The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
Look, we tried. We really did. Some great listener voicemails this week, though!
This Week’s Song: Breakdown - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvQHiAVkOpE
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
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Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
A real surprising outcome of this episode, you might say.
This Week’s Song: LA River - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BpVCrA-f7g
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
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The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
We cleanse the palette with this absolute banger from “Life Won’t Wait,” and once again talk about how improbable of an album it is.
This Week’s Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tR5H697Qzc
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
As feelings toward “Indestructible” get stronger, the guys dig into the Lars-iest moment on the album, and, well… it’s not pretty. Thanks to listener Ted for summing this song up better than we possibly could. Plus, what in the world is Bonk Bonk?
This Week’s Song: Born Frustrated - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm8ThST1VB4
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
Checking back in on Tomorrow Never Comes with the standout Prisoner’s Song. Has the hype around the release tempered since the Spring? Will Sam ever stop talking about Bouncing Souls? What is the shape of the podcast now that we have broken into the deep middle doldrums of the catalog?
This Week’s Song: Prisoners Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLQJmzhhF4w
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
In an effort to expand their horizons (what?), the guys dig into a song neither of them can actually remember at the time it was picked. Turns out to be a bit of a banger from the debut.
This Week’s Song: Holiday Sunrise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INiYB74sGr4
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
This Week’s Song: Loki - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5kHhe-XzYY
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
An honest conversation about “...And Out Come the Wolves” spot in the Rancid hierarchy was long overdue, so the guys dig into one of the band’s most anthemic tracks as a springboard for coming clean.
This Week’s Song: Avenues & Alleyways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kInWnJ9et1s
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
Diving into the always reliable Life Won’t Wait for the first and possibly best true “rockabilly” song in their catalog. A Clash tribute on their most Clash like album and a walk through 80’s cold war politics to make sure that point was not missed. We reflect on our feelings about Rancid’s long love affair with Rockabilly, psychobilly and various points in-between. As we always say, if it’s your jam don’t let us yuck your yum, tell us about what we are missing. Did you like when psycho became the third leg of the stool for Hellcat records? Did you spend your youth in suburban hot topics and enjoy the Horrorpops, Tiger Army and (tangentially) AFI? We want to hear about it. Do you think this is the best rockabilly song in the catalog?
This Week’s Song: Lady Liberty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wJ4OVvaRg0
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
The more the guys dig into “Harry Bridges,” the more remarkable and nuanced it becomes. Not just a highlight from “Let’s Go,” but a great example of what makes Tim Armstrong and Rancid so intriguing.
This Week’s Song: Harry Bridges - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_57ozrddvM
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
It felt like a good time to return to our pet project, the rehabilitation of “Trouble Maker,” and talk about its surprising first single. The run that opens the album is surprisingly very good. Plus, we share reader responses to the “Wolves” ska songs ranking and it’s not really a big surprise... maybe?
This Week’s Song: Ghost of a Chance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPNgtAkaiKw
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
We’re still riding on that new album high (even if feeligns are mixed/all over the place), so we dig into one of the standouts from “Tomorrow Never Comes,” the Gilbert & Sullivan-esque, “New American.” All aboard HMS Rancid!
This Week’s Song: New American - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsAG3ygxFVM
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
Has a compilation ever meant more than the sum of it’s parts to you? For Sam the first Give em the Boot comp is a seminal work of why DIY label matter. Sure there are “cooler” comps out there but this is where the idea of a group of folks coming together to unite around a label and making something new and interesting started. The iconic lead off track was a unreleased glam punk jam from Rancid and the reason many people picked up the ska and street punk compilation. What does it sound like all these years later? And with a titled like “The Brothels” how problematic can it be?
This Week’s Song: The Brothels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaIFWJuI3Wc
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
When it comes to Rancid, it really doesn’t get much better than this, does it? The guys tackle one of the absolute all-timers and try to unlock what makes it so special. For an album with only three ‘ska’ songs, they sure leave a mark. How would you rank them?!
This Week’s Song: Daly City Train - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6VRRaK-Srw
Next Week’s Song: The Brothels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaIFWJuI3Wc
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
OK, we are calling an audible this week and putting this one up early while the topic is very relevant. It’s the morning of the new album and we check in with each other on our initial impressions. What do we think about this very strange new entry in the Rancid catalog?
This Week’s Song: Tomorrow Never Comes “The Whole Damn Thing”
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
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Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
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Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
Of course there’s a bonus pod on “Tomorrow Never Comes” release date. Happy new album day everyone!
This Week’s Song: Devil in Disguise “” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsdCQjmlUFE
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
A long rambling discussion this week on the Balkan conflicts? Of course that’s what you came here for right? Tim and Lars are always seeming to try to present recent events in small personal stories so on Life Won’t Wait they chose to address the Bosnian conflict possibly thinking the wars were coming to a standstill or close, little did they know how much was ahead.
This Week’s Song: New Dress - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLWD7V1HtDs
Next Week’s Song: Daly City Train - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6VRRaK-Srw
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
It’s a supergroup! Members of The Uptones, Operation Ivy, and Skankin’ Pickle join forces to steal hearts and blow minds. But it all just ends being a bit of a mess, much like this episode!
This Week’s Song: Shaken 69 “Rudy Rudy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_bQTcGThM
Next Week’s Song: New Dress:
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
This week we return to our pet album Troublemaker and talk about the song that evokes a mix of the Dropkick Murphy’s and Bouncing Souls “Say Goodbye to Our Heroes”. Are we full of shit about Troublemaker? Is this just an aging punk rocker song that we are always railing against? Why does it evoke these east coast stalwarts so strongly?
This Week’s Song: Say Goodbye to Our Heroes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PAYhHL3lGs
Next Week’s Song: Shaken 69 “Rudy Rudy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_bQTcGThM
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com -
The 11th Hour: A Rancid Podcast
Presented by Foxy Digitalis.
25+ years ago, “Burn” was Brad’s favorite song on “Let’s Go,” but does it really hold up to that title? The guys dig into a deceptively complex song, the origins of the main lyric, and come to a surprising (or maybe not?) conclusion. We don’t need no water…
Song of the Week: Burn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtxP5vMXF7g
Next Week’s Song: Say Goodbye to Our Heroes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PAYhHL3lGs
Send us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/rancidpod
Support the pod and join our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/The11thHourPodcast
Buy a T-Shirt! https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-11th-hour-podcast/
Find us at @rancidpod on Twitter and Instagram!
Email us at [email protected]
Listen to older episodes: https://rancidpod.cast.rocks/
RSS Feed: http://rancidpod.cast.rocks/feed.xml
Brad Rose is the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine, and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years.
Twitter: @foxydigitalis
Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, out of Seattle, WA.
debaclerecords.com - Daha fazla göster