Epidosde Seventeen: Proudly presented by Dainton BreweryGuest: Rhys Nicholson An episode of favourites. Favourite beers and people. The guest brewer for this week is Dan Dainton from Dainton Brewery. Dan serves up three delicious beers including a summer saver for those moving about over the Christmas season. We wouldn't have thought we'd be recommending a 0.9% beer but here we are. Never fear, we certainly get the the talking lubricated and ready for our guest barfly, comedy heavy hitter and drinking maverick, Rhys Nicholson. Who even knows what goes on... we swear it's just the drink talking.
Episode Sixteen: Proudly presented by Fat YakGuest: Nat van den Dungen We step into the world of local Aussie film making on thelatest outing of drunken justification that is That's the Drink Talking. We kick off with Head brewer, Kevin Te Wierik, from Fat Yak who talks HB and DQ through large scale brewing and gets your bartenders primed to talk with some great samples from the Yak range. Our guest barfly is an Aussie filmmaker with drinking prowess, it's Natalie van den Dungen. Drinks are drunk and tales are told about one iconic Melbourne music venue while sitting in another. Think of us as the accompaniment to your evening/day/morning of drinking.
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Episode FifteenGuest: Tim RogersDrinking and rock’n’ roll have never gone together better than on this episode of TTDT. You Am I front man and all round Aussie rock icon, Tim Rogers, is this week's guest barfly. The drinks are plentiful and the talk is primed. Old Fashioneds lead the way for some old-fashioned word smithing. Enjoy it responsibly with some bourbon, sugar, bitters and orange.This episode was actually forgotten before the morning even showed itself.
Episode Fourteen: Guests: Adam Norman from Beerbliotek, Wade Duffin and Oliver ClarkThis week is a That's The Drink Talking bizarro world episode. David got stuck on a bike so we called in super mate and one half of parenting podcast "Shitting With the Door Open", Wade Duffin, as guest Quirk. Our guest brewer is TTDTs first international brewer. All the way from Swedish based brewery, Beerbliotek, head brewer and owner Adam Norman steps into the bar for a good yarn and brings in a delicious and diverse range of beers to help get the talking started. And boy can the Swedes brew a beer! Speaking of excellent, the delicious triple threat entertainer, Oliver Clark, props up the bar as guest barfly. David calls in from the road, drinks are drunk, shots are fired... It's the podcast that we're still trying to remember in the morning.
Episode Thirteen: Proudly presented by Circe Wines Guest: Jess HarrisA full wine episode with a wine maker and wine nerd. Welcome to the drinkers dozen. It's episode number 13. This episode we welcome into the bar an independent wine maker named Dan Buckle from Circe Wines. A wine of beauty and elegance stomped by a brutish foot. After we get the talk flowing with the wine drinking we welcome in our guest bar fly - actor, writer and creator of brilliant content, Jess Harris. We talk bikes, brandy and Bloody Marys. Jess also offers up a drinking memory of triumph and success against adversity! It's an Australian drinking miracle. Remember to always tell stories responsibly.
Episode Twelve: Guest: Matt StewartWelcome to the half carton. The lazy afternoon. 12 of the best to greet your weekend. This week for lucky number 12 we welcome into the bar our guest bar fly Comedian, Writer and TV creator Matt Stewart. We grab a couple of drinks from our local bottle’O including some vodka that's been filtered through a meteorite and served in an alien skull... seems normal. Also, Matt has a cracking alcohol fuelled story that may have brought about one young man's demise... or his coming of age. Booze and yarns and booze and talking. As always, it's the podcast you'll be trying to remember in the morning,
Episode: ElevenGuest: Damian CallinanLet us talk about wine. Mostly because our guest bar fly is comedian, writer, film maker and lover of all things wine, Damian Callinan! After a recent attack of the heart, Damian is taking a break from the grog. A noble pursuit indeed. So, HB and DQ do the right thing by drinking a lovely rosé right in front of him! As well as that, your bartenders road test a fig liqueur called Kliener Feigling which is not the greatest thing to pass the lips but we get it done coz we ain't no cowards.Remember to hit subscribe and shout the bar!
Episode Ten:Guest: Steven ‘Gatesy’ Gates
The voice of the podcast steps in as our guest bar fly on this episode of That's The Drink Talking. It's great mate, comedy royalty and wonder drinker Steven "Gatesy" Gates. Your bartenders bring in a wonderful coconut porter from New Zealand brewery, Kereru, and for some reason also by a bottle of devil's nectar known as Buckfast. Gatesy steps into the bar just in time to taste the tonic of doom and it may just well be the first time that the drink truly does do the talking... Enjoy the podcast responsibly and spread the word. -
Episode Nine: Proudly Presented by Hobart Brewing CompanyGuest: Luke McGregor
Synergy is thrown around a lot these days, however this week’s episode of That's The Drink Talking achieves some seriously pro level synergy. What better way to pair a Tasmanian with a Tasmanian than by ramming Hobart Brewing Company together with Tasmania's own Luke McGregor. HB and DQ road test some delicious drinks from the fantastic Hobart Brewing Company. Then our guest barfly steps into the bar to reveal perhaps the oddest and most appropriate first drink to date. Remember to hit subscribe and spread the word. Not letting your mates know is like disappearing when it's your shout. It's a dog act! -
Episode 8. Proudly Presented by Fixation Brewery Guest: Heath Franklin If it's IPAs you want then Fixation definitely have you covered. Owner and IPA man, Tom Delmont, brings three very different and delicious IPAs for our drinking pleasure. Then our bar is hearty propped by this week’s guest barfly, Heath Franklin. Heath is the man behind the comedy character ‘Chopper’ and certainly knows his way around a drink. He's quite possibly our most diverse drinker to date. Quirk gives us another Quirky Fact that may be best described as hearsay and Harley has a massive weekend finding the talk amongst the drink.
Episode 7. Proudly Presented by Mountain GoatGuest: Dave Thornton I drink there for I goat. The iconic Melbourne brewery Mountain Goat is this week’s guest brewery. Head Brewer Ian Morgan joins us at the bar to talk us through some of the classic Goat range plus he brings in a special growler full of a wonderful brew only available on tap. Guest Barfly this week is TV host, broadcaster and master arm bender, comedian Dave Thornton. HB and Thornton reminisce about a boozy trip to the Sunshine State and we hear how when the crowd isn't exactly what you wanted it's best to let the drink do the talking.Remember to hit subscribe.
Episode 6 Guest: Geraldine HickeyWelcome to a completed six pack of your weekly knock off drinking podcast. To celebrate the six pack, we drink a delicious special release called Hapi Session Vol. 1 a collaboration between American brewery, Trillium and NZ legends, The Garage Project. Coming into the bar this week to regale us with stories of the drink is voice of Melbourne breakfast radio, Triple R’s Breakfasters and award-winning comedian, Geraldine Hickey.Also, we almost meet a man named Sam and, as always, it's all recorded live at The Esplanade Hotel, St Kilda.
Episode Five: Proudly Presented by Four Pillars GinGuest: Dylan LewisThis week we deviate from our relentless beer nerdery into our first "spirited" episode. Assisting HB and DQ in moving their vernacular in a southerly direction are the brilliant, clear elixirs from Four Pillars Gin brought into the bar by co-owner and master of the dark arts, head distiller Cam McKenzie. To add to this ethanol fuelled joy fest, our guest barfly is Brown Hornet front man, broadcaster and host of the iconic ABC TV show Recovery, Dylan Lewis. A sweet bit of synergy that will make your hairs straight and you toes curl. Gin meets Recovery meets the podcast that you'll be trying to remember in the morning.
Episode Four: Proudly Presented by 2 BrothersGuest: Tom GleesonEpisode 4 of That's The Drink Talking is greeted at the barn doors by brewer Chris Fletcher from a great independent brewery with a name only a mother could love, it's 2 Brothers Brewing. HB and DQ get walked through some delicious beers including a beer that feels like a tap to the spine! Also, our guest barfly is king of the sting, comedian, TV host, A-grade drinking legend and Gold Logie winner, Tom Gleeson. We unpack his Gold Logie acceptance speech and just generally have a good time on the sauce. As always, it's the podcast you'll be trying to remember in the morning.
Episode Three: Proudly Presented by Edge Brewing Project Guest: Nick CodyYour bar tenders Harley Breen and David Quirk are back for another week. We're as shocked as you are. This week we bring in gypsy brewer Adam Betts from Edge Brewing Project and road test his coffee, cigar stout along with a delicious honey grapefruit pilsner. Our guest Bar fly is drinking legend and all-round crusher, comedian Nick Cody. He's been bending arm for as long as he's been spinning yarns and he's the perfect guest to let the drink do the talking! Remember to subscribe and tell your mates.
Episode Two of everyone's favourite drinking based podcast with your bar tenders Harley Breen and David Quirk is back. We give a Russian Imperial stout a good seeing to before welcoming this week's guest into the bar. The guest bar fly for Episode Two is comedian, broadcaster and CEO of ride share service Shebah Rideshare, it's George McEncroe! She's almost a non-drinker but she's had a brilliant drinking career. We talk favourite drinks, getting home safely while on the grog and as always Quirk gives a fact of some kind. Hit subscribe and spread the joy.
Episode One: Proudly Presented by Stomping Ground Brewing Co. Guest: Ivan Aristeguieta Welcome to the first episode of That's The Drink Talking With Harley Breen and David Quirk. Straight out of the gate we get right into the thick of beer nerdery with Stomping Ground's Head Brewer, Ashur Hall. We taste test a few of their signature brews and guest bar fly, Ivan Aristeguieta reveals he knows more about the process than perhaps all of us. Download the podcast have a listen then hit subscribe and tell your mates. it's the podcast you'll be trying to remember in the morning!