Piacere, sono Andrea Grosso, Filosofo e Musicista.
Promuovo il Risveglio del Potenziale Umano attraverso Attività Formative, Artistiche e Imprenditoriali. Affinché ogni Essere Umano possa divenire Libero e Creativo e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo.
Da più di 30 anni mi interesso di Sviluppo del Potenziale Umano e Filosofia Realizzativa (o Scienza dello Spirito), in una ricerca appassionata della possibile integrazione di Filosofia e Prassi, Spiritualità e Azione, per far sì che ogni essere umano possa trovare una modalità pratica ed efficace per diventare libero e creativo – nella Vita e nel Lavoro – realizzare se stesso e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo.
Ricerca condotta sia a livello accademico (Ph.D. Scienze Umane e Filosofiche) che all'interno di Associazioni e Gruppi di Ricerca Interiore e Spirituale di differenti Tradizioni Iniziatiche, oltre che in ambito artistico (in particolar modo Musica e Arti Performative) e nelle Arti Marziali.
In questo Podcast condivido Esperienze, Intuizioni, Incontri e Frutti di questa Ricerca.
Dalla sintesi di questa Ricerca nasce per me la possibilità di trasmettere la Filosofia Realizzativa, una Via per la Realizzazione di Sé nell’Armonia e nella Volontà di migliorare la Società Umana.
Ho avuto ed ho diverse Guide: Insegnanti, Istruttori e Maestri (il più grande fra questi ultimi è la Vita) ai quali sono infinitamente grato.
Fortunatamente, nessuno di questi può realizzare comprensioni e trasformazioni al posto mio.
Gran parte delle mie conoscenze, quindi, derivano da ciò che ho compreso e realizzato personalmente.
Ecco perché, in fondo, mi considero un Libero Ricercatore, allievo e insegnante, a seconda dei casi e dei punti di vista, uno Stregone Errante che ama la Sapienza e il Potere posti al Servizio dell’Evoluzione e dell’Armonia.
Un Poeta che adora la Manifestazione e, cantando e ballando, celebra la Vita.
Ma soprattutto un Cavaliere, anacronistico e romantico amante di Valori non riconducibili alla morale di un luogo o di un tempo specifici, ma provenienti da un’Etica senza tempo.
Un Guerriero, un Rivoluzionario che pensa che valga la pena combattere per ciò in cui si crede, di entrare con Passione e Coraggio nelle battaglie che si ritiene degne di essere combattute.
Ed io credo che un mondo migliore sia possibile, un modo migliore di vivere la vita, le relazioni, il lavoro, la cultura e la spiritualità, con più Intensità, Armonia e senso di Fratellanza.
Credo che questo possa attuarsi, prima di tutto, attraverso un Risveglio Interiore e Spirituale, realizzato da più individui possibili, disposti a loro volta a favorire questo cambiamento.
E che sia una battaglia degna di essere combattuta.
Questo è il mio Blog:
Questo è il mio Canale YouTube:
🔥 Entra nella Prima Community di Imprenditori Spirituali:
⚔️ Accedi gratuitamente a Risorse e Ispirazioni per integrare Lavoro, Stile di Vita e Visione Spirituale:
🏛 KRIS Academy | Accademia di Filosofia Realizzativa ⭐️ Corsi per divenire Liberi e Creativi, nella Vita e nel Lavoro, e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo:
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🎙️ Bienvenue dans Audacieusement Votre, le podcast qui réveille l'entrepreneure spirituelle en toi !
Si tu es une âme audacieuse, motivée, et avide de confiance, tu es au bon endroit. Chaque semaine, ce podcast t'offrira une dose d'inspiration.
Ensemble, nous plongerons dans ton énergie intérieure, explorerons tes valeurs et revisiterons ton vécu, tout en utilisant des outils pratiques et spirituels inspirants.
Prépare-toi à révéler tes zones de génie, à libérer ton charisme intérieur, et à manifester ton destin entrepreneurial.
Je suis Crista, activatrice de potentiel et créatrice de la méthode AiLE, ainsi que de la CristaCoaching Académie. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entrepreneurs du bien-être à se démarquer et à vivre de leur passion grâce à la création d'une offre signature unique.
Abonne-toi à Audacieusement Votre dès maintenant pour révéler la spiritualité qui sommeille en toi et faire rayonner ton entreprise avec confiance et succès. C'est parti pour l’épisode d’aujorud’hui. Belle écoute !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
This is a podcast showcasing women who are living life on their terms, despite what society says or what "normal" is. Most of the women showcased are entrepreneurs and provide helpful tips on how to move from where you are in life to where you desire to be. Many of these women have overcome barriers to get to where they are. This is an inspirational podcast designed to help you get to the next goal in your life no matter where you are.
Experience transformative Kingdom teachings and profound conversations as Glenn Bleakney, founder of Awake Nations Ministries, explores the depths of spiritual awakening and church reformation. Through powerful teaching sessions and insightful interviews with Kingdom leaders, this podcast delves into revival, the Five-fold ministry, and revolutionary perspectives on building God's Kingdom. Each episode equips believers with fresh revelations and practical wisdom for advancing God's purposes in their lives and communities.
Discover more about Glenn Bleakney's ministry at
Watch Kingdom Community Television and download our apps at https:/ -
Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected.
I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us! -
The Go-to Podcast for Christian Moms Who Want to Start Their Online Business!
** Top 5% Global Podcast**
Ready to discover your purpose and start an online buiness?
Do you know you’re a leader but wish you had the clarity and time to take your passion and turn it into your dream business?
Scared to start because you’re not sure what kind of business you should pursue?
There's a way to discover the purpose God has for you, start an online business with God at the center, and also have balance in your life and business.
Hey, we’re Liz and Sara- we're Moms, Business and Life Coaches, and Entrepreneurs who are passionate about building God’s Kingdom and seeing women like you rise up into their destiny.
For years we longed to live out the God-given dreams in our hearts, use our voices to lead and help people, have more money so that our family could do everything we felt called to do, and leave a legacy for our kids.
We were stuck in a tug of war between the call to lead inside our home and the call to lead others outside of our home. We tried to put all our passion into our kids, wait for the church leaders in our lives to give us leadership positions, and pray for money to appear in our mailboxes.
We finally realized that if we wanted to truly impact more people and have more money to provide for our families, entrepreneurship was the easiest route to use our God-given gifts.
We found a sustainable way of doing business that fits your busy Mom life. A simple step by step strategy that unlocks your purpose and opens the door for unlimited income and impact. And we’re ready to share it with you!
In this Podcast you'll:
-Get clear on your God-given purpose
-Start an online business that works for your busy schedule
-Learn how to have a Kingdom impact on the people God has called you to
-Create financial freedom
-Have more time to spend with the ones you love
We're here to help you grow in your assignment as Moms and as Entrepreneurs. It's time to start your business, become the woman you were destined to be, and expand the Kingdom together!
Now let your kids have that screen time they’ve been begging you for and get ready to take some notes, it’s time to get started! -
The Storytelling Lab covers everything you need to know about personal and professional stories to leverage their power to deepen your connections, increase your sales + donations, and serve your audiences better with real-life examples and experts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Bienvenue sur notre podcast "Sans Permission" !Régulièrement, on se retrouvera pour échanger nos points de vue sur le monde du business en général, de l'entrepreneuriat et partager nos expériences personnelles. - Yomi Denzel & Oussama AmmarHébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Der Podcast rund um das Thema Spiritualität für Jedermann:
Mit diesem Podcast nehme ich Euch mit auf meinem Weg zum Medium.
Ich, dass ist Annette, ein Medium mit Herz.
In den Folgen geht es um die Themen Spiritualität, Sensitivität, Medialität, mein Geistführer und ich, meine Arbeit als Medium, Interviews mit Menschen die mich auf dem Weg zum Medium begleiten.
Und das alles mit ganz viel Leichtigkeit und meinem Kurpfälzer Charme. -
Willkommen beim InnoPodcast. Kein Unternehmen wird ohne Innovation überleben. Wir stellen hier Menschen innerhalb und ausserhalb der Schweizerischen Post vor, die an Innovationen arbeiten und die Veränderung selbst durchleben.
Ihr findet die Post auch hier:
Datenschutz & Rechtliches: -
In diesem Podcast lernst du, aus einschränkenden Mustern auszubrechen und in die eigene schöpferische Kraft zu kommen, um dein Schicksal selbst zu bestimmen.
Hier wirst du täglich inspiriert, dem Weg deiner Seele zu folgen, um die Fülle und den inneren Reichtum deines Lebens wieder voll und ganz zu fühlen. -
Wöchentliche Interviews mit den innovativen Gründerinnen und Gründern des Landes. Gespräche über Ideen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. Offen, ehrlich und mit vielen Tipps für Menschen, die selber in der Startup-Welt durchstarten möchten. Der upbeat-Podcast wird zusammen mit der UBS präsentiert und ist Teil einer 360-Grad Serie - mehr Infos zu den porträtierten Unternehmen finden Sie unter
Auch Du kannst dir das Leben erschaffen, das du dir von ganzem Herzen wünschst!
Ich helfe dir mit meinen Tipps & Tricks, Inspirationen & super-effizienten Meditationen dabei:
- deinen Lebenssinn/Seelenplan klar und deutlich zu erkennen und umzusetzen
- wirklich von innen heraus glücklich zu werden
- entspannter mit Stress umzugehen
- deine Probleme aus einer höheren und spirituell ganzheitlichen Perspektive zu betrachten & besser zu lösen
Ohne Sektengehabe und den ganzen esoterischen "WooWoo" Quatsch.
Ich teile echte Erfahrungen aus meinem Leben und meinem Alltag als Spirituelle Mutter mit dir, damit auch du wirklich das Leben deiner Träume erschaffen kannst.
Inspiriert durch Christina von Dreien, Gabrielle Bernstein, Marie Forleo, Laura Seiler, Joe Dispenza, Rick Hanson, Gurmukh und natürlich meine tägliche Meditation:-)
Starte hier mit einem deiner 4 Starter - Geschenke, die dich auf deinem Weg unterstützen - dadurch wirst du automatisch Teil meiner beliebten Insider-Community, in der ich Dinge teile, die du nicht über die Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg Show - Podcast - von mir bekommen kannst:-) (natürlich kostenlos!) -
"Le Vieux Sage" propose des livres audios, des enseignements, des méditations, des contes de sagesse, que j'enregistre personnellement, ayant pour sujet la non dualité en général et l'advaita vedanta, le bouddhisme théravada, le zen, l'hindouisme et le taoïsme en particulier. Ce projet évolue au fil du temps et s'oriente de plus en plus vers une transmission de Paix et de sérénité.
Pour soutenir mon travail:
Namaskaram 🙏💜🕉💜🙏
The world is changing faster than ever before. This comes with life-changing opportunities but also unprecedented challenges. In The Journeyman, I talk to the greatest minds at the nexus of macro, crypto, and technology to figure out exactly what the Exponential Age means for us all. I uncover the big trends, potential investment opportunities, and economic risks and rewards, and ask the big questions on how this impacts us, our businesses, and our societies. Brought to you by Real Vision.
Fast Track Podcast is all about helping you get the most insightful tips and advice that you don’t learn from school. In each episode, a special guest will come and share his or her journey of starting a business, or achieving financial independence or finding a more fulfilled life. We cover topics of entrepreneurship, personal finance, career development, and more, helping you launch your life on the fast track.
[ACHTUNG: HANDLUNG ERFORDERLICH] Bitte abonniere den neuen "Inner Game"-Podcast:SPOTIFY → PODCASTS → PROJEKT GROW & SCALE IST BEENDET.Ich freue mich, dich beim Inner Game Podcast wieder zu begrüßen ✌🏾
Join Prophet Lovy Elias as he teaches deep spiritual revelations about God, Jesus and the Bible. For giving information please visit or Prophet Lovy can be heard weekly at Revelation Church in Simi Valley, CA.
Have you ever wanted to know how to launch, produce, and promote a video podcast? There are lots of ways to get started, but to really succeed, you need to get into the Flow of it.
Welcome to The Flow. Created by Ecamm and hosted by Doc Rock and Katie Fawkes, this weekly show will take you step-by-step through the process of video podcasting. Our focus is on building efficient and effective workflows so that your content shines.
Join us Tuesdays at 12pm Eastern on YouTube and subscribe and listen on your favorite podcast platform.