In this week's podcast I share my heart, soul and vision for my work in 2019. I share with you how I will be able to support your journey wherever you are in the world, and wherever you are in your journey.I have some deep, spiritual work that I am slowly moving in to, and my ADHD is a HUGE part of that. For me, this type of brain has given me gifts that I have finally been able to unwrap. This was only possible once I allowed myself to be 'disassociated' from the label. We are so much more than labels. We all have unique abilities, gifts and strengths that aren't always being birthed into the world, when we are trying so hold to fit into he mold!I've had so many teenagers and young adults reach out to me, and I also feel called to hold space for dads. There will be some much needed work coming your way this year for children, parents, dads and young people trying to navigate themselves on this path.Let's do this! Let's raise hearts, souls and vibes!Love & lightSusy xoPS I decided to keep the name of my podcast as 'The ADHD Mama'! -
Katie Bigras (CNP, B.Sc.) is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist with an joint honours degree in Environmental Science and Biology. She has a passion for science, the environment and holistic health optimization. She is the founder of The Happy Hormone and President of The Canadian Association for Premenstrual Disorders. Katie is dedicated to providing evidence based holistic approaches to optimizing health and wellbeing for women suffering with premenstrual disorders. After dealing with her own premenstrual dysphoric symptoms and other health challenges, Katie’s passion for holistic wellbeing became her obsession! Katie has dedicated herself to learning how to optimize and heal the body through naturopathic medicine, nutrition and lifestyle. Katie is a scientist, nutritionist, writer, speaker, workshop leader, environmental sustainability enthusiast, traveller and hiker. An energizing and passionate speaker, she aims to reach a global audience.Website: www.thehappyhormone.comInstagram: www.instagram.com/the.happy.hormoneFacebook: www.facebook.com/happyhormonebalance -
Puuttuva jakso?
Sheeva Rouhani-fard is the co-owner of Title Boxing and also helps people find natural alternatives for anxiety and ADHD.Instagram: www.instagram.com/sheevafitWebsite: www.titleboxingclub.com -
Krista Kilbane is a licensed psychotherapist with an emphasis on holistic healing, meaning she focuses on the mind, body and spirit.Krista graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with a Master’s Degree in Social Work and went on to earn her Clinical Social Work license and a teacher’s certification in Special Education.Trained as a Cognitive Behavioral clinician, she realized early on that she needed to add a somatic modality to her practice. In 2015 Krista became an EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, “Tapping” clinician and in 2017 a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. These techniques are helpful in clearing stuck energy from the body.Krista offers her clients a 3 step process in order to live their best life! She calls it “Divine Alignment“. This 3 step process is comprised of tools tailored to each individual client. Her goal is to help you clear your limiting beliefs, the story you have created about yourself, so that you can Connect to your internal truth. In doing so, you Align with the co-creator within and begin to create the life you have always desired and live consciously in love, not fear.www.divinealignmentwithkrista.com/about-me/www.instagram.com/clearconnectalign/www.facebook.com/kristakilbanesuitablesolutionstherapy/ -
Interview with sleep trainer, Donna MoalaDonna Moala is a mother of 3 beautiful girls. She's extremely passionate about saving families sleep and empowering Mums and Dads to regain their own sleep and take back control.Sleep is such an important necessity for everyone to be able to lead happy, healthy lives. Sleep deprivation can be used as a form of torture!!! Sleep is a biological need. On reflection of my her journey into motherhood she realised that the most incredibly wonderful, but as equally challenging time in a woman’s life, can be becoming a mother for the first time. Throw in sleepless nights and a unsettled baby and you can end up with a very unhappy, distressed and overtired family.She searched the world to find the best GENTLE sleep method and now uses the solution to get children to sleep, specifically tailored to each individual child and family.Find out more about Donna:www.bub2sleep.com.au/baby-sleep-consultant-perth/www.facebook.com/bub2sleep/www.instagram.com/bub2sleep/ -
Wellness expert and sought-after speaker. Dr. Brad will inform, awaken, empower and entertain. His deep passion for health and full human potential is palpable every time he lectures. Dr. Brad Ellisor DC graduated from Life West Chiropractic College in 2004 and has practiced in the Pacific Northwest ever since. He has dedicated his practice to working with families and people of all ages to live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Dr. Brad is an expert in the field of natural health and wellness. While his oldest daughter grew and experienced the world, he noticed an alarming trend of allergies, asthma, ADD, and other chronic illness like obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc… among even youngest children. This caused for a transformation in his thinking and focus to making a difference in the lives and health of the next generation. After extensively studying nutrition and the leaders in the paediatric natural health world he launched his podcast “Kids Eating Broccoli” to share the strategies, techniques, tips and tricks to support other parents and families to have a happier and healthier family life and the best chance for a great life for their children.Website: www.drellisor.com Podcast: Kidseatingbroccoli.comFacebook: @doctorellisorInstagram: @doctorellisorThe Natural ADHD Summit https://www.drellisor.com/adhd-summit-1bThe Truth About ADHD https://www.phantomadhd.com/truth?affiliate_id=1371475 -
In this weeks' episode, I interview Peter Shankman, who has been someone that I has inspired me on this journey as an ADHD mama!Peter is a spectacular example of what happens when you find the best traits of ADHD and work really hard to make them benefit you. Diagnosed at seven years old with "sit down, you're disrupting the class" disease, Peter wasn't formally diagnosed with ADHD until his mid-30s. By that time, however, he'd started and sold two companies, and realized that all the differences that formerly labeled him as a troublemaker were actually his greatest assets. After Peter sold his third company, (Help a Reporter Out,) he decided to focus on really understanding this "faster brain" of his, and learning exactly what it could do. From that, the Faster Than Normal podcast and bestselling book were born. Peter believes that everyone has gifts, potential, and abilities far beyond what society has deemed "normal," and strives to help bring those gifts to life in as many people as he can through his podcast, books, online videos, and countless worldwide speaking appearances. He is a true legend and is changing the conversation around ADHD. As Peter says in how own words; 'ADHD is a gift, not a curse'!www.petershankman.com www.fasterthannormal.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeterShankmanInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/petershankman -
In this week's podcast, Jaime Roche shares with us how she's learned to help her son reach his potential and discover his superpowers.Jaime began her career in the field of mental health after obtaining her Masters degree in Social Work. Her passion for helping special-needs children and their families led her to work in both public and private school settings, various mental health organizations and eventually to begin her own private psychotherapy practice. Jaimie has devoted her work to treating children, teens and young adults with a wide array of mental health conditions such as ADHD, Aspergers, Anxiety & Mood Disorders and High Functioning Autism.Jaimie is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and a Certified Parent and Educator Coach for Tournesol Kids, a non-profit organization that strives to bring embodied literacy into schools and local communities by teaching holistic development strategies to children, parents and educators. Her mission is to support, educate and empower special-needs children, their families and their communities. -
Hello!In this week's podcast, I bring you 11 years of parenting our incredible wild child - condensed into a 30-min podcast! This podcast is straight from the heart, brutally honest and shares how we went from a sinking ship to Seren thriving at home and at school.Yesterday as I read Seren's school report; I cried. I couldn't believe the difference from her reports over the last few years. Competent in every subject, some subjects excelling! The subjects that Seren excels in are Arts, Dance, Drama, Media Arts & Music. This doesn't surprise me at all; this girl hasn't stopped dancing since she was in the womb! Art is her happy place and her dramatic meltdowns could win this kid an Oscar! Seren's also an acrobat, a gymnast and a self-taught contortionist. My dad always said to me "Susy, not every kid is good at maths and English and that's ok". Some children are destined for greatness, and that doesn't always mean academics! The more we realise this as parents and teachers, the more pressure that we can stop imposing on these incredible children!Seren's dream is that she'll be a famous contortionist and travel the world. My dream for her is that she's happy and if that brings her happiness, then I am with her 100%. In this podcast, I share my heart, my advice and my passion for helping you to tap into your inert wisdom and intuition. The answers don't always come from the experts. Often, the answers you seek are in the hearts and souls of you and your child. The only way you will discover this wisdom is by surrendering. Understanding that there is a power far greater than us, and having a deep knowing that your child is here to teach you something.With love & lightSusy xxwww.susyparker.com -
This week I interviewed Jennifer Kozek, mum, best-selling author, psychotherapist and a woman on a mission to educate and inspire others about managing ADHD & Autism naturally.I absolutely loved this interview! Most of it was either spent with my mouth wide open, goosebumps all over me, or me silently fist pumping the air!I loved Jennifer's honesty and how she makes no apologies for her issues and concerns with the medical world. Jennifer feels that the experts aren't treating the underlying issues in our children, but simply masking the symptoms with medication.Jennifer holds no bars and has a passion and a true desire to help others. You can connect with Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram 'healing without hurting' or check out her website where you can learn more about her best-selling book; healing without hurting.https://www.healingwithouthurting.com/I just know you are going to love this interview and get so much insight!Susy x -
Hey guys!I'm so excited to share this week's podcast with you! Today I talk to my husband and partner of 18 years, Karl, as he shares the highs and lows of parenting a child with ADHD.Karl is open, honest and shares the hardships, difficulties and pain points of parenting a daughter with ADHD. He also shares how he turned everything around and began to finally have a beautiful, loving connection with Seren.I am so grateful to Karl, for deciding with me three years ago to throw all the parenting advice out of the window and to lead with love.We recorded this as a Facebook and Instagram live, and alot of the questions were coming through from parents during the interview.A big shout out to all the ADHD dads too!! You got this!Susy xo -
This week I chat to Dr Natalie Challis (B.Bus (HRM/Psych), D(Couns), QEEGD, MISNR, MACA, MANSA) who shares her pearls of wisdom into how she supports children with mental health issues 'holistically'. Natalie tells us how she founded the Kids Development Centre to deliver holistic treatment and support for children struggling with learning, developmental and mental health challenges. Her experience of combining the best of conventional and complementary therapies enables her to tailor treatment plans for each individual child to achieve the best possible outcome. Natalie has created a team of passionate and professional individuals within the Kids Development Centre to deliver the best possible treatment designed to support a growing child to be able to reach their full potential. Natalie is constantly adding to her knowledge base through mentoring and study with some of the best in this field in the world. She has recently completed studies resulting in her becoming a board certified Diplomate in QEEG.You don't want to miss the week's podcast; it's fascinating and enlightening!Susy xo -
This week in my first ever podcast (can I get a whoop whoop); I interview my daughter Seren who is ten years old.Seren was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety and oppositional defiance disorder three years ago. Since then she has come on leaps and bounds, and we are so proud of her! I have ADHD too, so in our house, ADHD is a positive thing (although still challenging at times), but we are learning more each day to live, love & laugh with the craziness!In this week's podcast Seren talks about hyper-focusing on lego instead of television, writing her book, finding crystals on the beach and drawing aliens!I hope you like it!Love & LightSusy xo