הפודקאסט של ד"ר לירז מרגלית
Under the DataScope: A six-episode podcast series from the Kraft Precision Medicine Accelerator at Harvard Business School, showcasing the most important companies—their innovations and their progress—that bring data and analytics technologies to precision medicine today. Discussions focus on the business models, technologies, and proof points of data and analytics leaders to illuminate the richness of this landscape today and its fast-paced future progress. Guests include: • John Wilbanks - Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks • David Shaywitz - Senior Partner, Takeda Ventures • Jeff Elton – CEO, Concerto Health AI • Wout Brusselaers – Founder/CEO, Deep6 • Richard Williams - Managing Director & CMO, Wuxi NextCode • Eyal Gura - Founder/CEO, Zebra Medical Vision
Each Sunday, Brad Shoemaker and Will Smith discuss a new technology topic. Come for the long-form conversations about virtual reality, space travel, electric cars, refresh rates, and a whole lot more.
Support the pod on Patreon: -
The data struggle is real. Companies are awash in data that can lead to better engineered products, improved customer engagement, and faster drug development. But first they have to overcome the daunting technical and cultural challenges of mastering it. Fortunately, other data and IT leaders have dealt with these same issues. They’ll share their advice and stories on the DataMasters podcast.
עושים עתיד: אני, אתם ו ChatGPT שואלים את האנשים החכמים ביותר בישראל את השאלות הקשות ביותר לגבי העתיד שלנו: בינה מלאכותית, הנדסה גנטית, חינוך, צבא וביטחון, כלכלה דיגיטלית, חיים אחרים ביקום, מכוניות אוטונומיות, מחשבים קוונטים, ועוד ועוד. לאן אנחנו הולכים וכיצד ייראו המדע, הטכנולוגיה, הקריירות והחברה שלנו בעוד שנים לא רבות?
Wintersemester 2005/2006
A podcast that follows CheckPoint's Threat Intelligence Group analysts and researchers as they scour the internet for new threats and vulnerabilities.
Produced by PI Media LTD -
Wix Engineering Podcast. For developers, by Wix Engineering: Architecture, scaling, mobile and web development, management and more. The stories and the insights of our very own engineers, shoulder to shoulder, with some of the most prominent voices in the tech community.
CannaCAST IL was formed to strengthen and empower the Medical Cannabis industry by providing international exposure to Israel’s technology, R&D and innovation.
פודקאסט בינה מלאכותית ולמידת מכונה
ברוכים הבאים לפודקאסט של איגוד מדעי הנתונים בלשכת המהנדסים בהנחייתו של ד"ר יונתן רוזנבלט
בפודקאסט נציג נושאים שונים ומגוונים מעולם מדעי הנתונים, החל מהבסיס ועד לחזית הידע. ניתן דגש מיוחד לדמיון ולקשר בין תחומי סטטיסטיקה, מדעי המחשב ועיבוד אותות. בעזרתם של מומחים בכירים מהאקדמיה והתעשייה ננסה לגשר על פערים מחשבתיים וניתן במה לרעיונות חדשניים -
Welcome to Talking Techniques! In this Podcast BioTechniques Digital Editor Tristan Free, interviews researchers at the forefront of their fields about the latest breakthroughs, controversies and conversations in the life sciences. From CRISPR to COVID-19, organoids to the microbiome, this podcast will explore the latest developments in the lab and interesting applications of techniques, while trying to determine how we can drive science forward in progressive and inventive ways.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The podcast where we hang out and learn with the WIA Community. Each episode, host Lauren Burke connects with women in data and analytics to talk about what they do in the space, how they got there, and more. We showcase the unique paths that can lead to data, share resources, and bring awareness to new and interesting topics within the field.
Verksted for antropologisk avdiagnostisering!
Technological Guru Ronen Chen talks with experts about innovation, technology and business. Ronen brings his expertise of behavioral economics and software development and how it ignites the company that he works with to come up with new product ideas.
How will AI, blockchain and other new technologies impact life science? -
A podcast at the intersection of science and web3. Learn about the builders behind the decentralized science movement.
Join the BCI Guys (Colin Fausnaught and Harrison Canning) as they discuss all things Neurotechnology! Brain Stream will cover a wide range of topics in Neurotechnology, ranging from ethics to cutting edge technology. Join us as we explore a wide range of topics and discuss the future of the field! Future episodes will feature prominent figures in the Neurotechnology field, so make sure you subscribe to us on Stitcher, Google Play, or Apple Podcasts to stay up to date!
Harrison and Colin (The BCI Guys) are neurotech researchers and entrepreneurs dedicated to creating a brain-controlled future! Neurotechnology and brain-computer interfaces are devices that allow users to control machines with their thoughts and interact with technology in new ways. This revolutionary technology will change life as we know it, and soon will be as common as the touchscreen on your smartphone. Join us in learning about the brain-controlled future!
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פודקאסט בעברית על מאמרים בתחומי דאטה-סיינס ולמידת מכונה. אופיר סרוסי ושקד זיכלינסקי מציגים בכל פרק מאמר אחד מהתחום שבאמת כדאי להכיר, מפרקים אותו ומרכיבים אותו מחדש תוך כדי שיחה.