
  • What would living without fear look like for you? 

    If you’re like many people around the world, one of your very top fears is around finances. It’s the thing that dictates what we can and cannot do with our lives, how we spend our time, and it majorly affects our stress levels as well. 

    In this episode, I’m excited to introduce you all to John Holowaty. I’ve had the opportunity to work with him over the last 9 years. Before he got started in network marketing, he was working and struggling as a personal trainer. Throughout this episode, John shares the story of his transition to full-time network marketing, how he’s built his company and the mindset that’s carried him this far. We also bust some myths around network marketing. 

    Take a listen to learn about John’s story and how you can take a step toward financial freedom. 

    Some Questions I Ask: 

    Who is John Holowaty? (2:26)How important is energy and mindset to attract people to you? (6:18)When you first started network marketing, what objections did you get hit with? (10:21)How long did it take you to get your business off the ground? (13:35)What would you say to those that are curious about network marketing but still aren’t sure about it? (31:34)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How John learned to balance his clients’ schedules with his personal schedule. (7:00)How John fell in love with the word “no” through network marketing. (10:57)What pushed John to leave his day job to run his business full-time. (17:33)Some myths and truths about why network marketing works. (24:45)Some of John’s personal and professional goals. (34:32)

    Connect with John Holowaty: 




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  • We’re nearly a quarter of the way through the first year of a brand new decade!

    Right now, we’re at the very beginning of a new month too. March is such a great time to reflect on the previous year and how the current year is shaping up. Usually, by this point, most people have either given up on their resolutions or goals, but this new month is a perfect opportunity to get back on track. 

    Throughout this episode, I share an update on how my year is going so far, how I’m progressing with my goals, and how you can get back on track too. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Why March is a great month for reflection. (4:31)How my new year is going so far. (8:39)How you can reset yourself and your intentions every month. (9:17)Why consistency is the key to achieving your goals. (13:16)How to start setting and achieving your goals for the decade today. (18:39)

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  • Are you connected with your family? 

    As kids grow into adults, it’s all too common for people to start drifting away from one another. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own lives. Especially around the holidays, it’s so important to connect with family or rekindle that connection if necessary.  

    In this episode, my brother’s in the hot seat. We’re going to pass the microphone back and forth, sharing stories about childhood and adulthood together and how important it is to maintain a strong connection with family. 

    Take a listen to learn some of the funniest memories my brother has of me, how we’ve grown apart and together over the years, and how we maintain such a solid friendship today. 

    Connect with Rick: 


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Are you in sync with your husband? 

    Every relationship will go through ebbs and flows; that’s just part of human nature. But staying truly connected for years on end with your significant other takes a lot of work and constantly learning how to better communicate with one another. 

    That’s what this episode is all about: finding ways to better connect in your marriage. 

    In this episode, I talk with Dimple Thakrar, a celebrity love & relationship coach, who understands the ins and outs required to move from struggling with pain in marriage to passion, peace, love, and intimacy for the rest of your lives. 

    Throughout our conversation, Dimple shares about the struggles that she and her husband have faced over their years of marriage, even going from being on the brink of divorce to living a connected and passionate life together again. 

    Tune in to learn how to reconnect with your significant other and take your next step toward a long life of happy marriage together. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How the Tony Robbins relationships event impacted Dimple’s marriage. (12:19)How Dimple and her husband both show up in their marriage now. (29:02) How to connect with your heart and feminine flow. (36:03)How women can keep their man happy. (38:08)What men can do to keep their woman happy. (39:58)

    Connect with Dimple Thakrar: 




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What does your future look like? 

    Unless you have the ability to see into the future, nobody really knows where they’ll be in a week, month, year, or decade. Even though nothing is certain, giving yourself direction is essential to make sure that you keep moving forward and don’t stay stagnant. 

    In this episode, I break down the concept of creating a vision board: why I use it, how to create one, and how mine has changed over time. Connecting to a vision is something that has been really helpful in creating my success and connecting with myself, too. I found that in the past when I don’t have a vision, I don’t know what I’m working for. I don’t know what I should be excited about in life. 

    Initially, I was reluctant to create one—but it’s changed my life. 

    I want you all to have direction and purpose in your life; creating a vision board is essential for that. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Why vision boards are essential to achieving your goals. (2:06)What my 2020 vision board will look like. (11:05)What questions to ask yourself when establishing a vision. (13:34)Why mindset is so important to create a meaningful vision. (21:06) 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How do you feel today? 

    Do you feel slow and foggy, or light, vibrant, and full of energy? 

    It’s no secret that the food we eat affects the way we physically feel. There’s “good” food and “bad” food—or, as Nikki Sharp puts it, “toxic food” and “food.” The secret, however, is that health isn’t nutrition. It’s way more complicated than that. 

    It’s not about the food you eat or the exercise you do. It’s all about the mind and how you feel about what you’re putting in your body. 

    In this episode, I talk with Nikki Sharp. Nikki was an international model who, with the pressures that the modeling world put on her, caused her weight and health to ebb and flow. Once she decided it was time to get healthy, she transformed into this kick-ass boss babe when it comes to nutrition. Today, she’s helping so many people around the world not only clean up their diet but live a better, healthier lifestyle. 

    Nikki’s story will not just blow you away, but inspire you to take the next step in your journey toward a happy, healthy life as well. 

    Some Questions I Ask: 

    What were your modeling days like? (6:38)What about the emotional side of nutrition? (15:58)How do people start getting healthy? (20:57)How do we get ourselves out of depression with food and mindset? (49:02)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    A few quick tips to stop feeling bloated after meals. (4:48)How Nikki overcame her eating disorder. (8:30)Why the social media world is worse than the modeling world. (13:07)The difference between wellness and illness. (32:55)How impactful water is on our bodies. (51:08)

    Connect with Nikki: 





    The 5 Day Real Food Detox by Nikki Sharp

    Meal Prep Your Way to Weight Loss by Nikki Sharp

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever tried to run away from home? 

    It’s not just kids that try to run away – adults do it, too. We run away from ourselves, our problems, and our inner world. Eventually, we block enough out, we shut down, and we lose touch with ourselves. 

    Done the right away, however, “running away” from home can actually provide a platform to reconnect with yourself. In this episode, my beautiful social media friend Danielle shares her experiences of running away to India and finding her true calling as a yoga teacher. Danielle is 24, lives in Zurich, and is a self-employed yoga teacher, health coach, and content creator. 

    Danielle’s story is an emotional one. She shares her stories about the toxic patterns she noticed in her life, how she felt like she didn’t have any connection with herself or anyone around her, and how she finally found her true self once again. She found ways to empower herself, climb out of a pit of depression, and move forward from really painful situations. 

    Danielle’s story is a powerful one, and she articulates every bit of her experience with wisdom beyond her years. 

    Some Questions I Ask: 

    How did you get to where you are today? (2:11)What made you have that realization that you were contributing toward some of the things happening in your life? (6:58)Tell us about your self-discovery process in India? (19:34)What are some healthy habits you’ve incorporated into your life that help you stay on track? (27:10)What’s happened since you returned home from India? (29:03)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Why Danielle decided to spend a few months in India to connect back with herself. (8:40)Why people are afraid of journaling. (16:33)The importance of focusing on your strengths rather than just your weaknesses. (22:29)What makes yoga different from other forms of exercise. (32:27)How to connect back with yourself. (36:40)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When was the last time you really connected with your partner? 

    Relationships are the biggest stressor and also the biggest joy in our lives. They can be really draining, but also incredibly beautiful at the same time. Facing challenges together, working through problems together, and learning how to truly connect with one another play crucial roles in helping your relationship flourish. 

    I recently attended a relationship program by Sage and Tony Robbins. Luke and I spent 12 days in Maui, immersing ourselves in each other, taking our relationship to a level we’ve never connected on before. So, that’s what I’m sharing with you all on this episode. I’m just going to give you the takeaways in hopes that you can apply some of the tools that have helped us into your own relationships and marriage as well. 

    I want nothing more for you guys than for you to experience true connection with your partner, and reconnecting with yourself along the way. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How tools from The Ultimate Relationship Program show up in my marriage. (3:00)The biggest thing that I took away from the event: stay away from the blame game. (7:10)The roles of the temptress, mother, and queen. (12:29)Why “resetting” is so powerful when in an argument with your spouse. (23:47)Why it’s important to put your partner’s needs above your own. (26:55)Some personality types to help you get to know yourself and your partner on a new level. (35:09)How to attract your man! (40:13)The life cycle of men. (49:36)


    S Factor

    Fire Child, Water Child by Stephen Cowan

    Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What challenges are you going through right now? 

    I believe that with the right mindset and tools to grow, challenges can become great opportunities. Facing challenges is a great way to connect back with ourselves, and then with one another as well. These challenging moments are the opportunities for you to make a choice: will you change or stay the same? I’m choosing growth, and that’s why I’m sharing this journey with you. 

    I’m so glad that you keep joining me on this journey. In this episode, I get a little extra vulnerable. I don’t just share my insights into life as I tell you my own story, but in this one, I tell you some of the hardest stories I’ve ever had to tell. All this is to give you a better idea and perspective of who Katie is, and who you are, too. 

    Take a listen to learn how I’ve transformed my challenges into opportunities, and how you can learn to do the same. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Why facing challenges improves life experiences. (3:03)How I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. (5:54)What happened when I fell. (27:04)How John Amaral’s bodywork helped me realize who I was again. (38:40)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Are you ready to take action?

    The reason why so many people don’t follow through on their dreams is because they don’t feel ready, they fear the unknown and they doubt themselves, so they’re always getting ready. At some point in our life we’ve all had these feelings - whether it was a new job we wanted to get, a new town we wanted to move in, a new project we wanted to start – and we’ve all felt the disappointment of missing a chance, but sometimes the things that make us get out of our comfort zone, can be our biggest gifts on so many levels, if we’re willing to confront the uncomfortable and embrace the discomfort.

    In this episode, my guest is Michelle Sorro, the founder of Live Video Academy, TV Retail Host, Speaker and Host of The Fire and Soul podcast. She also started the Facebook Live Challenge that helped so many people to take action and confront their fears.

    Michele and I discuss how social media influences our self-worth, how you can attract into your life the tribe that you need, how being vulnerable allows you to connect with the people around you, and how it’s okay to breakdown, in order to breakthrough, no matter the situation you’re in.

    Take a listen to learn how to get rid of the toxic patterns and habits that are holding you down and dim your light.

    Some Questions I ask:

    Let's talk about how we first connected. What happened when we had that beautiful moment? (01:26)Tell us more about you, Michelle. Why are you in the world right now? What are you doing? (04:26)How do you attract your tribe? (14:00)What are the things that you do to help yourself take that step and take that action? (20:35)How did you really learn to become connected with yourself? (26:23)

    In this episode, you will learn:

    About Michelle’s podcast – what was her intention with this podcast, originally, and why she failed the first time. (11:41)How Michelle got rid of her smoking habit when she realized it was toxic to her relationship with other people. (28:30)About the Fire and Soul Accelerator. (38:53)How and why Michelle started doing lives on Facebook. (43:25)The reasons why live video is going to disrupt everything in marketing. (46:57)

    Connect with Michelle:

    WebsiteFacebookInstagramLinkedInFacebook Live Challenge Group

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It’s the start of a new month! 

    I love starting a new month because it’s an opportunity to reset and refocus on where you want to go in life, and how you want to get there. 

    Sometimes, when we focus too much on what we want to achieve, some things get lost – including some things that you used to love to do. When the world gets its hands on you and you fall into a pattern, it’s all too easy to stop doing the beautiful things you once loved doing. 

    My whole intention with this episode is to help you connect back to the things that you love in life. My hope for you is really to learn how to connect back to all the things that you love. Figure out what you love, explore it, and don’t worry about what others might think. 

    Just go after it! 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How to use the first day of a new month to get back on track. (4:12)Why it’s important to identify things that fill up your love tank as an individual, couple, and family. (14:50)How to let go of your ego and pursue the things you love in life. (27:25)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Who were you before the world got its hands on you? 

    I’ve asked this question a few times throughout this podcast so far, but I really want you to consider it. Who is your most authentic self? 

    Specifically, consider this in your relationship with your significant other. Who were you at the beginning of the relationship, and who are you now? The further we get into relationships, the easier it is to let things slip. You might not put as much effort into what you’re wearing each day, or you might have to ask your partner a few extra times to take out the trash. 

    In this episode, I share with you all the story of how Luke and I started dating, entered into a serious relationship, and eventually got engaged. I also share my experiences around how unmanaged stress negatively impacted my body, how I worked on myself to become the best version so far, and so much more. 

    Take a listen to learn more about my backstory and how to return to your true self. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Why it’s important to get clear on what you want from a partner. (3:02)How my body responded to high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time. (24:06)Why it’s important to identify the traits that are sabotaging areas of your life, and how to work on yourself with this knowledge. (33:52)How Luke proposed. (42:49) 

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  • How do you feel right now? 

    What can you do to boost that feeling to put you in a more positive state? 

    Identifying your emotions and really getting to understand how they work within your body, mind, and heart is tough work. After identifying and understanding those emotions, the next step is mastering them. That’s something that I’ve been integrating into my life and working on developing within myself, but I’m still pretty new on this journey. 

    So, in this episode, I invited my husband Luke to share his experience and wealth of knowledge on this state. He quite a bit about his story and how he became the man he is today, and the three most powerful strategies you can implement in your life to master your emotions: change your physiology, shift your language, and focus. 

    Take a listen to learn how to change your state, monitor your mood, and ultimately master your emotions. 

    Some Questions I Ask:

    How did you get to where you are today? (3:23)What is emotional mastery? (24:06)What tools can people use to monitor and transform their state? (1:01:08)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    The two most powerful things that Luke Wren learned from Tony Robbins. (24:11)Why it’s so important to take time for yourself each day. (34:42)How having faith will change your life. (43:56)What it really means to “try.” (55:55)

    Connect with Luke: 






    Unleash the Power Within

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  • What in your life is serving you right now? 

    It’s easy to go through life, day in and day out, reacting to everything around you and being blissfully unaware of all the different aspects that make up who you are. This, however, puts you at risk for disconnection. 

    Sometimes it takes us being consciously aware of how we’re showing up to figure out who we really are. 

    In this episode, I share with you all aspects of who I am, including my 5 different personalities. I invite you to get to know all the different personalities that make up who you are. We all have different personalities, and they all have their uses, but not everyone is consciously aware of how to bench the personalities that don’t serve us when we need to. 

    Take a listen to learn to connect with your full self, get rid of those old negative thoughts, and take control of your life again. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    The exercise to identify various personalities that make up who you are. (3:24)What identity has not served me the most. (5:47)What personality helps me connect with my inner-child and with my own child. (14:20)When I call upon “Katie,” my truest identity. (18:01)Why it’s important to truly know who we are. (26:19)Where to go from here. (33:22)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is the life you’re living in alignment with who you want to be? 

    When you “lose” your identity, your life gets all jumbled up. Suddenly, you’ll find that the way you’re living isn’t in alignment with your core values you’re not acting the way you want to, and you’re potentially embodying the characteristics that are the opposite of who you want to be. 

    That’s what it was like for me. In this episode, I’m diving deep and telling you about how I finally found myself again and put my life back into alignment. Along the way, ask yourself, “Who am I?” When you assign positive characteristics to yourself that are in alignment with your core values, you will start the journey of connecting back to your identity. 

    Take a listen to learn how to lead with love, bring fun back into life, be sexy, and live as a warrior. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How social media encourages disconnection and a lack of self-awareness. (3:40)How Katie’s disconnected-self manifested in her life. (7:47)What happened when Katie created a new identity for herself. (13:14)How Katie transformed her life by deciding to lead with love. (15:48)Why it’s important to call yourself sexy. (23:27)How to figure out what you want for your own life. (29:52)


    The Power by Naomi Alderman

    “Ambition, Motivation and Imposter Syndrome” 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever lost your identity? 

    I have, and the journey to finding myself again was a complete rollercoaster, but I wouldn’t change a moment of it. 

    It’s true that all of the little decisions we make throughout our life add up to who we are today. The decisions we make today will lead us to who we will be tomorrow. 

    In this episode, I continue taking you on my personal backstory, connecting back to the Katie 1.0, and sharing how I eventually became the Katie 2.0 that I am today. Even though I’m still constantly evolving, growing, and changing, the difference between who I was and who I am is astounding. Now, I understand how I’ve let other people, environments, and circumstances shape me into someone I wasn’t. Now, I know who I truly am: love, energy, fun, and with a feminine core.

    Take a listen to join me on this journey so far. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How Katie set her intentions and reaffirms her identity in overwhelming situations. (4:11)Why it’s important to have a mentor and support system in your life. (13:41)How Katie moves forward after experiencing a tragic loss. (14:50)How Katie managed her romantic relationships as she grew her business. (26:03)How Katie lost herself in work and eventually found her identity again. (29:51)How Katie worked on herself to get through her personal hardships. (36:21)How Katie and Luke began their relationship. (39:55)


    The Power by Naomi Alderman

    The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you stepped into your power? 

    With the state of the world today, it’s all too easy to mistake your feminine core as a weakness. Once you find space to stop suppressing your femininity, it becomes your strength and power. There’s nothing wrong with switching back and forth from masculine and feminine energy—and sometimes you need to harness both—but being aware of it is essential to step into your true power and enter into your flow. 

    In this episode, I’m speaking with Jasmin Manke, an international speaker, certified professional coach, and energy leadership master practitioner. She is the founder of The Confident Boss Academy and an expert in helping women make money doing what they love. 

    Jasmin and I discuss what it looks like to move from operating in a constant hustle to moving into a state of flow, ultimately finding connection within yourself. If you stay in that masculine “hustle” space, you might begin to lose yourself and suppress what makes you truly powerful. 

    Take a listen to learn how to move into your flow, step into your power, and ultimately find success. 

    Some Questions I Ask: 

    What has made you who you are today? (2:46)How has personal development shaped your life and decisions? (6:13)What did it take to build your business? (13:11)What does it look like to shift into the wrong energy? (25:40)Tell us more about The Confident Boss Academy. (44:37)

    In this Episode, You Will Learn:

    What the purpose and inspiration behind The Confident Boss Academy. (3:08)How Jasmin conquered her limiting beliefs. (6:57)How to get started with personal development. (11:05)How suppressing parts of yourself impedes your flow. (19:18)How Jasmin connects with herself every single morning. (34:52)

    Connect with Jasmin Manke: 





    The Confident Boss Academy 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Are you running your life or is your life running you? 

    With so many different areas of life always demanding more and more out of you, I’ve found that implementing rituals and routines are truly beneficial to ensuring that what needs to get done, is done. I know that when I don’t follow a set routine or schedule, I struggle to get stuff done. I struggle throughout the whole day, and everything tends to get a little messy. 

    We all need some sort of routine to keep us sane. 

    That’s why this episode is dedicated to rituals and routines. They really do help keep us on track in our daily lives, but they’re also essential to connecting back with ourselves, too. Throughout the episode, I’m going to share a bit of a backstory on why I’ve made rituals and routines such an important part of my day, and why I think it’s important for you, too. 

    Take a listen to find new strategies to be more intentional about the life you’re living, making every day count. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    How routines impact the start and end of my days. (1:34)How utilizing and sharing calendars can help make ends meet. (7:39)Why it’s important to schedule recharge time. (10:37)How rituals and routines help you adapt throughout the day. (15:26)What my rituals and routines are. (20:07)How I stay emotionally connected to myself. (24:50)About the bookends of my day. (31:09)


    Oura Ring

    Luke Wren Results

    The Little Ones

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Something as simple as holding a door for somebody speaks volumes about your own character.

    It lets that person know that you value them as a human being.

    And with so many things that are happening now in the world where we get lost and we get disconnected,

    With so much going on with social media, with all these different things that we have limitless information at our fingertips,

     We get run down, we get beat up with all of that negativity.

    So just a very small act of holding a door and acknowledging somebody, "I got this! Let me help you today!" it speaks volumes to people!

    On today’s episode, I am connecting with Jennifer Smith, a successful career mom that has gone through a lot of challenges to be where she is now.

    Jennifer Smith is the owner of LéLu Coffee Lounge. She grew up in a house where everything was home-cooked, so she got a passion for cooking from a very young age. She went to study nutrition at Florida State University. Her love and passion for good food, great ingredients, and great coffee led Jennifer to open a business where you could have all these under one roof.

    Jennifer says that she did not get where she is today by thinking and hoping that something is going to happen the next day.

    So, listen to Episode 3 of The Connection Club, to learn that putting in all the effort that is needed, both in your personal and your professional life, can lead to a fulfilling journey.

    Questions I ask:

    How important are the foundations of simply holding the door open or connecting with the family around the dinner table or going to Sunday Church? (03:34)What got you started in the industry? (08:00)What does it take to run a business and have a family, both successful? (15:05)What has been the biggest struggle when it comes to running your business? (19:44)What advice would you give to somebody who is struggling right now with their own life challenge or divorce or curve ball in life? (36:42)

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Jen’s backstory. (02:00)The importance of adding value to the workplace and to your customers/business. (23:50)How to create a powerful connection with your kids. (28:40)The funniest moment in Jen’s life. (46:28)„Date with Destiny” – what is it and how it can help anyone connect with themselves. (47:10)

    Connect with Jennifer:

    WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebook Page

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As human beings, we get a lot of our traits, good or bad, from our parents.

    Think about your childhood with your parents, and think of moments you can really appreciate.

    Even if you have a split second right now, pick up your phone and send them a text and tell them that you're thinking of them and that you love and appreciate them.

    Little messages like that go a long way,

    So whenever you're in appreciation mode for somebody, just drop them a message, even if you have to do it on social media. It's a beautiful way of connecting with people and just showing gratitude and appreciation towards them.

    Today, we're going to be diving in to connect the dots back a little bit in my life, because everything that happened made me everything I am today.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    All about Katie’s childhood and teenage life. (02:30)The reason why her CV is vast with short-term jobs. (13:05)One of the things her dad taught her. (18:05)Why she quit her job and started working with her father. (28:20)What Katie learned from working at a company she hated. (32:05)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.