Award winning author Jessica Waite describes herself as someone who has lived with and loved people who have bipolar disorder. In this episode, she discusses her relationship with her late husband and shares some of the details of her soon to be released memoir.
My good friend Brian Pearson invited me on to his podcast, The Mystic Cave, to discuss resiliency in the face of adversity and my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met.
Brian is a talented blogger, musician, author and speaker and you can learn more about him, read his blog and get access to his other podcasts on his site, The Mystic Cave.
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In 2018, my good friend, Pastor Julia Kimmet, interviewed me at her church so that I could share my knowledge and experience with bipolar disorder with her congregation. This week, I am sharing the audio from that interview on my podcast.
I share how I started to get better from my first severe depressive episode as well as a story about my job as an interpreter for Japanese people going on horse back riding tours in my last reading from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal The Allan They Never Met.
If you are curious about the experience of psychosis from the perspective of someone experiencing it you may find today's reading from my yet to be published book interesting. I talk about my first experience with psychosis and how it devastated my life.
If you are curious about the events that took place that triggered my first manic episode than you will find this episode interesting. I describe how my stress level became so high and how my thoughts went from being grounded in reality to psychosis.
In this reading of my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met, I describe the last happy memories I have before the onset of bipolar disorder.
In this podcast, I read from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met. In this portion of my book, I describe what my job in Japan was like and the special time I spent with my good friends the Yamamotos.
If you are at all curious about life in Japan you may find this week's reading from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met, interesting. This reading describes my first experiences when I arrive in Japan.
This week reading contains two stories from university and one story about one summer I spent as a camp counsellor.
In this episode, I read two sections from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met. This episode has no commentary and is just a reading of two happy memories I have from university.
This is the fourth of a series of readings I am doing from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met. In this episode, I describe my dramatic first day away from home in Victoria, B.C, Canada.
In this episode, I read from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met. I will read the portions of my book where I have incidents in elementary school that change how I think of myself and I share stories of precious moments with my grandmother.
This is the second of twelve readings I will doing from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met.
This episode is the first of 12 episodes where I will be reading from my yet to be published book, Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met and I provide commentary that explains why I wrote the book and a little bit of information about myself.
This podcast is an interview with Canlearn Society ADHD Coach Laura Godfrey. Laura explains ADHD in detail and we discuss some of the challenges that people who have ADHD and bipolar disorder may face.
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