
  • Weā€™re back! Caitlin finally edited the episode! In fact, you might say that this episode was Lost ā€¦ on Caitlinā€™s Hard Drive. In this episode, Caitlin and Nicole are joined again by Caitlinā€™s long-suffering brother Ryan to discuss episodes 6 and 7 of Lost in Space. (Stars alive, when will we get through this series? How much more can I take? [sobs internally] ) Join us in this episode to discuss black holes, tar pits, and puzzling through what the heck the writers were trying to accomplish with Dr. Smith.

    Find the articles for the episode, as well as several outtakes, here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Ryan: twitter.com/ryanvanasse

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • It turns out that Caitlin and Nicole have multiple rocket scientist friends! Longtime friend of the podcast Space Nicole joins our hosts along with newtime friend of the podcast Grant to discuss the Nolan space behemoth, Interstellar. There is ā€¦ a lot to unpack in this movie. Some of the science is surprisingly good, which makes sense considering that Nolan consulted with actual physicists during the production of the film (Flash writers, take notes). Some of the science is, well, odd, to say the least. Join our crew of intrepid science friends as they journey into a discussion of rockets, docking, relativity, time, black holes, whatever the heck ā€œthe blightā€ is, and the possibly horrible truth behind this secret science program headed by a bunch of all-American scientists(?)

    Also, Nicole came up for an idea for a TARS and Cooper-themed spin-off television show, complete with theme song, because of course she did. Does anyone know someone at Netflix we can pitch this to? #TARSandCoop

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    Grantā€™s blog: https://quietevangelism.blogspot.com

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • We have come to a movie that is apparently somewhat infamous in the scientific community for its terrible and ridiculous science: The Core. Patricia joins us once again to discuss how plausible it would be that the Earthā€™s core would stop spinning, that we could drill down to the core, and that we could restart it with nuclear weapons!

    If your guess was, wow, that sounds insanely implausible, ding ding ding, you got it right!

    If you thought, huh, that sounds like something that is a very likely problem but also very fixable with nuclear weapons, I am not sure how to help you.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Patricia: twitter.com/Gravity_Pat

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Well ā€¦ this episode ended up being a bit of a mess for reasons that are explained therein. But you know what? It kind of fits because weā€™re covering episodes 1 and 2 of Another Life, and this show is a lot of a mess. Weā€™re joined by our longtime podcast friend Space Nicole for the ride. In this episode we discuss the whole gamut of crazy science: - How dark matter isnā€™t a scary cloud - How pigeons navigate with but donā€™t produce infrasound - Why space helmets donā€™t have a retractable visor - And more! But mostly, weā€™re still confused why Niko didnā€™t tell her crew that she killed a man because he was trying to murder her and not simply because ā€œit had to be done.ā€

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole Prime: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Space Nicole: twitter.com/SpaceAgNicole

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen to this podcast episode in which we discuss all of the ridiculous science in Mission Impossible: Fallout, a movie that seems to know as much about plutonium as I know about Black Sabbath ā€” which is to say, basically nothing other than the fact that heavy metal is involved. And, of course, because weā€™re discussing plutonium, we are joined by longtime friend of the podcast and nuclear scientist, Madicken! Because this isnā€™t just the plutonium podcast, we also talk about the logistics of HALO jumps and RFID tags.

    Oh, and Nicole wrote another insane EDM song based on the vocal stylings of Madicken sampled during this episode. Itā€™s in the episode, and you can also find it on the blog post for this episode.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Madicken: twitter.com/munkium

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • To the chagrin of everyone involved except, perhaps, Caitlin, we have returned to cover three more episodes of the Netflix prestige show Lost in Space. Caitlin and Nicole are also joined by Ryan and Brady from their sister podcast Out of Contreks to discuss all that ā€¦ didnā€™t ā€¦ happen in these three episodes. Believe me, there was a ton of ranting that I cut out, though some of that has been preserved in the outtakes on the blog post for this episode.

    Find the articles for the episode, as well as several outtakes, here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Ryan: twitter.com/RTHowitzer

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Deboki: twitter.com/okidoki_boki

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Welcome to the apocalypse, my friends.

    Wait, that sounds really bad with everyone currently in self isolation from COVID-19. We at Thatā€™s Not How Science Works donā€™t actually think weā€™re in the middle of a real apocalypse. The current pandemic will eventually pass, so hang in there! Wash your hands! Self isolate! Donā€™t touch your face! But in this episode weā€™re joined by Larry and Justin from the Hereā€™s Johnny podcast to discuss zombies and viruses. You know, the classic fictional apocalypse.

    This is a little bit of a different episode because we arenā€™t discussing a specific piece of media in this episode. Instead, Larry and Justin are here to provide some context on zombies since, you know, Nicole and Caitlin are babies when it comes to horror. Then, we discuss the science of viruses and vaccines in three zombie movies in particular: I Am Legend, World War Z, and 28 Days Later. And we also end up talking a bit about coronaviruses and COVID-19 because it was a bit inevitable.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Larry: twitter.com/beaverla

    Justin: twitter.com/picklething

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Caitlin and Nicole are joined by Nicoleā€™s friend Patricia, who is a geophysicist and studies volcanoes. (No, Patricia is not a vulcanologist. Thatā€™s a different thing. Nicole already made that mistake.) Per Patriciaā€™s request, the group has gathered together to discuss the cheesy 1997 disaster movie, creatively named "Volcanoā€. Patricia is here to answer all of your lava-related questions? Can volcanoes just shoot out of the ground like daisies? How hard is it to outrun a lava flow? If you step into lava, will you melt into it just like the Wicked Witch of the West?

    These may all sound like stupid questions, but they all literally come up in the movie Volcano.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Patricia: twitter.com/Gravity_Pat

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Heeeeeeeeeeey, we havenā€™t forgotten about the fact that we have a podcast! In this episode Nicole and Caitlin celebrate our one-year anniversary, which was ā€¦ some ā€¦ time ago. But hey, itā€™s our birthday, so we get to celebrate it the way we want to, right? Right? RIGHT?

    At any rate, since lots of people voted in our ā€œWhich TV show should we watch next?ā€ poll but didnā€™t actually send us any questions to answer for our anniversary celebration, Nicole and Caitlin discuss some questions that Caitlin thought up ā€” questions related to science, to our interests, and so on. We also discuss the cutest Science Corner topic of all time and, drumroll please, announce the results of said poll! Was Caitlin happy with the results? Was Nicole happy with the results? This was a zero sum game, with no way for both our hosts to be happy. Listen, and find out! Or at least skip ahead to the end, and find out! Either way, donā€™t miss the best science corner ever!

    Find the rat study article here.

    Find a report on the rabbit cuteness study here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • We were on an unannounced hiatus (letā€™s face it, all our hiatuses are unannounced), but we have returned! Caitlin and a (very congested) Nicole are back to talking about Marvel and, in particular, Spider-Man: Far from Home. The duo discuss the science of magic and just how far we are from real holograms. We also talk about the quite real and quite scary realm of deep fakes. What we do not discuss is what our superhero names would be, which in retrospect seems like a huge oversight. Nicoleā€™s would be the Copyrighter, for the record.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Alrighty, folks, weā€™ve come to the last of our alternative Flash shows: Marvelā€™s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And weā€™re joined by the fabulous Nicole Sweeney of Snark Squad and Complexly! Woah, Caitlin and Nicole Prime are dazzled by her internet celebrity! And yes, obviously, Sweeney was informed of the rules for challenging Nicole Prime for Supreme Nicole of the Nerdy Podcasts, but she declined, to Nicole Primeā€™s great relief. We discuss the weirdness of messing with alien technology thatā€™s giving off radiation. We also discuss the issues with suddenly depressurizing a plane. But most of all, Caitlin tries her best to scare everyone with true science.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole Prime: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Nicole Sweeney: twitter.com/SweeneySays

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • The OG Godzilla team is back together to discuss Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the sequel to the 2014 Godzilla. And wow. Just wow. The plot is something. There is a lot to talk about in this episode. How you canā€™t just mix together animal sounds to make a magical bioacoustic that allows you to talk to giant monsters. How monsters canā€™t just give off magic radiation that will heal the planet. How Caitlin, Nicole, and Madicken should apparently start an ASMR podcast with electronic dance music. Like I said, a lot to talk about.

    Also, I just want to point out that our Godzilla episodes are cursed. In the first Godzilla episode, I (Nicole) had to rerecord a bunch of my dialogue because the website we were using to sync our audio also distorted it. Here, my microphone decided to stop working at some point, and then my laptop decided that it needed to be restarted about 15 minutes later. After it restarted and I checked my microphone, I swear I pressed record and then ā€¦ it didnā€™t record. Fortunately I caught it after a few minutes, but basically, thereā€™s a reason I suddenly drop in and out of this episode near the beginning. Also, Godzilla, Iā€™m sorry for what weā€™ve done to offend you. Please forgive us! I wrote a song about you!

    Check out Nicoleā€™s music video featuring her Godzilla: King of the Monsters song here!

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Madicken: twitter.com/munkium

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Longtime TNHSW buddy Space Nicole is back to talk about Netflixā€™s reboot of Lost in Space. Will she challenge Nicole Prime to be Supreme Nicole of the Nerdy Podcasts? I guess youā€™ll just have to listen to find out! At any rate, thereā€™s plenty of danger in the first two episodes of Netflixā€™s Lost in Space reboot and plenty more bad science, but the robot only says, ā€œDanger, Will Robinsonā€ once. ONCE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    At any rate, back to science. Double Nicole and Caitlin discuss how you canā€™t just find yourself in a lake freezing around you from the bottom, how lots of elements burn white, poor shuttle design, and more! Itā€™s a fun episode people!

    Also the robotā€™s name is Larry. This is canon now, and we at TNHSW will not accept any other answers.

    Find the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole Prime: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Space Nicole: twitter.com/SpaceAgNicole

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Nicole and Caitlin are joined by Nicoleā€™s friend Lynn, a neuroscientist who moved to San Francisco from Minnesota and who lived down the street from a bakery that probably sold broccoli pizza. No, seriously. This time Nicole isnā€™t just making stuff up for the sake of snarkiness. The TNHSW crew discusses the science of the brain and memory in the context of Inside Out. They also theorize about the brainy worldbuilding of the movie and its implications (as you do).

    Once again, if you want to talk about the puzzling biology of the Cars franchise, hit Nicole up on Twitter @NicoleLuckless.

    FInd the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • They doubted us. They told us we were crazy. They said it we would never be able to accomplish this, that it would be too much for any one podcast to handle alone. BUT WE DID IT. WE FINISHED SEASON ONE OF THE FLASH, HATERS. Who exactly are these haters, you ask? Doesnā€™t matter, moving on.

    In this episode, Caitlin and Nicole discuss the last episode of season one of The Flash and the first episode of season two of The Flash with their excellent friend Natalie! There is much ranting about singularities and black holes. We also finally discuss the burning topic thatā€™s been looming over the podcast from the beginning: What on earth is a particle accelerator really? The answer might surprise you! (Ignore that clickbaity ending. The answer wonā€™t surprise you. There is a 0% chance it will give you superpowers.)


    How Particle Accelerators Work: https://www.energy.gov/articles/how-particle-accelerators-work

    What Exactly Is a Black Hole Event Horizon (and What Happens There)? https://www.space.com/black-holes-event-horizon-explained.html

    What 10,000 Steps Will Really Get You: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/05/10000-steps-rule/590785

    Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod

    TNHSW on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tnhswpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • The internet, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Thatā€™s Not How Science Works. To expose strange new science. To fact check new movies and new TV shows. To boldly go where no podcaster has gone before! Yes, thatā€™s right folks. Weā€™ve come to the mother of all science fiction shows: Star Trek. Caitlin and Nicole are joined by their friend Amanda to discuss one of the underrated Star Trek movies, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. We discuss some of the less plausible science in this movie specifically, such as the fact that you will not go into a hypothermia coma in under a minute and how itā€™s strange that you could pick up neutron radiation with a torpedo but not, say, a sensor on the bridge of your spaceship built to detect such things. We also touch on some of the science of Star Trek more broadly, including the implausibility of teleportation. (Sorry, Scotty!) However, maybe itā€™s just the fact that weā€™re used to the trash science of The Flash, but really, this science isnā€™t half bad. As it turns out, caring about ā€œaccuracyā€ and having ā€œscience advisorsā€ that you actually ā€œlisten toā€ can make a world of difference in the plausibility of your show. Good work Star Trek! Now, if they had only done the same thing for Kirkā€™s combat skillsā€¦


    The science of Star Trek (from NASA): https://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/features/star_trek.html

    CDC PDF infographic about hypothermia and frostbite: https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/documents/hypothermia-frostbite_508.pdf

    Cool antique toaster video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OfxlSG6q5Y

    Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected] 

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Articles:

    Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sewer Gas ā€¦ But Were Afraid to Ask

    Powering CERN

    Narwhal genetic diversity write-up in Science

    Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    Talya: twitter.com/LazerusProject

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Michael took a break from packing up his cabin in Alaska in preparation to moving to the North Pole to discuss two more episodes of The Flash with us! First, we talk about finding bodies underground using sound and light (once again, FBI, Nicole says, ā€œHiā€). We also discuss programmable matter and how a person cannot be made of it. Honestly, do the writers of The Flash know what a cell is? We then move into discussing applying stimulation to trigger lucid dreaming, listening to binaural beats for going to sleep, and different sleep cycles and ā€¦ what is this? The writers ā€¦ they wrote something halfway plausible instead of 0.2% plausible? WHAT UNIVERSE HAVE WE STUMBLED INTO? DID A PARTICLE ACCELERATOR JUST EXPLODE SOMEWHERE?


    The Promise and Peril of Programmable Matter: https://www.engineering.com/DesignerEdge/DesignerEdgeArticles/ArticleID/14967/The-Promise-and-Peril-of-Programmable-Matter.aspx

    Using technology to locate mass graves: http://discovermagazine.com/2015/oct/14-body-of-evidence

    The Limits of Ancestry DNA Tests, Explained: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2019/1/28/18194560/ancestry-dna-23-me-myheritage-science-explainer

    How Big Data for DNA Puts You at Risk ā€” Even If Youā€™ve Never Taken a Test: https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/16/18312048/dna-testing-genetic-privacy-data-at-home-family-tree-golden-state-killer-crime

    Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies

  • Caitlin and Nicole break from The Flash to talk about a movie that Nicole really loved and Caitlin really didnā€™t ā€” Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom! Caitlin shows off her animal studies cred by discussing why you canā€™t just give a blood transfusion to a velociraptor from a T-rex ā€¦ even if that velociraptor is by far the best character in the movie. Nicole and Caitlin also talk about the hazards of randomly shooting tranquilizers into a grown man, as well as the surprisingly good depiction of a volcanic eruption (aka, the second best character in the movie).

    Also, Nicole didnā€™t get into this in the episode, but she really loves how Mr. DNA says ā€œdinosaursā€ in the first movie and just felt that you should know that.


    What vulcanologists thought of the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom eruption

    Science fact checking Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

    Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

    Find us all on Twitter:

    Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

    Nicole: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

    TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod


    Kaleidoscope Media Network:

    KMN on Twitter: twitter.com/KaleidoNetwork

    KMN on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopemedianetwork

    KMN email: [email protected]

    Hereā€™s Johnny: twitter.com/Heresjohnnycast

    Wizard Studies: twitter.com/WizardStudies