
  • Disclaimer Stuff
    Don't listen to affimations or meditations when driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.
    All content in this recording is not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or a substitute to, qualified medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or as a replacement for, or a substitute to, psychological advise, diagnosis or treatment, or therapy from a fully qualified person. The information presented on this web site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

    By using content from this audio or The Charmed Studio Blog or Podcast, you are acknowledging that you are participating voluntarily in using our website or blog or in any of our e-mails, videos, programs, services, podcasts and/or products, and you alone are solely and personally responsible for your results. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health, life and well-being, as well as the health, lives and well-being of your family and children (where applicable), and all decisions now or in the future.

    We are not responsible or liable for any action made by a user based on content of this website. We are not liable for the contents of any external websites listed, or for any actions made by a user based on the contents of these external sites. We will not be liable for any errors or delays in the content of this website, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

    You agree not to redistribute the material found therein, unless appropriate rights have been granted. If you have any questions about any of these Disclaimer terms, please contact us at www.thecharmedstudio/contact.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Here’s a short, easy video on how to block emails on Gmail and Outlook.

    And here are a few options for quietly removing someone from your Mailchimp list.

    To learn more about the value of customer astonishment read Customer Astonishment and Hug Your Customers.

    If you want to offer payment plans take a half-hour to set up the ability to invoice students and clients through PayPal.
    Then take another fifteen minutes to get familiar with Paypal’s PayLater and PayIn 4 options for your buyers.

    If they’re trolling you read my post on O'Keefe's Way To Tromp Art Trolls here.
    Check out Udell’s Getting People Out of Your Booth series.

    Please comment on the post and add your own red flags here:
    I'd love to learn from you.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • https://youtu.be/UGw-NV6qUMo?feature=sharedHave a question on anything writing-related? Ask Thea at www.thecharmedstudio.com/contact. I love questions and answer every one of them with a happy heart.

    Two irreverent, funny, F-Bomb-laden 8-minute videos on where to find Beta Readers and what to ask them:

    All About Beta Readers Part 1 by Jenna Moreci

    All About Beta Readers Part 2 by Jenna Moreci

    Fabulous, totally inexpensive course for writers who want to self-publish a book by Romance/Erotica Writer Alessandra Torre. Take this if you are feeling overwhelmed about what to do when if you are writing, self-publishing and self-promoting your own book.

    A Fearless Way to Self Publish https://youtu.be/UGw-NV6qUMo?feature=shared
    A Fearless Way to Sell More Novels https://youtu.be/UGw-NV6qUMo?feature=shared

    Great, great, humble Youtube video by a British Gallerist. Watch it here:
    Artists-do you know how to work with galleries to sell your art, or even how to approach them?

    Kevin Doberstein Art

    Brenda Doberstein Art

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Here's a list of resources of things that will support your art or writing practice that came up in this Charmed Studio Podcast:

    Read them as posts or listen to them as podcasts, just click on any link above, it will take you to the specific blog page of the article on my blog. If you want to listen instead of reading the information just click on the audio version of the post at the top of each article.

    And thanks for being here and going on this journey with me.

    How Do I Cope With a Harsh Art Critique of My Art? Why People Say Dumb Things and How To Bounce Back.

    Why Are Some Art Teachers So Mean? How To Blast Through Envy and Bloom as an Artist.

    Why Every Artist Needs a Feel Good File and How To Make Yours in Seconds.

    WWGD? What Would Georgia Do? Why O'Keeffe Thought Happiness Was For the Birds and What You Should Go For Instead

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Podcast Cover art "Buddha's Hand" Lemon. Stilllife by Charmed Studio Subscriber British Columbian artist Leigh Buchanan.

    Read my article, 4 Surprising Benefits of a Small Mailing List to discover a heart-centered way to develop soulful relationships and unexpected prosperity through your art blog or newsletter.

    Or check out this Charmed Studio Post: How Do I Get More Comments on My Art Blog? 7 Secrets You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else.

    And remember, you already have enough followers, now it's time to get to know them, enjoy them, and accept the wisdom and grace and warmth they have to give you. IMO, Authentic connection is the key to sales and happiness in general.

    "You already have everything you need to be content. Your real work is to do whatever it takes to realize that." - Geneen Roth

    To stay updated on when I offer my audio classes and live group coaching for artists and writers pop on over here.

    When I talked about you staying safe online I'm really talking about doing things like getting a local or virtual PO BOX (this is what I have) to protect your private address. You are worth it.

    Michael Neil and Steve Chandler's Video-based Money Course I talked about on this podcast is below ( I'm NOT an affiliate of this, just love it and it helped me laugh about money and see things differently and it is only 99 bucks.)

    A Whole New Way of Thinking About Business and Success Course

    Customer Astonishment is a concept first put forth by Darby Checketts in his enlightening book Customer Astonishment:10 Secrets to World-Class Customer Care.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • The Charmed Studio Show Notes

    Why Are Some Art Teachers So Mean? How To Blast Through Envy and Bloom as an Artist

    How Do I Write a Blogpost? The Easiest Kind of Blog Post for Artists to Write Laid Out in 5 Super Easy Steps.

    Great 5-minute video by inventor Tony Buzan on how and why to use a MINDMAP.

    Libby the amazing free library app. I left audible behind, you can too. :)

    Go here to see the summary of the Tedx talk where Anne Lamott lays out her 13 writing tips.

    To check out Heather Irvine's wonderful wildlife and equestrian-themed artwork go here.

    Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear.

    Cover art by 16 miles out on Unsplash.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • The Charmed Studio Show Notes

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For a transcript of the blog, to see all the images or to leave a comment please go here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.

    For more information about the Getty Villa Garden and Museum go here.

    To eyeball 1847 Queen Victoria's Wedding Portrait with Myrtle Crown.

    Further Resources:

    Gardens and Plants of the Getty Villa by Patrick Bowe and Michael DeHart.

    Ancient Herbs in the J Paul Getty Museum Gardens by Jeanne D'Andrea.

    Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome by Apicius (and Joseph Dommers Vehling).

    Ancient Roman Villa Gardens by Elisabeth Blair MacDougal and Wilhelmine F Jashemski.

    A Pompeian Herbal: Ancient and Modern Medicinal Plants by Wilhelmina Feemster Jashemski and Lillian Nicholson Meyer.

    The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome by Annette Gieseke.

    This resource lists contains Amazon Affiliate links. :)

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • For a transcript and to access links to all the things I mention like apps, computers, courses, books and links click this thingy here.

    To be charming and subscribe to my blog go here.

    Want to see if I have availability for you to be my new writing coaching client? Come visit me ovah' here.

    Resources A Go-Go Below: Charmed Studio Podcasts mentioned in this episode:

    *My fave computers for artists right now :

    MacBook Air to Eyeball

    MacBook Pro to Eyeball

    "Want to dive into the realm of digital art? You just need an iPad, an iPad pencil, and download the Procreate App and you're on your way," says accomplished analog and digital collage artist Shawn Marie Hardy.

    Financial Freedom Prosperity Course from Michael Neill and Steve Chandler

    Good article on "How to Properly Prepare Your PC for Disposal or Recycling."

    And here's a good resource article from Software Testing Help that does a deep dive comparison on the best tablet for artists who want to experiment with digital drawing.

    "I think writing really helps you heal yourself. I think if you write long enough, you will be a healthy person. That is, if you write what you need to write, as opposed to what will make money, or what will make fame."
    -- Alice Walker

    *I'm an Amazon affiliate, so if you want to buy through my links, I would do a happy dance. But I also recommend you check out the Apple Store or BestBuy or anywhere else your heart desires to get the best price. Happy Hunting.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • The Charmed Studio Show Notes

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.

    Essential Oil Shopping Guide: Rose, Rockrose also known as Cistus, Jasmine and Thyme Linalool.

    Look for these in your fabulous local health food store or click these links

    (Amazon affiliate links, thank you for helping The Charmed Studio stay ad free!)

    Mayberry turned me on to an affordable diffuser I love. This Aromasoft diffuser can subtly scent an entire apartment, has a lifetime warranty, and is only around $18. I have had it for a year, no problems.

    Other $100-$200 diffusers I have purchased in past, clogged quickly and ended up as expensive clutter.

    Sharon Mayberry is a certified clinical aromatherapist, pop over to her Rockrose Apothecary here.

    7 Minute Magical Tarot Meditation for Artists Who Need To Write and Do Marketing by Thea Fiore Bloom, your humble guide.

    Check out this other article on Aromatherapy Toolkit That Helps Heart-Centered Artists Like Us

    Or if you have the budget and want the best check out Kurt Schnabelt's fine company Original Swiss Aromatics. Sorry I said it was "Genuine Swiss Aromatics" on podcast by mistake. "So what we look for are bio-authentic oils that have the unique qualities for which they were originally recognized by Hildegard, Paracelsus or Taoist sages. They were recognized because in their specific origin these aromatics plants developed qualities that made them stand out."

    How Did Salvador DalĂ­ Make So Much Money? And How You Can Too: 6 Art Marketing Secrets from Fun-Loving DalĂ­

    Aromatherapy Toolkit Safety Warnings

    Essential oils are often written off as nonsense. But non-synthetic oils are the real deal. And as such can be as dangerous as they are efficacious.

    So never ingest oils. Don’t use oils if you are sensitive, pregnant, nursing, have epilepsy, asthma, health challenges or doubts, before consulting a medical professional.

    Kids and cats are sensitive to oils! Some sources say certain oils can give cats Upper Respiratory Infections and lead to liver problems. Other animals are sensitive to essential oils as well so avoid using them too near other pets as well.

    Robert Tisserand wrote the bible on aromatherapy & safety. If you use oils daily on yourself or others pick up a copy of Essential Oil Safety.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Episode Notes

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For a transcript or to read the original article with instructions and gorgeous images of hummers go here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.

    Best Hummingbird Feeder: I love this hard-working, easy-to-clean, ten-dollar feeder! “First Nature 3051”. It has a seating rail, is easy to clean, and lasts a long time.

    This is the inexpensive, great little brush set I use to keep the feeder rims and openings in the little plastic flowers free of mold.

    Fastest Thing on Wings: Rescuing Hummingbirds in Hollywood by Terry Masear.

    Hummingbird Migration Map by Empress of Dirt.

    Here are links to buy seeds for easy-growing plants hummingbirds (and other pollinators that need our support) will love!

    Foxglove, Lupine, Snapdragon, Morning Glory, Zinnia Elegans Seed Set, around 10 dollars :)

    Red Cardinal Flower-beautiful, delicate, trumpet-like blooms.

    Hummingbird Live Web Cam

    If you don't live in hummingbird country or you just want to see hummingbirds building their nests and feeding their young up close, check out the world-famous, breathtaking Bella Live Web Cam, it's free.

    These show notes contain affiliate links to Amazon or Barnes and Noble. :)

    Visit Denise Cerro's wonderful blog here.

    And thanks so much for helping hummingbirds! You are a wonder. :)

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Check out Lina Lear's wonderful biographies of Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature and Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature.

    For a transcript or to see some great images of Carson click this thingy here.

    To be charming and subscribe to my blog go here.

    Want to see if I have availability for you to be my new writing coaching client ? Come visit me ovah' here.

    Resources A Go-Go Below: Charmed Studio Podcasts mentioned in this episode:

    Rachel Carson: A Fairy Godmother for Artists and Writers in Uncertain Times.

    How Did Salvador DalĂ­ Make So Much Money? 6 Magical Marketing Tips from the Life of the Spanish Genius.

    Why Georgia O'Keeffe Thought Happiness Was For the Birds and What She Would Advise You To Try Instead.

    Brain Pickings' article mentioned in this podcast on the uncategorizable and amazing correspondence between Carson and Freeman.

    Podcast Cover Art by Max van den Oetelaar.


    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this podcast and the accompanying post are for informational purposes only. The information provided here should not be used for the purpose of diagnosing or treating a medical or mental health illness. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or mental health problem, you should consult your health care provider.

    If you think you may have a medical or mental health emergency, call your doctor, health care provider, or 911 immediately.

    These notes may include affiliate links to Amazon.Com or Barnes & Noble.Com

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • For a transcript of the post click this thingy here.

    To be charming and subscribe to my blog go here.

    Want to see if I have availiabilty for you to be my new writing coaching client ? Come visit me ovah' here.

    Resources A Go-Go Below:

    Improve Your Art Writing Overnight by Forbidding Yourself To Do 2 Things.By The Charmed Studio.

    For beginning help with titles check out my post, How Can I Turn My Art Website Into an Attraction Magnet? 9 Authentic Ways (That Don’t Involve Social Media).

    For an advanced (marketing-focused) class on how to write magnetic blog titles read this.

    3 Lies That Can Block Your Creative Practice by Hali Karla.3 Gorgeous Guided Meditations for Writers: Reduce Fear, Ignite Creativity,by Thea Fiore Bloom, PhD7 Things I Bet You Don’t Know About Frida Kahlo ibid.5 Ways to Improve Your Art Writing in 5 Minutes by The Charmed Studio.What are “discovery writers?” Find out here.Great free video on a tool to help visual thinkers outline stuff: Tony Buzan's MIND MAPPING

    Here’s a quick video on how to do subheadings.

    Eventually, you’ll loosen up and get bolder.

    Need help on this?

    Listen to my podcast How Do I Let Go of Approval? A Story for Artists (That Involves Underwear.)

    Or read my post: How Vulnerability Can Make Your Art Writing Shine.

    Now go try it. If you got a question leave a comment, I answer every one.

    Or reach out to me, I’m right here.

    Lastly, remember:

    “Often what’s obvious to you is amazing to others, “

    — Derek Sivers

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Artists think that we don't deserve time off because we haven't worked hard enough lately. But just because we don't punch a time clock, don't have a rigid schedule, and don't wear presentable clothes or leave the house for days in a row- doesn't mean we aren't working. And it also doesn't mean we don't desperately need dedicated days off in order to prosper emotionally and financially.

    Posts, Podcasts and Other Good Stuff Mentioned in this Episode from The Charmed Studio


    How Do I Organize My Time As An Artist? Want More Money and Less Overwhelm? Check Out This Simple Solution

    How Did Salvador Dalí Make So Much Money? And How You Can Too: Salvador’s 6 Art Marketing Secrets


    Why Go Away? 6 Ways To Use Travel to Blow Open Your Art Practice and Your Art Business

    Be charming, subscribe to The Charmed Studio Blog, and get one post a month, no slimy sales funnels, and free access to my Writer's Toolkit For Artists.

    Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

    Writing Coaching With Thea

    Other great resources:

    Online self-study Prosperity Class I loved taught by Michael Neill and Steve Chandler called Financial Freedom from the Inside Out.

    Promo Creep "Poem" by Seth Godin

    The book Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear.

    The book Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamont

    10 Apps To Help You Focus and Temporarily Block Social Media

    Podcast coverart Photo by lil artsy:

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • To learn more about the difference between a constructive critique and a personal attack read The Charmed Studio’s: How Do I Cope With a Harsh Critique of My Art? Why People Say Dumb Things and How To Bounce Back.

    “Why Art School Critiques Caused You to Stop Making Art – and How to Reclaim Your Creative Passion.” by Preston Cram.

    And for more on how to flourish with artwork others consider weird, you might like my podcast, Orhan Pamuk: Why Artists Need To Stay Weird and What To Do Today To Start Making The Best Work of Your Life.

    To read a loose transcript of this podcast or to be charming and leave a comment on the post please go here:How You Can Fend Off Envy and Fly High: An Encouraging Story for Artists Starring a Mad-Eyed Crow.

    Want to talk to me about giving your dream project wings with one-on-one writing and life coaching? Come on ovah here.

    To subscribe to The Charmed Studio Blog and receive my free Writing Toolkit Just For Artists go here.

    Podcast cover art photo by antenna-cw-cj_nFa14-unsplash.jpg.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Pop over to Linda Blondheim's Art and Stories blog here.

    For an example of the country hospitality and joi de vivre, Linda offers to studio visitors, check out her about page. I share this with you because I feel artists don't take advantage of their studio space enough. We become hypnotized that we need to market OUT THERE. When we have so much IN HERE.

    Art Marketing for Introverts. My post on the joy of finding prosperity and contentment close to home.

    Or listen to my podcast Letting Go of Approval: A Story for Artists That Involves Underwear. (What I learned from a wise older woman who happened to have her dress tucked in her underpants.)

    To find out more about my writing coaching for artists come on ovah here.

    To subscribe to my blog and receive my free writing tool kit for artists hop over here.

    “[…] Nineteen writers out of twenty are introverts. We have been taught to be ashamed of not being ‘outgoing‘. But a writer’s job is ‘ingoing‘.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin

    Podcast cover photo art by Susn Matthiessen on Unsplash

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • Charmed Studio podcast on: How Do I Get More Comments? 7 Secrets You Won't Hear Anywhere Else.

    Charmed Studio podcast on: Bye Bye Facebook: How Artists Can Succeed Without Social Media.

    Charmed Studio podcast on: How Do I Drive Traffic to My Art Website? 9 Authentic Ways (That Don’t Involve Social Media)

    Writing Coaching and Life Coaching for Heart-Centered Artists with Thea.

    Two Charmed Studio podcast examples of wonderful subscriber stories I was told in emails and made into supportive content for my readers and listeners (with the permission of the artists, of course):

    Why Your Art Matters Even if You Think It Doesn't.

    How to Recover From a Harsh Art Critique.

    Click here for the original post that inspired this podcast.

    Subscribe to the Charmed Studio Blog and get access to my Writing Academy for Artists, for free. I'd love to have you on my small-ish but happy list. :)

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • To see some beautiful images of Hopper and Matisse's work and for a loose transcript of this podcast, go here.

    Why not subscribe to the Charmed Studio here and get free access to my Writers Academy for Artists? No spammy sales pitches, no pushing swamp land in Florida. Just one solid post a month to improve your heart-centered art life and art business.

    Edward Hopper was a painter who could slow down time.

    Ironically I recommend this little video: Edward Hopper in 60 Seconds

    Here is the drool-worthy food and art book on Matisse I recommend:

    Matisse: A Way of Life in the South of France

    Five Best Books on Writing for Artists post, go here.

    Here is the link to sign up for my Book Creation Cafe 2023! I would love to have you in class.

    Ultimate Rain Sound Generator that does not sound like frying bacon.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • How to Deal With Hate Comments About Your Art: How To Tromp a Troll

    How to Recover from a Harsh Art Critique

    O'Keeffe the Thief: What Georgia Stole

    For O'Keeffe's tips on museum strategies go here.

    For writing coaching with me head over here.

    To subscribe to The Charmed Studio go here.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • To eyeball the art, leave a question or an observation in the post comments (you are a gem) and access the resources go to the post here.

    Want to learn more about the renegade ceramic artist Beatrice Wood? You might like this Charmed Studio Post and Podcast:

    Beatrice Wood: What No One Tells You About Her, Why She Isn't Famous & How She Can Make Your Life Blossom.

    To subscribe to the blog pop over here. You'll get my Writing For Artists Toolkit as a thank you.

    Want to see if I have an opening in my coaching schedule? Head here and contact me. I'd love to talk and see if we are a fit.

    Keep faith in yourself and your work, ok?

    And thanks for sharing your precious time and brain space with me here at The Charmed Studio.

    Cover photo by dusan jovic on Unsplash.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)

  • To leave a comment, to get a loose transcript of this podcast, or to eyeball the cool art and the support links I mention in it, head on over to the original post on my blog.

    To see a photo of the No Fear Mudra on O'Keeffe's bedroom wall go here and look carefully to the left of the fireplace.

    To learn more about the sacred eastern hand gestures called Mudras pop over here.

    Want my free Writing Tool Kit for Artists? Subscribe here and get it free. No spam, no Amway. No ads. No selling your name to other companies. Just one post a month. Thanks for your support.

    Want help succeeding WITHOUT Twitter, Instagram, or FaceBook? Check out my podcast Bye Bye Facebook: How Artists Can Thrive Without Social Media.

    New York Magazine article mentioning Clement Greenburg's critique of O'Keeffe's MOMA show.

    Come on over to The Charmed Studio Blog to check nearly 100 other supportive posts and podcasts for authentic, heart-centered artists like you.

    To read or listen to the post/podcast I mentioned on How To Recover From a Harsh Art Critique, head ovah here.

    Press this to magically transport over to my Writing Coaching for Artists Page.

    And remember, you are an artist, therefore you are brave and amazing! Thanks for listening.

    To be charming and subscribe to the blog and get free access to my writing toolkit for artists click here.

    For info on one-on-one writing coaching with Thea go here.


    This blog is produced by The Charmed Studio Blog and Podcast™, LLC.


    And when you get scared about writing and want to relax, remember what Anne Lamott says.

    "100 years, all new people."

    You can do this. 


    Occasionally my show notes contain Amazon or other affiliate links. This means if you buy books or stuff via my podcast link I may receive a tiny commission and do a happy dance. There is no extra fee for you. I only link to items I personally use and love: products I feel help heart-centered artists and writers. Thank you. :)