We’ve all heard this before, and the Beatles even sung about it…but at the root of this statement is actually the secret to real success – inside and out. The fact is, most people believe they must purchase these most cherished qualities through some kind of outer condition…and the price is almost always too high. But the truth is these qualities have already been given to you in an infinite capacity. In this episode, you’ll discover how to claim this divine inheritance once and for all!
At the heart of life, there is no time – which means there is no rule that says things have to take a certain amount of time to unfold, heal, or manifest. A miracle is simply the instant demonstration of what is already and always true! When you understand the deeper potential and implications to this, you too can begin creating miracles – or at least slow-cook miracles – as a natural way of life!
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Life is totally on your side, but you have to be on your own side to allow it to flow through you. Or as another saying goes, ‘God can only do for you what God can do through you.’ Your ‘yes’ is the way the universe tells you what’s trying to emerge, but we are conditioned to say ‘no’ to our yes, waiting for some condition before we feel safe or secure enough. In this episode you’ll learn why this is a recipe for failure, and how to finally unlock the power of your YES so that you can activate a whole new level of success!
As it states in the Bible, ‘To he who has, more will be given and it will be multiplied. But to he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away.” This statement, and its underlying principle, holds the key to developing a true wealth mindset. Listen to this episode and activate a whole new level of ‘having.’
Giving is the new getting. It’s the secret to unlocking your inexhaustible abundance. But there’s more to it than just giving away the store! There are key principles and practices to mastering the law of circulation, so that you can become a master giver and open all the channels of the world to flow back to you. In this episode you’ll dive more deeply into this life-changing truth.
Nobody is your source, but everyone is your potential channel. And life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. There are a lot of false beliefs, myths, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and outright lies about wealth, abundance, and success. The people who understand that life is not what it appears to be, and search for the deeper answers, succeed and live truly abundant lives – and after listening to this episode you’ll be on the road to these kinds of riches.
Did you know that ‘Salary,’ that thing you think you get paid each week is actually not at all what you think – it comes from the word ‘Salt’ because that’s what the Romans were paid in. Did you know that ‘Currency’ a word we use for money, comes from a root that doesn’t have anything to do with money? Money is a story, and like most stories, there are good guys and bad guys, winners and losers – and the role you cast yourself in can determine whether you save the day, save for a rainy day, or end up losing day after day. But after you listen to this episode you’ll no longer be a prop in this earthly production, you’ll become the star of your show!
If ‘time’ is money, then believing you don’t have much time is a profound state of lack and limitation. However, believing you have all the time in the world can also be a hobbling state of mind because it often creates complacency and dulls the senses. Mastering the balanced state of time abundance with time scarcity is the emerging edge on which sustainable progress and ever-expanding abundance is built – and after listening to this episode, you’ll now how to live and act from this place in a whole new way.
Almost everyone sets out to do, be, become, or achieve something from a place of believing that they don’t already have the thing they’re seeking. Because of this, most people never get where they want to go, or if they do, they can rarely sustain the new level. When you understand and apply the radical paradigm shift in this episode, you will have one of the master keys to creating quantum leaps in your life and never again feeling like a victim of circumstances. This could be a moment you look back on and say, ‘that changed everything.’
Most people have been conditioned to believe that adapting to circumstances is a good idea, even a necessary one for survival. The truth is that, in almost every modern-day example, adapting is the worst thing to do – if you want to have a large life on the other side of the issue. In this episode, you’ll discover what’s wrong with adapting and a whole new strategy for dealing with challenging circumstances that will not only allow you to get through them, but to become bigger, better, and way more abundant as a result.
Trying to determine your future by looking at your past is like trying to drive forward in your car while looking in the rearview mirror. Not only will you not get very far, you’ll most likely crash. But there are even deeper implications to this which result in procrastination and a stagnation of your abundance generating capacity. There are way too many insights, lessons, and strategies in this episode to describe. Bottom line, if you want to have a future that is different from your past -- better and more abundant -- listen and learn how to finally complete the past, release the past, and generate the energy necessary for a much brighter future.
Worrying is like paying interest on money you haven’t even borrowed yet! It pays no dividends. But the impact of it is much worse than you may have thought – especially when it comes to creating a life of abundance. Bottom line, you can’t afford to worry! If that’s something you tend to do, please take a break from that habit and listen to this episode to start creating a new, empowering habit of abundance. This may just be the most important thing you’ve heard in a long time.
Just as saying “I can’t afford it” can create a failure pattern in your life, proclaiming that you’re broke can stop you dead in your tracks and make you feel terribly stuck and powerless. Plus, it’s a lie – no matter what your bank balance is. In this episode, you’ll gain a much deeper understanding about your true wealth, learn how to pull yourself out of this bottomless hole, and create a whole new level of momentum in the direction of your dream life. Turn away from all the negative appearances and tune into this powerful training – you’ll never see yourself the same again.
You were designed for a specific purpose, to deliver unique gifts to the world. When you’re in alignment with that, doors open and a flow begins to happen. This doesn’t always mean the money follows – sometimes there’s another level of development needed to learn how to monetize what you love. But attaching your life’s work immediately to making a living is one of the quickest ways of destroying what you love and ensuring that you don’t achieve your greatest goals. In this episode, you’ll learn how to separate the money from the mission – so that you can have both abundantly!
One of the most debilitating statements you can ever make is ‘I can’t afford it.’ Not just because you can’t get the things you want, but because it anchors in a sense of limitation that creates a downward failure spiral of more lack – which is harder and harder to get out of. In this episode, you’ll learn why you should never utter this statement again, and how to replace it in a way that stops this downward spiral and creates a whole new success pattern in your life. If you find yourself ever saying this statement, you must listen to this and finally end this bad habit for good!
Nobody is your source but everyone can be your channel – if you know how to open them. In this episode, you’ll receive the master keys that open those channel locks and discover a whole new world of possibilities. It will turn transactional relationships into transformational ones and activate another level of abundance. This could be a real game-changer!
What ever’s missing is what you’re not giving – because life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. If you want something new or different to come into your life, you must let something new or different come out of you. In this episode you’ll finally understand the 7 key activators of wealth and abundance and how to turn them on fully. And the best news, everything you need to do this is already in your own home!
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. So whatever you’re waiting for, you’re waiting with – and often weighing it down! When you understand how the flow of your life is meant to go, you can begin to generate many of the things that appear missing in your life, instead of waiting for people and conditions to change. This is real freedom, real power, and the beginning of creating the life you deeply desire and deserve!
There is one primary principle that all of life and growth is based on and depends on. When this principles is fully activated, it leads to increased abundance. When it isn’t, it leads to stagnation, lack, and ultimately loss. Understanding this will radically change the way you look at almost every aspect of your life – especially when it comes to creating more wealth and abundance!
In this episode, you’ll discover one of the most important principles for becoming free from all external conditions and people, so you can begin to build your life from the inside-out, from who you really are and why you’re really alive. You’ll also discover the one thing that leads to most of our greatest struggles and how to make the universe and its creative power your new silent partner in everything you do.
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