May is over! We got Luis back but we lost Danny for this episode as he traveled over to Minnesota to coach Brenda, Laura, Jordan, and our GuysasRX Plus team of Robbie, Mario, and Eric at the Granite Games.
Luis recaps his travels to Austin, Texas for The Fittest Experience, Memphis, Tennessee for USA Weightlifting Senior Nationals, and Spain for vacation. We then discuss traveling for business vs pleasure, staying on track with training and nutrition while traveling or on vacation.
A few reminders:
Team Soul Training just began our 10-week off-season training cycle. Prep for a Sprint Triathlon in July and an Olympic Weightlifting meet in August all while staying sharp for the new 2019 CrossFit Games Open.
Team Soul Barbell is in the thick of prepping for the Florida Weightlifting State Championships on July 21 and the Florida Powerlifting State Championships on July 6 & 7.
head over to www.teamsoultraining.com and use code PODCAST for 10% off any of our online programs.
Enjoy the show!
We're calling this one The Good, The Bad, and the WTF
We kick this weeks episode off with Jorge and David discussing their experiences taking the CrossFit Level 1 Trainers Course last weekend at CrossFit Soul. David talks about his experience taking the course for the second time and how it differed from his first experience and how the course has changed in the 5 years since he first took it. While an avid CrossFit and fitness enthusiast for close to 10 years, Jorge has never coached or had any formal exposure to the CrossFit Methodology from a theoretical standpoint. He discusses what his experience was like and what he was able to take away from the course.
We then get into the WTF discussion of CrossFit HQ and their social media shitstorm. Earlier this week CrossFit HQ and The CrossFit Games Facebook and Instagram accounts were taken down. Naturally, this caused mass hysteria throughout the community and those now covering media in the space. We later (after this was recorded) came to find out this was due to Greg Glassman's opposition of the way Facebook handles its user data amongst other things. Whether it makes sense or not, whether we buy it or not, this is the reality we are now living in. Tune in to hear our thoughts, our concerns, and how Team Soul and CrossFit Soul will move forward.
Team Soul Barbell just started a new Olympic weightlifting cycle that will lead right into the Florida Weightlifting State Championships on July 20. Head over to www.teamsoultraining.com to join the team for $15/month. If you need your own meet prep or individual weightlifting or powerlifting program, get in touch with us, WE GOT YOU!
Team Soul Training will begin our off-season training phase at the beginning of June. We will use the off-season to prepare for 2 specific events; a sprint triathlon and an Olympic weightlifting meet. We've partnered with Full Circle Coaching to help us prepare for the triathlon and they will be providing all of our tri training leading up to Mack Cycle Trilogy Series Trilogy Tri on July 21st, 2019.
Team Soul will also be hosting a Last Chance Qualifier Weightlifting meet on August 10 at CrossFit Soul to qualify for the USA Weightlifting AO3 series in Daytona Beach, FL in September.
Join the team and get your fitness training on at www.teamsoultraining.com
Code PODCAST saves you some $$ on our online programs.
for more info on all of our programs, follow us on Instagram:
http://www.instagram.com/@thatdudedav3 -
On this weeks episode of the Team Soul Podcast, we pose the questions: What exactly is Health? What is Fitness? We discuss our earliest interpretations of health and healthy living and habits, the sickness - wellness - fitness continuum offered by CrossFit Training, actual healthy images vs what's portrayed in the media, Nutrition and more.
We also discuss the recent interview with Greg Glassman posted by our friend Armen Hammer on his youtube channel and podcast (link below) about what Greg and CrossFit HQ are up to. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the interview so please share them with us via social media! Can CrossFit Health and the CrossFit Games co-exist under the same umbrella? What's with all the jug workouts? Can HQ do a better job supporting the 10-year affiliates it claims to be targeting with their new initiatives?
Armen/Greg Glassman interview
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We're calling this one the attitude episode! The boys sit down and kick off Lu-less May with a long conversation on all things attitude. Jorge, Danny, Jando, and David discuss the differences between competitive and non-competitive mindset, attitudes of athletes versus everyday fitness enthusiasts, how coaching CrossFit classes is different from coaching competitors, and more. This one went a little long but we honestly think it's one of our best discussions to date. Be sure to let us know what you think!
Team Soul Barbell just started a new Olympic weightlifting cycle that will lead right into the Florida Weightlifting State Championships on July 20. Head over to www.teamsoultraining.com to join the team for $15/month. If you need your own meet prep or individual weightlifting or powerlifting program, get in touch with us, WE GOT YOU!
Team Soul Training will begin our off-season training phase at the beginning of June. We will use the off-season to prepare for 2 specific events; a sprint triathlon and an Olympic weightlifting meet. We've partnered with Full Circle Coaching to help us prepare for the triathlon and they will be providing all of our tri training leading up to Mack Cycle Trilogy Series Trilogy Tri on July 21st, 2019.
Team Soul will also be hosting a Last Chance Qualifier Weightlifting meet on August 10 at CrossFit Soul to qualify for the USA Weightlifting AO3 series in Daytona Beach, FL in September.
Join the team and get your fitness training on at www.teamsoultraining.com
Code PODCAST saves you some $$ on our online programs.
for more info on all of our programs, follow us on Instagram:
We're calling this one "The Great Sports Debate". On last weeks episode, our discussion about age and sports led us to a debate on whether marching band was a sport or not. This also led us to this current episode on "what exactly is a sport?". Does the dictionary definition (and we have ALL of them) make the distinction? Is it up for review? What are sports? What are games? SO MANY QUESTIONS! Tune in to find out what the crew has to think!
Team Soul Barbell is starting a new Olympic Weightlifting cycle this coming MONDAY, May 6, 2019! It'll be a shortened prep cycle leading us right into the Florida Weightlifting State Championships on July 13th. For more info, hit us up on the gram @teamsoul or shoot us an email to [email protected]
Team Soul Training is wrapping up our Granite Games training phase and are looking towards our off-season. We'll be training and preparing for a weightlifting meet as well as a sprint triathlon during the next training cycle. Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to sign up!
Code SOUL PODCAST gets you some $$ off both programs
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Welcome to episode 4 of Beats and Breakdowns, the bi-weekly music podcast from the Team Soul podcast network.
In this episode, we discuss all things 90s punk rock, the big punk labels of the time, the South Florida punk scene, the upcoming Avail reunion, Jando’s battle to get a shirt he ordered through the mail and more.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with many of the bands we discuss or the genre as a whole, we have built a playlist for you to check out. Check the show notes for a link to Spotify.
If this is your first time listening to the show, we thank you for taking the time to download and listening. Music plays a big part in the lives of the members of Team Soul and this podcast will continue to explore the wide variety of musical tastes the members have. If you enjoy the show, we ask that you please leave us a 5-star rating in iTunes as it will help others find our show.
If you would like to send us a question, you can do so at [email protected] or through our Instagram page @teamsoul
Intro beat by Jon P (@beats.n.barbells_)
Enjoy the show
On this weeks episode, we dive into age and sports. The boys sit down and talk about our younger years and what sports we played growing up and how that lead us to where we are today. We also discuss training age vs actual age and how the two relate to each other, programming for masters vs younger athletes, and more.
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is in the middle of our Granite Games prep and our off-season cycle is just around the corner! Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up for just $35/month. Use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. We just started a new powerlifting phase starting on April 1st, so you still have time to get on board and build your strength! You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month. Again, use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Check us out at www.teamsoultraining.com and follow us on Instagram @teamsoul and @crossfitsoul for more info on all of our online programs including our online handling and individual design for both barbell and CrossFit training.
We’ve got some discounts for you guys to take advantage of as well:
Check out our homies over at CBDMedic for all your recovery needs. Use code soul10 to save 10% off on your entire order
Progenex has everything you need to make sure you crush your workouts and recover as quickly as possible. Whether you're an avid lifter looking to increase lean muscle or a casual fitness enthusiast aspiring to look and feel your best, Progenex has the products for you. Use code soul10 for 10% off your order at progenexusa.com
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
WE'RE BACK! No, like for real this time! And we’ve got a new permanent addition to the show! In order to continue to bring you guys the absolute best podcast we can, we had to get some outside help. Jorge has been a long time client and friend and has been a previous guest on the show with his husband David Bialski (Episode 32 - The world’s strongest gay couple) and he filled in for Danny and Luis when they were at the Games in 2018 (Episode 39 - Games analysis with Jorge and Jando) We’re stoked to have him on board and love everything he’s bringing to the table. Stay tuned for more of what you're used to with some added flair; discussion, knowledge, and a whole lot of shenanigans.
On this week's episode, we dive into the strength sports. What are they? What's the difference between weightlifting and powerlifting? We also discuss what all our favorite lifts are, the importance of a well-balanced strength program for Crossfit, and more!
Some reminders for you guys:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is in the middle of our Granite Games prep and our off-season cycle is just around the corner! Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up for just $35/month. Use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. We just started a new powerlifting phase starting on April 1st, so you still have time to get on board and build your strength! You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month. Again, use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Check us out at www.teamsoultraining.com for more info on all of our online programs including our online handling and individual design for both barbell and CrossFit training.
We’ve got some discounts for you guys to take advantage of as well!
Check out our homies over at www.cbd-medic.com for all your recovery needs. Use code soul10 to save 10% off on your entire order
Progenex has everything you need to make sure you crush your workouts and recover as quickly as possible. Whether you're an avid lifter looking to increase lean muscle or a casual fitness enthusiast aspiring to look and feel your best, Progenex has the products for you. Use code soul10 for 10% off your order at progenexusa.com
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Yea yea.. we know.. we haven’t been putting out a ton of content lately. Sue us. This episode was actually recorded last week and it took me a bit to get finished and uploaded. Big Lu went out to Vegas with some of our Team Soul Barbell lifters for University and U25 nationals. He tells us all about his trip and how we performed as a club. Ill give you the cliff notes. Gabe came back with 6 medals and a National Championship in his weight class, and Sarah came back with a Medal in snatch out of the C session. Both HUGE accomplishments for our club.
We also discuss how Team Soul Weightlifting was born, how it became Team Soul Barbell and the history of weightlifting in south Florida.
we’ve got some reminders for you guys:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is gearing up for the Granite Games qualifier starting NEXT WEEK! We’ll have a slight deload the first week after the open and then expect volume and intensity to ramp up after that! Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up for just $35/month. Use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. We’ve got a new powerlifting phase starting on April 1st, so now is the perfect time to get on board and build your strength! You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month. Again, use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Check us out at www.teamsoultraining.com or on Instagram @teamsoul for more info on all of our online programs including our online handling and individual design for both barbell and CrossFit training.
We’ve got some discounts for you guys to take advantage of as well!
Check out our homies over at CBDMedic for all your recovery needs. They have Hemp CBD products for active sport, muscle and joint, as well as arthritic symptom pain relief. Use code soul10 to save 10% off on your entire order. www.cbd-medic.com
Progenex has everything you need to make sure you crush your workouts and recover as quickly as possible. Whether you're an avid lifter looking to increase lean muscle or a casual fitness enthusiast aspiring to look and feel your best, Progenex has the products for you. Use code soul10 for 10% off your order at www.progenexusa.com
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Welcome to episode 3 of Beats and Breakdowns, the bi-weekly music podcast from the Team Soul podcast network.
In this episode, we sit down with Hoya Roc, bass player for the New York hardcore band Madball.
Hoya has been a long time friend of ours and we appreciate him taking the time to sit down with us and discuss growing up in New York, the Dynamo Open Air festival in 1995, raising a family while being in a full time touring hardcore band, his continued love for the hardcore scene and more.
Madball has been a driving force in the hardcore scene since 1988. The band was started by members of Agnostic Front as a side project to allow vocalist Roger Miret’s brother, 12-year-old Freddy to sing. The band has had its share of members including Vinnie Stigma, Matt Henderson, Will Shepler, and Mitts Daniels, but the constant has always been Freddy and Hoya. Despite a year-long break up in 2001, the band has continued on and continues to tour and release new music.
You can find more information, tour dates, merch and more by going to www.madballhc.com or their current label, Nuclear Blast Records at www.nuclearblast.com
If this is your first time listening to the show, we thank you for taking the time to download and listening. Music plays a big part in the lives of the members of Team Soul and this podcast will continue to explore the wide variety of musical tastes the members have. As always, if you enjoy the show, we ask that you please leave us a 5-star rating in iTunes as it will help others find our show.
If you would like to send us a question, you can do so at [email protected] or through our Instagram page @teamsoul
Enjoy the show!
We’re finally back with another episode of the team soul podcast. We know its been a while since you’ve heard from us but a while back Danny, Jando, Luis and myself all agreed that if we really didn’t have anything of substance to talk about, we wouldn’t record an episode just for the sake of recording. This week we sit down and talk about a few major changes coming to Crossfit Soul in way of our Saturday schedule and what it means for our clients. We also discuss the start of the open and the announcement of workout 19.1. Do you miss Dave Castro and all his announcement shenanigans? We do! What does this years open mean for us as a competitive program? What has it done for our general Crossfit clients? Is the open the same? Does it even matter anymore? Stay tuned to find out!
If you’re subscribed to our podcast, you might have noticed we started a second show called beats and breakdowns where Danny Jando Chip and JP discuss all things music. Be sure to give it a listen and let us know what you think!
Before we get into the show, we’ve got some reminders for you guys:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is in the thick of the Open and we’ll be gearing up for the Granite Games qualifier soon after. Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up for just $35/month. Use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month. Again, use code soul podcast for 10% off your first month.
Check us out at www.teamsoultraining.com for more info on all of our online programs including our online handling and individual design for both barbell and CrossFit training.
We’ve got some discounts for you guys to take advantage of as well:
Check out our homies over at CBDMedic for all your recovery needs. They have Hemp CBD products for active sport, muscle, and joint, as well as arthritic symptom pain relief. Use code soul10 to save 10% off on your entire order at www.CBD-Medic.com
Progenex has everything you need to make sure you crush your workouts and recover as quickly as possible. Whether you're an avid lifter looking to increase lean muscle or a casual fitness enthusiast aspiring to look and feel your best, Progenex has the products for you. Use code soul10 for 10% off your order at www.progenexusa.com
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Welcome to episode 2 of Beats and Breakdowns, the bi-weekly music podcast from the Team Soul podcast network.
In this episode, we discuss all things Southern hip hop, Hot water music, the 25th anniversary of the release of Green Day’s landmark album Dookie, Florida death metal and more.
If this is your first time listening to the show, we thank you for taking the time to download and listen. Music plays a big part in the lives of the members of Team Soul and this podcast will continue to explore the wide variety of musical tastes the members have. If you enjoy the show, we ask that you please consider leaving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as it will help others find our show.
If you would like to send us a question, you can do so at [email protected] or through our Instagram page @teamsoul
Enjoy the show!
On this weeks episode of the team soul podcast we touch on a bunch of different topics but our main focus dives deep on what's going on with Crossfit HQ and what they’re doing with Crossfit main site. Starting at the beginning of January all signs of the Crossfit games and the sport of fitness have been removed from Crossfit.com and gone are the Crossfit journal and the Crossfit podcast. The Crossfit games update studio has been transformed into grandpas living room and now the videos and articles are targeting the older generations. The workouts have even changed a bit. Less intensity, more focus on strict gymnastics work and conditioning. What's up with that? What do we think? Keep listening to find out!
Before we get to it, here are a few reminders:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is at the beginning stages of our open prep phase. The open is coming in 2 weeks. Are you ready? If not, Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up!
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. Powerlifting just started a new phase of training on 1/28 so its still a great time to get on board. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month
You can find out more about our programs and what we're up to at www.teamsoultraining.com and on social media by following us on IG @teamsoul @crossfitsoul
We’re always looking for new guests with an exciting story to tell. Is that you or someone you know? Let us know! Send us an email with your suggestions to [email protected] or DM them to us on Instagram @teamsoul.
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Enjoy the show!
Follow us on Instagram!
Welcome to the first episode of the brand new, bi-weekly Team Soul music centered podcast, Beats and Breakdowns. In an attempt to focus more on training, we've created this new show which will focus more on the musical side of Team Soul. In this episode, we discuss our trip to FYA Fest in Tampa, Florida, albums that were released in 1999 (both hardcore and hip hop), the experience of attending a hip hop show and being a part of the South Florida music scene. If you like what you hear, we ask that you subscribe and consider leaving us a 5 Star review on iTunes. Enjoy the show! Follow us on Instagram: @dannyxsoul @xchipxsem @alejandr0e @beats.n.barbells_
WZA is a WRAP! On this weeks episode of the Team Soul Podcast, we sit down and wrap up the 2nd Crossfit games Sanctional event, The Wodapalooza CrossFit Festival. WZA is in our backyard and with 40+ athletes competing across all divisions, we plan our entire training year around it. With Jando MCing, Danny serving as Competition Director, Luis coaching, and myself working on the media side, we have 4 very different perspectives on the weekend. We talk about our favorite moments of the weekend, wrap up the elite men's Women and team divisions and address the comments made by Ben Smith regarding bias and unfair advantages for athletes who are coached by members of the programming collective.
A few reminders:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is beginning our open prep phase. OWe are currently in a deload week after WZA and open prep will officially kick off on 1/28.2019. Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. Powerlifting will begin a new phase of training on 1/28 so now is the time to get on board. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month
We’re always looking for new guests with an exciting story to tell. Is that you or someone you know? Let us know! Send us an email with your suggestions to [email protected] or DM them to us on Instagram @teamsoul.
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Team Soul Store
Happy New Year!
Its been a few weeks since we’ve been able to sit down and record but we’re back! With the 2019 CrossFit Games rulebook dropping earlier this week, Danny, Luis, Jando, and myself thought it would be a great time to sit down and talk about the rules that’ll have the most impact on the season. Residency vs. citizenship. Who does it affect? What happens if you have dual citizenship? Sanctional invites vs Open qualification. What's the difference? Does it even matter? How will spots be backfilled? We also talk about our WZA predictions for the elite divisions and dive a bit into our upcoming training plan for the Open and Granite Games.
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is wrapping up our WZA prep and will now have our sights set on prepping for the Open. Open prep will officially kick off the week after WZA on 1/21/2019. The first 25 people to sign up for TST online during four days of WZA will get $10 off their first month and a Soul Vice t-shirt! Visit www.teamsoultraining.com to get signed up
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Follow us on Instagram:
Enjoy the show!
On this weeks episode of the team soul podcast, we’re joined by Emmyn Calleiro and Chip Walbert. Emmyn is the son of Jason Calliero, a former guest on the show as well as a former intern here at Crossfit Soul. We talk about his time interning at Soul, his background in music and the work he’s done with his band, Games We Play, what it's like working with his dad, and what he’s up to now. We also take the time to talk about the Dubai CrossFit Championships, the first sanctioned Crossfit event of the season. When you’re first up to bat, all eyes are on you and Dubai definitely had its fair share of controversy. Spotty live streaming, lack of actual team events, HUGE payouts, injuries and more are all a part of our discussion.
A few reminders:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training is gearing up for The Wodapalooza CrossFit Festival January 17-20. If you sign up between now and December 31st, you'll get one month of programming for free! For more info or to get signed up, you can check out our website at teamsoultraining.com or send us an email at [email protected]
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month
You can find out more about our programs and what we're up to at www.teamsoultraining.com and on social media by following us on IG @teamsoul @crossfitsoul
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Enjoy the show!
On this weeks episode of the team soul podcast, we’re joined by Josh Holton. Josh is one of the owners of CrossFit Due North which is 1 of 2 CrossFit affiliates in Traverse City, Michigan. He is also a full-time nutrition coach for Working Against Gravity. Josh has been a self-proclaimed super fan of all things team soul for quite some time and was totally stoked when we asked him to be on the show. We talk with Josh about growing up in Traverse City, his tastes in music, making the jump from a full-time career in the maritime industry to working as a nutrition coach, what opening and owning a gym in a small town has been like, his battle with Leukemia and more.
A few reminders:
Our competitive CrossFit program, team soul training will be starting phase 5 of our training year on December 10th! Join today to get access to our daily competitor's programming and be added to a private facebook group with the rest of our team. If you sign up between now and December 31st, you'll get one month of programming for free! For more info or to get signed up, you can check out our website at teamsoultraining.com or send us an email at [email protected]
Team Soul Barbell is split into two independent programs: Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. You can get access to both along with our private facebook group where you can post your videos for feedback and coaching for just $15/month
You can find out more about our programs and what we're up to at www.teamsoultraining.com and on social media by following us on IG @teamsoul @crossfitsoul
Lastly, we ask that if you enjoy the show and you haven’t done so yet, hit the subscribe button and consider giving us a 5-star rating on iTunes as well as share it with your friends.
Enjoy the show!
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