In this episode, I am answering a Declutter Club Challenge Participant question of how to declutter using the challenge when your rooms look like a bomb went off. This is a common question I receive, not just from challenge participants but also from those who I assist via Virtual and in-person organizing. You are not alone and I hope this episode will give you some tips and tricks on how to get started on your organizing journey. You can do this and I'm going to help you!
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In this episode, I want to talk you about finishing the job you are on before you start a new job. This is a common issue that I see when working with others during the decluttering process. It's much like the squirrel effect that I talk about on the Organized Holistically Podcast. I encourage you to listen to this episode to see if you are experiencing this issue in your environment. Make sure to listen to the ways that you can make small adjustments to get a clear starting and stopping point so you can feel some forward momentum on your project.
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
Episodi mancanti?
You guys know how much I love receiving your comments and feedback, good or bad. Well, today one of your comments has inspired an episode! I am so glad you guys are resonating with the content! If you have ever been told this or have tried doing this (listen to know what I'm talking about) I wanted to explain why it didn't work and why the way we do it in the challenge is the best method for starting your organizational journey. I hope you find the episode helpful and I can't wait to see your transformations!
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Clutter is something we all have to contend with, but if you love to shop, are a couponer or even a bulk shopper, you and clutter have a different type of relationship. This episode is definitely for you. The line between something being overstock and clutter is very thin and you may find yourself in a weird place as you begin to declutter. The truth is your overflow areas tell a story and it's important that you fully listen to what they are saying/or not saying to you. I encourage you to truly listen to this episode to ensure you aren't falling into some of the same traps and also learn how to properly navigate having an overflow or overstock area in your home.
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No matter if this is your first time here or if you are a returning challenger, it's that time of the year where we hit the ground running! It's Get Organized Month and one of the key parts of getting organized is removing unnecessary clutter from your space. I can't wait to hear about your journey and to see your transitions.
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This is a crossover event with The Organized Holistically Podcast because we are talking about hidden types of clutter which can effect your time and bottomline. We also identify how they are costing you money and can potentially be a security risk as well.
As you know, the decluttering process is one of the hardest parts of your organizing journey and it is the one stage of organizing that many people try to skip and it is why many of your organizing efforts are failing. In this episode, we talk about areas in your social media accounts that can be accumulating clutter. We will also talk about how this clutter can be negatively impacting you, your business and your time.
2022 Q4 Date Announcements - click the links for details:
· Sprint into the Holidays (Thanksgiving Edition) - starts Oct 31st
· Sprint into the Holidays (Christmas Edition) - starts Nov. 14th
· Declutter Club Challenge 2023 Kickoff - January 2023
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Many times when we are embarking on an organizing journey we get excited by the possibilities of change and progress, but what happens when those around you don't have that same level of excitement? In this episode, we talk about different declutter levels and how to navigate the rollercoaster of individual feelings in an environment without squashing your forward momentum and progress.
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
2022 Q4 Date Announcements - click the links for details:
· Sprint into the Holidays (Thanksgiving Edition) - starts Oct 31st
· Sprint into the Holidays (Christmas Edition) - starts Nov. 14th
· Declutter Club Challenge 2023 Kickoff - January 2023
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
This is a crossover event with The Organized Holistically Podcast because we are talking about electronic clutter in your social media platforms. No, I'm not telling you to delete your accounts. In this episode, we talk about areas in your social media accounts that can be accumulating clutter. We will also talk about how this clutter can be negatively impacting you, your business and your time.
As you know, the decluttering process is one of the hardest parts of your organizing journey and it is the one stage of organizing that many people try to skip and it is why many of your organizing efforts are failing. Tune in to learn about the clutter you may be creating and what to do about it.
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge, The Organized Holistically Podcast and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In today's episode, we talk about addictive actions and how they are keeping you from your goals. Instead, learn how to turn those addictive habits into intentional action so you can move closer to having the business, home and personal life that you always wanted. I want to thank Organized Academy member Brittney of Butterfye Evolution for inspiring this episode topic.
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In this episode, we talk about the different declutter levels. We talk about identifying and accepting where yours is and how to keep from comparing yourselves to others. I do this by telling you a personal story about my own experience and the aha moment that came from it. I hope you find value in this episode and all others posted in this podcast.
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In today's episode, I'm answering one of your submitted questions regarding knowing when and where to start with decluttering. I know sometimes you can look at a space and just get overwhelmed with the idea of starting, and I don't want that to discourage or stop you from starting your journey...so let's talk about it.
The Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challenge and signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In this short episode, I address a common issue many of you are facing as you go through the decluttering process. You are finding the need to shift things around or identify homes for things that previously didn't have homes. Listen carefully to this short episode to help you as you continue on your decluttering journey. The key is to not try to create permanent systems now, but realize this is a temporary state. System development comes later in the organizational process and there are many factors that come into play to do it right. I hope you find this episode helpful.
The Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
I love it when you learn new things while on the decluttering journey and today's episode is centered around a fabulous concept I learned during my journey years ago. I am going to share with you what a capsule wardrobe concept is about. It really changed the way I thought about and how I purchased my clothes, so definitely check out this episode to learn for yourself.
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
This episode addresses the questions I receive from those of you who are overweight and/or pregnant. You know you can't fit in things right now, but you have goals to get back into your clothes. There actually is a process you should follow if you are working to declutter your closet while under these restrictions and I talk all about them in this episode.
The Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
Decluttering and organizing with and for children can be a difficult endeavor. Between the tears and the separation anxiety, there may be times that you feel all the “rules” should be thrown out the window. In this episode, I give you some techniques you can use to help you as you tackle the space of your kids. Oh and just FYI, if you feel you have these issues with adults too, the techniques are transferrable. You're welcome! LOL
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
Listen, decluttering is not a spectator sport and it is not something you can do unilaterally by yourself unless you live alone. It is a process that needs to involve all those who use the space, which can be extremely challenging. In this episode, I talk to you about the major pitfalls of trying to declutter by yourself without input from your family or those who use the space.
Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In this episode, I teach you how to use real-life situations to help you determine what you need to keep and what you need to let go of. I then show you how to apply this using your sheet category. Make sure you have completed the DCP 2 episode so you have your HCRs or Home Capacity Rules. These will help you declutter your sheets in a very practical way.
The Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challengeand signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
In the last episode, I shared with you how to determine what your Home Capacity Rules or HCRs are for your household. Well, now it's time to put them into action to help you declutter. In this episode, we will use the HCRs you identified and help you declutter your towels.
The Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challenge and signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
I developed the concept of Home Capacity Rules or HCRs as a way to help clients navigate decluttering decision points. The HCRs help to establish a measuring stick by which you make all decisions on your decluttering journey. In this short episode, I teach you how to identify what your minimum and maximum counts are to develop your household's HCRs. Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challenge and signup for free today.
Share your before and after photos with me and follow my journey on Instagram and Facebook @DanaLaRiealMorales
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support -
The decluttering process is one of the hardest parts of your organizing journey and it is the one stage of organizing that many people try to skip and it is why many of your organizing efforts are failing. In this episode, I teach you the daily mantra I use to help my Clients through the decluttering stage. We also talk about the tools I use that helps make the decluttering process easier for you during this journey. Now as you know the Declutter Club Podcast is a supplemental resource to our Declutter Club Challenge, so if you haven't already signed up, I encourage you to go on over to https://www.organizedacademy.com/p/declutter-club-challenge and signup for free today.
Organized Acadamy, The Declutter Club Challenge and The Declutter Club Podcast are all resources of The Happiness Bucket
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedeclutterclubpodcast/support - Mostra di più