Welcome to the second episode in a series called “The Failures of Old Earth Creationism.” Many Christians attempt to fit old earth ideology into their beliefs, adopting uniformitarian or evolutionary pieces into their worldview. While this is often done in an effort to appeal to science, it can cause major logical, scientific, and theological issues.
The conversation surrounding human origins has always been an intriguing one. One of the most debated subjects is the nature of the beings labeled ‘hominids,’ particularly Neanderthals. Biblical Creationists firmly place Neanderthals in the ‘human’ category—descendants of Adam and Eve, thus bearing God’s image. Most evolutionary biologists today also agree with Neanderthals being mostly human, leaving their genetic mark on our DNA through interbreeding.
Some old earth creationists suggest something quite different. They claim that Neanderthals were nothing more than animals—truly bipedal animals that are able to make and use tools, paint, and bury their dead—but animals nonetheless.
Is there any truth to this idea? Were they just animals? Or were they fully human, bearing the image of God? In today’s episode, we’ll dig into “The Mystery of the Soulless Hominids,” ex... More... -
Welcome to the first episode in a series called “The Failures of Old Earth Creationism.” Many Christians attempt to fit old earth ideology into their beliefs, adopting uniformitarian or evolutionary pieces into their worldview. While this is often done in an effort to appeal to science, it often leads to major issues logically, scientifically, and theologically.
Today we’ll look at what is considered by many to be a strong argument for an old Earth: ice cores. Ice cores, cylindrical cores drilled from the thick ice sheets, are often presented as indisputable evidence of hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of years of Earth’s history, but how reliable are these claims? What assumptions lie beneath the surface of these interpretations? In this episode, we’ll discuss: what ice cores are and why they’re significant, the assumptions and flaws in Old Earth interpretations, and how ice cores ultimately align with a young Earth model.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Jake Hebert as they discuss this topic on episode 93 of The Creation Podcast.
The debate mentioned in this podcast
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America is home to stunning forests, mountains, monuments, and other wondrous features. The unique beauty of many of these locations has prompted both state and federal governments to designate them as national or state parks. Thousands upon thousands of visitors visit these sites daily to experience their awe-inspiring grandeur. But where did they come from? Many scientists claim that most of them formed slowly through uniformitarian processes, but is that true? Join us as we journey through Parks Across America.
In the first few episodes of this series, we explored America’s oldest national park – Yellowstone, as well as several other national parks and monuments. Today we’ll be visiting two other stunning locations that showcase catastrophic geology.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Timothy Clarey as they discuss this topic on episode 92 of The Creation Podcast.
Carved in Stone
Carved in Stone (DVD)
Creation on Location -
America is home to stunning forests, mountains, monuments, and other wondrous features. The unique beauty of many of these locations has prompted both state and federal governments to designate them as national or state parks. Thousands upon thousands of visitors visit these sites daily to experience their awe-inspiring grandeur. But where did they come from? Many scientists claim that most of them formed slowly through uniformitarian processes, but is that true? Join us as we journey through Parks Across America.
In the first couple of episodes of this series, we explored America’s oldest national park—Yellowstone—as well as several prominent national monuments. Today, we’ll be visiting two other national parks, both of which show signs of catastrophic flood activity.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Timothy Clarey as they discuss this topic on episode 91 of The Creation Podcast.
Carved in Stone
Carved in Stone (DVD)
Creation on Location
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America is home to stunning forests, mountains, monuments, and other wondrous features. The unique beauty of many of these locations has prompted both state and federal governments to designate them as national or state parks. Thousands upon thousands of visitors visit these sites daily to experience their awe-inspiring grandeur. But where did they come from? Many scientists claim that most of them formed slowly through uniformitarian processes, but is that true? Join us as we journey through the Parks Across America.
In this second episode of the series, we’re going to take a look at several national monuments throughout the United States.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Timothy Clarey as they discuss this topic on episode 90 of The Creation Podcast.
Carved in Stone
Carved in Stone (DVD)
Creation on Location
Parks Across America
America is home to stunning forests, mountains, monuments, and other wondrous features. The unique beauty of many of these locations have prompted both state and federal governments to designate many of these as national or state parks. Thousands upon thousands of visitors visit these sites daily to experience their awe-inspiring grandeur. But where did they come from? Many scientists claim that most of them formed slowly through uniformitarian processes, but is that true? Join us as we journey through the Parks Across America.
In this first episode of the series, we’re going to take a look at some of the features of America’s oldest national park—Yellowstone.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Timothy Clarey as they discuss this topic on episode 89 of The Creation Podcast.
Parks Across America
Parks Across America Map
Parks Across America Pack
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Science is objective. At least, that’s what we’re told. But there are inherent issues with this statement that can cause very real confusion. How can two rational, intelligent people look at the same piece of evidence and offer different explanations for their observations—and not just different, but mutually exclusive. What causes this divide, and what can we do about it?
In the previous episodes, we looked at the purpose and power of theory; how evolutionary selectionism, the current reigning theory, is purposefully crafted to be anti-design; and how to reverse Darwin’s thought processes to develop a theory of biological design that actually works. In this episode we’ll look at how the benefits of a theory of biological design as well as a general overview of what it means to look at organisms with such a perspective.
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this topic on episode 88 of The Creation Podcast.
Dr. Guliuzza's articles on this topic:
Why Biology Needs a Theory of Biological Design
Part 1
Science is objective. At least, that’s what we’re told. But there are inherent issues with this statement that can cause very real confusion. How can two rational, intelligent people look at the same piece of evidence and offer different explanations for their observations—and not just different, but mutually exclusive. What causes this divide, and what can we do about it?
In the previous episodes, we looked at the purpose and power of theory, and how evolutionary selectionism, the current reigning theory, is purposefully crafted to be anti-design. In this episode, we’ll look at how to reverse Darwin’s thought processes to develop a theory of biological design that actually works.
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this topic on episode 87 of The Creation Podcast.
Science is objective. At least, that’s what we’re told. But there are inherent issues with this statement that can cause very real confusion. How can two rational, intelligent people look at the same piece of evidence and offer different explanations for their observations—and not just different, but mutually exclusive. What causes this divide, and what can we do about it?
In the previous episode, we looked at the purpose and power of theory. Now we’ll look at how evolutionary selectionism, the current reigning theory, is purposefully crafted to be anti-design, and therefore remove any sort of Designer from the equation.
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this topic on episode 86 of The Creation Podcast.
Science is objective. At least, that’s what we’re told. But there are inherent issues with this statement that can cause very real confusion. How can two rational, intelligent people look at the same piece of evidence and offer different explanations for their observations—and not just different, but mutually exclusive. What causes this divide, and what can we do about it?
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this topic on episode 85 of The Creation Podcast.
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Racism and its foul fruits have plagued humanity for thousands of years and in the past couple of centuries it seems to have only reared its ugly head all the more. There are some that claim that the Bible promotes permanent racial divisions and is therefore either the cause or a major driving force behind modern racial hatreds. But is this true? In the previous episode we looked at some of the claims about Scripture that are untrue, as well as the beginning of ‘scientific racism’ in the West. Now, let’s dig into the topic a bit further.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Jeff Tomkins as they discuss this topic on episode 84 of The Creation Podcast.
Racism and its foul fruits have plagued humanity for thousands of years and in the past couple of centuries it seems to have only reared its ugly head all the more. There are some that claim that the Bible promotes permanent racial divisions and is therefore either the cause or a major driving force behind modern racial hatreds. But is this true? In this two-part series, we’ll look at the claims made about Scripture and the worldview that is truly responsible for modern racism.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Jeff Tomkins as they discuss this topic on episode 83 of The Creation Podcast.
The world tells us that the book of Genesis is, if not entirely, at least partially a myth. We are told that history, archaeology, and science contradict supernatural creation and that there were no Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden, so their sin didn’t bring death into the world.
But does the evidence support the truth of the Bible’s opening book? Could it be that Genesis is vitally important to how we understand our world, our lives, and the God who made us? Does it provide the foundation we need for all aspects of faith, science, and culture?
Dr. Thomas, author of Living in Light of Genesis, learned to accept the Bible’s history as literally truth not in spite of historical scientific knowledge, but in light of that knowledge.
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Brian Thomas as they discuss this topic on episode 82 of The Creation Podcast.
Purchase Living in Light of Genesis here.
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Scripture describes humans living for a very long time, nearly a millennium before the Flood. Many scoff at this, stating this is reason to disregard the Bible. Even some evangelicals claim these ages just can’t be taken literally. But, is that really true?
In the last episode, we looked at historical and scientific evidence to corroborate the Bible’s claim that the Genesis patriarchs lived to extremely old ages. In fact, this longevity was probably experienced by at least some animals, as well. In this podcast, we ask the question, Might it eventually be possible for biblical creationists to actually explain this extreme longevity?
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Jake Hebert as they discuss this topic on episode 81 of The Creation Podcast.
Do Tiny Mammal Fossils Corroborate Pre-Flood Longevity?
Oysters and Pre-Flood Longevity
Scripture describes humans living for a very long time, nearly a millennium before the Flood. Many scoff at this, stating that this is reason to disregard the Bible. Even some evangelicals claim these ages just can’t be taken literally. But, is that really true? Are such long lifespans scientifically possible? And is there historical or scientific evidence to corroborate the Bible’s claims that ancient humans experienced extreme longevity?
Join host Renée Dusseau and Dr. Jake Hebert as they discuss this topic on episode 80 of The Creation Podcast.
Living things, whether animal or plant, exhibit a variety of traits that can change from generation to generation. These trait variations can help them adapt to thrive in certain situations. Some of these adaptations happen quite quickly as creatures pioneer new niches, developing traits that allow them to fit their environmental conditions. But how does this happen?
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Brian Thomas as they discuss this topic on episode 79 of The Creation Podcast.
From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. This was, at the time, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. Alongside the Jews, others who had been deemed ‘inferior’ suffered during the Nazi’s reign. This included the Roma, the Polish, people of Slavic descent, black people, the mentally ill, and the disabled. But why? To what end? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at the roots of the Holocaust from a scientific perspective as well as uncover the Darwinian undercurrent that allowed it all to take place.
In our previous episodes, we discussed the philosophers and thought leaders that set the stage for the atrocities of the holocaust and the specifics of scientific racism, eugenics, and attempted genocide as practiced by Nazi Germany. Today, we’ll wrap things up by looking at how this natural consequence of Darwinian evolution stands in stark contrast to what Scripture says about who we are and our purpose on this planet.
Join Trey and ICR President, Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this vital topic on Episode 78 of The Creation Podcast.
From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. This was, at the time, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. Alongside the Jews, others who had been deemed ‘inferior’ suffered during the Nazi’s reign. This included the Roma, the Polish, people of Slavic descent, black people, the mentally ill, and the disabled. But why? To what end? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at the roots of the Holocaust from a scientific perspective as well as uncover the Darwinian undercurrent that allowed it all to take place.
In our last episode, we discussed the philosophers and thought leaders that set the stage for the atrocities of the holocaust. Today, we’ll be diving into the specifics of scientific racism, eugenics, and attempted genocide as practiced by Nazi Germany.
Join Trey and ICR President, Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this vital topic on Episode 77 of The Creation Podcast.
From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. This was, at the time, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. Alongside the Jews, others who had been deemed ‘inferior’ suffered during the Nazi’s reign. This included the Roma, the Polish, people of Slavic descent, black people, the mentally ill, and the disabled. But why? To what end? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at the roots of the Holocaust from a scientific perspective as well as uncover the Darwinian undercurrent that allowed it all to take place.
Join Trey and ICR President, Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this vital topic on Episode 76 of The Creation Podcast.
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