
  • Today, I have the great honor of introducing you to my right-hand woman: Alex Beesting. Alex keeps me focused, grounded, and always growing in this business, but honestly, I don’t have a ton of advice for how I originally found her. It was just meant to be.

    So, this episode is not one about finding your perfect employee
 It’s about the joy and ease you can have in your business when you finally do find your person that you just gel with.

    In this episode, Alex tells the story of how she started in urban planning and ended up at Kirsten Screen Inc. We talk about how we knew we were a great pair, our matching business ethos, and how we stay in sync with each other without overworking.

    Plus, stick around until the end of the episode for a big announcement! You won’t want to miss it. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:49] Why Alex transitioned from urban planning into the career she has now

    [09:33] How Alex and I found each other, in the midst of her business transition

    [15:04] Why Alex and I work so well together (and a little bit of human design!)

    [18:16] Alex’s view of “false productivity” and how many small businesses get stuck in this mindset

    [24:42] My management approach and why it’s so effective for employees like Alex

    [28:07] The ways Alex and I stay in sync

    [33:00] Our big announcement!

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • At some point, we all get this idea in our head about what it means to be good at sales. It probably looks like being forceful, pushy, and maybe even a little exploitative. And those are all reasons that women entrepreneurs tend to shy away from sales, to their detriment.

    Jac White is here to turn that idea of sales on its head. Jac is the master of what she calls “relationship sales” and she believes that women are naturally good at it.

    In today’s episode, she’s giving us advice for how to get started in relationship sales, how to work with your competitors in a way that benefits you both, and why women should lean into their natural talents and instincts when it comes to building and cultivating relationships.

    This episode is full of gems from Jac! Let’s dive in.

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [02:54] How Jac departed from her prescribed path early on

    [06:14] How motherhood influenced Jac’s career journey

    [14:05] What relationship sales are and why women are so good at it

    [17:25] Why you shouldn’t be afraid of “no”

    [24:16] How Jac works with her “competitors” to create opportunities and grow her business

    [30:08] What “shop talk” looks like for Jac and her industry peers (and why it’s so helpful)

    [33:41] Jac advice for leveraging and building new relationships

    [36:22] Kirsten’s quote of the day

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

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  • In this online world, it feels like everyone is selling something. Salesy copy is everywhere, and we can sniff it out from a mile away at this point. So
 how do you write copy that sounds interesting, authentic, and not just like another money-grab that gives people the ick?

    In this episode, Erin Morris is here to set us straight on what makes good copy, why so many of us are missing the mark and writing salesy copy, and where we can start with creating better more authentic copy and connections online.

    If you’re a coach or personality-driven brand, you NEED this episode. Let’s dive in.

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [02:15] Why Erin is so devoted to authenticity

    [06:16] How Erin’s love of freedom (not her formal education) led her to a copywriting career

    [12:39] Erin’s tips on writing copy that sounds like you, instead of a used car salesman

    [22:16] The talents and skill sets that make some people better at copywriting, podcasting, etc

    [29:33] Why you need to break out of the corporate sound to write the most authentic copy

    [34:36] My quote and question for you today

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Does this sound like you: When you were younger, you realized that in order to fit in, you had to hide or smooth out parts of yourself. You had to push down who you really are and how you really want to be, in order to get approval from your peers. And as you grew older, that habit kept showing up in your life.

    But now? Now you’re tired. You just want to be known and seen and accepted for who you truly are, even if that means you aren’t for everyone.

    Friends, this is my story. It’s a pattern that’s shown up again and again in my life, and I’m over it. I’m finally at the point where nothing matters to me more than having deep connections and being truly known. And you can be too.

    Because masking yourself? Hiding the true you? It’s not going to serve you in the long run. It’s time to embrace yourself and let go of the people who aren’t going to be there for the real you.

    Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:47] Are you showing up in your life as the real you?

    [03:40] How I masked my true self as a child and teenager

    [07:09] How the cycle of masking showed up throughout my life

    [11:52] What I gained when I stopped masking the real me

    [14:17] Some questions to ask yourself today

    [18:53] What you have to accept when you finally stop masking

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Julia Rohrbach might not fit the mold of a “typical” entrepreneur. She’s not strictly regimented in all areas of her life. She’s not obsessed with her month to month numbers. And she didn’t leave an unfulfilling career for more freedom and flexibility. She’s been an entrepreneur since the very beginning, when she decided to see if she could “make it work” in a photography career, and she’s been making it happen ever since!

    In this episode, Julia shares some of her most impactful moments from her decade of entrepreneurship, including how to weather those slow patches, how she vibes with new clients, and how she’s fitting motherhood and entrepreneurship together.

    This episode is full of the most relatable wisdom. You’re going to love it. Let’s dive in.

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [05:35] Why Kirsten was originally drawn to Julia’s unique perspective

    [08:55] How Julia feels out new clients when they first start working together

    [11:32] How Julia found her way to photography as a career

    [14:48] Why Julia’s only ever known the entrepreneurial life

    [19:54] Julia’s advice for entrepreneurs hitting their first slow patch

    [26:15] How Julia makes motherhood and entrepreneurship fit together

    [33:56] How motherhood has given Julia extra confidence in her business

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • When I was younger, the idea of being in my 40s felt so old. But I just turned 45, and as it turns out, it’s the best time of my life and still getting better. I have so much more wisdom now, and I’m so much more settled than I was even a decade ago.

    Looking back, there are things I would do differently and think about differently, if only I had known what I know now. So today, I’m sharing 45 of the most important things I’ve learned in the last 45 years. My hope is that some of these things will make your journey of growing into yourself a little smoother and faster than mine.

    Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:18] How I’m celebrating my birthday and why I’m not afraid of growing older

    [03:55] Why it’s worthwhile to focus on ourselves as women

    [05:44] If it’ll take less than five minutes, just do the thing

    [07:41] Do the small things that bring you joy

    [10:13] Why life just keeps improving

    [11:26] Two quotes I’m leaving you with today

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Andrea didn’t have the most conventional entry into the business world. But after getting her degree in Fine Arts with a minor in entrepreneurship, she’s been able to look at business as another act of creation – one that’s allowed her to remake her career and business as needed as she builds her life and business around the demands of motherhood.

    In this episode, Andrea shares her educational history and how that influenced her business decisions later. She shares the big risk she took jumping into business at the same time as she entered motherhood, and how becoming a mother has informed the way she runs her business. She also details her decision to move from solely brick-and-mortar to an online community.

    This episode has so many amazing nuggets! Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [03:57] Andrea shares about her unconventional educational journey and how that informed the way she approaches business

    [08:25] How Andrea thinks of business as another form of creation

    [15:10] Andrea’s experience of stepping into both motherhood and business ownership around the same time – and how it differs from the male experience

    [21:03] Andrea’s transition from solely brick-and-mortar to the online health and fitness space

    [25:58] The difference in how each generation views health and self-care and how Andrea navigates that within her business

    [30:13] The parallels between having two kids and having two kinds of business (online and brick-and-mortar)

    [35:50] The quote and episode Kirsten is sharing today

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Earlier this year, I was on a trip that was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be what I wanted. But I was miserable, and it wasn’t just about the trip.

    I’ve been having revelations lately, about my life and my business and how I want to experience both
 or maybe more specifically, how I don’t. I don’t want to just go through the motions. I don’t want to just make an income without feeling like I’m creating something valuable in the world. I don’t want to settle for the same thing every day.

    So I’m making some big changes that are frankly, a little scary. But these changes are exactly what I need right now, and I’m going to walk you through all the reasons why in today’s episode. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:35] The trip that made me realize something was off in my business

    [07:20] My process of trying to determine what caused this imbalance in my business

    [10:06] The way my family life played into my business frustrations

    [15:00] How I’m changing things in my business to find the fun in it again (including a really scary adjustment!)

    [20:31] The reasons I believe business owners burn themselves out

    [24:56] The quote you need to hear today

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Today, I have one of my favorite people on the podcast, my mentee and the other coach at Screen Nutrition, Rachel Leach. Rachel is so passionate, thoughtful, and hard-working, but our relationship isn’t just about business. We’ve been able to help each other grow in different ways in the last three years.

    In this episode, Rachel and I reminisce about how she joined Screen Nutrition. She discusses all the ways she’s grown as a coach since joining my company, and how Screen Nutrition has offered her unique opportunities to grow and expand personally and professionally. We also chat about how to make employees feel valued and why that’s such an important part of having a sustainable business.

    Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [02:14] Who Rachel is and what she loves

    [07:27] How Rachel and Kirsten found each other and started working together

    [13:35] Why Rachel was excited to take a leap and jump into a new role even if it felt a little experimental

    [18:13] How Rachel and Kirsten maintain open communication to make sure business is running intentionally, effectively, and stress-free as possible for everyone

    [24:54] How Kirsten offers Rachel latitude to grow and experiment inside the Screen Nutrition business

    [34:21] How Kirsten’s trust in Rachel has allowed to her develop her own confidence in her skills

    [38:15] Why Kirsten believes so deeply in valuing employees over almost everything else

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • When I look back, the only regret I have in my career is that I didn’t jump into entrepreneurship sooner. Yes, at the time it was scary, and it was hard, and I did make mistakes. But I’d do it all over again in a second.

    So, if you’re sitting back, mulling over the questions: should I try entrepreneurship, and when is the time to jump in? The time is now, friends. And to get you started, I’m sharing the 10 things I would do if I had to start my entrepreneurial journey all over again. From practical to-dos to the mindset work you have to get straight, this is how I would start from the beginning again–and it’s a roadmap you can use to jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey today. Let’s go!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:33] Kirsten’s reflections on her old corporate life and how her life has changed

    [02:48] Kirsten’s only regret in entrepreneurship and what she’d do today if she had to start over

    [04:27] How Kirsten would start leveraging social media (particularly Instagram)

    [08:14] Why Kirsten still values courses and which kind she would look for if she were just starting out (and which ones she wouldn’t)

    [11:28] The business foundations you need to nail down early on

    [15:41] The mindset work you need to do to really grow and flourish in your business

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • This is not an episode about having it all when it comes to running a business while being a mom. I’m not going to give you platitudes or tell you I have all the hacks to make things easy and smooth, because here is the cold, hard truth: Being an entrepreneur and a mom at the same time is really, really hard. But it’s still one of the best things I’ve ever done.

    In today’s episode, I’m breaking down what it looks like to be a mom of three teenagers while also running a seven-figure business, and why this age isn’t any easier than having littles. I’m also reflecting on the generational impact of my mother and grandmother and the impact I’m having on my own children, especially in light of being a business owner. I’m not sugar-coating the hard stuff, but I am sharing why doing both of these things, motherhood and business together, is ultimately so fulfilling. Let’s dive in.

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:13] How Kirsten’s parenting responsibilities intersect with her business and why it’s still not easy to manage after all of these years

    [06:33] Why it’s different (and harder) for mothers to run a business than it is for someone without children

    [11:33] How we as women are building more opportunities for our daughters every generation

    [19:53] The duality of emotion that comes with motherhood and running a business at the same time

    [25:44] Why mothers have a different challenge from fathers when it comes to balancing their work and their life with their kids

    [29:50] The gift we give to our kids when they see us running our businesses while building up the next generation

    [34:07] A parting quote for you to consider

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Today’s conversation is not about taxes. Sure, we’ll talk about tax strategy and how life-changing it can be to have a good one. But this is a conversation about how diving into entrepreneurship (via a tax strategy firm) changed the life of one woman’s family
 and every person she works with.

    In this episode, we have the amazing Barbara Shreihans on the podcast. She shares everything from her inspiring story of breaking generational trends to how entrepreneurship has allowed her the freedom to change the lives of those around her for the better to her advice for other business owners. And, of course, a few thoughts on her speciality: tax strategy.

    This conversation was so fun, and there’s something here for everyone. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [02:14] What tax strategy is and why it’s crucial for your business

    [05:23] How Barbara started out in accounting and discovered how digging deep into tax strategies can change lives for the better

    [12:28] How Barbara shifted from being “just” an accountant into entrepreneurship

    [18:55] Hoe Barbara navigates her professional relationship with her husband, now that they both work for her business

    [24:12] The freedom that Barbara and her family have been able to embrace since her transition to entrepreneurship

    [28:08] The biggest blessing Barbara’s received from entrepreneurship and the biggest mistake she sees other business owners making (spoiler: it’s not about taxes!)

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Are you sick of the coaching space on Instagram? The consensus seems to be a resounding “yes”. For the past several years, social media has been saturated with people who deem themselves “business coaches” without ever having actually run a true business.

    And, you might’ve noticed, they charge upwards of tens of thousands dollars simply to be in their presence rather than provide real, tangible business solutions. It’s time to be more discerning when it comes to where you get your business advice!

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing why I think it’s the end of business coaching as we’ve known it. You’ll hear why most “business coaching” isn’t useful to the average person, why there’s still value in authentic, actionable business mentorship, and my thoughts on what’s really going to help you move the needle forward in your business journey. If you’re tired of all the flashy branding and the empty, pyramid scheme approach to coaching, then this episode is for you!

    What’s in this episode:

    [01:45] Why I think it’s the end of business coaching as we’ve known it

    [06:23] Why most “business coaching” isn’t useful to the average person

    [10:10] Why there’s still value in authentic, actionable business mentorship

    [13:38] What’s really going to help you move the needle forward in business

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Back by popular demand, we have a very special guest on the podcast – my husband, Christian Screen. Christian has nearly 25 years of entrepreneurial experience, and he’s graciously sharing the many lessons he’s learned along the way, including how he thinks about business differently now than when he started out, why setting your own standards of success are so important, and how to sell by focusing on solutions instead of product offerings.

    And while both Christian and I have learned so many lessons in our years of entrepreneurship
 we learned a lot of them the hard way, by making mistakes and trying to navigate situations with very little experience. A theme that came up multiple times in this episode is how we BOTH wish we’d had a mentor to help guide us through aspects of our business.

    If you’re determined not to make the same mistakes, grab my free training here to get advice from a mentor who can save you time, money, and business heartache when it comes to scaling your coaching business. (Spoiler alert: It’s me. I’m the mentor.)

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:00] Intro

    [01:20] An honest look at the intersection of entrepreneurship and life in the Screen household

    [07:01] How Christian pivoted a sales call from a product-centered to solution-centered conversation and why that matters for your business

    [14:15] Why Christian, now 25 years into entrepreneurship, spends more time focusing on his customer than he did when first starting out

    [19:33] Christian’s entrepreneurial motivations outside of making money (even though that’s one motivation too)

    [24:49] Christian’s perspective on both failure and success – and why you need to examine the way you define both

    [30:41] How Christian handles the occasional volatility of owning a business, especially when thinking about supporting a family

    [36:45] Why Christian wishes he’d had a business mentor when first starting out and how his career could have improved with experienced guidance

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • There are wildly successful entrepreneurs who all seem to share the same story: they had a great idea, then they did some things, and then they made a whole bunch of money. But what exactly is that middle piece? What did they actually do that took them from a simple idea to a thriving business?

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing my take on why establishing a brand is the crucial “in-between” piece that so many creators and services providers are missing. If people aren’t buying your offers, if you’re struggling to post content on a consistent basis, then it’s time you get clear on what sets you apart and finally attract an audience that resonates with your message. Listen in now for five tips on how you can start building brand loyalty today!

    What’s in this episode:

    [00:53] Brand as the missing piece in your business and defining what sets you apart

    [12:28] Why it’s essential to create a visual representation of your brand

    [14:08] Getting clear on your message and what brand stands for

    [16:14] Embracing controversy and your unique perspective

    [19:15] Owning a stance even if it offends people

    [23:14] Your personal life versus your brand

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    If you’re tired of having your business run you into the ground and want to fall in love with entrepreneurship again, grab my free training, “How to Scale (and Sustain!) Your Online Coaching Business to Six Figures & Beyond (Without Trading all of Your Time for Money and the Constant Fear of Having no Clients!)”

  • Here’s a question: Would you find some land, build and furnish an entire building on it, and set up a business and create revenue from that location WITHOUT having the legal rights set up to occupy that space, knowing that at any time, someone could come and rent or buy that space out from under you?

    Of course not! That sounds crazy, right? But, you might just be doing that with your intellectual property without even knowing it.

    Today’s guest, Chandler J, is here to share all the reasons you need to protect your trademark and your business’s intellectual property, how to go about making sure your business is protected
 and sharing a few horror stories about what could happen if you neglect this portion of setting up your business. This is one episode you can’t miss!

    What’s in this episode:

    [03:57] Some ways that not filing trademarks can expose your business

    [05:16] Why a cease and desist isn’t the worst thing that can happen in a trademark infringement case (by a long shot)

    [09:07] Why “not knowing” isn’t enough to get you out of trademark legal troubles

    [15:52] Why it’s better and less expensive to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to trademarking your business

    [20:56] Chandler’s personal horror story of putting off filing her own trademark

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    Get everything you need to build, scale, and pivot your online coaching business in our Six-Figure Business Accelerator (SFBA). Get more information at https://kirstenscreen.com/sfba/.

  • Are you ready to make more money in 2024? As entrepreneurs, it’s essential that we continue to grow and evolve from one year to the next (and not just for the sake of making more money!). I’m talking about being so intentional and strategic with your goals that you’re able to earn more with less effort, affording you the financial and time freedom that inspired you to start your business in the first place.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the exact actionable steps that my team and I are implementing to make more money and achieve more freedom in 2024. From adjusting your offer suite to finally making your money work for you, this episode is full of valuable insight that’ll transform how you do business. Listen in now for your most profitable and abundant year yet!

    What’s in this episode:

    [05:57] Intentional planning to make more money with less effort in 2024

    [09:58] Expanding your offer suite with an emphasis on automation and value

    [14:09] Aligning what you want to coach on with how you speak about your work

    [17:50] Confronting money facts and taking action to make your money work for you

    [21:27] Cleaning house of offers that are financial and energy leaks on your business

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    Get everything you need to build, scale, and pivot your online coaching business in our Six-Figure Business Accelerator (SFBA). Get more information at https://kirstenscreen.com/sfba/.

  • When you step into your full embodiment as a CEO and coach, you’re going to show up in a unique way that is totally you and that can’t be imitated. That being said, the more original your messaging, the more people are going to want—and try to—copy you.

    In today’s episode, I’m talking about leading with integrity, embracing the “competition,” and confidently stepping into your power and uniqueness. As a coach, there’s going to be overlap with your work and others. If you can learn how to share your expertise and figure out how to be okay with people who try to replicate it, you’ll be leading from a place of embodiment and integrity.

    What’s in this episode:

    [03:13] Two examples of clients who proved their capabilities above and beyond this past month

    [06:18] How embodiment informs leadership, and the importance of being a CEO with integrity

    [10:06] Acknowledging your impact as a coach if/when someone mimics your unique messaging, and coaching yourself through that situation

    [14:57] How to be confident in your embodiment as a coach and CEO and open to sharing your knowledge with others in your industry without seeing them only as “competition,” and why it feels good to make an impact in sharing what you know with others

    [20:53] How coaching is about stepping into your power, setting an example, and being fully embodied in what you believe in and showing up no matter what

    [23:16] Program and mastermind information if you want to work with me

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    Come to the Empow(h)er Mastermind Retreat in Mexico with me April 11-14. Get all the details here.

    Get everything you need to build, scale, and pivot your online coaching business in our Six-Figure Business Accelerator (SFBA). Get more information at https://kirstenscreen.com/sfba/.

  • I had a call with Alex, my ops manager, this week and it inspired me to make some shifts in my business that will lead to long term growth and revenue. I’m willing to put the work and the money in up front to see it pay off for me down the road in the future. If you’re still living month to month chasing immediate cash, you have to think bigger, my friends.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing why you need to be willing to make those shifts and pivots in your business that will provide you with strategic, long term, and mostly passive income in the future. Short term thinking leads to long lasting burnout and that will spell disaster for your business. Be willing to step back and plan and see the forest, if you will.

    What’s in this episode:

    [01:33] Why it’s key to not only think about making money now, but also making money in the long term for your business

    [05:12] A little behind the scenes glimpse of building offers in my business with long-term financial goals in mind

    [08:13] Multiple revenue streams, and passive income products are key for financial success

    [16:49] Why you should take immediate action when something feels right, while also understanding that immediate action doesn’t equal immediate income

    [21:50] You have to be willing to shift and pivot in your business and try new things

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    Come to the Empow(h)er Mastermind Retreat in Mexico with me April 11-14. Get all the details here.

    Get everything you need to build, scale, and pivot your online coaching business in our Six-Figure Business Accelerator (SFBA). Get more information at https://kirstenscreen.com/sfba/.
  • Humans are naturally wired to resist change. That’s why, when we’re in a place that feels safe and comfortable, it can feel incredibly challenging to move (even if it’s in our best interest). As someone who has had 18 different addresses in her lifetime, and even lived across the pond, I can attest that this exact concept has applied equally to my experience as an entrepreneur.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing why it’s essential for you to identify your North Star and use it as a guiding light on your own business journey. This strategy is perfect for entrepreneurs who aren’t quite satisfied with where they are but need help taking that first crucial step out of their comfort zone. If you’re eager to grow and want to find the courage to take action once and for all, then you have to listen in now!

    What’s in this episode:

    [03:45] 10 things that I’ve learned from having 18 different addresses in my lifetime

    [07:49] How your North Star invites positive change and growth in entrepreneurship

    [13:27] The value of constant innovation and important questions leading into 2024

    For full show notes, resources, links and to download the transcript, head to: https://kirstenscreen.com/blog/.

    To learn more about creating a business that feels easy, aligned, and fulfilling, on your terms, checking The.Evolution Mastermind.

    Get everything you need to build, scale, and pivot your online coaching business in our Six-Figure Business Accelerator (SFBA). Get more information at https://kirstenscreen.com/sfba/.