
  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan discuss the importance of actively building and maintaining your personal brand, even when you aren't actively looking for a new job. They emphasize how potential employers almost always review candidates' online presence, especially on LinkedIn, even before looking at resumes.

    They guys share strategies for optimizing your LinkedIn profile, creating content that showcases your expertise, and nurturing your network consistently. They also propose the powerful idea of building your own email list of friends, family, acquaintances and past clients to share valuable content and insights with - making you top of mind when opportunities arise.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this solo episode, Bryan talks about the characteristics of a great sales operating system, including a "duh" factor and seriously quick speed to value.

    He also teaches you how to use a BZSOS tool called CRM Clean-Up to help take some of the pressure off yourself - and get your CRM data so clean you can eat off of it

    Want to learn more about the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System? Let's go!

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  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan Neale delve into the common resistance people face when trying to implement new approaches or strategies, particularly in the sales world.

    The guys discuss the underlying reasons for this reluctance, often rooted in fear, and how to overcome it. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, they provide practical tips on recognizing self-limiting beliefs, embracing a growth mindset, and taking calculated risks to break through stagnation.

    Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this episode offers valuable perspectives on embracing change and continuous improvement for long-term success.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • Please allow Bryan to introduce himself.

    In this solo episode, Bryan shares a little bit about his personal and professional life.

    You'll hear the backstory of his firm got such an interesting name. He also shares details about the evolution of the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System and explains the difference between a sales process and a sales operating system.

    Ready to learn more about the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System? Let's go!

  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan discuss what they see as the lost art of asking effective, insightful questions during sales discovery and qualification.

    Many salespeople rush through this stage by asking leading questions rather than using open-ended queries to genuinely understand the prospect's situation.

    The guys argue that failing to properly qualify through skillful questioning leads to cluttered pipelines full of unqualified deals. And they emphasize relearning the art of questioning to have more honest, productive sales conversations that expose the right opportunities.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this solo episode, Bill shares a powerful strategy for having more effective and comfortable conversations about pricing, ROI, and the financial implications of your product or service.

    He explains why salespeople often struggle with money conversations and avoid bringing up pricing until the last minute. His key advice is to reframe the pricing discussion to look at the full "economic picture" surrounding the prospect's investment decision.

    By expanding the dialogue to encompass all of these financial elements, you can have a deeper, more thoughtful discussion that the prospect will appreciate.

    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan delve into the importance of self-reflection for salespeople. They share thought-provoking questions that every salesperson should ask themselves to identify their true purpose, uncover limiting beliefs, and unlock their full potential.

    From understanding your "why" to recognizing your unique abilities and desired future, this episode provides a roadmap for self-examination and personal growth. Gain valuable insights to help you break through ceilings, align your career with your deeper motivations, and achieve greater success in sales and in life.

    Don't miss this inspiring conversation that will challenge you to look inward and strive for continuous improvement.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this solo episode, Bill Caskey shares a counterintuitive approach to controlling the sales process more effectively.

    He emphasizes the importance of having a clearly defined sales process to guide prospects throughout, but advocates against trying to forcefully control or push prospects through the process.

    He provides practical insights on when to disengage from unresponsive prospects and focuses on attracting customers who value and respect the sales process.

    Ready to Challenge the limits of your income? Join the Million Dollar Seller 5-Day Challenge Today! http://milliondollarsellerchallenge.com

  • In this insightful episode, Bill and Bryan dive deep into the challenges salespeople and businesses face when trying to implement new strategies and make meaningful changes. They emphasize the importance of examining one's mindset and recognizing the underlying fears that often hinder progress.

    They discuss how defensive mechanisms and attachments to old ways of thinking can prevent individuals from embracing new behaviors and ideas, even when those changes could lead to better results.

    The guys encourage listeners to question their own resistance to change and explore what they might be afraid of, whether it's fear of failure, fear of success, or fear of judgment.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this solo episode, Bill Caskey dives into the critical mental and physical preparation needed before any important sales call, presentation, or client interaction.

    He emphasizes the importance of getting your mind in the right state by focusing on the proper intention - which is never to "sell them something."

    Bill provides practical tips on clarifying your intention to serve the client's needs and having a clear plan for executing the first 30-60 seconds to start interactions powerfully. He stresses that nailing the opening sets the tone for the entire engagement.

    Ready to Challenge the limits of your income? Join the Million Dollar Seller 5-Day Challenge Today! http://milliondollarsellerchallenge.com

  • In this episode, Bryan and Bill address the general "funk" or malaise they're sensing across the sales landscape as the first quarter of the year comes to a close.

    With many companies missing their goals, leadership teams applying undue pressure, and salespeople making excuses, the guys offer advice for overcoming this negative mindset. They emphasize taking individual responsibility, adopting new prospecting behaviors and strategies, and avoiding the trap of "old thinking" that leads to stagnation.

    Whether feeling stuck in a funk or open to change, listeners will get a motivating kick to break out of unproductive routines and position themselves for success in any market conditions.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this solo episode, Bill Caskey addresses a common challenge faced by professionals: the nagging feeling of fear, anxiety, or doubt that can creep up unexpectedly. Drawing from his extensive experience, Bill shares a simple yet powerful strategy to overcome these mental hurdles.

    By adopting a mindset centered on genuinely helping the customer, regardless of whether they ultimately choose to work with you, the fear and anxiety dissipate.

    Ready to Challenge the limits of your income? Join the Million Dollar Seller 5-Day Challenge Today! http://milliondollarsellerchallenge.com


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!


  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan explore the concept of detachment from outcomes, inspired by insights from renowned thinker Seth Godin.

    The guys discuss the importance of embracing the journey itself rather than being overly attached to specific results. Using examples from their own experiences, they delve into how letting go of outcome fixation can open up new pathways for growth, creativity, and fulfillment.

    This thought-provoking episode encourages listeners to find joy in the process and not get caught up in chasing externally defined markers of success. It's a refreshing reminder to stay present and enjoy the ride, wherever it may lead.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan explore how salespeople's natural optimism and positive outlook can sometimes hinder their ability to effectively handle objections and resistance from prospects.

    Drawing parallels to the highly anticipated solar eclipse, they discuss the importance of shifting into an "emotionally neutral" mindset to approach objections as opportunities for collaboration and learning, rather than obstacles to overcome.

    The guys delve into the concept of "yellow flags" - proactively identifying potential roadblocks with clients - and the benefits of this transparent approach. Tune in to discover how embracing the "eclipse" of objections can ultimately lead to stronger relationships and more successful sales outcomes.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan discuss one of the bold moves from Bill's new book "12 Bold Moves" - the idea that clarity yields confidence.

    The guys explore how getting clear on intentions, roles, structures, and agendas can boost confidence in various situations, whether it's giving a presentation, handling a difficult client call, or creating video content. They share personal examples and insights on how seeking clarity, rather than just trying to muster up confidence, can position you for success.

    Whether you're in sales, performing on stage, or pursuing any endeavor, this episode highlights the transformative power of clarity in building true confidence.


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • Bill and Bryan are joined by Taylor Wilding, VP of Sales at Xactly, to discuss key principles around effective sales compensation plan design.

    Taylor shares insights on motivating the right behaviors, balancing corporate goals with individual incentives, the importance of pipeline accuracy, and how reps can take an intentional approach to achieving their own income goals.

    They also cover warning signs that your compensation plan may need an overhaul and provide details on Xactly's upcoming Upside user conference in San Francisco.

    Struggling to design a sales compensation plan that actually works? Check out Xactly, xactlycorp.com, and see how their AI-powered platform can help optimize your commissions, motivate your team, and drive growth - be sure to mention The Advanced Selling Podcast!


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • In this thought-provoking episode, Bryan and Bill explore the concept of accountability in sales. They challenge the traditional notion of leaders holding sales teams accountable, arguing that true accountability stems from within.

    Through insightful discussions and real-life examples, they provide a practical framework for salespeople to assess their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and find joy in the process.

    Discover how embracing self-accountability can unlock greater motivation, discipline, and ultimately, better sales results. Whether you're a salesperson seeking personal growth or a leader looking to foster a culture of ownership, this episode offers valuable insights to help you reinvent your approach to accountability.

    Struggling to design a sales compensation plan that actually works? Check out Xactly, xactlycorp.com, and see how their AI-powered platform can help optimize your commissions, motivate your team, and drive growth - be sure to mention The Advanced Selling Podcast!


    Is it time to make a BOLD move in your business? If so, download our brand new book, "12 Bold Moves - Insider Secrete to Reinventing Yourself and Your Business." http://12boldmoves.com

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.


  • Accurate sales forecasting is a consistent struggle for many organizations. In this episode, Bill and Bryan dive deep into the root causes behind this prevalent issue.

    They explore how leadership's pressure for inflated pipelines can lead to inaccurate forecasts, as well as the inherent unpredictability of human nature that impacts both buyers and sellers.

    The guys discuss the importance of extreme objectivity in the sales process, addressing lagging closed dates and the need for a true partnership mindset between buyers and sellers.

    Struggling to design a sales compensation plan that actually works? Check out Xactly, xactlycorp.com, and see how their AI-powered platform can help optimize your commissions, motivate your team, and drive growth - be sure to mention The Advanced Selling Podcast!


    Want our "Insider Secrets?" Go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insidersecrets to get them right now!

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.

    Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Download our FREE audio program, The Ultimate Pre-Game. http://ultimatepregame.com


  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan discuss best practices for motivating sales teams through compensation.

    The guys explain why overly complex commission structures often backfire by eroding trust between sales reps and management. They share real world examples of commission plans gone wrong, and advise simplifying compensation to focus on customer needs instead of maximizing rep pay.

    They also emphasize striking a balance between company goals and rep motivations. Listen for tips on creating commission plans that incentivize integrity and service.

    Struggling to design a sales compensation plan that actually works? Check out Xactly, xactlycorp.com, and see how their AI-powered platform can help optimize your commissions, motivate your team, and drive growth - be sure to mention The Advanced Selling Podcast!


    Want our "Insider Secrets?" Go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insidersecrets to get them right now!

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.

    Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Download our FREE audio program, The Ultimate Pre-Game. http://ultimatepregame.com


  • In this episode, Bill and Bryan discuss some of their unconventional and counterintuitive sales tactics that go against the grain of traditional sales training.

    They talk about focusing on quality over quantity in your sales pipeline, how more income doesn't necessarily require more work, keeping your intentions pure when prospecting, and how transforming your mindset is key to boosting your sales and income.

    Tune in for a fresh perspective on selling that challenges sales coaching orthodoxy.


    Want our "Insider Secrets?" Go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insidersecrets to get them right now!

    The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today!

    If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin.

    Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Download our FREE audio program, The Ultimate Pre-Game. http://ultimatepregame.com
