It’s really simple. When Trump uses his bully pulpit, he moves the people. We are seeing that quite vividly with the fight over Ukraine funding. However, if he doesn’t extend this to his fight with Congress and the courts, much of the good work will be washed away. To that end, I explain how Trump can totally win a government shutdown over the budget. He can use his Tuesday-night speech to lay out his vision on the economy and how the welfare state is causing inflation. He must also put the courts in their place. At the end, I delve into my concerns with the cryptocurrency scams. Finally, is RFK Jr. going soft now that he is actually in political combat?
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In this free-for-all Friday show, we cover an enormous amount of ground on the news of the day, centered around the point that we need to end photo-op conservatism. I go through immigration, spending, economy, mRNA, and a bunch of other issues to show how the grifter corps of the online Right is ensuring that we get nothing but photo ops. I also address the degeneracy with the embrace of the Tate brothers and how it’s emblematic of those who don’t believe their own talking points. Finally, what is the lesson we can learn from the gun rights movement?
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We seem to have universal support in the GOP for ending welfare and criminality among immigrants, but we’re forgetting the great replacement of Americans is still a problem culturally and in the labor market. I’m joined today by Jason Richwine, resident scholar at the Center for Immigration Studies, for a discussion on how the STEM worker shortage is a hoax. He uses the price of eggs to show how scarcity creates a sharp rise in prices, so why don’t we see a sharp rise in wages for STEM workers if there really is a shortage? We also discuss the scope of anchor babies boxing out American citizenship and how mass balkanized migration has even contributed to less American fertility by weakening community cohesion. Finally, we discuss the folly of those who think that mass migration will suddenly work for us if it’s orchestrated by Trump and Republicans.
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Today, I provide the most in-depth math behind taxes and spending in budget reconciliation and the message Republicans are lacking. Under the current trajectory, Republicans will incur the worst mix of policy and political outcomes. They are mistakenly blowing their capital on inefficient tax cuts that can easily be demagogued in exchange for fake spending cuts that will be enough to elicit political blowback but not enough to reduce inflation. I juxtapose their bill to my proposal, which would make health care reform, welfare reform, foreign labor cuts, and small business tax cuts the core of the agenda. I explain how I would deal with the expiring tax cuts differently and how our plan is much more populist in message but at the same time more conservative in outcome.
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We begin today with some concerning political news about gubernatorial endorsements of candidates with no proven record. I explain the difference between candidates who talk a good game and those who actually survived the trial by fire that determines outcomes. Next, we’re joined by famed cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough for a spellbinding presentation on bird flu. He explains the absurdity of mass-killing chickens and how our government officials and the public are not even aware of this being the source of record prices for eggs. He also provides chapter and verse on how this virus was likely made more transmissible by a USDA facility in Georgia and how the vaccines being prepared will make things worse. Finally, we touch on the problems with the flu vaccines and RSV vaccines and how excess deaths from the COVID shots are reverberating to this day.
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Trump has shown over the weekend that he is clearly frustrated by the pace of both deportations and spending cuts. We focus mainly on the spending issue today, showing how Republicans have done a poor job communicating to the public how these very programs that people are dependent upon are driving inflation, creating asset bubbles, and devaluing the purchasing power of the dollar in a way that only benefits the wealthy. Specifically, I show how Trump can champion deficit reduction in a populist way, particularly for young voters who are screwed the most by deficit spending and the housing crisis it has induced. Next, we delve into problematic Trump endorsements and the need to replace primaries with conventions. Also, judicial supremacism will continue to blunt a lot of perceived gains from this administration.
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We begin by discussing how Congress is proving that lawmakers have no interest in cutting spending. The problem is that Trump doesn’t realize the mutual exclusivity of his desire to
cut inflation with his concurrent desire to cut nothing but “waste, fraud, and abuse.” I explain how this is similar to the Obamacare fight of 2017. This is why transactional gold is the only
solution. We’re joined by BlazeTV host Kevin Freeman, author of "Pirate Money" and one of the leaders of the movement, for an amazing update on the transactional gold bills moving through the states. He believes some states beginning with Utah, Oklahoma, and Florida will adopt the plan this year. Kevin explains how marrying the gold rush with transactional and liquid currency is the perfect balance between the status quo of a bankrupt, inflationary dollar mixed with people buying nonfunctional bars of gold to be stored rather than spent. This is the single most important movement of our time.
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Conservative media are lying to you. They are conflating opportunities with outcomes and momentum with actualized gains. They are giving the impression that draining the swamp, cutting spending, and ending illegal immigration are easy. Yet the only way to secure enduring victories is fighting through adversity. I explain what some of those choke points are and how, absent the desire or ability to power through them, most of these gains will be reversed. Also, we must make sure we don’t treat Mexico like Afghanistan and work toward quixotic goals of propping up the Mexican government against the cartels. Instead, we must create a buffer zone and use conventional military force, not special forces or CIA.
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There is so much potential to downsize government, but if we allow our colleagues in conservative media to lie to the public, we will not stick the landing. Too many people are being told that DOGE magically discovered trillions in savings without cutting a single program. That is simply not true, and this is reflected in the congressional budget, where lawmakers are struggling to find even a fraction of those savings. There is a role for the DOGE, but we need to be honest about what it is going to take to actually bring down inflation. We go program by program and strategy by strategy to cut through the optical illusions and false choices.
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What happened to banning mRNA? Why are the COVID vaccines still on the market and their makers now getting contracts for other vaccines, including for the bird flu? We’re joined today by Dr. Kat Lindley, who is not letting go of this issue. She is warning that because we failed to kill the pandemic playbook, it is being run again almost word for word with bird flu. Those running the playbook created a more virulent strain with gain-of-function research, killed off herd immunity among the chickens, are engaging in mass testing, and now are on the cusp of pushing dangerous vaccines that will only exacerbate the pathogen – all elements of the COVID playbook. We discuss the need for RFK Jr. to order a change, not just at HHS but at the USDA, to stop mass testing and mass vaccination and push for a strategy of herd immunity instead of slaughtering the chickens. She also calls upon RFK, along with the states, to immediately ban mRNA vaccines.
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We’ve never had such an open lane to implement all of our policies federally and in the red states. Even the media is conceding that Trump is running circles around the Democrats and has a bigger megaphone than they do. Yet we still are not sticking the landing on outcomes because of the "holy trinity of strategies" I outline on today’s show. They are pressuring Congress to enact his orders, standing up to the courts, and elevating the right people in the red states. I discuss how RINOs in Congress are fighting every last spending cut. The reason we are not sticking the landing is because conservatives lack personnel who believe in our values for real and have the brains to implement them. I read an incisive article from New Hampshire explaining how the dearth of elite human capital on the Right ensures that even when we pass good laws, we fail to stick the landing.
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Between the good bills we have introduced in red states and Trump’s executive orders, the sky is the limit as to what we can accomplish. But if we sit back as pundits and don’t push activism, none of this will come to fruition. We tackle the courts, budget reconciliation, the lack of a vision from congressional Republicans, and the need for Trump to offer affirmative direction. I prove once again that the best policies from Trump so far will be terminated if we don’t embed them in the budget bill. Next, we go through the latest news on immigration enforcement and how Republicans are trying to undermine the policies that will actually work. Finally, I offer a lightning round of the bills I’m working on in red states. We are gaining traction but will come up short if we don’t apply pressure to the RINOs.
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Today, I offer everything you need to know about the House budget reconciliation proposal. It will blow a massive hole in the deficit, exacerbate inflation, provide Democrats with a good campaign message, and leave us with no accomplishments. Instead, I lay out a vision of what Trump should do with welfare reform, ending foreign worker programs, cutting all global warming regulations, repealing Obamacare, and using the tax code to reform health care. Trump is uniquely suited to use the bully pulpit and message transformational change. If we fail to take this approach, we are doomed to a life of crushing, unaffordable prices.
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So many of us have been inspired by Trump’s executive orders, but unfortunately most of them will not last, because Republicans have not changed who they are. I explain why Trump needs to push back against judicial supremacism and demand a better budget reconciliation bill in Congress in order for him to stick the landing on his agenda. Sadly, Republicans have not changed even in deep-red states. We’re joined today by Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma state superintendent of public instruction, who is trying to challenge the idea of flooding our schools with illegal aliens. He discusses how Republicans are fighting him stridently because they support illegal aliens. We also discuss the problems of blue-city education budgets, foreigners dominating our universities, and the need to keep anything not oriented toward improving skills out of our schools.
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Unless we terminate the erroneous notion of judicial supremacism, we will be left with tyranny, and Trump and red states will be powerless to change anything. In today’s extra-long episode, I offer the definitive history, legal case, and philosophical argument against judicial supremacism and in favor of constitutional decompartmentalization. I explain the system our founders adopted and rejected, the true lesson of Marbury v. Madison, and the difference between judicial review and judicial supremacism. There is no such thing as a judicial veto on a law and policy, and the other branches have an even greater obligation and power to push back against bad rulings that affect broad political questions. I explain how Trump can "walk before running" and slowly inch away from judicial supremacism in cases where judges try to mandate affirmative executive actions on issues that are clearly out of their jurisdiction.
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There is a ton of focus on Trump’s White House, which is why we are getting a lot of good policies. However, there is less focus on Trump’s interaction with Congress and primary endorsements. Hence, we get a lot less. Today, I raise some concerns about progress on immigration enforcement and spending cuts. While Trump has signaled a good direction on a lot of policies, many of them are not resulting in full outcomes — either because of the courts or a lack of follow-through. I explain what needs to be done on immigration to get the deportation numbers up and what Trump must do on budget reconciliation. Also, inflation is getting worse, and now we have fewer buyers of U.S. treasuries.
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It’s worse than you think. Republicans won a huge mandate in Texas, yet a group of RINOs worked with Democrats to hand control of the legislature to Democrats. We’re joined by Rep. Brian Harrison (R), one of the few conservatives willing to fight corrupt leaders, for an in-depth discussion on how decent conservatives get co-opted by the very leadership empowering Democrats. In a wide-ranging discussion, we take you inside these legislative chambers to understand the tactics and psychology devious GOP leaders use to literally empower Democrats, block conservative priorities, and at the same time maintain an image as conservatives. Unless we find a way to distinguish our jerseys, we will continue to flush red states down the toilet.
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We begin by discussing the need for Trump to get better on endorsements and also set a direction for Congress to include his executive orders in budget reconciliation. This is the only way to secure enduring victories. Nowhere is this more evident than with immigration. Today, I explain why we have one chance to finally end illegal immigration and why, if we don’t fully utilize street-level enforcement, deterrent, and de-magnetization, the uniparty will claim we are not capable of solving the issue ever again. There are some concerns about the commitment to this objective, both among some in the administration and in red states. I’m also concerned about the mission at the border and whether we will treat it like a military operation. Finally, I offer some thoughts on Trump clarifying his plan for Gaza.
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Everyone is trying to make sense of Trump’s latest statements on taking over Gaza. Today, I build a thesis about Trump that is instructive in directing our focus for the next four years. Trump is great at thinking outside the box on big-picture goals. However, because he is not ideological, he is often prone to accepting deals, regardless of the exact details, just to show that his trolling worked. In fact, this often overextends him and forces him to feel pressured into taking deals rather than walking away from them. If we create guardrails and an ideological rudder, the sky is the limit. I also discuss the need to place the elimination of USAID and the Department of Education into budget reconciliation. Plus, how the sovereign wealth fund ties into mRNA and data centers and why that is a great example of Trump’s out-of-the box thinking that needs ideological guardrails.
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The swamp is not just in D.C.; it’s in all 50 state Capitols. In fact, it’s even worse in red states, because there is no scrutiny from the public. We begin today by going through some examples of excellent legislation we could pass but that is being blocked by Republicans. I’m joined by Andy Roth of the State Freedom Caucus Network, who gives us his thoughts on the legislative sessions so far. Republican leaders are worse than ever in places like Florida, South Carolina, and Texas. Andy explains how the creation of the Freedom Caucus is the only solution to the problem of getting individual members with the courage and acumen to fight against leadership. However, at the same time, he can’t rush into a state to create a caucus unless it won’t be watered down and subverted from within. Roth also teases out which states will be easier and which states will be harder to create a caucus in. Ultimately, we will not drain the red-state swamps without working in primaries and growing Freedom Caucuses.
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