
  • Think making it in the cannabis industry is easy? Think again. 

    While there’s nothing to say you CAN’T do it, you’ll definitely need to be creative and gritty.

    Those are two traits Philip Smith, owner of Freshly Baked, has in spades. 💪

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with Philip Smith, owner of Freshly Baked, the first cannabis delivery company on the East Coast, about how cannabis opens the door for social equity, what he gained from his background in the armed forces, and where he sees the future of the cannabis industry going. 

    Tune in to learn…

    👉  How Freshly Baked became one of the only operational social equity companies on the East Coast. 

    👉  How being a female-led, veteran-owned company differentiates them and informs their mission. 

    👉 How a lack of capital forces a company to be operationally sound and ethical. 

    👉 How to handle the “nos” you’ll face before you get to the “yes”

    👉 The difference between being an entrepreneur and being entrepreneurial. 

    👉 How a moral code of “radical transparency” helped Freshly Baked succeed. 

    👉 The truth behind the biggest myths in the cannabis industry.

    👉 Why learning to tell your brand’s story is so important to your marketing. 

    👉 What Freshly Baked does to help their brand stand out. 

    👉 And more!

    Enjoy - check out the full video in the comments. 


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest experts Philip Smith: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philip-smith-0588661a8/ and Jenny Roseman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-roseman-6b262743/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #FreshlyBaked #RecreationalCannabis #EastCoastCannabis

  • Tune in to learn…

    👉 How he turned a passion into a successful, impact-driven business.

    👉Why he believes people without a business or sales background might actually have an advantage in entrepreneurship.

    👉What he sees as his brand’s mission and purpose.

    👉Why he believes it’s so important for dispensaries to cultivate a team and menu that caters to their unique customer base.

    👉What advice he’d give to someone just entering the cannabis market.

    👉Why building a great team is so essential to cultivating a successful brand.

    👉 How to master the power of storytelling for your cannabis brand.

    👉 Where he sees the cannabis industry going in the coming years (and how he intends to make the cannabis industry a more equitable space)

    👉 What he DISLIKES about the industry and wants to change.

    👉And more!



    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Ulysses Youngblood: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ujyoungblood/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisBusinessDevelopment #CannabisMarketing #MajorBloom

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  • Let’s face it: being an entrepreneur can be exhausting.

    It’s tough to keep your motivation up…

    Tough to keep pushing day after day….

    How do you find the internal strength to keep going?

    Simple - you connect with people who know exactly how to cultivate and create more of it.

    That’s where these podcast guests come in. 

    In this episode of The Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham sits down with Alex Hamp and James Appleton, Co-Founders of Absolute Aid to discuss motivation, purpose, and accountability in the cannabis industry. 

    Tune in to learn…

    👉What sparked the entrepreneurial spirit in both of them.

    👉How they each changed their preconceived notions about cannabis and cannabis use. 

    👉 Why small changes can make such big differences for entrepreneurs.

    👉 How to get motivated to set and crush goals. 

    👉Why finding ways to keep yourself and your partners accountable is so critical. 

    👉And more!



    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest experts Alex Hamp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-hamp-626037b4/ and James Appleton:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesabsoluteaid/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisBusinessDevelopment #CannabisMarketing #CannabisEntrepreneur 

  • Starting a cannabis business can be frightening and lonely.

    Maybe you feel like you’re all on your own, and you’re not sure where to turn yet.

    We’ve got good news and bad news.

    👎The bad news is that’s what entrepreneurship feels like, a lot of the time.

    👍 The good news is that it’s totally normal and you are definitely NOT alone.

    In this episode of The Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham sits down with someone who knows that better than most: Alissa Nowak. Nowak is the CEO and Founder of Lucky Green Ladies. 

    In this episode, she and Kham have a fascinating and wide-ranging conversation about the future of the cannabis industry, how she learned some life lessons the tough way, and what it takes to be innovative and successful in today’s cannabis space. 

    Tune in to learn…

    👉 How a tough road (and Dunkin’ Donuts) led her to where she is today. 

    👉 What she’s learned from the biggest challenges in her life. 

    👉 What she wishes she knew before she started her career

    👉 What Alissa’s favorite (and least favorite) things about the cannabis industry are

    👉 What she sees as challenges in the industry 

    👉 How she makes her brand stand out

    👉 How she was inspired by social equity programs

    👉 The daily routine that keeps her organized

    👉 And more



    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Alissa Nowak: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alissamnowak/ 


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisBusinessDevelopment #LuckyGreenLadies #MedicalCannabis

  • As a cannabis company, you want to build your brand and differentiate yourself from the competition.

    The question, then, is HOW?

    The answer, of course, is marketing.

    In the last few years, the cannabis industry has become saturated with a lot of companies…

    Most of whom offer really similar products and services…

    The only way to stand out from the crowd is to market yourself well.

    One great method we like to recommend is podcasting.

    In today’s busy, on-the-go world, podcasts are a digestible, versatile form of content customers can interact with wherever they go.

    For an example, check out today’s episode of the Cannabis Business Development podcast. Kham sits down with Dr. Ben Caplan of CED clinic and Keith Black, a medical cannabis patient, to discuss the power and potential of medical cannabis. 

    Check out how we share information and bust myths using the podcast format.

    Tune in to learn…

    👉How one customer overcame his medical difficulties with medical cannabis. 

    👉How to encourage customers to experiment with strains to find what works for them.

    👉How to use podcasts to respond to disinformation and set the record straight.

    👉And more. 

    Check out the whole episode now. ➤➤


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/

    ► Special thanks to our guest Keith Black


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisCompanyMarketing #CannabisPodcast #GrowYourBrand

  • The cannabis industry is an exciting space with a lot of opportunities. 

    But how do you know if it’s right for you?

    If you’re considering starting a cannabis business, what should you consider?


    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with Jeremy West, Co-Founder of East Coast Herbalist, about….


    👉 How Jeremey got into the cannabis business.

    👉 How he stays organized and focused during chaotic or difficult times. 

    👉 Why education and responsibility are so important for the future of the cannabis industry. 

    👉  What success means for him. 

    👉 What advice he’d give people considering entering the cannabis business.

    👉 Why we need to re-think the stigma surrounding cannabis. 

    👉 What challenges he’s faced in the industry. 

    👉 His favorite things about the cannabis industry. 


    👉 How to know when your cannabis side hustle is ready to become a full-time gig.

    👉 The biggest myths in the cannabis industry (Hint: CBD is one of them…)

    👉 And more.

    Learn how to start and grow a cannabis business, take care of yourself in the process, and make an impact in this exciting, ever-growing industry. 


    _ _


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi…

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Jeremy West, from East Coast Herbalist: https://eastcoastherbalist.com/


    For more resources: https://inthinkagency.com/

    #CannabisBusiness  #CannabisMarketing #CannabisBrands

  • The cannabis industry is a vibrant place! 

    If you’re looking to make your mark, where do you start?

    And how do you find the right niche?

    Fortunately, you’re not alone in answering those questions.

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with Jennifer about all things cannabis, including…

    👉  What the future of the industry will look like

    👉  Advice for people entering the industry for the first time

    👉  How to differentiate yourself through marketing

    👉 And more!

    This is a great episode. Enjoy!


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Jennifer Roy, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferroycannabis/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisMarketing #TheFutureOfCannabis #CannabisBusiness

  • Let’s face it: cannabis marketing isn’t always easy.

    The challenges cannabis businesses face are unique and varied, and the industry changes all the time.

    Fortunately, you’re not in it alone.

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with Tom Schneider, CMO of Revolutionary Clinics, about how cannabis companies can build stronger communities, ace their marketing, and keep customers coming back for more.

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    👉 What the top challenges facing cannabis businesses are, and how to navigate them.

    👉 How you can become the Apple of cannabis brands.

    👉 What makes the cannabis community and industry unique.

    👉The top lessons Tom would share with current cannabis entrepreneurs.

    👉 The best ways to connect with your community.

    👉 And more.

    We hope you enjoy it!


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Tom Schneider, from Revolutionary Clinics: https://www.revolutionaryclinics.org/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisMarketing #CannabisBusiness #CannabisMarketingTips

  • Let’s face it: people still have a lot of misconceptions about cannabis.

    The special guest in today’s episode was one of those people.

    A self-proclaimed “cannabis hater,” he didn’t come around to the power of the medicine until he got educated around it, and abandoned some of his outdated notions.

    👉 As a cannabis company, you’re probably wondering how you can provide that type of education. 👈

    One of the best methods is through podcasts. 🎤

    Podcasts are easy to listen to, easy to take on the go, and perfect for providing high-quality medical information in bite-sized doses.

    Check out how Dr. Ben Caplan used the podcast medium to clear up misconceptions and provide real science around the benefits of cannabis.


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/

    ► Special thanks to our guest Paul Dudley


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisResearch #CannabisMarketing #CannabisBrands

  • What would you do if your child was struggling, but you couldn’t find the help you needed?

    That’s exactly the situation Helena Neves experienced with her young son Jason.

    Jason was diagnosed with communication and learning disabilities and epilepsy.

    The process was terrifying for Jason and his entire family. 😟

    For years, Helena struggled to find a treatment that worked for her son.

    They went through anti-seizure medications, tests, and more - and just couldn’t find anything that worked for Jason. 

    And then they discovered cannabis. 

    First, they started experimenting with CBD medications, which they explored via trial and error for some time.

    Unfortunately, CBD didn’t work for Jason, and they weren’t seeing any changes.

    So, they pivoted.

    They expanded into homemade edibles, which are what really created a change in Jason. 

    Before the cannabis, Jason had been on six different medications. 💊💊

    He had gained weight and was functioning, in his mom’s words, “like a zombie.”

    Within months of beginning cannabis, however, Jason’s communication and demeanor improved. 👍

    Check out this amazing story.


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/

    ► Special thanks to our guest Helena Neves


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/


    #CannabisResearch #CannabisMarketing #CannabisBrands

  • You’ve heard that cannabis has a ton of medical potential.

    But what does that look like in real life❓

    Don’t you ever wish you could talk to someone who has experience with medical cannabis❓

    Now you have the chance!

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, we talk with musician and medical marijuana patient Roger Salloom about his experience with medical marijuana.

    Roger was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called Myasthenia gravis.

    For years before he discovered THC, Roger struggled with the devastating effects of this illness.😫

    👀 He saw double all the time.

    🚫 He struggled to walk.

    😴 He was fatigued all day, no matter how much he slept.

    While his doctor prescribed him a traditional medication, the side-effects of that were grueling as well.

    Fortunately, Roger discovered THC.

    And, when he did, it changed his life. 

    👍 His symptoms disappeared.

    👍 His mood improved.

    👍 And he was no longer in danger of falling or stumbling because of his disorder.

    👍 His life improved massively. And he’s been a believer in medical marijuana ever since. 

    Hear Roger’s amazing story in this episode of the podcast, and learn how THC helped him reclaim his life.


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/

    ► Special thanks to our guest Roger Salloom: https://www.rogersalloom.com/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/


    #Cannabis #MedicalCannabis #CannabisMarketing 

  • The field of cannabis medicine has changed a lot in the last few years.

    Even five years ago, patients couldn’t talk to their doctors about cannabis.

    If they did, they’d be regarded as criminals or degenerates.

    Today, we’re starting to see doctors prescribing cannabis, and being excited to learn more about its medical potential. 💊

    It’s a fantastic change for the industry and the patients who rely on cannabis medicine…

    …but it’s also generated a lot of questions.

    Today, people are wondering how to get started with cannabis….

    ❓How to find a doctor they can trust.

    ❓Where to get reliable information.

    ❓What the future of the industry looks like.

    And much, much more.

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with special guest Dr. Benjamin Caplan, Chief Medical Officer of CED Clinic, about the “hot topics” in medical cannabis today.

    Tune in to learn….

    ✅ How to find the products that are right for you

    ✅ Which conditions cannabis treats

    ✅ What to do if you’re still skeptical (hint: it’s okay).

    Happy listening!


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisMedicine #PlantMedicine #Cannabis

  • The cannabis industry is a brave new world.

    While people have been using cannabis to treat presenting health concerns for millennia, science is just catching on.

    It’s an exciting time to be part of the cannabis industry, but it also comes with plenty of challenges. 😫

    ❓ How do you create a reputable cannabis company?

    ❓ How do you find the research needed to back up your products and mission?

    ❓ How do you take care of yourself, so you don’t burn out?

    ❓ And what are the leading clinics in the industry doing?

    In this episode of the Cannabis Business Development Podcast, Kham talks with Dr. Benjamin Caplan, Chief Medical Officer of CED Clinic about….

    👉 The mission of CED Clinic

    👉 The cannabis industry as a whole

    👉 The future of cannabis medicine

    👉 How to master professionalism as a cannabis business

    👉 What cannabis founders need to do to care for themselves

    👉 And more

    In this episode, you’ll learn….

    ✅ How to find and identify excellent cannabis research

    ✅ What frustrates and excites Dr. Caplan about the cannabis industry

    ✅ What CED Clinic does, and how you can access the CED Archive (free and open to the public), filled with thousands of cannabis research articles

    ✅ How Dr. Caplan resets himself physically so he can perform at his highest level

    ✅ Why finding a way to give back and serve your community (and customers) is so important

    ✅ And more

    Tune in to the Cannabis Business Development Podcast today to hear from Dr. Caplan, who is one of the leading voices in the cannabis industry today.


    ► Connect with Kham on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaminthi...

    ► Special thanks to our guest expert Dr. Ben Caplan, from CED Clinic: https://www.cedclinic.com/


    For more resources: https://indicativemarketing.com/

    #CannabisResearch #CannabisMarketing #CannabisBrands