In the final episode of this season, the girls are going off-script while talking about some of the podcast highlights, a quick update on personal lives, and answering some questions from the audience!
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
Is immortality only a concept in fiction? In this episode, Akshaya discovers the story behind Henrietta Lacks' immortal life, one that remained a mystery for nearly 25 years. Tune in for a fun and interesting conversation on how one woman's doctor's visit changed the course of biomedical research.
A Timeline of Cell Culture:
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
Missing episodes?
In this brand new guest episode, LinkedIn guru and data whiz kid, Leah, chats with Akshaya & Beth on her journey from marketing to data science, the (surprising) benefits of documentation in an uncertain job market, and advices for anyone looking to kickstart a career in data.
Connect with Leah:
Read Leah's Blogs:
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
In this week's exciting new episode, Beth takes us through the rather unusual life of Mary Kenneth Keller who was a pioneering computer scientist, an educator, and a Catholic religious sister. This all-rounder was not only the first woman in the U.S. to earn her PhD in Computer Science but also paved the way for Artificially Intelligent computers.
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
What does a basketball in the air have in common with a satellite in space? Join Aks this week as she breaks down a key concept in orbital mechanics that was influential to the successful Mars Orbiter Mission, spearheaded by India's very own 'Rocket Woman', Ritu Karidhal.
The Indian Mars Orbiter Mission Story:
Homann Transfer Orbit in 3 Minutes:
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
Does a quantum computer exist? If it does, can we get one for ourselves? On this week's episode, Beth walks us through the great mind of Michelle Simmons (a.k.a Quantum Queen) and the q(bits) of information you might need to understand the inner workings of quantum computing.
Cosmos Article on Michelle:
All About Michelle's Work:
Quantum Computing Explained:
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
If your computer could schedule your meetings, book your dental appointments, and also kept a lookout on Amazon for your wishlist products to go on sale, wouldn't that be a dream? In this week's episode, Akshaya explains how easy it might be to get that done and the woman who made it all possible.
Wired Article on Pattie Maes:
Pattie Maes's Talks "Wearable Tech":
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
In the first ever guest episode on Byte Club, Aks and Beth take the backseat as Katherine (Kat) Kinder explains a day in the life of a photonics engineer, delves into the future of physics in Australia, and breaks down Interferometry.
If you want to learn more from Kat or say hello: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-kinder/
The Interferometer explained by LIGO: https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/page/what-is-interferometer
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
Before Google, before even DOT COM, was Radia Perlman, and in this episode Beth takes us through the genius idea which was so simple that even drunken monkeys could understand it.
Useful Links!
Hidden Heroes Article: https://hiddenheroes.netguru.com/radia-perlman
A helpful technical explanation of STP: https://youtu.be/GSKoQ8ZR8rw?si=Ow6suUMtYS9pTqnV
Radia chatting about STP and her design philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3zJuMht5Kk&t=199s
Wreck it Ralph Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JUfHyutQww
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
Transition: Music Is by Pryces
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
In this exciting new episode, Akshaya takes us into the exciting double life of Hedy Lamarr, starlet by day, inventor by night (or any spare time she had)! Tune in to know more about Hedy's rollercoaster ride of a life and take away some valuable lessons.
Hedy & George's Infamous Patent:
Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story by Alexandra Dean:
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
Transition: Music Is by Pryces
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
In this episode, Beth takes us through the mind of Katie Bouman, who, with her team of researchers, made it possible to take the first-ever picture of the Black Hole.
All Things Katie!
Bouman’s TED Talkhttps://youtu.be/BIvezCVcsYs?si=h7-GcT3VZDwQRXNB Bouman’s Caltech Lecture/Symposiumhttps://youtu.be/UGL_OL3OrCE?si=sZ-VtBEAz_1X5tCJ Bouman’s PhD Thesishttps://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/113998 Some useful videos about The Black Hole: Veritasium’s video ‘How to Understand What Black Holes Look Like:https://youtu.be/zUyH3XhpLTo?si=lZeKs9EVacaLtsXk The Computational Cameras website:https://computationalcameras.org/Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
Transition: Music Is by Pryces
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
In this episode, Akshaya takes us through the life and times of Karen Spärck Jones, whose ground-breaking algorithm discovered in the 70s drives the mechanisms of search engines like Google even today.
Here are some articles that will help you understand TF-IDF!
1) https://www.semrush.com/blog/tf-idf/
2) https://monkeylearn.com/blog/what-is-tf-idf/
Check out Karen's lectures!
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
Transition: Music Is by Pryces
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein
Welcome to Byte Club! In this episode, Beth Curran and Akshaya Parthasarathy will be taking you through a quick tour of themselves, the origin of Byte Club and what to look forward to!
Audio Credits Uppbeat:
Intro: Summertime Jam by All Good Folks
End Credit: I Don't Need Your Love by Adi Goldstein