S2:Episode 3 - Carla puts the gruesome activity of Maury Travis under the microscope- a man who inflicted torture on his targets and a blunt danger to women across St. Louis, Missouri. Remorseless in his motives, but choosing ultimately his own death over the accountability a jail sentence would bring… The only remaining mystery is the true scale of his victims, in numbers.
Phil recounts the savage killing of Scottish teenager Kriss Donald. A ratcheting of racial and gang tension in his corner of Glasgow came to its violent end, with Donald attacked and abducted by a group of five men of Pakistani descent. Attempts to flee prosecution abroad by 3 of the suspects only sought to bring forth their unprecedented extraditions back to the UK, and further widen the discussion of how racially-motivated murder can be presented to the public in different ways.
S2:Episode 2 - Phil unfolds the devastating crime against young Tennessee darlings Christopher Newsom & Channon Christian. Both became victims of a ruthless carjacking, which was merely the beginning of their fatal ordeal at the hands of a cruel collective. The tragedy of this case was further mired by allegations of racial bias and a near-leniet focus on the culprits by local media.
Carla looks deep into the troubled life of Michael Stone, convicted for the dual murder of mother/daughter Lin & Megan Russell. A cursory glance at his litany of crimes and jail sentences points towards a rampant career criminal, bourne of a childhood of violence and abuse... Yet he's always vehemently protested his mistaken identity to the Russell killings- Could these pleas of innocence hold any grain of truth?
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In S2:Episode1 - Carla looks into the harrowing account of Virginia native Amanda Taylor- dubbed The Selfie Killer. As she struggled to process the suicide of her husband Rex, her grief quickly became poisoned and twisted into bitter vengeance... With her father-in-law firmly in her sights as the one responsible for the death of her partner- and the one who should suffer. All the more perverse is the open satisfaction she took in her eventual crimes, broadcasting her proud acts across social media, and speaking remorselessly about her motivations in interviews that followed.
Phil continues his keeness to bring you some of the biggest homicide cases in a particular country's history- this time looking towards Pakistan and the heinous actions of child killer/molester Javed Iqbal. The blend of his mother's death and a grievance with Lahore Police were very much the twisted driving force behind his countless murders, in little over the space of a year. His choice of victim was troubling too, seemingly focusing on vulnerable runaway boys from 6 to 16, and subjecting them to further unimaginable horrors.
In Episode XXIIV- Switzerland has a crime rate so low that few would ever regard it as a natural source for the T&T podcast- but then along comes a case of multiple homicides try and prove otherwise.
Phil looks into this grim account of the barbaric Thomas Nick, as he spied and tracked the movements of a hapless family, before striking to commit acts of kidnap, child abuse and arson. Worryingly, there were clear signs that this was merely a template for far worse things to come, from a man dubbed 'The Beast of Rupperswil'...
Carla delves back into a case which shares it name with a children's tale, only brought to life in a far darker reality. Brighton girls Nicola Fellows & Karen Hadaway sadly became known as the fabled 'Babes In The Wood', as they fell prey to the hands of killer Russell Bishop. His relentless falsehoods twisted the legal system just enough to evade conviction in 1987... Only to find he couldn't escape ever advancing, compelling forensic evidence upon retrail. Justice delivered 20 years in the making.
In Episode XXIV- Many cases on, Carla takes T&T tentatively back to the subject of a specific type of taboo- looking into the perversions of killer David Fuller. Far from content taking the lives of Wendy Knell & Caroline Pierce in 1987... Fuller was another in a line of deviants to take advantage of a trusted role, accessing two Kent hospital morgues to molest a staggering number of corpses, and record his gratifications along the way. Could this be the most prolific necrophiliac in UK history?
The details are no less harrowing in Phil's case, as he recounts the wicked acts of Susan Smith. A South Carolinan mother, who betrayed every maternal instinct she had to commit the unimaginable crime of killing her 2 sons. This was merely only the beginning of her web of deceipt, courting the sympathy of the media and public by manipulating a false story of her being the tragic victim of a car heist... In a futile attempt to cover her callous, guiltless actions.
In Episode XXIII- Phil drills down into the sordid details of the Richardson family murders in Saskatchewan, Canada- What possible motive could 12 year old Jasmine have had to slaughter her loved ones? Much can be pointed to the manipulation by boyfriend Jeremy Steinke, the literal double of her age... but it seems that graphic movie violence soon evolved into a shared fantasy. This is teen frustration taken a sinister twist. ...And we know how disappointed you'd be if we didn't get into seasonal spirit
So in this edition Carla brings you a case truly inkeeping with the darker side of Halloween. Devon Griffin came back to his Ohio home to find what he thought was a prank, only to realise he was in the presence of a very real murder scene, involving his entire family. A story woven into every horror October 31st conjures up in the mind.
In Episode XXII- Carla examines the stark crimes of Todd Kohlhepp, and what drove him to commit a spate of murders across South Carolina. From a broken home to animal cruelty... the clearest dotted lines can be drawn that a textbook killer was in the making, at almost every stage of his life. Could more have be done to stop over a decade of killing at the hands of this one man?
Phil brings you into the crazed world of Issei Sagawa, dubbed the Kobe Cannibal. Many would presume that being born & raised to wealth brings with it a comfort and stability; yet neither of these laid the mind of Sagawa. His literary interests brought him to Paris, merely disguising his growing cannibalistic obsessions, mixed with a lifetime of insecurity. The level of cult celebrity that has built around him in his native Japan is perhaps most curious of all in this intriguing case.
In Episode XXI - Phil looks into the case of The Scissor Sisters. Culturally, this phrase may have changed its meaning over the years... there was a time though when it pointed directly to Dublin siblings Linda & Charlotte Mulhall- who met the alleged abuse their mother faced with their own acute brand of violence, and left Ireland reeling from the details of this graphic murder.
Carla uncovers the story behind the tourtous killing of Australian teenager Peter Aston. Any choice to hitchhike is naturally wrought with risk, and so it sadly came to pass for Aston and his school friend Terry Ryan.... As they crossed paths with 2 army personnel who had foregone any oaths to defend & protect, to instead sexually abuse & "sacrifice" in the name of the occult.
In Episode XX - Carla explores a case which holds the tainted honour of being a landmark first in British law. In a previous time, Colin Pitchfork's henious crimes of rape and murder in rural Leicestershire might have gone unsolved and cruelly unpunished... What he hadn't banked upon though were extraordinary breakthroughs in forensics- changing the landscape for him and his criminal kind forever.
Phil recalls the tragic story of the Tiede's, who had planned their perfect Christmas secluded away amongst the Utah mountains.... Little did they know their peace would be disturbed by two runaway burglars, intent on inflicting their cruelty on 3 generations of this family. Truly a holiday nightmares are made of.
In Episode XIX - Phil examines the motives behind Jessica Camilleri's bent to commit murder in a very precise way- death by decapitation. The sickening evolution of this fascination outgrow mere telephone threats to strangers, and into a tragic, bloody realisation for the person who loved her most.
Carla gets to grips with a case which will always catches most off guard, that of child-on-child murder. Mary Flora Bell endured a troubled, loveless upbringing in 60's Newcastle, and the disturbed seeds were planted for her urge to inflict that suffering onto other children... on 2 fatal occasions.
In Episode XVIII- Carla draws focus on Dale Cregan, and the crimes which rooted him deeply into the Manchester's criminal underworld. Tales of drugs, firearms and gang feuds won't come as a surprise... But his one-man war on Greater Manchester Police will truly shock, brought to grim life in a cold-blooded ambush in a quiet Peak District village.
Phil looks at a divisive case of home invasion, and the measures some people will go to protect what they have. Byron David Smith took defending his Minnesota house to the length of attacking his young aggressors, fatally. Many questions arise- Was this self protection or poised execution? And how or what do you define as 'victim' in a case such as this? The moral compass swings in every direction as the details unfold...
In Episode XVII, Phil grapples the grim details dealing with the numerous indecent acts committed by Richard Huckle- once dubbed “Britain’s worst ever paedophile”. His perverse desire for gratification expanded far beyond his native Kent and took in continents across the globe; all done behind the charade of trusted roles such as teacher and photographer.
Carla looks into the case of Richard Mare Evonitz. On the surface, a man with a distinguished US Naval career and budding business entrepreneur… beneath that revealed his deviant motivations for rape and murder- young girls unfortunately being his primary focus. Needless to say, this is one episode where listeners can expect very little by way of understanding and empathy for the perpetrators involved.
In Episode XVI- Carla looks at the case of Californian Killers Charles Ng & Leonard Lake... 2 dishonoured ex-Marines with troubled pasts and deviant urges. Ultimately, those urges would be realised in an isolated cabin, home to multiple murders, rape and torture.
Phil goes over the tragic details of Shanda Sharer, and her brutal execution at the hands of 4 adolescent girls in 90's Indiana. Jealousy and bullying are not new issues in any teenager's life, but these proved to be deadly motivators in what became Sharer's abduction and fatal torture.
In Episode XV- Phil looks into a case not too far from home, and not too distant from memory... Delving deep into the 00's murders committed by Yorkshireman Mark Hobson. The precision of the premeditated violence on his victims was equally meticulous and maladjusted, and a nationwide manhunt became the only way to bring forth the justice the UK demanded.
Carla takes T&T listeners much further away to the southern hemisphere, examining the crimes of Australian duo Catherine & David Birnie. A couple drawn to one another from teenage years in a deranged union of petty crimes and animal cruelty... Later developing a shared lust for suffering and murder into adulthood- all done from the comfort of their suburban Perth home.
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In Episode XIV- Carla examines the case of Michael Bruce Ross, whose troubled Connecticut upbringing manifested itself into a devastating spree of rape and killing across 80's New England.
Phil investigates the absurd reality of the US phone caller with the true gift of persuasion... One conversation from this elusive scammer had victims committing lewd acts, removing clothes and removing dignity for over a decade- let's hope Phil doesn't pick up inspirational tips(!)
In Episode XIII, Phil gives the T&T podcast its first foray into celebrity crime- Chris Benoit may well have held the global adulation and stardom being in the World Wrestling Entertainment gave him... But behind the theatrics of his ring character was a constant paranoia, neuroses and malice. What followed from his own hands were family homicides, rooted in his own pain and instability.
For Carla's case, she looks into the murder case of Indiana girl Sylvia Likens- A 60's sweetheart who endured a campaign of torture and dehumanisation from not only people charged with her care, but also those she call would call 'neighbour'. A tragic period of time dedicated to the mental and physical breakdown of a helpless teenage girl.
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In Episode XII, Carla tackles Karla [Homolka], and the role she played alongside her husband in the rape and killing of 2 Canadian schoolgirls. Does she fit the coerced victim persona she'd crafted in the courtroom? Or was she actually the driving force of these evil actions? The world, and its press, had their say...
Phil looks beneath the surface of what would appear to be 'crazed killer thrown in a cage', to reveal Robert Maudsley- a Liverpudlian man tortured by his grime childhood and compelled to dispense brutal justice from his own 'vigilante' self image. However much he sought inner peace through murder, his demons would never leave him.
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In this episode, Phil examines the almost Freudian case of Texan killer Kevin Davis; tacking the ever uncomfortable crime of parental murder. The graphic details give off a crazed twist on the Oedipus tale, brought to life in a savage way by a teenager.
Carla switches her attention to another Iowa individual from the last episode - only this time, Robert Ben Rhoades is far from anyone's victim. 'The Truck Stop Killer' brought a campaign of cruelty to his victims for over a decade, under the guise of an unassuming long haul driver. Sadly, hitchhikers never stood a chance.
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In this weeks episode, Carla drills deep down into the vanishing of an unassuming Midwestern paperboy, in a case that triggered a desperate state-wide search across Iowa.
Tragic disappearance or calculated kidnap?
Phil explores the many crimes (and aliases) of the depraved Carl Panzram....A relentless killer, sodomiser, robber, with a touch of arson and a particular fondness for directing his violence towards males across America - Jack of all trades of the worst possible kind.
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In this episode, Phil's case keeps crime closer to home.... a shocking case that took place in the notoriously volatile area of the 80's south Manchester, leaving behind a deep scar of endless questions to this day #theunspeakableisspoken
And, Carla brings you a case, famously known as "The cellar girls"
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