On the last day of 2024, I got to chat with Jacob Michaels, an East Coast Bonsai and Ju Jitsu practioner. While we've messaged back and forth a few times, it was my first time actually talking to him. I really enjoyed getting to know Jacob and hear about his Bonsai journey which most recently led him to becoming a full time Bonsai apprentice under NC based Bonsai Professional Tyler Sherrod of Dogwood Studios. In addition to studying with Tyler, I also got to hear about Jacobs previous stay in Japan learning under Koji Hiramatsu and many of his thoughts on a myriad of Bonsai topics. I really loved chatting with Jacob and hope you will enjoy it too.
Bonsai of Jacob Michaels
In this episode I got the chance to chat it up with the talented Sam Tan. Sam is a Bonsai practioner based in the Bay area of CA who developed a high level of technical Bonsai skill relatively quickly. We talked about his love for CA natives, designing his newer Bonsai garden, displaying natives, his trip to Bob Shimon's and a whole lot more. I really enjoyed sitting down w/ Sam and thank you for listening!
Sam Tan Bonsai:
Instagram: samtanbonsai
Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode I caught up with Nao Tokutake, a Bonsai practitioner and container maker based in Portland, OR. Nao has been one of my favorite Bonsai pot makers in the US for a while now. However, after getting the opportunity to pick his brain about his Bonsai pot making process and philosophy I'm even more of a fan of his work! His dedication and passion to improve his craft seem second to none. I really enjoyed hearing how he is studying the classic Chinese and Japanese potters while adapting and innovating in his own studio here in the States.
Instagram: Tokutakebonsaiebsite:
In this episode, I caught up with the one and only Andrew Robson, a Bonsai pro and organizer of the Pacific Bonsai Expo based in the Portland Oregon area who specializes in Deciduous Bonsai. We dive into topics, like when deadwood is appropriate, container colors, and the magic of native deciduous species. We talk about collecting versus container growing trunks and Andrew shares some expert tips on and his love for Beeches. I ask Andrew who he thinks is the Deciduous GOAT, what’s on the horizon for his Bonsai plans in 2025 and a whole lot more.
Instagram: @rakuyo_bonsai
In this episode of the Black Pondo Podcast, we’re taking you on a journey to the Pacific Bonsai Museum in Federal Way, Washington! I had the amazing opportunity to tour this gem with the one and only Aarin Packard, the museum’s powerhouse curator. From the breathtaking bonsai trees to the rich history that surrounds them, the museum completely blew me away. Aarin shared incredible insights about his life as a curator, what fuels his passion for bonsai, and the kind of things he daydreams about while surrounded by centuries-old trees. After soaking in all the bonsai wisdom, we capped off the day by absolutely demolishing sushi at a local all-you-can-eat spot. It was a sushi feast for the ages. Tune in to hear all about this unforgettable experience on this episode of the Black Pondo Podcast!
Aarin Packard's Instagram:
Interviews from the 2024 Pacific Bonsai Expo Part 2
Adam Toth
Timestamp: 0:30 sec
Adam Toth is a Bonsai professional located in the Bay Area of CA. He was an apprentice under Taiga Urushibata at Taisho-En where he obtained his professional certificate in Shohin Bonsai. Adam worked on several of the Bonsai in the PBE this year.
Richard Kearney
Timestamp: 10:15
Richard Kearney is a Bonsai pot maker based in New Zealand with a unique 3D printing inspired approach. His design strategy and mold making techniques are fascinating, creating some absolutely stunning results.
Robert Pressler
Timestamp: 32:10
Instagram: Kimurabonsai
Robert Pressler is the owner of Kimura Bonsai nursery a staple Bonsai nursery in Southern California. He has showed trees at both of the Pacific Bonsai Expo events and is also the president of California Bonsai Society.
Matthew Walker
Timestamp: 55:18
Instagram: bonchibonsai
Matthew is a long time student of Boon and the owner of Bonchi Bonsai located in Northern CA. He is a Bonsai artist, collector and grower. He has vended and shown at the PBE, known for his impressive Sierra Junipers and ultra soft annealed copper wire. Also, a long time personal friend and collecting buddy.
Will Kerns
Timestamp: 1:17:00
Instagram: willkernsbonsai
Will Kerns displayed an epic XL Rocky Mountain Juniper at this year's PBE which he drove out from Colorado with Todd Schlafer. Previously he has studied with Harold Sasaki, Jerry Morris, Todd Schlafer and Ryan Neil.
Jose Gonzalez
Timestamp: 1:32:06
Instagram: jmgarcia451b
Jose currently lives in Chicago and studies under Boon. He is a long time friend of Matthew Walker and displayed a powerful XL pomegranate at this year's PBE.
Jeff Stern
Time Stamp, interview starts at: 0:40 secs
Find out more about Jeff at Star Bonsai on Facebook
Winner of 3 awards at the 2024 Pacific Bonsai Expo and 3 awards at the 2022 Pacific Bonsai expo. In this episode I catch up with Jeff about his history in Bonsai, thoughts on his trees, his recent move from California to Utah, the history of his collection, working with Peter Tea and more.
Sam Tan
Time Stamp: 42:20 minutes
Instagram: Samtanbonsai
Sam Tan is a California Bay Area Bonsai Enthusiast who was a presenter and exhibitor at this year's Pacific Bonsai Expo. In this episode Sam and I chatted about his Sierra Juniper entry in this year's show. Sam gave me his background in Bonsai, we chat about what classifies something as the Bunjin style and he filled me in on his new Bonsai garden.
Mike-o Siquig Macasio
Time Stamp: 52:57 minutes
Instagram: alohabonsai
Mike is the president of the Utah Bonsai club. I caught up with Mike to get his thoughts on this year's Expo, spoke about the Utah club, some concepts he's learned from Peter Tea and more.
John Kim owner of Joshua Roth Bonsai Tools
Time Stamp: 1:04:55
John is the owner of Joshua Roth Tools and one of the awards sponsors for this years PBE. I got to dig in about Joshua Roth tools and get John's opinions on the Expo
Last Wednesday I went into the forest to a secret location to meet a wise Monk and check out his Yamadori collection. He taught me about finding happiness and filfilment, we ate pizza and recorded a podcast. It was a great day!
Episode #19 Vince Lee - Satoyama Bonsai
Instagram: Satoyama81
In this episode I got to catch up with Jonas Dupuich, a friend I originally met through the Bay Island Bonsai club around 2010. Jonas is a Bonsai teacher, author, blogger, professional and organizer of the Pacific Bonsai Expo. The majority of the episode I was able to pick his brain about the upcoming Pacific Bonsai Expo Oct. 26-27, 2024.
The PBE is the one Bonsai thing I look forward to most and occurs only every other year. It's easily the best Bonsai show on the West Coast and this year's event will be something truly special. You don't want to miss it!
Other topics discussed include the band weezer, shade cloth, native oaks for bonsai, redwoods, Bonsai appreciation over assasination, judging, 3d printing ceramic molds, auctions, watering, grafting, airlayering with cement and a whole lot more. Hope you enjoy, thanks for listening!
You can find out more about Jonas on his website at
Journal session on Sierra Juniper- Juniperus Grandis
In this episode, it's just me-Jeremiah Lee. I thought i'd take a stab at something a bit differnt and experiment with recording a couple Bonsai journal entries. I picked a few topics and talked about my thoughts and opinions. Would love to hear your feedback, please let me know what you think?
The episode picture was one I took in 2009 with an poor quality camera in the Valley of the Elders.
Topics Include
Larry White and the Valley of the Elders
Why I named this podcast The Black Pondo Podcast
and a whole lot more.
In this episode, I spoke with Isaiah Gray of Akagitsune Bonsai who has quickly put together a truly phenomenal collection of North American Native Conifers. We chatted about the path he's taken up to this point and how he came to put together such an inspiring collection. We talk about a wide range of topics including the Bonsai Pro's he works with, aesthetic and artistic preferences, garden construction, grafting US Natives, the Bonsai shuffle, Bonsai nutritient, Sap analysis and many more fun topics.
You can find Isaiah on Instagram @AkagitsuneBonsai
The hydraulic table cart discussed actually goes up to 1,500 pounds and is called the Vestil PN-1500. The company referenced for Sap Analysis and testing is Apical Crop Science which can be found at
Episode picture is Isaiah Gray next to a Sierra Juniper Bonsai.
In this episode I got to sit down with and Interview my Bonsai teacher Peter Tea. Peter studied with Boon Manakativipart, before leaving for a full time apprenticship at Aichi-En Bonsai Nursery in Nagoya Prefecture Japan. Peter returned to the States after completing his apprentiship in 2013 and is now a full time Bonsai Professional operating his buisness in Northern Calfornia. Peter is an extremely high-level Bonsai professional and his time is highly sought after by many American bonsai enthusiasts. It was an honor to have him on the podcast, to hear his thoughts and learn more about his work.
You can learn more about Peter Tea at or on Instagram at PeterTeaBonsai.
In Episode 13 I got to talk with Dan Wiederrecht and Steve Varland from Backcountry Bonsai a couple considered amongst the best Yamadori collectors in the US. I had the honor of picking their brains and asking questions I got from the Bonsai nut form and Instagram. I had a great time hearing about some of their collecting adventures and discuss collecting yamadori in the US.
In this episode I had the privlege of chatting with Matt Ouwinga of Kaede Bonsai. Matt told me the story of following his passion for Bonsai and transitioning from working as a full time school teacher to running a very succesfull business, becoming the largest supplier of high quality Bonsai pots imported from Japan into the US. He dropped several knowledge gems on me about Japanese and Chinese antique pots. We talked about differnt Bonsai pot time periods, the Tokoname region of Japan, Japanese Bonsai pot auctions, the GOAT of Japanese Bonsai containers and several other fun topics.
You can find out more about Matt at
Instagram: @matthew_ouwinga
Ebay Store:
In part 2 episode 11 we catch up with the original Heartthrob-Seth Nelson, as he talks to us from the Tea Room at AichiEn Bonsai Nursery. Originally from Florida, Seth has now been a Deshi for 4 yrs. AichiEn was established in 1896 and has been passed down many generations of Tanakas. It is located in the Nagoya Prefecture of Japan, and currently owned by Mr. Junichiro Tanaka who is an incredibly skilled and talented Bonsai professional.
Seth's Instagram: seth.nelson.bonsai
Seth's Ko-fi:
In part 1 episode 10 we catch up with the original Heartthrob-Seth Nelson, as he talks to us from the Tea Room at AichiEn Bonsai Nursery. Originally from Florida, Seth has now been a Deshi for 4 yrs. AichiEn was established in 1896 and has been passed down many generations of Tanakas. It is located in the Nagoya Prefecture of Japan, and currently owned by Mr. Junichiro Tanaka who is an incredibly skilled and talented Bonsai professional.
Seth's Instagram: seth.nelson.bonsai
Seth's Ko-fi:
In part 2 of this episode, Jeremiah Lee and Julian Tsai talk about quality bonsai on a budget. They discuss their experiences starting out in Bonsai and attempt to prioritize where beginners might want to invest and other areas which might not be so important. Part 1 is primarily focused on spending money on Bonsai Trees and Education. While Part 2 dives into Bonsai Tools, Soil, Fertilizer and Containers.
In part 1 of this episode, Jeremiah Lee and Julian Tsai talk about quality bonsai on a budget. They discuss their experiences starting out in Bonsai and attempt to prioritize where beginners might want to invest and other areas which might not be so important. Part 1 is primarily focused on spending money on Bonsai Trees and Education. While Part 2 dives into Bonsai Tools, Soil, Fertilizer and Containers.
In this episode I got the opportunity to catch up with Andrew Robson of Rakuyo Bonsai. I got to find out what he's been up to lately and ask questions about the world of deciduous Bonsai. Andrew is a deciduious Bonsai specialist who more recently won the Best Deciduous Award at the Pacific Bonsai Expo in late 2022. He is a full time professional with his Bonsai studio and home in the Portland OR area.
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