
  • The Season 4 Finale is here! Welcome to Episode 9 of Season 4 of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. 

    Seasons change as do situations. Life is a mixed bag of peaks and valleys. The thing about life is that it isn’t fair and doesn’t care about what you’re going through or whatever relationship issues you may be having when it decides that it isn’t going to be fair. In this episode, life moves in the direction of the real where being grown will truly be tested.

    This episode is dedicated to the memory of Jobe Leon Payne, my father. To learn more about his groundbreaking work in the medical and healthcare education and donate to the foundation named in his honor that will continue to advance his legacy of scholarship and servant leadership, please visit: jobepaynefoundation.org

    IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne

    Good things are in store. Stay in touch and visit the official website datingafterdivorce.guide to sign up for updates. 


    Thank you, for listening! If this is your first time:

    The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here. You can read all my articles on Medium at: medium.com/@ericpayne
  • When the past sends you a text, you:

    respond happily and pick up where you left off.ignore it and possibly block them.run like the wind.break your phone, then change your number.Some of the above.None of the above.

    In Episode 8 of Season 4, the Past makes a surprise appearance in my life while I navigate a new career opportunity, my singleness, am uncomfortable walk down social media memory lane, and my growing hypocrisy as it relates to one person in particular. Topics covered in this episode: managing expectations in relationships and managing emotions because of and despite past and present traumas.

    IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne


    This episode is in loving and brotherly memory of Hasan Jelani Durley [July 6, 1974 - January 31, 2022] Learn more: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hasan-durley-love-offering


    Thank you, for listening! If this is your first time:

    The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here. You can read all my articles on Medium at: medium.com/@ericpayne
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  • Picking up where we left off at Episode 6: After a year of misses capped off by holiday heartache, I have an “aha” moment that leads me to create new boundaries, manage my expectations, and finally gain peace of mind as it relates to my ex-wife and all my relationships. But in almost the same breath, I break an old boundary in a moment of weakness as I move two steps forward but three steps backward into 2019. Be sure you listen to the end. Every fight isn't worth winning. Sometimes you simply have to walk away.

    IG: @datingafterdivorcesurvival & @ericlpayne


    Thank you, for listening! If this is your first time:

    The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here. You can read all my articles on Medium at: medium.com/@ericpayne


    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

  • Thanksgiving isn't about pilgrims for me. It's all about gratitude. In this short bonus episode, I reflect on what it means to be divorced and single during the holidays and why that isn't a bad thing.

    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here.


    If you're new to this podcast:

    Thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.

  • "What if?" is right up there with "Why?" as far as a question that has no real answers and honestly isn't worth asking to begin with unless discussing alternative realities and timelines in comic books. But that has never stopped anyone from asking this of themselves, especially when it comes to love and romance and heartbreak and failure.

    A Life of Regret

    What if you could do it all over again or do things differently? Would you escape failure? Would you circumvent pain? Would you still be married? Would you be better at dating? Would you be happier? Do you truly know that if you handled “things” whatever those things are (love, communication, your emotions) things would’ve gone any differently?

    How would you know? How could you know?

    How to Overcome Regret In Love, Life, and Everything Else

    In Episode Six of Season Four of The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide, the question of “what if” comes up when I get triggered after stumbling upon an artifact from my past. What if I had handled it all differently? Would I have gotten married? Would I be dating after divorce? Would I have more children?

    This episode goes deep to address:

    Why not having an opinion can be dangerousWhat happens when a woman can’t rely on a manWhy doing something is better than doing nothingWhy the past and all its failures and shortcomings will always be a prison if you allow it to be, and How to spin “What if?” from a question that can imprison you in regret into a personal challenge that puts you in charge of your life.


    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here.


    If you're new to this podcast:

    Thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little late and everyone there is acting like they're best friends.

    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

  • "So, I typed a text to a girl I used to see/Sayin' that I chose this cutie pie with whom I wanna be...."

    André 3000 made a choice of with whom he wanted to be in his opening verse of Int'l Players Anthem. How many of us are choosing what we want versus going with what is right in front of us, what is within reach, what is easy, or what appears to yield results with the least amount of effort or risk...to our egos? Rejection is REAL and it cuts like a knife. No judgments here for not wanting to deal with it. But during the events of this episode, I learn to face it head-on.

    The ability to choose is a powerful asset to have in your dating/love and happiness toolkit. In this episode, I share why it is of the utmost importance that YOU choose at every stage of the dating experience, most importantly, the beginning; what happens when you don't; and a simple mindset shift that will help you leverage your past setbacks, failures, and pain to propel you forward through any challenge that comes your way. After all, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlistRead my article, Dating In My Forties, over at Medium for free as a Friend of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide. Read the article here.


    If you're new to this podcast:

    Thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little later and everyone else is already dancing.

    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Episode 6 is coming soon!

  • Things don't always go as planned or envisioned. When this happens what do you do? Do you run away or do you stand and see your way through the mess? I experience this in grand fashion during Episode Four of Season Four. Things start off calmly enough with me trying to meet up in person with The Woman Dressed in Black I met in Episode 2 (Season Four), but things take a turn and accelerate full-speed into the unexpected. After all, isn't that one of the main things that makes life the beautiful tapestry of experiences that it is? In this episode, I come face to face with the unexpected and learn that much more about myself in the process.

    Episode Hot Takes:

    Emotional Desire versus Physical Desire vs. ChemistryWhat to do when it's you not themAs always, the gift of the cold hard truth and learning how to be honest with yourself and your feelings, despite the urgings of othersPretty is, but pretty so what?Learning how to exercise grace rather than "winning"Why unfollowing on social media matters (it doesn't)Acknowledging pain and talking honestly about it with God

    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Check out my bonus episode, Dating In My Forties, featured on Medium here: https://datingafterdivorce.guide/episode/dating-in-my-fortiesPlease, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlist

    To My First-Time Listeners: Thank you for listening! If you want to truly know what's going on you need to go back to Season One, Episode One, because that is where the story starts.

  • In this installment of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide, my family life and my dating life begin to intersect. My youngest is older and has some pretty strong opinions on how her mother and I should be conducting ourselves as single, dating people. I call the woman who was Dressed In All Black Like the Omen (Episode 2) and I'm faced with a great opportunity, but my ego may be in the way...or perhaps it is my savior in disguise.


    To learn more about the show and more, visit: http://datingafterdivorce.guide 

    To follow me on Instagram: http://instragram.com/ericlpayne and http://instagram.com/datingafterdivorceguide

    To subscribe to the podcast's music playlist on Spotify visit: https://epayne.me/playlist

    If you're new to this podcast, thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little later and everyone else is already dancing.

    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

  • This is a bonus episode, y'all! I wrote an article over at Medium and was encouraged to narrate it as well. Of course, that meant I had to share with all of you. I'll tease the content here but for the full transcript, visit www.medium.com/@ericPayne


    Dating In My Forties, by Eric Payne

    By the time you read this, I will be nearing my fiftieth year on this planet though most mistake me for an old thirty-five or a young thirty-eight. When making conversation with strangers in public places such as gas stations, grocery stores, and parks, I’m struck when people either my age or younger occasionally address me as “young man.” I make no effort to correct them. Instead, I appreciate that life has been kind to my appearance, everything considered. I have two children — a twenty-six-year-old son and a fifteen-year-old daughter who is wise beyond her years, as most teenage girls are. On paper, I have joint custody of the youngest with their mother. But honestly, it’s often hard to think of myself as anything other than a single father. I’m the only adult in my house. When my life as Dad challenges and stretches me, no one is there to guide me with that needed woman’s touch — to let me know I’ve said too little or too much or am applying too much pressure or not enough. Of course, my ex-wife is only a phone call away, but in these moments, there is no teammate present to step in to catch my fumble, run the ball for me when I’m headed straight into interference, or tell me to take a seat so she can do her thing. At least, that is what I believe should happen in the moments when I’m out of ideas and patience...

    Read the full article/transcript here with your exclusive Patron of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide Link!

    Thank you for listening! If you like what you hear or read, please share with someone you believe will benefit.

    Much Love,


  • You have to be old enough to have seen The Omen AND current enough (if you call the 90s current) to remember Lil’ Kim’s iconic line in “All About the Benjamins” to catch the reference I’m dropping here. Episode 2 of Season 4 of The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide continues with the ongoing my ongoing post-divorce journey. Broken boundaries, making myself small, the past, present, and an unconfirmed future relationship collide at a birthday party where my insecurities are running high from the way I look, what I have to offer as a person, to the clothes I'm wearing. Although the growth is real, there are still many stumbling blocks along the way that this divorced guy has to overcome. 

    Visit http://datingafterdivorce.guide to learn more about the show, me, my Patreon support channel and more! 

    Follow me on Instagram at http://instragram.com/ericlpayne and http://instagram.com/datingafterdivorceguide

    Subscribe to the playlist featuring the music that inspires the podcast here: https://epayne.me/playlist

    If you're new to this podcast, thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little later and everyone else is already dancing.

    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

  • The saga continues as I plot and plod my way through life after saying "goodbye" to forbidden love. While attending a birthday party I cross paths with my past but stumble upon something new. I push past my fear and shoot my shot, sort of.

    If you're new to this podcast, thank you for visiting and I hope you'll stay awhile! The best place to begin here is all the way that the beginning, Season One, Episode One. That way you won't feel the way I do when I get to a party a little later and everyone else is already dancing.

    Episodes are biweekly. See you again soon!

    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

  • We're back like we never left! By we, I mean me because I really don't speak in the third person. Season Four kicks off with literally everything that could go wrong going full-speed into Wrong-Ville and Drama Town with a whole lot of texting and not enough talking, but along the way I discover and/or am reminded of the following:

    What to do when co-parenting goes all the way wrongDesire versus capacityFreedom from the thoughts and opinions of othersThe gift of the cold hard truthCorrection versus protectionRemembering your value and what you owe others

    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. Please, follow the Dating After Divorce music playlist to follow all the tunes that influenced my life while I was going through it: https://epayne.me/playlist
  • "All my time has been focused on my freedom now. Why would I join 'em when I know that I can beat 'em now? They put their words on me, and they can eat 'em now

    Ms. Lauryn Hill has the right idea on the new track, NOBODY where she spits facts about her growth alongside Nas. There is nothing more joyful and liberating than learning and loving yourself along the way.

    Season 4 of the Dating After Divorce Survival Guide begins August 26, 2021. The escapades continue as does the growth, self-awareness, peace, and self-love that comes when you look inward versus outward when you are met with unexpected and often undesirable events. 

    Stay tuned for a chance to join me live for an Episode One “After-Party”. 

    And please follow the playlist so you stay up to date on all the music that powers the podcast here: https://epayne.me/playlist

  • The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide is a serial podcast that thoughtfully and often hilariously narrates the journey of retired fatherhood blogger Eric Payne as he navigates the challenges of "starting over" after divorce.

    From one-night stands to ghosting to online dating, to mental anguish and heartbreak to the self-care that is required of a 40+, divorced Black man and father in America, Eric tackles it all with fearless transparency, vulnerability, and a refreshing sense of humor — especially when it comes to making fun of himself. 

    The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide is available on your favorite podcast platform. Subscribe today!

  • Acting on your emotions always feels good in the moment but rarely works out in the long run. Your host, Eric Payne, a.k.a. the Divorced Dillenger puts both his feet in a pile of you know what when he casts care to the wind (based on the events of Episode 5: A New Orleans Ghost Story) and backslides on his principles when it comes to who and how he dates. But don't lose hope! Things just may end on a high note in the season finale of Season 3 of The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide.


    Why acting based on your emotions rather than sound judgment is never a good idea in any relationship. Why it’s okay to want what you want. That you can and in some instances should elevate yourself above your circumstances.Why it’s necessary to have “space” in relationships, no matter what.


    ï»żResources from the Episode : 

    You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Get poems featured in Season 3 here: http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    Episode 7 poetry is adapted from Love Rain by Jill Scott (Miss Jill)


    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe on your platform of choice and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? 😃

    About The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

    Datin' ain't easy — especially the second time around. Join retired blogger (MakesMeWannaHoller.com) and divorced dad, Eric Payne, for his humorous storytelling escapades that take you along for the ride over and through emotional hills and valleys as he navigates dating life as a divorced man. Eric doesn't shy away from any of it – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the messy, and he isn't afraid to call himself out when he's the one being messy. 

  • "Revenge is mine!" sayeth the Lord. Revenge may look cool and might seem like a good idea in the movies when the hero goes for broke to even the odds. But that’s the movies. In real life, not so much. Revenge sex (not to be confused with make-up sex) is an even worse idea. But that doesn’t stop me. Mad, sad, disappointed, upset, and completely knocked off my game thanks to the events of Episode 5, A New Orleans Ghost Story, revenge is on my mind. But revenge doesn't accomplish much.


    (00:14) Act 1: Acting out of Anger and Living in Echo Chambers

    Stuck in someone else's painWhy revenge doesn't workMistakes versus evil and why your pain doesn't make you special

    (06:54) Act 2: Revenge and Its Various Forms

    How revenge plays out in emotional mattersWhy you need to be honest with your accountability tribe no matter whatWhy revenge is a waste of timeWho actually suffers when you seek revenge

    (17:24) Act 3: Revenge Sex - Setting the Trap and Creating the Bait

    There was really no way for this to end well, but at the time, I simply did not care.


    Resources from the Episode : 

    You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Get poems featured in Season 3 here: http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    Episode music by Epik The Dawn and Temper Beats


    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe on your platform of choice and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? 😃

    About The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

    Datin' ain't easy — especially the second time around. Join retired blogger (MakesMeWannaHoller.com) and divorced dad, Eric Payne, for his humorous storytelling escapades that take you along for the ride over and through emotional hills and valleys as he navigates dating life as a divorced man. Eric doesn't shy away from any of it – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the messy, and he isn't afraid to call himself out when he's the one being messy. 

  • Episode 5 is a ghost story, or should I say a story of ghosting, just in time for the 2018 holiday season. It's a tale filled with hope, mentorship, and an ending that couldn't have been expected but perhaps anticipated. The outcome of this story will set in motion a series of decisions and actions that will lead to series of less than desired outcomes.

    See below for the episode acts and topics and their timestamps:

    (01:15) Act 1: Creating Love In New Orleans

    (06:59) Act 2: All That Glitters Ain't Gold: Mentorship, Creating Tribes, and Listening to Advice

    Mentors don't have to be just for your business and your careerThe types of people you should have in your tribeEmotional intelligence is key to being mentored successfullyWhat to do when good advice is something you don't want to hear

    (13:48) Act 3: When the Truth Comes Home to Roost

    Why you need people in your corner to help you handle the truthWhat to do and what not to do when someone is showing you who they are


    Resources from the Episode : 

    Episode Poem, "'Bout to Burst": http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Episode music by Epik The Dawn and Temper Beats

    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe on your platform of choice and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? 😃

    About The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

    Datin' ain't easy — especially the second time around. Join retired blogger (MakesMeWannaHoller.com) and divorced dad, Eric Payne for his humorous storytelling escapades that take you along for the ride over the hills and through the valleys as he navigates dating life as a divorced man. Eric doesn't shy away from any of it – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the messy, and he isn't afraid to call himself out when he's the one being messy.

  • Moving right along from Episode 3 and just in time for Valentine's Day (if you haven't listened to it start there, actually just start at Season 1 because this is a story, not a podcast made up of standalone episodes)! It's the holidays and yours truly, Eric Payne, The Divorced Dillinger, travels home to visit the family! Before it's all over I will have eaten my way through Chicago, connected with old friends, weighed in polygamy, and held court with a trio of prayer warriors. See below for the episode acts and topics and their timestamps:

    (03:47) Act 1: Dealing With Rejection

    How rejection can manifest negatively in your life such as imposter syndromeA better way to view rejection and use it as a springboard for success

    (10:18) Act 2: The Power of Being Alone

    Using solitude to your advantageUnderstanding the paradox of people-pleasing and ways to go about breaking the codependent need to please othersand why you should

    (15:10) Acts 3 & 4: Acceptance is a Hell of a Drug

    Reconnecting with old friends over the miles and the yearsThe damage and dangers of living in denial and keeping secrets a.k.a. ignoring the truthThe power of being present, accepting your circumstances for what they are, and what this means


    Resources from the Episode : 

    This episode's poem, As the Drip Drops, can be found here: http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Some episode music by Epik The Dawn and Temper Beats

    If you enjoyed the episode:

    Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to two people (2) who you think will enjoy it. Did I mention subscribing? Subscribe and never miss an episode. If you listen on Spotify, just hit the “Follow” button. If you listen on Apple Podcasts and have a few extra moments, please, leave me a 5-star review and if you're really feeling generous, a written review. Why 5 stars? The podcasts with the highest and largest amounts of reviews are showcased by Apple. This will give the show the opportunity to be seen by more people.

    About The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide

    Datin' ain't easy — especially the second time around. Join retired blogger (MakesMeWannaHoller.com) and divorced dad, Eric Payne for his humorous storytelling escapades that take you along for the ride over the hills and through the valleys as he navigates dating life as a divorced man. Eric doesn't shy away from any of it – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the messy, and he isn't afraid to call himself out when he's the one being messy.

  • Fresh off my Instagram hunt from Episode 2 of Season 3 of The Dating After Divorce Survival Guide, Episode 3 begins with a reunion (finally!) with C-Sweet Lady. Before it's all over I will have contemplated outrunning a cheetah, I transform like Optimus Prime and bravely set myself up to get rejected by my new IG Crush.

    Just a regular Tuesday in the life of your host, the Divorced Dillinger.

    Episode topics: 

    Game recognize game - learning when to count your losses and move onGetting your swagger/groove/good juju backWhat determines your value as a person and in datingWhat to do as a man when you want to date but have limited (little) money



    Eric on the "Spin Bike": http://www.instagram.com/p/CKV-EFDh3H3/

    The poem, Tapestry: http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! https://epayne.me/podmerch

    Sign up for episode recaps from me, dating Q&As, access to exclusive merch, and more: http://patreon.com/ericpayne

    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Support the show: https://cash.app/$epayne


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  • Fresh of the Birthday Debacle from Episode One, the Divorced Dillenger (Yours Truly) is coming to grips once again with being single and not wanting to just "mingle" if you get what I'm saying. So what do I do to create a love connection? I go to "The Gram!"

    Oh boy...

    Episode topics: 

    Instagram, the pros and cons of the appInstagram, the source of much emotional and mental stress Instagram as a dating app, what to do and what not to do (aka "Instagram Hunting")How to shoot your shot on Instagram



    The poem, A Passing Want: http://epayne.me/poetrybook

    You are Beautiful, Inside & Out and You are NOT Your Past and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! https://epayne.me/podmerch

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    Get control of YOUR time. It’s your most precious asset: https://epayne.me/self-care

    Learn your worth. Speak your worth! https://gumroad.com/l/MinpA

    Support the show: https://cash.app/$epayne


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