Discussing Africa, Podcasts and Heavy Metal with a fellow podcaster, Mos Maliki of "The Scholar & The Student Podcast"
My interview on The Scholar and The Student Podcast
Episodes manquant?
More atypical-ness. This time an interesting chat with an atypical dentist... One who is also a digital creator. Dr Huma
The perspective of one of islamic gems in the UK... Who teaches not in some institute bit out of his front room!
Just a quick explainer for the last episode
A bit of a religious deep-dive talking about our journeys in Islam
Discussion involving the problems around domestic violence, womens support, the scale of the problems, the limited avenues for help and how the muslim community can help tackle these issues.
One year on, me and Mufti Abu Layth reflect on whats being going on, and the arguments for God
By personal journey, why I'm not the usual brown doctor
Details of future episodes
A discussion regarding politics from an insider!
Discussing computer gaming past and present!
Eid Mubarak form A2
Politics and tech collide in this meandering episode.
Read the title man!
An epic midnight discussion with Mufti Abu Layth on Medicine, Coronavirus and the Muslim Community
An Introduction to A2